I think Satan exists

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Sep 29, 2023
I believe that Satan was mainly manifested by the church itself within a timespan of almost 2000 years.

In the old testament for example, Satan is just a job title and means "adversary". So in this context, Satan works for God, not against him. He works for God by putting the faith of people to test, like in the example of Job.

Jews in general are focused on this life, not on an afterlife. Even if there is punishment in the Kingdom of the dead, called "Sheol", any punishment there lasts an maximum of one year, and then their bad deeds are considered to be paid off.

Maybe they are even granted entrance into paradise after that, but I don't know how the concept of paradise after death is viewed in Judaism.

Historians agree on what I wrote in this post, that's where I got the information from.

Only in Christianity the idea of an eternal punishment after death arose. And that idea developed gradually, too.

Since this platform deals with death and some might be scared of an eternal punishment because of the indoctrination over the last couple centuries and because I've dealt with this fear myself and still dealing with it because this instilled fear doesn't disappear overnight, I thought I'll open an discussion about this topic and present this information for those who maybe even unconsciously deal with this fear in their minds.

Especially if someone is mentally unstable, this fear really can get to you. Maybe it could help that we wasn't asked if we even want to be born and participate in this existence, so wouldn't we have the right to end our existence and dive into the non-existence that we came from?

And remember that all ideas of an afterlife (reincarnation or whatever) stem from human minds and their fantasy, and people all over the world just decided or rather got forced to accept those believes.

For example, if you refused to participate in being a Christian back then, this had harsh consequences for you. When the fear of Hell wasn't enough to convince you, the church would bring Hell upon you in this life. The church had some nice torture devices and tortured non-believers, and the famous witch-hunt where they burnt women for owning black cats or who healed people with certain plants (the last one was considered witchcraft, today totally absurd to think like that).

So, let's try to break the curse of fear-mongering by the church of an eternal or even temporary punishment and rather see life for what it is; we die someday and there's probably no afterlife awaiting us, only total non-existence like before we were born, and if we suffer to the point where we want to end our life we shouldn't fear punishment after death for ending our life.

They just want to control us as much as possible, and you can't control a dead person.

If you have other views on this matter or want to share something in general, feel free to do so in the comment section.

Greetings :)
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Till I die
Aug 27, 2024
I'm not a believer, so god or satan doesn't exist for me.
Only good and bad people.

It's just my 2 cents
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
There is no satan in terms of religion. That said, humanity is so evil and cruel to where the human species may as well be considered as satan
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Sep 29, 2023
There is no satan in terms of religion. That said, humanity is so evil and cruel to where the human species may as well be considered as satan
They just want to be as powerful as they can (by any means), that's nature I guess. An lion also wants to be the strongest lion, but he doesn't have the same intelligence capacity as an human to be even more powerful or evil.


I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
I am not a Christian.
Personally, I am probably closest to agnosticism.

So, I don't think Satan exists.
But it is an interesting topic because the Christian Satan looks "interesting".
To be honest, the Christian "God" looks more disturbing than Satan.
For example, Satan is not a disgusting creature with red skin. Satan was the most beautiful of angels.

I know what I am saying now is heresy from a Christian perspective, but that is my opinion.
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Oct 15, 2023
In theology they have a branch called angelology and then that has a branch called satanology. Not satanism. Concept evolved over time with authors (and editors/interpreters).

I've said this a million times on here before but -
There are ubiquitous sapient fascinations like sex, love, power, uncertainty etc. And Jungian archetypes map on. In my view, Satan is absolutely an archetype that we all have within us. We all have the capacity for in a relationship to- evil!


Missed my appointment with Death
Mar 9, 2024
I am not a Christian.
Personally, I am probably closest to agnosticism.

So, I don't think Satan exists.
But it is an interesting topic because the Christian Satan looks "interesting".
To be honest, the Christian "God" looks more disturbing than Satan.
For example, Satan is not a disgusting creature with red skin. Satan was the most beautiful of angels.

I know what I am saying now is heresy from a Christian perspective, but that is my opinion.
There was actually an early Christian cult called the Marcionites that believed the Old Testament God was a malevolent force and Jesus came to save us from him. Sounds a lot more plausible to me as far as metaphysical belief systems go!
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
If they do- I agree with you- they are sub contracted by God. Otherwise, it follows that evil is stronger than good- if God can't defeat them.

I'm hoping neither exist. If Lucifer is a fallen angel though, then I feel kind of sorry for them.


Mar 28, 2024
And remember that all ideas of an afterlife (reincarnation or whatever) stem from human minds and their fantasy, and people all over the world just decided or rather got forced to accept those believes.
Read about NDEs, Near Death Experiences and compare their similarities despite age, ethnicity, religious person or not etc.

Also, Jesus didn't force anyone to believe in what he taught, nor did he tell people to call themselves "christians". Ever since those times, people have done the complete opposite of the good things in Jesus' teachings yet claiming to have done all this evil and atrocities "in his name". He called such people hypocrites and that's what they were and many still are. Not to mention the false prophet that came 600 years later and gave birth to the most evil death cult ever which has brought nothing but slavery, torture and death and keeps on doing it.

I have no doubt that the spiritual realm exists, we just have limited knowledge about it. Scientists theorize about the existence of 12 dimensions yet most people can't imagine a 4th. They somehow think that our primitive minds would be able to "scientifically prove" things that are beyond our ability to ever fully understand.

As for God, I think way too many ancient scriptures and stories have been mixed up throughout the ages. Common in many NDEs is an almost blinding yet comfortable light of pure love, more powerful than anything we can feel in our physical realm. If anything, that would be something like God wouldn't it?

And I think Satan exists and was the force behind the "painful visions" of the false prophet. Ultimately, humanity has a choice though, and they often choose to do evil and blame "religion". Everyone is guilty of their own crimes, evil spiritual influence or not.


Sep 29, 2023
Read about NDEs, Near Death Experiences and compare their similarities despite age, ethnicity, religious person or not etc.

Also, Jesus didn't force anyone to believe in what he taught, nor did he tell people to call themselves "christians". Ever since those times, people have done the complete opposite of the good things in Jesus' teachings yet claiming to have done all this evil and atrocities "in his name". He called such people hypocrites and that's what they were and many still are. Not to mention the false prophet that came 600 years later and gave birth to the most evil death cult ever which has brought nothing but slavery, torture and death and keeps on doing it.

I have no doubt that the spiritual realm exists, we just have limited knowledge about it. Scientists theorize about the existence of 12 dimensions yet most people can't imagine a 4th. They somehow think that our primitive minds would be able to "scientifically prove" things that are beyond our ability to ever fully understand.

As for God, I think way too many ancient scriptures and stories have been mixed up throughout the ages. Common in many NDEs is an almost blinding yet comfortable light of pure love, more powerful than anything we can feel in our physical realm. If anything, that would be something like God wouldn't it?

And I think Satan exists and was the force behind the "painful visions" of the false prophet. Ultimately, humanity has a choice though, and they often choose to do evil and blame "religion". Everyone is guilty of their own crimes, evil spiritual influence or not.
Okay, but Jesus didn't came back to establish the 1000-year-kingdom. Jesus said to his disciples that: truly, truly, some of you won't pass away (die) until all of these things has been fulfilled and the son of man will come back. Or that some of this generation will witness the the second coming of Jesus. Of course, 2000 years had passed and this generation died a long time ago, but Jesus didn't came back. All of the contradictions in the bible are listed by an YouTuber called "mindshift". You can look it up and see if you can agree with the contradictions or not.
Cats are the best creatures on earth, they are angles. Even Muslims acknowledge how holy and clean cats are. *purr, purr*
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Mar 28, 2024
Okay, but Jesus didn't came back to establish the 1000-year-kingdom. Jesus said to his disciples that: truly, truly, some of you won't pass away (die) until all of these things has been fulfilled and the son of man will come back. Or that some of this generation will witness the the second coming of Jesus. Of course, 2000 years had passed and this generation died a long time ago, but Jesus didn't came back. All of the contradictions in the bible are listed by an YouTuber called "mindshift". You can look it up and see if you can agree with the contradictions or not.
I looked into it a bit and the greek translation of the now lost original scripture (which is the base for our modern translations) uses the word "genea" which can mean generation, descent, race or clan. He also states that only the father knows when the day will come. This is the thing about translations of translations, and ancient texts, they can mean different things. I believe Jesus will come back, it just feels right, no matter what contradictions there might be.
Cats are the best creatures on earth, they are angles. Even Muslims acknowledge how holy and clean cats are. *purr, purr*
I agree! Cats are amazing and humans could learn a lot from them. The muslims in Saudi Arabia consider cats to be the cleanest animal and they're even allowed to be in their great mosque in Mecca. On the other hand muslims consider dogs to be among the filthiest animals, but dogs are also great companions to some humans who prefer them over cats. In arabic, "son of a dog" is among the most offensive insults.

So yeah, contradictions and stuff but to me cats are the best!


Aug 18, 2024

Only Christians believe in Satan and I'm not Christian.

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