

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I always do as existence itself is just a horrific, tragic mistake, it's just senseless cruelty and unnecessary suffering all for no purpose and reason.

I see burdening someone with the ability to exist here in this nightmarish world as being something so harmful and cruel as it's exposing them to all risks and harm, and existence undeniably is filled with harm.
I believe that to never exist is the best thing possible as if one never exists it means they are incapable of suffering, there's nothing more ideal than being completely unaware for all eternity and there's just no benefit to existing as well, it's futile and unnecessary.

It's so dreadful to me thinking of all the suffering ultimately caused by how people decided to procreate, it's certainly always preferable to never exist as existence itself is the true problem, it's something so evil that is the true source of all torment and pain.

Leaving non-existent beings alone in peace would be the compassionate thing, I don't believe that anyone deserves to suffer and be punished by having the ability to exist here in a world where chance so cruelly determines everything where they are slaves to a decaying flesh prison that will deteriorate and die.

Eventually I believe that for most people it will be like they never existed at all, they will just be forgotten about and won't even exist in the memories of those who continue to stay here. So existence truly is just unnecessary suffering, never existing will always be the best possibility to me, I wish that people would stop forcing life here so that this species that just causes suffering can finally go extinct.
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Jul 4, 2023
No, I don't share your philosophy. Most people actually like life for the most part, and there is a lot of good to life. For some of us, it isn't so great, and we deserve a peaceful way out.
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Jul 20, 2023
No, I don't share your philosophy. Most people actually like life for the most part, and there is a lot of good to life. For some of us, it isn't so great, and we deserve a peaceful way out.
I agree with you. Existence isn't by itself horrific, we're horrified by existence
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Global Mod
Jun 24, 2023
I find existence to be meaningless more so than horrific. We live in a world where we are forced to suffer endlessly. By nature we're greedy and no amount of anything is ever content to make us "happy". We just suffer every single day and there's no safe means out. I wish I could get my hands on N and finally escape this pointless hellish nightmare.
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Mar 23, 2018
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stupid selfish baby
Jul 16, 2023
I don't think existence itself is horrific. I believe our specific existence is. If the world were different, if people were different......maybe life would be more peaceful, with the bad things being the less prevalent ones in our lives.
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
Maybe everyone should have a chance to try it out first. If it's not suitable, there should be an easy termination.
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The sun goes down
Jul 17, 2023
Existence doesn't cause direct suffering. Sapience does. Had I been born as a member of different species, I wouldn't have the ability to experience mental distress the same way humans do. My existence would be much simpler, as I'd only have primal instincts to get me through my short life.
People under the thread argue that existence has its good sides, but even if it does, we, as humans, experience happiness at the cost of suffering of everyone and everything around us. We are far too concerned with the present to care about the future. And I can't imagine what the future will look like with the current state of things. We are capable of creating beautiful things as much as we're destructive.
Even if I were to die right now, there'd be 4 more people to replace me, born the very second I'd die.
I do believe our having gone extinct is the best prospect. There's no way for someone to feel regret over having not been born if they haven't been born (hence, haven't acquired sapience) to begin with. Sorry, the last sentence is a bit of a tautology, but I hope you get my point.
So, to answer your question, yes. However, since you already exist, you could use it as an opportunity (before we progressively destroy the planet and each other).
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bus tickets are expensive
Mar 29, 2023
Sort of. While I do think life is an endless cycle of suffering with a little bliss once in a while, in my opinion it's better to at least have the experience than suffer because you don't. You should be allowed a free trial, then be able to cancel it, like an antivirus subscription or something. However, as we all are painfully aware, society is very anti-suicide, and will stop at nothing to try and prevent us from having a choice over our own life.
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Mar 31, 2023
Ironically when my Dad was dying he told me when the bitch was pregnant with me she wanted to have an abortion but my Dad talked her out of it. I regret that he did that. But on the other side of that coin Im glad that I hung around to have my children. I love them very much. My little girl brought me immense joy and immense pain (when she died). My son was an asshole (much like his father). So it's really a tough question. Not sure I answered.
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Scrap that, nothing matters at all after all
Jun 24, 2023
I don't think it's always preferable to not exist, I think some people love life and I had once liked life and that is ok. I have great memories of love and connection with people and the world. Life can be beautiful, I've seen it. That has always been my firm belief, even through all the trials and tribulations of life, I just wanted to do my best for myself and others. I had thought we gained lives meaning through each other, our loved ones and those we trust.

I will say though @FuneralCry that lately, In my darkest moments as I try to resolve all that's happened recently in my life, what the meaning of any of it could be, your philosophy has been wearing me down and rubbing off on me. Maybe you are right, life can only lead to suffering. Maybe this is how I must think to reach peace. In the end nothing any of us does really matters, just an almost invisible spec through the passage of time. F life I guess.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Why is suffering evil/bad?

I see where you're coming from- pain- whether physical, psychological, emotional is an indicator that something is wrong and we need to fix it. It's ok if we CAN fix it. What if we can't or don't want to though?

What if the illness is untreatable, or, treatment resistant? What if a person doesn't have the means, energy or will to fix their problems? They're still suffering but it isn't motivating them to do anything. They just slip further and further down.

I'm guessing you're of the opinion that a person has a responsibility to make themselves better. That they need to use their suffering to motivate themselves. Or- maybe it's a more religious/ existential viewpoint- that it's good to suffer to feel alive maybe? Not everyone shares that opinion though.

If you read FC's posts more- you'll come to realise that she doesn't seem to have experienced anything other than suffering. She doesn't seem to have a 'happy' point of reference to work back towards... What's the good of suffering if it never ends?

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