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When I die, you'll love me.
Nov 19, 2019
This is a genuine question!

My entire life I've felt that I've had a curse placed upon me since I was born. I've had this feeling from a young age but whenever I talk to people about it, they say don't be daft or that I'm just being negative.. but once they spend even a small amount of time in my life they admit that everything seems to go wrong for me. I was told I should write a book about it as the things that happen sound like they come out of a movie.

Everything I do always goes wrong, the people I care about always die (which I know is genuinely part of life but most died young or in strange circumstances) Any time I try and get help for my Autism, there is always some sort of strange event that happens that prevents it or it gets taken away. For instance I finally have a support worker that is actually helping me after 5 years of being stuck in my bedroom. Then the Organisation has decided that managers can no longer support people so they are taking her away from me after working with her for just a few months and leaving me without support again. I admit this may just seem unlucky that it directly affects me.. but this type of things has happened in my entire life to the point where I've had no support because of it. I was also put in the wrong social care and now they have finally fixed that after 5 years, the meeting is now being postponed by professionals and being moved back again and again. So it's become impossible to access any sort of support system.

I feel like i'm destined to just be stuck in my room with no support. I'm highly dependent on support so it's not like I can just go out and try to cope without it.

I just feel like i'm being punished for something but I don't know what I've done wrong. I apologise if this seems like i'm just complaining. I'm just frustrated that no matter how hard I try to improve my life or myself, that the world decides to do everything possible to prevent it.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
No as I believe there is no deeper meaning or purpose to existence, we exist in this hellish reality where chance so senselessly determines everything after all. I believe any meaning invented by humans is a result of being unable to accept how ultimately meaningless everything is, there is no such thing as individuals being punished, rather we exist in a world filled with senseless anguish and torment with existing beings suffering all through no fault of their own, all of this is a result of others so harmfully deciding to procreate.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
I think that being human is a curse. I'd do anything to be a housecat or a snow leopard. It's not fair that I had to be human in this life. Why me? Why did *I* have to be human? It's not fair. There's no good reason to be human, and humanity exists in chains. We're all born and brought into a state of modern day slavery
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Apr 5, 2020
Yes. I strongly believe in fate. I don't believe that we arrive at our fates no matter what we do, rather I believe that what we do is fixed, and that is what seals our fates.

We see that most people's lives involve suffering, often unimaginably severe in its degree. Wherever suffering occurs, I would have to consider that a curse. I don't believe that suffering, properly defined, can be a good or even neutral thing. It seems undeniable to me that suffering signifies some kind of malice in reality. It is purely bad, and in a good world it would not exist. If we are cursed though, who cursed us? I'm personally not very compelled by the Adam & Eve tale, but it's one commonly heard attempt to answer.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I'll never believe in any curses , magic , fate , afterlives , god , reincarnation etc

Life is just bad and there is a probability of something horrible happening to any human or other sentient animal . Diseases , accidents , fire burning , cancer , starvation, disability,attacks, stroke, parasites , Bacteria, homelessness , scams , lies, old age, injustice, oppression, bullying etc

The only certainty and fate for all is certain Death and non-existence forever right after Death. The difference lies in how much u suffer before Death
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Failed hard to pull the trigger - Now using SN
Feb 5, 2023
no, curses don't exist. this is another convenient label placed on things people don't have control over such as the unknown. people trying to find something to blame for some level of comfort and/or understanding. even though the real problem are other people who acted and affected your life with unwanted results. what occurred in your life was a series of bad happenings that involved people's decisions, not some abstract idea.
the support you lost is because of a badly managed company that could have done a bit more than leave you with no level of assistance. a system that constantly fails people in need.

however, in the end, believe what you want.
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Mar 28, 2024
The real names of the curses are selfishness, greed and indifference. It's what has always driven humanity to sacrifice the weak and poor just so a few of them can live in wealth. Having lots of deaths happen is often the cruel randomness of nature. But the complete lack of compassion and empathy among humans is why there is no help for us who weren't born all healthy and rich. They call it all "democracy" and most seem to still buy it.
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Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
Curses, like witchcraft, are just means to keep us in line and not deviant from what is deemed the norm. As someone who dabbles in anthropology, this is obvious to me. You aren't cursed, this society you live in is just working against you.
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the stars are already dead
Jun 16, 2024
People suffer because they can


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I don't think curses exist but sometimes it can feel as if we and everything else around us is cursed. Since so many years everything goes wrong what can go wrong - it feels like a curse. Most likely it's just bad luck but then why did luck leave me when it's not a curse.
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Jan 1, 2024
I think generational trauma is a thing which I think is a curse
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the most optimistic pessimist
Apr 17, 2024
maybe. ive always been fascinated by the spiritual and supernatural, and ive known people who have claimed to be cursed and things start working against them. however, ive also seen people be cursed but just not claim it and nothing happens. we will never know for sure. i always say that if you don't claim it or if you ignore it, it doesn't exist.

but also, life can just be bad. it can be good. life can be mid. life isn't all sunshines and rainbows and that's okay.
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I hope I made some +ve difference in ppl’s lives
Jun 24, 2023
No I don't believe in curses, but if I did I could see how I am perhaps cursed lol, luckily I don't I guess.

I do think some things present a little like a curse because a lot of bad outcomes stems from them throughout life but it could be explained away as bad luck, things like generational trauma, mental health issues, etc

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