So update: this guy is basically a psychopath. I mean that might be putting it a bit strongly...but he contacted me a few days ago and apologised and said he had been in a terrible depression and not able to speak to anyone but his mum, sleeping 20 hours a day etc. He phoned me five times in the day and video called etc... He said, 'you know how much I like you...' and that he wouldn't have behaved like that if he wasn't so depressed. So I understood as I've been ill myself and invited him round (okay I am stupid, but I did like him) and we spent a night kissing etc. At least this time I liked him less then I had before, after the heartbreak of the other week. BTW he is quite selfish in the bedroom, to say the least. So I am not missing out on that.
I asked him to call me the next morning (which for me is quite a basic thing and I'm sure for most people). Next day, no phonecall. I send him a text in the morning asking him to call me or it will spoil my happy mood. He calls at 8 pm in the evening, saying he left his phone on a bus.
Then I saw him yesterday - but he was quite scary and aggressive and angry. He was shouting at his carer and quite mean to me. He said to me that he was not in love with me, and I was acting like I was in love with him and if I was in love with him, then he didn't want to see me again. It was an unnecessary, mean thing to say - and it was also his general mood of how he was treating me and everyone around him. Aggressive, petulant and mean. I asked his carer to fill me in, and it turns out that his diagnosis is not just Bipolar Disorder, but more - but the rest of it is confidential and wasn't shared with me. It was quite unpleasant and while I didn't feel very unsafe, partly because his carer was there, he was aggressive and mean.
Then he invited his friends round and ate dinner with them, saying he'd see me at 9 pm (I was doing some work in his spare room on my laptop). I was kind of waiting for his mood to change and him to be nice to me. It's like he's been a different person every time he sees me. He has told me he has a lot of personalities.
THEN!!!! His carer came in and said that he had left the house. He said he was always doing that. Then his carer tried to hit on me.
That is still really freaking me out. His carer said that this guy wasn't that into me, and also that this guy had said I was polyamorous
(which I don't know if I am or not and I don't want people told my business anyway and also that does not mean I can just be passed around) and that his carer thought there was something between him (the carer) and me, and that this guy that I liked wasn't into me. I said I am not someone to be passed around.
So I left on my bicycle pretty damn quick.
Then this guy calls and asks why I had left and did I think he wasn't coming back. I asked him to talk, and said he could come around to talk to which his response was one about sex, not talking. So I said to him that I can get cheap sex easily on Tinder and why would I bother having it with him. This is my line I am happiest about!!! That I don't need him to love me, but I do need basic care and consideration. That if he likes me he needs to take me a proper date with no sex and be nice to me. And if all he wants is cheap sex he should let me know so I can decide if I want that or not, and that he should stop bullshitting me. I received no answer to any of that.
I know I am well out of all of this, just feeling a bit raw. It could have been worse, but it is still quite upsetting to be used and manipulated by someone I actually liked but I see now he is a pathological liar and also has so many issues with his illness, it is impossible to know him, and also it is not worth me seeing someone that is not into me.
Hope you don't mind me sharing this saga. My friends have all really disapproved of this connection for many weeks and are refusing to talk about it with me, because they disapprove so much - and I guess they were right!!!
Couldn't have said it better. What good is "being yourself" if who you are is a fucking trainwreck and completely unlikable? Some people are simply fucked from one arm of this galaxy to the other and back. If you're deeply mentally ill, then there's essentially no conceivable way you'll ever have a relationship. Full stop. If you do, then the odds are it'll be a complete disaster and one that you'll probably deeply regret ever embarking on in the first place. Mentally ill people of a certain caliber simply need to be euthanized/executed as young as possible. There's honestly no other answer.
This guy's carer works on a ward where people pull their hair out all day, cut their arms...what quality of life do those poor people have?
I was talking about euthanasia - because otherwise, we are just torturing humans with this horrific mental suffering.
I am 100 per cent in favour of human euthanasia, by choice and consent if possible, and if not, by professional assessment of quality of life and level of suffering.