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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Vaguely suicide related but I feel like this discussion belongs more in off topic. I'm particularly interested in hearing from other people who are a bit older and have lots of life experience with adulting at this point. I know someone will probably say, hey, you're not old, you're *only* 25 but I feel like I'm already way past my youth due to my own life experiences and years spent grinding in the workforce.

I think there's two main things that really disappointed me about hitting adulthood proper. One is the culture aspect of this life stage/expectations created by the world around you, and the other is the barriers imposed due to time, aging, and the inevitable decline of health if one is genetically predisposed to it like I am, or you've experienced some sort of accident or spontaneous illness that has taken it's toll in due course.

Onto the cultural slant of things, I would say I really despise how the second you hit adulthood, your personality and priorities are slowly meant to shift towards your career and employment over anything else. I was raised in a fairly workaholic culture where everything you did had to be for a greater purpose of seeking employment in the future, as a child I would see parents select activities for their kids based on what will make them "competitive" and productive rather than considering if their son or daughter even derives any joy from that hobby. I also knew many people (and still do some like this) who think that anyone who enjoys partying or doing leisurely things is a loser and your life should be spent focusing on work above all else. I have a friend that regularly shames me for wanting to drink and party and sees it as immature behaviour.

When I was still in my teenage years, about 18 or 19 it was seen as okay for me to express myself how I wanted with fashion or to have certain hobbies like watching anime or playing games, dressing up, writing fanfictions, and things of that nature, but now that I'm in my mid 20s I face a lot of judgement for my interests and was clearly expected to grow out of this and only have hobbies like exercise classes and going to the gym. I follow some people who are fashion designers for "cutesy" Japanese fashion brands and they regularly get harassed and called hags for enjoying cute styles as they approach 30 and told by westerners that even having this fashion style is gross and they need to grow the fuck up and be more mature, whatever that means. I wrote about this here before, but it's as if once you hit a certain age your entire identity is expected to become your career, being a husband/wife, and eventually a parent, with no room for much of anything else.

While I think there is some level of professionalism and decorum one needs to follow in a workplace environment, I don't think an individual's interests or sense of authenticity should be sacrificed to become a corporate drone. Seeing a person working at the till with a Pikachu pin or dyed hair or a tattoo isn't going to ruin your customer service, but it seems like adult life is one huge elaborate game of made up social norms and expectations that no one really likes, but there's no collective feeling that it's worth fussing or fighting over.

Often times as a kid I was told how life wasn't fair, and if you think it's bad now, just wait till adulthood. Quite a self fulfilling prophecy. In childhood we have a well defined sense of structure and progress with school, are socialized with people in our own age group in huge numbers, and generally have a sense of community. In adulthood, after university, this all vanishes and ultimately created a large sense of disappointment for me as an autistic person, because I really thrive in the academic environment, and not really in a workplace where the social dynamics are much more rigid and there is no longer any sense of curiosity and meeting new people all the time. I enjoy being productive, and need it to some degree to stay sane, so I think the biggest issue with employment as an adult is the faux social crap, artificial shift patterns that prevent anyone from having a life, and treating each other like customers rather than actual colleagues or friends.

If I had infinite finances and was at full health, I think I'd just study different subjects forever and go traveling, though many people find this a pretty ludicrous and childish line of thinking. I just genuinely enjoy learning and do not get the same type of enrichment from doing repetitive mundane tasks in an office with no variety because your designated HR department says you must do one thing only. Making work dull and unmeaningful gets treated like a necessary evil, when it's artificially constructed imo.

Which brings me to my next thought.. a lot of things we are expected to do as adults aren't requirements, they're just heavily encouraged socially to the point where you feel like a failure if you dont do them and follow the script. The most glaring example I can think of is marriage, children, and buying a home. This was something imposed on me at an early age, despite reluctance. I decided long ago that I wouldn't be having any biological children for the sake of their health, but honestly I am not capable of raising another human as much as I like and enjoy babysitting little ones. I've gotten many nasty comments from men online before saying I'll die alone and I'll regret being child-free when I'm old and feeble, but I don't see this as a personal failing but rather a societal one.

The idea of having a nuclear family rather than existing in a tribe is completely unappealing to me and absurdly stressful. One of the few moments in my life that I can pin point as being truly happy and amazing is when I spent time with a close friend's family, staying in their home in a less financially developed Asian country. The entire family and all the neighbors were very tight knit, and being in that environment did wonders for my mood. Returning back to the UK and being alone all of the time reversed that, I have some friendships but the vast majority are surface level even after years of trying to deepen them. My partner and his entire family think my way of thinking is crazy and abnormal, and that it's only a parents sole responsibility to look after their kids rather than the extended family or community being involved.

I think I fundamentally hate the notion that once you become an adult you can't have fun anymore and if you're a woman you need to sacrifice your life to marriage and children, because that's just how it is. It's disappointing that my worth as a person is determined by those metrics, particularly if I will have sex and undergo childbirth or not. Perhaps it is because I'm autistic, or on account of my traumatic childhood where I missed out on many formative experiences, but I truly hate the social norms of what adulthood is like. I want to enjoy life, explore new things, and have adventures, not feel burdened by financial obligations or childrearing with 0 time to do anything other than take care of the home and the children.

Now, here is the other thing I think that blows about adulthood, which is not under the control of free will and social influence like the former gripe I mentioned. It's inevitable that the health and vitality from youth will decline with age, and as time passes we lose a lot of things we took for granted as adolescents. My grandparents, once being extremely tough and almost immortal individuals in my young eyes, eventually became febrile as we all do, and the realisation that the strongest people you know will eventually start to wither away is something that's brought me to tears countless times. One of the hardest things about getting older for me was having so many people around me die, especially one I hit my 20s it was like one after another. Also seeing those younger than you who were once sweet, curious, children full of life, also becoming embittered adults and losing that youthful zest towards the world hits fairly hard.

Health is perhaps one of the worst things to lose, though. When you have health and energy, the world can be your oyster, but once any sort of chronic illness befalls you, whether that be physical or mental, and you've had to accept that this is how things likely will be forever save for some scientific miracle, it really shakes you to the core. I think many people expect ill health to only really start cropping up in the elderly years, not realising that many diseases especially autoimmune conditions and things that can cause chronic pain actually tend to start manifesting in your 20s and 30s.

It's hard when you realize that even if you became incapable of caring for yourself tomorrow due to poor health, no one will intervent when you're an adult unless you hit the point of no return and require around the clock nursing care. You can be barely scraping by, teetering on the edge of losing financial security and stability due to bad health impacting your ability to work consistently, and the most likely outcome is other people don't even believe you unless it's blinking obvious. It's hard not to feel like a burden as a disabled adult when the expectation is that you work 40 hours a week like everyone else with no help required. Of course, everyone will have their own opinions too, that you're just not going to the gym enough, you're not eating this or that, taking the right supplements, etc etc, and you'll have to deal with this constantly, because you're an adult now and people think you can control every single part of your life once youre legally mature. Even biology!

As usual I wrote way too much and more than I intended to, but I am curious if others feel the same way in regards to being sorely disappointed by adulthood and the expectations surrounding it. I would say becoming older and more embittered with the world definitely contributes to why I want to leave it in some way, my views make me feel pretty alien.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm less disappointed in adulthood itself, though it is pretty soul-crushing. I'm way more disappointed in myself as an adult. I thought for sure that by now at 30 years old I should have already had most of the pieces of adulthood together like having my own place, a girlfriend if not a fiancée/wife, and a stable career. Instead I still live with my mom because she depends on me to take care of my sister, I have still never even had anything close to a romantic experience, and I work in a pretty minuscule part time job that would never even be enough to rent half of an apartment where I live.

The reason I'm more disappointed in myself as an adult than the very concept of adulthood itself is because I always knew that adulthood was going to be difficult but still I was so sure that at least at some point I should just have been able to get over any mental barriers in my mind. I'm still waiting for that day to come and now it seems I've missed the window on all of those things. Even though I know I could probably have all these things I want if I just got over it right now for some reason I just don't want to. It might be my anxiousness is clinging to doubts and regrets but knowing this doesn't make it any less crippling. I just end up hating myself more knowing that other people with my circumstances could easily make a better life than I have and that just depresses me more too.

People say your cognitive development is supposed to be fully formed at 25 but I only felt anything close to that when I was around 26 except that was the year the pandemic started which either set my development back after all this time and delayed it or worse, my cognitive development actually did finish at that point and now I'm locked into an immature evil doomer state with no hope of improving. The more I'm confronted with how much I'm unable to grow into adulthood the more I think the latter must be the case.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I'm less disappointed in adulthood itself, though it is pretty soul-crushing. I'm way more disappointed in myself as an adult. I thought for sure that by now at 30 years old I should have already had most of the pieces of adulthood together like having my own place, a girlfriend if not a fiancée/wife, and a stable career. Instead I still live with my mom because she depends on me to take care of my sister, I have still never even had anything close to a romantic experience, and I work in a pretty minuscule part time job that would never even be enough to rent half of an apartment where I live.

The reason I'm more disappointed in myself as an adult than the very concept of adulthood itself is because I always knew that adulthood was going to be difficult but still I was so sure that at least at some point I should just have been able to get over any mental barriers in my mind. I'm still waiting for that day to come and now it seems I've missed the window on all of those things. Even though I know I could probably have all these things I want if I just got over it right now for some reason I just don't want to. It might be my anxiousness is clinging to doubts and regrets but knowing this doesn't make it any less crippling. I just end up hating myself more knowing that other people with my circumstances could easily make a better life than I have and that just depresses me more too.

People say your cognitive development is supposed to be fully formed at 25 but I only felt anything close to that when I was around 26 except that was the year the pandemic started which either set my development back after all this time and delayed it or worse, my cognitive development actually did finish at that point and now I'm locked into an immature evil doomer state with no hope of improving. The more I'm confronted with how much I'm unable to grow into adulthood the more I think the latter must be the case.

I don't think that being at home and taking care of your sister means that you failed in some way, that's actually pretty admirable at least in my opinion, a lot of people don't have so much dedication towards their relatives, but you are a good big brother. Staying with family to save money for as long as possible is a smart financial decision in the long term, but I know it's also a scary prospect when you don't make enough to survive on your own and wonder what's going to happen in the next decade or so.

I hope that eventually you'll be able to find a girl you like, who is willing to give you a chance. It's really hard for a lot of people to find a partner once they're out of their university days, so I don't think you're a failure, dating and relationship are really tough to break into for many 30 year old guys in this day and age simply because of how isolated society is and how difficult it can be to find opportunities to meet people whom you may be compatible with.

Can definitely relate to feeling as if you're in some sort of "arrested development" state. I feel like it hit me around age 23 as well and from that point forward my brain has been an overthinking mess, stuck in the default mode of this is just how my emotional and cognitive faculties are now. I simeltaneously feel like the old man yelling at a cloud meme, and like a young, immature autist sometimes clinging onto the few things I enjoy that are childish despite the judgement from others.

Honestly I feel like some part time university courses would be good for you, not even just for the job prospects but getting more social skills experience. The only thing that really improved my social skills and confidence was going to university, so I sort of always reccomend it to anyone who just needs some kind of fresh start.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I am more disappointed and sad in my life of the early years but adulthood hasn't been much kinder either. All in all, would not recommend.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Pikachu pin

A lot of good points. I can see both sides of the debate, since I was very similar to a lot of younger folk here at that age, but in certain areas I have changed my viewpoint completely.

Questions around culture and society open up a bottomless pit. There are many different regions of the world with their own norms, multiplied by innumerable historical eras. Even within an average big city today, you'll find hundreds of unique subcultures as people congregate around common interests.

Nonconformity towards generic social expectations is healthy and appropriate for anybody with any amount of free thought. However, there are some complexities. I'm going to try and present both sides of the story.

When people pressure us to fit in, often they are spreading their own misery. The best example of this is highly conservative cultures. It reaches a stage where men (for example) are only allowed to express one emotion, anger, and ANY sort of quirkiness, nerdiness, original thought or inner-child antics will be universally condemned until they fall into line.

Based on what I've seen in my own city, I believe there's a correlation between these toxic masculine cultures and abnormally high male suicide rates; I once read a statistic that in my area the ratio is something like 7:1, compared to the usual 3:1 male-to-female suicide rate. But of course, the broader issue of unpleasant cultural demands can affect any person of any demographic; I merely use this as a statistically glaring example of the phenomenon.

Many, many people find themselves different in some way. For example, the LGBT community's message is heavily based upon this situation as it applies so starkly to their demographic. Even beyond this, the chances are that almost every single person will suffer to some degree for being denied permission to be true to themselves in some way. It's a pretty ludicrous society that pushes us all towards universal misery.

The obvious logical solution is to find people and communities you relate to (perhaps via meetup.com or similar) and get in the habit of disregarding the inevitable derogatory comments made by outsiders. Workplaces are not all the same, but some can be pretty irritating in this respect. And yet, with the exception of people who have genuinely amazing jobs, the whole concept of working only makes sense if there's a larger context for life to focus on. Be it a tribe, community or some purpose.

There's another side to the story. There may be some sensible logic behind generic advice (e.g. "get a house", which I'll cover in a moment) that gets routinely disseminated. This is because we have to reap whatever we sow.

My own story shows how messy this can all be. I felt contemptuous towards the notion of conformity to society and invested a lot of my 20s indulging in my nerdy and artistic hobbies. However, there was a pitiful story behind this; I'd missed out on finishing high school or having any university or employment prospects due to cracking under the pressure of family abuse and school bullying as a teen. And here's the kicker: I now completely regret my 20s.

I later realised that the reason why I loved to get deeply drawn into my passions was as an escape from the supposedly insurmountable issues I was facing. I had untreated mental illness that turned out to be quite severe (C-PTSD), no job prospects and only a couple of friends who were in a similar dysfunctional pattern of using the guise of rebellious nonconformity to evade the elephant in the room.

As a particularly pathetic example, I was always writing poetry and music about loneliness which helped me to feel better, but I had no clue how to actually connect with people. Plus, I was always talking about suicide with the reasoning that I could just leave any time I wanted. But starting in my late 30s, looking back on a life and feeling like I never experienced human love became so distressing that it has ended up a major factor in what is now middle-aged suicidal ideation. If only I had known what I know now.

So the simple answer is be true to yourself, but this is not necessarily as straightforward as it may seem. We are talking about really deep authenticity here, NOT merely doing the opposite of what 'society' says or throwing out the rule book as an act of rebellion. The nature of life is that it tends to unfold in layers and the process goes on indefinitely, so there is no question of having it all figured out at any point.

The other issue with conformity comes when advice pertaining to, say, financial efficacy or physical health has legitimate merit. Starting in my early 30s, I quickly realised that nobody was going to help me and I decided to work any awful job I could and then dedicate over a decade to buying and paying off a house by myself. I had to live VERY rough.

As of last year, I have the house and the freedom that comes with it, but after all the burnout, my health is now such that I don't think I'll ever be able to work full-time again. In a way, I've traded one problem for another. Thus, I look back and regret wasting critical time, though it's not like I had any sort of mentoring when I was young anyway. And this whole weird situation may not apply to anyone else.

Funnily enough, there is an upside to my current situation since I have very little baggage aside from health concerns; I've been able to invest heavily into fitness and may yet find my tribe. I shamelessly do stupid shit like proudly displaying my Pusheen plushie. If I find someone special, I can offer a very relaxed lifestyle here without all the dramas of rent, debt or dealing with families.

So how to summarise all of this?

1) It is very important to discard social expectations that are simply irrelevant to your life path. It is also important to find people who embrace your quirks.
2) Be true to yourself, and know that this generally means peeling away onion layers over a period of decades.
3) Questions of lifestyle, finances, health, fitness, social life, hobbies, where to live, culture, etc. need to be looked at carefully while being aware of the total picture of short and long-term consequences, both good and bad, of our decisions. The only thing outsiders can offer is assistance with understanding what is gained and what is lost with each choice made.
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
It's reasonably in-line with my expectations, though not quite as bad. I dreaded the grind so much... And it does suck, but there's more comfort to be had than I gave credit to. Having your own life, your own home, your own love, and not being subject to the will of some caregiver has been a pretty decent trade.

It's a lot of ups and downs, as compared to the all down I imagined.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I don't feel really feel like an adult so I can't say that adulthood disappointed me. So far, it's kind of whatever to me.
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May 20, 2018
I was already depressed as a teen, so the disappointment is that things never got better. I was told I would eventually find my way, find a gf, etc. Turns out none of that is really possible when you are just simply a loser...
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Oceanic Member
Feb 6, 2024
Hell no, when I was younger, I was told this was the worse thing ever! Truly miserable, you won't see daylight again, and you'll be lashed 12 daily hours by bosses, no rest!!!

Fortunately, I only met bozos with no idea of carrying their lives. Turns out people who spent their late 20s doing nothing, drinking until blacking out, or monthly wasting all the money without proper plans, don't usually have good life tips. Same for people that selectively chooses the worst careers on the planet. Independence is the BEST thing it ever happened me, I'm never going back!!!!!
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May 28, 2024
I feel like things in life have just been hard for me. As someone who was forced to move out before I was ready (at 20) I'm so alone. I've been living alone since February and have no support. I had to move to a domestic victims home then now in temporary council accommodation. It really upsets me being in temporary accommodation also, and depressed daily. I'm dreading however long I'll have to occupy this place. Plus not having a permanent place to stay. I miss the past, and living in a family home. I miss having separate rooms and a bedroom plus family members in the house.

I wish I had a friend or close person that could help me sometimes. I spend all if not most of my time alone. I'm on Universal credit and its not something I ever want to be on. I wish I could still be looked after sometimes. I wish I had the option of still living at home with parents but due to circumstances explained above, I was forced to leave. I wish I had someone like a sister friend/Aunty/Cousin that could offer practical as well as emotional support.
Last edited:
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Hell no, when I was younger, I was told this was the worse thing ever! Truly miserable, you won't see daylight again, and you'll be lashed 12 daily hours by bosses, no rest!!!

Fortunately, I only met bozos with no idea of carrying their lives. Turns out people who spent their late 20s doing nothing, drinking until blacking out, or monthly wasting all the money without proper plans, don't usually have good life tips. Same for people that selectively chooses the worst careers on the planet. Independence is the BEST thing it ever happened me, I'm never going back!!!!!
You don't have to answer the question if it's too intrusive, but I'm wondering what career you chose, that gives you a high level of independence. Do you run our own business or something of that nature or have some type of passive income that allows you to do the things you want in your spare time? How did you escape the 9-5 subordinate type careers?

I see a lot of people doing the digital nomad lifestyle now, where they work remotely at companies that don't assign them many tasks and spend most of their time traveling and exploring new places (with the caveat being they need a stable internet connection) but I don't even think it's legal in most places. It sounds pretty fun though, if you can get away with it.

It's reasonably in-line with my expectations, though not quite as bad. I dreaded the grind so much... And it does suck, but there's more comfort to be had than I gave credit to. Having your own life, your own home, your own love, and not being subject to the will of some caregiver has been a pretty decent trade.

It's a lot of ups and downs, as compared to the all down I imagined.

Having a bad childhood myself, I 100% agree that it's a great relief not to be under the thumb of relatives forever. Even years later, I still savor the freedom of being able to buy whatever I want to eat in a shop without nobody telling me no or having a curfew, as lame as that sounds. My family limited my life to an absurd degree.

However in my case the feeling of being controlled just ended up resurfacing when I got married, but with higher stakes, because I'm supposed to be fully functional and independent simply due to my age, and not anyone else's responsibility. Chronic illnesses threw a wrench at that real quick. Being somewhat dependent on my partner and knowing he could walk out the door at any time when I stop being useful to him is a very deep fear of mine.

Relationships are probably a lot better when you aren't reliant on them in some way and don't have too much investment, but I can't work full time in my current state. My husband still requires me to work at least part time and would not accept it if I stopped working entirely, because a second income is the difference between being decently well off and struggling. He doesn't allow me to give up and is constantly trying to act like I can push through my problems. So I have to work, even if I recently started having problems with my workplace. Being in a long term relationship requires many compromises and sacrifices that I'd never have imagined when I was younger and reading love stories.

My husband also said if things ever went south that he would not support me in any way anymore or want to speak to me again, so I think the entire concept of love and romantic relationships feels like a transactional nightmare to me at this point. I always miss the unconditional love of childhood, despite how rare it was. Unlike romantic relationships, I never had to prove myself or constantly try to please someone else, my grandparents simply loved me for existing. Now, it requires immense effort to be liked.

I was already depressed as a teen, so the disappointment is that things never got better. I was told I would eventually find my way, find a gf, etc. Turns out none of that is really possible when you are just simply a loser...

I don't think you're a loser (though I know that's rich coming from me of all people, considering those around me regard me as a turbo loser), finding any sort of path in adulthood is already difficult at what we'd consider the baseline, but throw in mental/physical health problems that surfaced during adolescence and it becomes a completely different ballgame.

I also was told the same platitudes a lot as a teenager, the trite, "Oh just keep going, you'll figure it out eventually. It'll work out" and it was probably the worst thing I could've heard at the time, as it created the expectation that someday everything would simply fall into place. Few people seem to realize that wounded teenagers inevitably grow into wounded adults

While it may be a good motivational push for some people to get back on track if they've stumbled and lost their way for a bit, it's the antithesis of providing any sort of proper guidance and tangible suggestions for what to do next/what options are available to work towards building the life you want as an adult. It's especially not what you want to hear if you've been suicidal since before puberty and don't anticipate even making it to age 20, because it just makes everything beyond that point even more uncertain and frightening.

Relationships can enhance life a lot but can also make them complete hell if you end up with the wrong match. I also felt like I was failing at life in some way each time I was single and couldn't land a bf/gf but years of messy relationships have inevitably taught me that those who stay out of them and become late bloomers bringing more wisdom and maturity to the table, are probably a lot wiser than fucking up time and time again like I have.
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Jul 13, 2024
I always dreaded it as a kid. I think when I was 13 and middle school was ending I realized that these are the last few years before things get serious. Having to work, pay bills, and face serious consequences for my actions. Well, I'm still in uni so it's easier. But after I graduate, it'll be a pain.
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Jul 23, 2022
What adult life? I've pretty much remained in perpetual adolescence since 15. So I guess that answers the question.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I simultaneously feel like the old man yelling at a cloud meme, and like a young, immature autist sometimes clinging onto the few things I enjoy that are childish despite the judgement from others.
I often feel exactly like this too. Like how I don't understand vtubers at all even though I watch lots of regular YouTubers. There's a significant overlap and yet my age seems to have drawn a hard line between them.

Honestly I feel like some part time university courses would be good for you, not even just for the job prospects but getting more social skills experience. The only thing that really improved my social skills and confidence was going to university, so I sort of always reccomend it to anyone who just needs some kind of fresh start.
I have a university degree (Bachelors in Business which is relatively useless) but sometimes I speculate on going back to the local community college and taking random classes there. I feel like that's some kind of stereotype though and I'm afraid of getting accused of preying on younger students since that's something I remember people accusing a lot of older attendees at community college of doing when I first went there. Even without that I'm also unsure what classes I'd actually want to take at this point. I could try going to grad school and getting an MBA like my friend did but I don't really enjoy the actual school part of school…

I do agree I should probably try some kind of new hobby to find new people but, it's scary. If there was only some way to conquer fear without first aggravating or alarming that fear then maybe I could move ahead and become more of an actual adult. An adult who happens to like childish things. 😞
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May 20, 2018
I don't think you're a loser (though I know that's rich coming from me of all people, considering those around me regard me as a turbo loser), finding any sort of path in adulthood is already difficult at what we'd consider the baseline, but throw in mental/physical health problems that surfaced during adolescence and it becomes a completely different ballgame.
I definitely am :( but thanks. It's not rich either. You're not a loser by any stretch. You're capable of drastically more than me. I guess it all depends on expectations.
I also was told the same platitudes a lot as a teenager, the trite, "Oh just keep going, you'll figure it out eventually. It'll work out" and it was probably the worst thing I could've heard at the time, as it created the expectation that someday everything would simply fall into place. Few people seem to realize that wounded teenagers inevitably grow into wounded adults
Well said!
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Disabled. Hard talk, don't argue, make fun, etc
Sep 17, 2022
Ya kuri Think no seprt adlt chld etc this all cont life no stop all prblm all msry but now me no me injury damage no have any but can see age awfl make all type prblm pain sffr, also many awfl wrld stonage awfl wrld homophb , v awfl wrld war etc wrk no money no any ,see truth ppl btry ppl lie ppl all hurt each frc each fall, ya this all awfl species all lie see all lie ppl no care see disabl see prblm etc all lev ,this wrld simil jngl
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Jun 11, 2023
As a teen, some part of me thought I'd have a little fun before I killed myself. Not even old and all my time is dedicated to work and all my work is dedicated to debt. Suicide or not I'm absolutely not living past 35! I can't relate to people whatsoever who plan on retiring at retirement age. No hate whatsoever I'm just bewildered.
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Mar 4, 2024
I have mixed feelings about adult life. I was originally convinced I wouldn't make it to 20, but am still here at 46. I'm very taxed by having to do things like work. (Not a fan of being a wage slave.) I mostly live an extended adolescence finding pleasure in otaku hobbies - anime, gaming, gunpla, and vtubers. I'm pretty much hikikomori when not at work.

I think the idea of adult life is underwhelming, but I've sidestepped as much of the responsibilities as I can. No children, no car, no mortgage.
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Fearer of the Future
Jun 26, 2024
Vaguely suicide related but I feel like this discussion belongs more in off topic. I'm particularly interested in hearing from other people who are a bit older and have lots of life experience with adulting at this point. I know someone will probably say, hey, you're not old, you're *only* 25 but I feel like I'm already way past my youth due to my own life experiences and years spent grinding in the workforce.

I think there's two main things that really disappointed me about hitting adulthood proper. One is the culture aspect of this life stage/expectations created by the world around you, and the other is the barriers imposed due to time, aging, and the inevitable decline of health if one is genetically predisposed to it like I am, or you've experienced some sort of accident or spontaneous illness that has taken it's toll in due course.

Onto the cultural slant of things, I would say I really despise how the second you hit adulthood, your personality and priorities are slowly meant to shift towards your career and employment over anything else. I was raised in a fairly workaholic culture where everything you did had to be for a greater purpose of seeking employment in the future, as a child I would see parents select activities for their kids based on what will make them "competitive" and productive rather than considering if their son or daughter even derives any joy from that hobby. I also knew many people (and still do some like this) who think that anyone who enjoys partying or doing leisurely things is a loser and your life should be spent focusing on work above all else. I have a friend that regularly shames me for wanting to drink and party and sees it as immature behaviour.

When I was still in my teenage years, about 18 or 19 it was seen as okay for me to express myself how I wanted with fashion or to have certain hobbies like watching anime or playing games, dressing up, writing fanfictions, and things of that nature, but now that I'm in my mid 20s I face a lot of judgement for my interests and was clearly expected to grow out of this and only have hobbies like exercise classes and going to the gym. I follow some people who are fashion designers for "cutesy" Japanese fashion brands and they regularly get harassed and called hags for enjoying cute styles as they approach 30 and told by westerners that even having this fashion style is gross and they need to grow the fuck up and be more mature, whatever that means. I wrote about this here before, but it's as if once you hit a certain age your entire identity is expected to become your career, being a husband/wife, and eventually a parent, with no room for much of anything else.

While I think there is some level of professionalism and decorum one needs to follow in a workplace environment, I don't think an individual's interests or sense of authenticity should be sacrificed to become a corporate drone. Seeing a person working at the till with a Pikachu pin or dyed hair or a tattoo isn't going to ruin your customer service, but it seems like adult life is one huge elaborate game of made up social norms and expectations that no one really likes, but there's no collective feeling that it's worth fussing or fighting over.

Often times as a kid I was told how life wasn't fair, and if you think it's bad now, just wait till adulthood. Quite a self fulfilling prophecy. In childhood we have a well defined sense of structure and progress with school, are socialized with people in our own age group in huge numbers, and generally have a sense of community. In adulthood, after university, this all vanishes and ultimately created a large sense of disappointment for me as an autistic person, because I really thrive in the academic environment, and not really in a workplace where the social dynamics are much more rigid and there is no longer any sense of curiosity and meeting new people all the time. I enjoy being productive, and need it to some degree to stay sane, so I think the biggest issue with employment as an adult is the faux social crap, artificial shift patterns that prevent anyone from having a life, and treating each other like customers rather than actual colleagues or friends.

If I had infinite finances and was at full health, I think I'd just study different subjects forever and go traveling, though many people find this a pretty ludicrous and childish line of thinking. I just genuinely enjoy learning and do not get the same type of enrichment from doing repetitive mundane tasks in an office with no variety because your designated HR department says you must do one thing only. Making work dull and unmeaningful gets treated like a necessary evil, when it's artificially constructed imo.

Which brings me to my next thought.. a lot of things we are expected to do as adults aren't requirements, they're just heavily encouraged socially to the point where you feel like a failure if you dont do them and follow the script. The most glaring example I can think of is marriage, children, and buying a home. This was something imposed on me at an early age, despite reluctance. I decided long ago that I wouldn't be having any biological children for the sake of their health, but honestly I am not capable of raising another human as much as I like and enjoy babysitting little ones. I've gotten many nasty comments from men online before saying I'll die alone and I'll regret being child-free when I'm old and feeble, but I don't see this as a personal failing but rather a societal one.

The idea of having a nuclear family rather than existing in a tribe is completely unappealing to me and absurdly stressful. One of the few moments in my life that I can pin point as being truly happy and amazing is when I spent time with a close friend's family, staying in their home in a less financially developed Asian country. The entire family and all the neighbors were very tight knit, and being in that environment did wonders for my mood. Returning back to the UK and being alone all of the time reversed that, I have some friendships but the vast majority are surface level even after years of trying to deepen them. My partner and his entire family think my way of thinking is crazy and abnormal, and that it's only a parents sole responsibility to look after their kids rather than the extended family or community being involved.

I think I fundamentally hate the notion that once you become an adult you can't have fun anymore and if you're a woman you need to sacrifice your life to marriage and children, because that's just how it is. It's disappointing that my worth as a person is determined by those metrics, particularly if I will have sex and undergo childbirth or not. Perhaps it is because I'm autistic, or on account of my traumatic childhood where I missed out on many formative experiences, but I truly hate the social norms of what adulthood is like. I want to enjoy life, explore new things, and have adventures, not feel burdened by financial obligations or childrearing with 0 time to do anything other than take care of the home and the children.

Now, here is the other thing I think that blows about adulthood, which is not under the control of free will and social influence like the former gripe I mentioned. It's inevitable that the health and vitality from youth will decline with age, and as time passes we lose a lot of things we took for granted as adolescents. My grandparents, once being extremely tough and almost immortal individuals in my young eyes, eventually became febrile as we all do, and the realisation that the strongest people you know will eventually start to wither away is something that's brought me to tears countless times. One of the hardest things about getting older for me was having so many people around me die, especially one I hit my 20s it was like one after another. Also seeing those younger than you who were once sweet, curious, children full of life, also becoming embittered adults and losing that youthful zest towards the world hits fairly hard.

Health is perhaps one of the worst things to lose, though. When you have health and energy, the world can be your oyster, but once any sort of chronic illness befalls you, whether that be physical or mental, and you've had to accept that this is how things likely will be forever save for some scientific miracle, it really shakes you to the core. I think many people expect ill health to only really start cropping up in the elderly years, not realising that many diseases especially autoimmune conditions and things that can cause chronic pain actually tend to start manifesting in your 20s and 30s.

It's hard when you realize that even if you became incapable of caring for yourself tomorrow due to poor health, no one will intervent when you're an adult unless you hit the point of no return and require around the clock nursing care. You can be barely scraping by, teetering on the edge of losing financial security and stability due to bad health impacting your ability to work consistently, and the most likely outcome is other people don't even believe you unless it's blinking obvious. It's hard not to feel like a as a disabled adult when the expectation is that you work 40 hours a week like everyone else with no help required. Of course, everyone will have their own opinions too, that you're just not going to the gym enough, you're not eating this or that, taking the right supplements, etc etc, and you'll have to deal with this constantly, because you're an adult now and people think you can control every single part of your life once youre legally mature. Even biology!

As usual I wrote way too much and more than I intended to, but I am curious if others feel the same way in regards to being sorely disappointed by adulthood and the expectations surrounding it. I would say becoming older and more embittered with the world definitely contributes to why I want to leave it in some way, my views make me feel pretty alien.
Putting a TLDR on top cause my reply was hella long lol.
I completely agree with you but don't worry nothing is wrong with you for not being a typical adult. I'm similar to you and I really hope society stops trying to force everyone to be the same.

Gosh i feel you so bad. Especially the health and kids part. I think a big part of me wants to have a child and raise a family, but being born biologically female it has always been expected of me to the point that i genuinely hate the idea of being a parent because I want to prove that my only purpose isn't to get pregnant. But also i'm kind of anti natalist just because of how the econmy gets worse and climate is getting worse because greedy bastards want to destroy the environment if it means that they'll get some extra fucking cash. The idea of bringing a child into a world on the verge of decline seems cuel to me. Also I've had instances where I hated myself and my race just because other people were racist to me and I can't imagine what i'd do if I heard someone was racist to my kid. I think i'd become a terrorist lol.

I also hate being alive so having a kid means i no longer have the freedom to kill myself.

But the getting older part also scares me to about being an adult. Like i had my uncle pass away last year and my grandma this year and just the idea that as i get older people are going to keep dying makes me so sick. and in general because of my poor habits my health is declining but even if i get super healthy i can't do anything to stop the decline from aging is so sad. I literally said to my siblings if at any point i get dementia or need a fucking diaper or a nurse to live they should shoot me in the head. Because losing my independec ebecause of my fucking age is a nightmare.

Also don't worry about you disliking social cues cause you're autistic. I'm neurotypical and I also hate the social cues related with being an adult. I showed my mum what i'd like to dress as since she hates how i express myself and how i dress despite the fact that she told me when i'm an adult i could be myself.
1721102053286 she called me super childish and said something was wrong with me for wanting to dress like thtat at my age.

I just hate that you're apperantly mentally stunted if you want to be cute or colourful and wear "bizzare" clothes. Like i just want to do things that make me happy (not that there's a lot anymore) and i'm constantly told by my parents that i need to drop all my hobbies (That i barely do cause i'm depressed) like watching anime, reading webtoons and manga, drawing, and literally fucking making jokes and expressing my love for my family.

Once i got to college i really hated how everything changed for me. Like you said because i was an adult all that mattered was what i was supoosed to do as a job, finding an internship, and making money. I don't care about money and expensive things and working at a 'respectable" company but apparently that makes me not an adult.

and it sucks cause my parents and I are immigrants so I'm basically a failure letting my parents down after they left everything behind to move because I don't want to be a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer and I'm not obsessed with working and making money. And i just want to make art and be happy.

Sorry I ended up with such a long post. I just really resonated with yours.
My husband also said if things ever went south that he would not support me in any way anymore or want to speak to me again, so I think the entire concept of love and romantic relationships feels like a transactional nightmare to me at this point. I always miss the unconditional love of childhood, despite how rare it was. Unlike romantic relationships, I never had to prove myself or constantly try to please someone else, my grandparents simply loved me for existing. Now, it requires immense effort to be liked.
I don't want to sound like a dick because I don't know your full story, but your husband lowkey sounds like an asshole. I wouldn't talk to someone i love that way.
I often feel exactly like this too. Like how I don't understand vtubers at all even though I watch lots of regular YouTubers. There's a significant overlap and yet my age seems to have drawn a hard line between them.

I have a university degree (Bachelors in Business which is relatively useless) but sometimes I speculate on going back to the local community college and taking random classes there. I feel like that's some kind of stereotype though and I'm afraid of getting accused of preying on younger students since that's something I remember people accusing a lot of older attendees at community college of doing when I first went there. Even without that I'm also unsure what classes I'd actually want to take at this point. I could try going to grad school and getting an MBA like my friend did but I don't really enjoy the actual school part of school…

I do agree I should probably try some kind of new hobby to find new people but, it's scary. If there was only some way to conquer fear without first aggravating or alarming that fear then maybe I could move ahead and become more of an actual adult. An adult who happens to like childish things. 😞
Personally I think it would be better to join a club if it doesn't cost more than the college class ofc. but yah it's super scary. I joined a club in university and it really helped me with having fun at least. but i quit cause the emotional burden of being alive became too much and I felt even lonlier after events ended because I didn't know how to hang out with people outside events.

so i will say this. If you want to join a club or go back to college you should rember that you need to actually put in effort to meet people outside those scenarious or the whole thing will be a waste
I often feel exactly like this too. Like how I don't understand vtubers at all even though I watch lots of regular YouTubers. There's a significant overlap and yet my age seems to have drawn a hard line between them.

I have a university degree (Bachelors in Business which is relatively useless) but sometimes I speculate on going back to the local community college and taking random classes there. I feel like that's some kind of stereotype though and I'm afraid of getting accused of preying on younger students since that's something I remember people accusing a lot of older attendees at community college of doing when I first went there. Even without that I'm also unsure what classes I'd actually want to take at this point. I could try going to grad school and getting an MBA like my friend did but I don't really enjoy the actual school part of school…

I do agree I should probably try some kind of new hobby to find new people but, it's scary. If there was only some way to conquer fear without first aggravating or alarming that fear then maybe I could move ahead and become more of an actual adult. An adult who happens to like childish things. 😞
Personally I think it would be better to join a club if it doesn't cost more than the college class ofc. but yah it's super scary. I joined a club in university and it really helped me with having fun at least. but i quit cause the emotional burden of being alive became too much and I felt even lonlier after events ended because I didn't know how to hang out with people outside events.

so i will say this. If you want to join a club or go back to college you should rember that you need to actually put in effort to meet people outside those scenarious or the whole thing will be a waste
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Personally I think it would be better to join a club if it doesn't cost more than the college class ofc. but yah it's super scary. I joined a club in university and it really helped me with having fun at least. but i quit cause the emotional burden of being alive became too much and I felt even lonlier after events ended because I didn't know how to hang out with people outside events.

so i will say this. If you want to join a club or go back to college you should rember that you need to actually put in effort to meet people outside those scenarious or the whole thing will be a waste
Yeah I suppose it would be better to find an actual social group rather than force it through classes which I'm likely to hate anyway…
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
I never wanted to grow up or become an adult. I didn't want to live past 18, but I'm 23 now. I'm not a real adult (thank god) but my parents want me to become independent and support myself and that's one of the main reasons why I want to die. I don't want to do dumb and boring shit that adults do. I don't know how people can stand annoying stuff for their whole lives (working away their lives and living the same life everyday), and I don't like how my parents are trying to force this upon me. I would say that I find it annoying how I was forced to become an adult against my will, but as I never looked forward to adulthood, I can't say that I was disappointed
I always dreaded it as a kid. I think when I was 13 and middle school was ending I realized that these are the last few years before things get serious. Having to work, pay bills, and face serious consequences for my actions. Well, I'm still in uni so it's easier. But after I graduate, it'll be a pain.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, adulthood doesn't disappoint me as I already knew that adulthood would be shitty. I never wanted to be an adult in the first place. Even when I was a kid, I realised that being an adult wouldn't be worth it and... I was right. Being an adult is so exhausting and draining. I don't understand why anybody would want to be an adult. It's just wage slavery and more responsibilities
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Memento mori
Dec 12, 2020
Comparing to childhood, adulthood is great (I mean only if I compare)... Being dependent on somebody and not being able to survive yourself in case that smth goes wrong with your parents is just terrible..... Everytime you need something you need to ask (and the result is always unknown), lose lots of nerves for this, it is impossible to move freely and much more.... Prison in prison :)
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May 29, 2024
Kind of, back when I was a teenager I still had the glimmering hope that when I reached adulthood things would be somehow different and for the better but now I'm 22 and everything is still the same, just with more responsabilities, the fear of aging and societal expectations that I don't plan to follow, it's even more discouraging to realize that things only get worse from now and that's one of the reasons of why I plan to CTB before 25, I don't see the point of prolonging the inevitable
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
Comparing to childhood, adulthood is great (I mean only if I compare)... Being dependent on somebody and not being able to survive yourself in case that smth goes wrong with your parents is just terrible..... Everytime you need something you need to ask (and the result is always unknown), lose lots of nerves for this, it is impossible to move freely and much more.... Prison in prison :)
Absolutely. So happy to be out of my mother's shackles. Prisoner is a great way to describe it. In a cell completely at the provider's mercy.
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CTB by a ticket soon
Jun 19, 2023
I don't know wtf is adulthood. Being legally allowed to buy cigs and alcohol + having a job or what?
I don't want to do dumb and boring shit that adults do.
Start feet onlyfans and sell worn panties
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Fearer of the Future
Jun 26, 2024
I never wanted to grow up or become an adult. I didn't want to live past 18, but I'm 23 now. I'm not a real adult (thank god) but my parents want me to become independent and support myself and that's one of the main reasons why I want to die. I don't want to do dumb and boring shit that adults do. I don't know how people can stand annoying stuff for their whole lives (working away their lives and living the same life everyday), and I don't like how my parents are trying to force this upon me. I would say that I find it annoying how I was forced to become an adult against my will, but as I never looked forward to adulthood, I can't say that I was disappointed

I feel this so hard. I really do not want to deal with adulthood and I honestly have no desire to do anything that comes with adulthood. But I hate the lack of independence from living with my parents so I was like aight might as well kill myself
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Jul 16, 2024
Adulthood was not bad for me, when you're in the middle of making things happen it is actually quite engaging, when you get older and things slow down is when I'm worried
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Jul 19, 2024
Yes. Turns out "everyone else" was having a great time before adulthood, and during early adulthood. When you get older it's all work and no fun. Nothing is exciting.
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Confused and tired
Jul 19, 2024
Ya estaba deprimido cuando era adolescente, así que la decepción es que las cosas nunca mejoraron. Me dijeron que eventualmente encontraría mi camino, encontraría una novia, etc. Resulta que nada de eso es realmente posible cuando simplemente eres un perdedor...
I am afraid of becoming an adult...I turned 18 last year and I thought that the fear would pass and I would have a big change in maturation but that is not the case. I feel that I am incompetent to take care of myself even though I already want to become independent.
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