i wanna die somewhere like up there
- Mar 15, 2020
- 410
1980 was a horrible year for me! It was the year I unfortunately slid out of my biological mother's cervix , and was spewed into hell. I was the third, and she was tired of raising kids,...I was watching a documentary the other day, and it was titled Babies, (I think) ... Anyways, the science behind childbirth....How breeders develop their oo-wee/goowee feelings towards babies. Its the hormone- high/ to be specific, the oxitocin released after the arrival of an infant that makes the breeder feel out-of-this-world! But the high ( like every other high) it only lastsfor so long...The documentary said for like a year, or maybe two at most, after the arrival of baby, then it goes away!....And both parents expirience a hormone high! Breeders are so goddamn selfish! I wonder if some of them do it for the hormone-high, and then they judge addicts and some of them are terrible people!? Like my parents judged me, made my life hell with their constant fighting and the authoritarian regime they lead......I'm child free , and judged for my additions, but I atleast didn't put an innocent child into this crap! yet they were addicts to hormones-amoungst other things! Such hypocrisy! And my parents addictions did a lot more damage to the planet and to me! I wish I were never born!.....I think breeders are the epidimy of selfish and addicted!
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