Hey @noaccount I'm just reading through the thread here & as a black woman please hear me out.
The other people taking part in this conversation are unable & unwilling to open their minds & hearts to what you are saying.
I'm not sure your ethnicity but whatever ethnicity you are.. thank you. Thank you for taking a stand against the bullshit.
White people who see blackness as politics happens in all spaces (Even the skating community!). Look up Planet Roller Skate - Indy Jamma Jones Racism.
She basically ran a Facebook group for roller skaters to discuss issues with a 'no politics' rule. What ended up happening was that everyone could vent about their experiences as skaters, females being cat called.. overweight people being fat shamed etc. But when black skaters began to tell their stories of being racially abused whilst skating the posts were deleted.
& on that note I'll say this.. please protect your mental health by NOT engaging with the people on this thread. Their views and comments are toxic to me & to you & the best thing we can do is remove ourselves from them. They will never understand & its not our job to make them understand.
Love x