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Sep 30, 2022
Here is a method as described here: https://archive.ph/e0eLe




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How does diphenhydramine work on the cardiovascular system?

Diphenhydramine is a so-called 'membrane stabiliser' because of its fast Na' channel blocking properties, which cause intrinsic pacemaker suppression, AV node blockade and re-entrant ventricular tachydysrhythmias.[1]

Comparison to other methods:


Diphenhydramine is cheap and easy to obtain, since it is sold over the counter (i.e. no doctor's prescription is required).


Diphenhydramine does not have a long track record like Darvon or amitriptyline.


Mechanism of action

Diphenhydramine is an Hl antagonist. Its toxic actions, with exception to its cardiac effects, are primarily due to its anticholinergic properties.[2] Toxicity is common,[3] and anticholinergic poisoning usually predominates.[4]

The following symptoms have also been observed in persons who had ingested a large amount of diphenhydramine: hallucinations, tachyarrhythmias, bradyarrhythmias, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, bundle branch blocks, hypotension and complete cardiovascular collapse.[5]In most reported fatal or life-threatening cases, the cardiac toxicity occurred after seizure activity.[6][7]


Use of diphenhydramine as an euthanasia agent

Diphenhydramine ingestion resulting in toxicity has been reported very commonly.[8] There is some evidence to suggest that the cardiotoxicity of diphenhydramine is similar to tricyclic anti-depressant (TCA) toxicity, in that it has type la antiarrhythmic properties.[9]


Similarities in toxicity between diphenhydramine and TCA's

In 1992, Clark and Vance[10] reported a diphenhydramine intentional overdose resulting in progressive loss of consciousness, seizure activity, and then ventricular tachycardia with a normal blood pressure. Doctors presumed initially that a TCA overdose was the cause of the clinical presentation, however no TCA ingestion was found on serum analysis or history. As a result, the authors introduced the concept of diphenhydramine toxicity being caused by a quinidine-like or type la antiarrhythmic toxicity similar to TCA poisoning.


Sodium channel blockers

Diphenhydramine partially works like sodium channel blockers. Sodium channel blockers decrease the propagation and the magnitude of action potentials in the cardiac sytem. The principal effect of reducing the rate and magnitude of depolarisation by blocking sodium channels, is a decrease in conduction velocity (in atrial and ventricular muscle). The faster a cell depolarises, the more rapid adjacent cells will become depolarised, leading to a more rapid regeneration and transmission of action potentials between cells in the cardiac system. Therefore, blocking sodium channels reduces the velocity of action potential transmission within the heart.

This prolonges the QT interval, promoting phenomena like 'torsade de points' or other ventricular tachycardia, which mean that the ventricular muscle would twitch randomly, rather than contracting in unison, and so the ventricles would fail to pump blood into the arteries and into systemic circulation. If the arrhythmia continues, blood circulation will cease, and death (as in, ventricular fibrillation) will occur in a matter of minutes.

The cardiac impact is rather similar to an overdose of Darvon, since Darvon is a sodium channel blocker as well.


The cocktail


Antiemetic regimen

It is very important to use drugs that prevent vomiting (i.e. antiemetic drugs) before one takes the cocktail. Important warnings:

  • OTC antiemetics for motion sickness (Dramamine, Gravol) will not work well.
  • Do not take more antiemetics, or take them more often. It might cause a serious and painful side effect named EPS (short for extrapyramidal symptoms). Have some diphenhydramine (Benadryl, Dimedrol) ready to treat EPS, should it happen to you.
Also, please read this page carefully.


Recommended version

This table describes the recommended cocktail of the committee*:

  • What committee? The original author of this article did not mention this.

Antiemetic drugs must be taken beforehand
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)4 grams
Diazepam (Valium) or other long-acting benzodiazepine300 mg

Possible drug substitutions and changes to the cocktail

Other benzodiazepines could be usable too. Adding 300 mg of another benzodiazepine would hasten death.


How long does the cocktail take?

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Evidence and medical reports attesting to the efficacy of the cocktail

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The sources upon which the cocktail is based

  • 1. A famous journal of emergency medicine (click here);
  • 2. Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons;
  • 3. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology;
  • 4. The American Journal of Nursing ("a lethal dose of diphenhydramine is about 2.8 grams").

Credentials and reliability

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Acquiring the required cocktail ingredients

The best place to find and share information about on-line pharmacies is the Drugbuyers.com forum.People often discuss their experiences with obtaining drugs on ASM and ASH. Publishing the Internet address of online pharmacies is strictly prohibited in these newsgroups, but it is considered acceptable to exchange this information over e-mail.

Also, please see the article Obtaining drugs for more information about this subject.


How to repackage the drugs in capsules

To reduce the number of tablets to be swallowed, you can repackage tablets in capsules. Below is a post from Son of the Sun explaining this process regarding the Amitriptyline Cocktail, but it all applies to this drug cocktail as well.

Newgroup: alt.suicide.methods

From: [email protected] (Son of the Sun)

Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 04:25:06 -0800


Purchase a mortar & pestle or a marble spice grinder and grind your amitriptyline tablets into a fine powder and tightly pack the powder into the

largest size gelatin or vegetable capsules that you can comfortably swallow. The largest size available is "000" followed by "00" and "0". I don't

know how small or large these tablets are, but if you are able to put 350 mg of powdered amitriptyline into one "000" size gelatin or vegetable

capsule, then you will only need to swallow twenty "000" size capsules in order to ingest a total amount of 7 grams of amitriptyline. It might be

a good idea to ingest these "000" size gelatin or vegetable capsules by the spoonful, using a slippery pudding or melted ice cream in order to

make swallowing them a bit easier.

Also, please see the article Capsules for more information about this subject.

Does anyone know if this is a reliable method? Did anybody try to ctb with benzodiazepines + diphenhydramine (benadryl). Share your stories, please!
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In limbo
Jul 23, 2020
I haven't read your entire post but I wanted to comment to point out that benadryl causes terrible hallucinations when you take too much. Overdosing on benadryl is apparently very unpleasant. Don't know if that was stated in your post. You can search for benadryl on the forum and you'll get information on this. I don't think it's considered a reliable method.
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Sep 30, 2022
I haven't read your entire post but I wanted to comment to point out that benadryl causes terrible hallucinations when you take too much. Overdosing on benadryl is apparently very unpleasant. Don't know if that was stated in your post. You can search for benadryl on the forum and you'll get information on this. I don't think it's considered a reliable method.
Hello, I heard that but people here tried it without taking 300 mg of benzodiazepines. I figured maybe the addition of benzodiazepines knock you out so that you don't experience much discomfort. That's just my assumption though. If everybody knows more , please comment
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All these moments will be lost in time
May 1, 2022
Before I lost the plot and wanted to ctb I used to be a cop, and working shifts really fucked up my sleeping pattern, I would go 2-3 days with no sleep….then I discovered nytol, I think it's called Benadryl too. I started off taking two 50mg tablets at night which worked like a treat for a few months then I had to take more and more….at one stage I was up to around 10, maybe a little more, 50mg tablets a night. I think one night I tried 12 and about 20 minutes later I was violently sick but for about 4 hours after I kept getting these really intense waves of tiredness….like imagine you're really tired and you yawn….that sort of feeling. I was getting that every couple of minutes and it was a proper fight to stay conscious. So I drank salt water to get whatever was still in my stomach out….then over the next few hours drank strong coffee…took cold showers and kept slapping myself (to produce adrenaline) and after 4 hours or so the waves stopped and I felt ok enough to try and get some sleep….

…..anyway, I didn't hallucinate, I wasn't in any pain…if I actually wanted to ctb I would have been content to simply close my eyes and let the wave of tiredness take me…although I don't think 12 would have been enough to ctb. My research suggests 20-40mg per kg of body weight. I'm around 85kg so that would mean I'd need to take nearly 70 tablets….even with anti sickness meds I think it would be just about impossible to keep that many tablets down. Personally speaking, I know there are gel capsules, if they were pierced and squeezed into a small amount of water, I might be lucky enough that enough diphenhydramine would be absorbed into my system before my body went full spaz and I started throwing up everywhere……maybe if it's mixed with pain meds and alcohol it would work faster…..don't know, but it seems a reasonable option since sn and sa are so difficult to get a hold of these days…..and forget trying to get n unless you want to roll the dice and import it from Mexico
  • Hugs
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