I've been around since the internet started, and I've always been a lurker. I never start threads. I'll support people or add comments here and there, but posting a thread is not something I normally do.
Today is different. At 10:30 this morning, we got a call from our daughter's school that she had been overheard by a teacher saying she wanted to kill herself.
A little background: she's the youngest of three daughters, and will be 12 in June. She just came out to my wife and I as lesbian two months ago, and we completely support her for being brave enough to tell us. She started a relationship with another girl at school, but...well, the ex-girlfriend of my daughter's girlfriend is manipulating the situation, and yesterday they broke up. My daughter was devastated. I tried to talk to her (I've seen this coming all week) about self-help, guided meditation, and the things I have done in the past to try and help myself. They obviously haven't worked well for me - I'm posting on a suicide forum right now - but I desperately want her to have the support I didn't have when I was a child.
And yet, here I am. I'm studying ctb, have practically memorized the Stan method, and I'm telling my daughter everything is going to be okay. I can't tell you how much I hate myself for being such a hypocrite, for saying one thing to her while living a completely different life online. My wife and I are separated but trying to reconcile; however, we are completely united in the love we have for our daughter, and we spent most of the day talking about what we wanted to do going forward to support our precious little girl.
My youngest daughter is quite literally the only thing keeping me in this world. I want to ctb. After the events of today, I feel like the worst parent in the world, and I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've cried when I've thought about her. When she got off the bus, I just held her while I was sobbing. What kind of parent am I to want to ctb when my daughter needs me? If I go, won't that make things so much worse? How can I do that to her?
I'm so sorry. I have cried through this whole post. I know you all don't have any answers for me. I simply had to tell someone how much I was hurting, and this is the only place I can do that. I am so thankful to the mods, the members, and Jean (so wonderful) for providing this safe space for us. But I am so lost right now. I can't think.
One note: I don't have the materials for the SN method yet, so there's no chance of me doing anything impulsive.