Drinking every day like 10 beers since almost 8 years now. On top of that there is half a bottle of Schnaps and other substances, which should have fried my brain by now, but sadly (?) did not so far. Just quitted H for over 6 Months. I thought, since everbody is sharing his or her or whatever 's booze abuse, I may add this. ... Lol.. no real reason. I do not cry a lot anymore, that time is over, now I am most of the time ashamed, full of hated and disgust, but not every day... even for me, there are some moments of joy.
A night of binge-drinking is not the right moment to judge your life.
You have to beome a (polytoxic) aloholic like me to judge your attitude towards your own circumstances if ya wanna do it objectively.hihi.
Gettin drunk is fine, frome time to time, I became addicted later in life, never the less...be mindful with ur drinking and whatever consume... some shit gets you hooked pretty fast, especially when you are younger.
take care.