Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
We live in a simulation, and aliens have visited earth before.

Btw what do you guys think happened to MH370?
There is renewed interest of mh370 on Reddit, with some linking it to UFO and aliens. It seems some u.s. agencies are also heavily promoting the UFO agenda recently. When they are actively promoting something, there must be hidden agenda.
This is plausible .
Maybe Earth is just a Petri dish. They are doing some experiments or tests. In some way Earth must be like their world to make the test results meaningful. They actually poured water onto Earth to cause the great flood and great reset. Their world must be as bad as this world, if not worse.

When people reach the top of secret societies, they will be told that conspiracy theories -- UFO, aliens, flat Earth, mud flood, 9/11 inside job, etc. -- are true.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
9/11 was an inside job ( I'm not sure if this is classed as conspiracy considering the evidence)
9/11 being an inside job is my favorite example to point out how inappropriate the term "conspiracy theory" is. We say "conspiracy theory" to dismiss an idea as being outlandish and unbelievable, but by definition it is pretty benign.

If you believe the FBI war-gamed bombing the twin towers and then went ahead with it as a pretense to invade the middle east and increase the power of the surveillance state, that is a conspiracy theory.

If you believe several men from Afghanistan carefully planned and carried out simultaneous hijackings in order to fly and crash planes into the twin towers at the command of a terrorist boss . . . that is a conspiracy theory. A theory of how people conspired to commit a crime.

Without commenting on the likelihood of either, it just peeves me when people say "9-11 wasn't an inside job, that's a conspiracy theory!" then proceed to explain their theory of 9-11 being an elaborate conspiracy. The accusation of something being a "conspiracy theory" adds nothing to a debate.
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ex nihilo nihil fit
Oct 14, 2023
I will go first -
Plausible - Aliens might have visited Earth and left without a trace .
I believe 9/11 was an inside job and red flag operations for war are always happening and rich people send poor people to kill each other for population control, and literally everybody is lying about political shit all the time, politicians and conspiracy theorists, so I don't really care about it.

I also believe there is a hidden global organization of scientists who really want to stop the sixth and likely worst great extinction on our planet due to global warming, environmental degradation, pollution, over harvesting of natural and non-renewable resources all to benefit a small portion of the human population while billions suffer absolutely horrendous working conditions in mud and filth all day every day, but nobody can see or hear the the scientists because they are cursed by an ancient Old God.
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Victim of abuse and the US healthcare system
Oct 19, 2023
Maybe MK-Ultra still exists in some form today
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Jun 12, 2023
I'm skeptical on the legitimacy of many popular conspiracy theories, but the main "conspiracy theory" I stand by is in the corruption of the church.

This video by James Jani puts things into perspective. I wasn't raised into this specific mega church, but into a somewhat well known religion that took advantage of people in similar ways shown in this video (and even worse). The guy or "messiah" claimed to be the 2nd coming of Jesus and and did some crazy things to his members. I could go on for days, he's gotta be a psychopath.

It's not even a conspiracy theory, it's just a fact. It's hard to relate to these white christian kids in the south who have lived (comparably) much more normal lives in a church with normal people who have never actually questioned these things. But regardless of your background, once you see what goes on behind the curtains of religion, it's impossible to ignore. Finding the truth about "god" and the 4000 different religions is partially why I've spent so much time learning about evolution, genetics, dna, etc. With current level of scientific understanding, it's not even a debate anymore, at all... But religions have been around for thousands of years whereas these exponential levels of scientific discovery have been mostly made in the last generation. So it'll take a while for these false religious beliefs that have been reinforced and engrained into our very culture for generations to be delegitimized. But I think if more people educate themselves and think critically, then perhaps in 1 generation most of these outdated beliefs can change.


Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Not sure that it's even a conspiracy theory any longer as it's pretty much been acknowledged.
Tik Tock is a conduit of the CCP. It's believed that they have all the data belonging to as many as 80% of the US population. The aim is to destabilise the country.. standard procedure in preparation for conflict.
Amazon, Facebook, Google and the many websites and apps with common ownership are and have been since day one, data companies. Users assume it's harmless, as their government has bigger fish to fry. But they need to remember that their government is beholden to the mighty corporations, who truly call the shots. Today's US is a corporatocracy. It's not only your online activity being catalogued and sold repeatedly. That ring doorbell, those security cameras and even the innocent looking rumba is another spy in your midst.
When I first suggested all this several years ago, I was mocked. But it appears to have been widely acknowledged now.
Maybe MK-Ultra still exists in some form today
Not using acid, but mind control is absolutely real. Check out neuromarketing.
Maybe MK-Ultra still exists in some form today
Not using acid, but mind control is absolutely real. Check out neuromarketing.
Maybe MK-Ultra still exists in some form today
Not using acid, but mind control is absolutely real. Check out neuromarketing.
Maybe MK-Ultra still exists in some form today
Not using acid, but mind control is absolutely real. Check out neuromarketing.
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Oct 18, 2023
Rome never fell.

911, and every other war and major event in the last +100 years, including the ones ongoing, were/are orchestrated out of the City of London (via RIIA, Chatham House). "The City of London" (not part of the U.K.) is one of the three pillars of the Empire, besides Vatican City (not part of Italy) and the District of Columbia (not part of the US).

"We cannot hope to fully understand the present without properly understanding the past."


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