
Apr 14, 2023
I'm not human like everyone else here. I'm an evil entity, it's a glitch that I exist. I've taken over a human body. Part of her conscience (the human) is still in here and she wants to save the world. As 1000s of people will die unnecessarily by the end of this year if we don't fix this. Then many more bad things will happen as as a result in years to come due to domino effect. So need to hurry up and get the guts to end this asap. We have method and date, just need the courage . She is such a pathetic and weak coward. But deleting the glitch is the only way , it should be easy with the weight of what's to come on her conscience. We can do this. Need to hurry up.
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Jul 29, 2021
your experiencing a delusional state, particularly that you believe you are an "evil entity" or responsible for preventing large-scale harm in a way that feels detached from reality. Delusions often involve strong, irrational beliefs about oneself or the world, like thinking they have a unique or catastrophic role to play.

deep distress, possibly dissociation, and a fragmented sense of identity. The idea of being an "evil entity" taking over a human body, along with the internal conflict between two parts of a conscience, you be struggling with serious mental health issues.
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Jul 3, 2024
I'm not human like everyone else here. I'm an evil entity, it's a glitch that I exist. I've taken over a human body. Part of her conscience (the human) is still in here and she wants to save the world. As 1000s of people will die unnecessarily by the end of this year if we don't fix this. Then many more bad things will happen as as a result in years to come due to domino effect. So need to hurry up and get the guts to end this asap. We have method and date, just need the courage . She is such a pathetic and weak coward. But deleting the glitch is the only way , it should be easy with the weight of what's to come on her conscience. We can do this. Need to hurry up.
That didn't happen before either 🫂
And I'm still fine, even if you talked to me.
You are still human, you are in pain. And I'm here if you want to talk ❤️
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Apr 14, 2023
your experiencing a delusional state, particularly that you believe you are an "evil entity" or responsible for preventing large-scale harm in a way that feels detached from reality. Delusions often involve strong, irrational beliefs about oneself or the world, like thinking they have a unique or catastrophic role to play.

deep distress, possibly dissociation, and a fragmented sense of identity. The idea of being an "evil entity" taking over a human body, along with the internal conflict between two parts of a conscience, you be struggling with serious mental health issues.
Psychiatrist wrote in report about delusional beliefs but she and none of the professionals have challenged it to me so i think deep down they're scared too . Theyve not suggested meds either . I'm under psychosis team but they cant help as this is real. I was only 1 person and something is taking over, and winning, not fragmented or dissociated.
That didn't happen before either 🫂
And I'm still fine, even if you talked to me.
You are still human, you are in pain. And I'm here if you want to talk ❤️
Sorry for fooling you. But thankyou 🫂


Sep 2, 2024
Use those evil powers and kill me, please. I don't think I have enough courage to do it myself
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Jul 3, 2024
Psychiatrist wrote in report about delusional beliefs but she and none of the professionals have challenged it to me so i think deep down they're scared too . Theyve not suggested meds either . I'm under psychosis team but they cant help as this is real. I was only 1 person and something is taking over, and winning, not fragmented or dissociated.
Just because they're not challenging you about any of it, doesn't mean they're in agreement about it. If it bothers you they don't disagree or agree, tell them ❤️ 🫂
Sorry for fooling you. But thankyou 🫂
Don't worry about it 🩵!
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Apr 29, 2024
I'm not human like everyone else here. I'm an evil entity, it's a glitch that I exist. I've taken over a human body. Part of her conscience (the human) is still in here and she wants to save the world. As 1000s of people will die unnecessarily by the end of this year if we don't fix this. Then many more bad things will happen as as a result in years to come due to domino effect. So need to hurry up and get the guts to end this asap. We have method and date, just need the courage . She is such a pathetic and weak coward. But deleting the glitch is the only way , it should be easy with the weight of what's to come on her conscience. We can do this. Need to hurry up.
This seems clearly extremely psychotic.

Someone like you who is unable to make logical decisions because you can't process reality correctly should not be making ANY decisions right now.

Psychiatric medication is often over-prescribed, profit-driven, and exploitative, but you need anti-psychotics.

It's also putting the site at risk if someone who is clearly psychotic is reading things on here and acting on them. Go to an ER and when you aren't psychotic if you feel the same way about life, come back.

There's a glitch and your body was taken over and it's going to result in a domino effect of horrible things? That's psychosis. You're psychotic. Go to an ER.


Apr 14, 2023
Use those evil powers and kill me, please. I don't think I have enough courage to do it myself
It doesn't work that way sorry. I wouldn't be here if it was that simple. I'm struggling with courage too
This seems clearly extremely psychotic.

Someone like you who is unable to make logical decisions because you can't process reality correctly should not be making ANY decisions right now.

Psychiatric medication is often over-prescribed, profit-driven, and exploitative, but you need anti-psychotics.

It's also putting the site at risk if someone who is clearly psychotic is reading things on here and acting on them. Go to an ER and when you aren't psychotic if you feel the same way about life, come back.

There's a glitch and your body was taken over and it's going to result in a domino effect of horrible things? That's psychosis. You're psychotic. Go to an ER.
i'm aware it sounds like that. I was trying for months to get professional support to rule it out. Even when it was ruled out, i pushed for support on advice of others. I'm now being supported by 'early intervention in psychosis' team and engaging with them . I don't agree with them that it's psychosis but giving them a chance and hoping they see truth soon. Going to ER would achieve nothing. It may be different in other countries. But here they'd send me home with a list of helplines and tell me to contact my EIP team on monday. If it is psychosis (i know it's not) then they'd the best team to help and they aim to keep people out of hospital, that's a last resort .

I'm making very logical decisions. I'm considering all the evidence from the system. I have lots of evidence of what is really happening. I literally pulled a mircochip out of me so it can't just be in my head. I'm letting professionals assess and try to help me. I wanted to and tried to ctb long before the control and voices and stuff (or anything that may sound like psychosis) . I was on this site before any of those 'symptoms' so it's not just that. I'm not who or what I once was now, Why would you encourage something evil to survive ? That's illogical !
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Sep 16, 2024
OP, don't take this the wrong way, but please seek IMMEDIATE help. Your last post in this thread was really concerning, if possible sign up into a psych ward/hospital until you feel better.


Apr 14, 2023
OP, don't take this the wrong way, but please seek IMMEDIATE help. Your last post in this thread was really concerning, if possible sign up into a psych ward/hospital until you feel better.
I am already getting help from a mental health team who specialise in psychosis. So i'm getting all the help I can already, i dont see why people think i need more help when if you're all somehow right with your armchair diagnoses, i'm with the best team for that diagnosis anyway
This isn't some impulsive decision and professionals are aware of what's happening.
Even if for some stupid reason I wanted to, you can't just sign yourself into psych wards in uk .
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Bullied and Blue
Sep 22, 2024
I'm sorry you're going through this. I could have written this myself. The same thing is happening to me and my doctors are not in the least bit concern that I am not one person. I know that the answer is suicide too. It's a painful existence I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I don't feel like mine in psychosis either.. it's real stuff happening.

Hopefully you find peace in whatever way possible. There really is no help for some people in this world but I wish you the best
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Apr 14, 2023
I'm sorry you're going through this. I could have written this myself. The same thing is happening to me and my doctors are not in the least bit concern that I am not one person. I know that the answer is suicide too. It's a painful existence I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I don't feel like mine in psychosis either.. it's real stuff happening.

Hopefully you find peace in whatever way possible. There really is no help for some people in this world but I wish you the best
I'm so sorry you can relate 😢 it's such a horrible, confusing and lonely way to feel . Here if you ever want to chat about it, i know nothing I can do but here if you don't want to be alone with it and want someone to listen.

Thank you. Hope you find peace somehow too 🫂
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Apr 3, 2023
I can only truly hope you get help and find peace; every best wish.
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Feb 10, 2024
I'm not human like everyone else here. I'm an evil entity, it's a glitch that I exist. I've taken over a human body. Part of her conscience (the human) is still in here and she wants to save the world. As 1000s of people will die unnecessarily by the end of this year if we don't fix this. Then many more bad things will happen as as a result in years to come due to domino effect. So need to hurry up and get the guts to end this asap. We have method and date, just need the courage . She is such a pathetic and weak coward. But deleting the glitch is the only way , it should be easy with the weight of what's to come on her conscience. We can do this. Need to hurry up.
I popped back onto the suicide discussion thread just to see how you're doing and I'm glad I did. I'm going to block it again in a minute but I'll still be on the other threads. Just to let you know I'm still fine. Nothing's happened to me. Oh and my psych nurse doesn't dispute my voice in my head, but he did once drop the comment that the voice was actually me, and left it there for me to think about. Come on timetodie24, you can get through this. You're stronger than the system and nothing's happened to me so maybe it's lying to you about repercussions. Anyway I'm gonna come off the suicide thread again now in case that horrible member is still around to destroy my memories of my dad. Take care babe. It'll be ok. Promise.
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Apr 14, 2023
I popped back onto the suicide discussion thread just to see how you're doing and I'm glad I did. I'm going to block it again in a minute but I'll still be on the other threads. Just to let you know I'm still fine. Nothing's happened to me. Oh and my psych nurse doesn't dispute my voice in my head, but he did once drop the comment that the voice was actually me, and left it there for me to think about. Come on timetodie24, you can get through this. You're stronger than the system and nothing's happened to me so maybe it's lying to you about repercussions. Anyway I'm gonna come off the suicide thread again now in case that horrible member is still around to destroy my memories of my dad. Take care babe. It'll be ok. Promise.
You probably won't see this. But you're going to regret being so kind . It's not just about you, she has to save many people . The system is the most powerful thing in the world.

But i wish you well

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