

May 25, 2023
The one thing that makes us human is that we have free will . For most things there are ramifications and people will be hurt but that doesn't disregard the fact the ultimately we have the choice to CTB is we are suffering and can see no way out. We have power and the ability to think rationally. I know that there are suicidal people that have a tendency to not always think of the alternative solutions and try new ways to get healthy before coming to the decision , but for some us we have exhausted trying to improve our circumstances, Some of us are tired of the everyday struggle , and pain and want to put life in our own hands . Every situation is different , although there are similarities between reasons people may want to CTB , we are all individuals, and therefore have the right and the ability to make the decision that we want.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I understand, I also feel so tired of existing, having the ability to exist truly has caused me nothing but pain and having the option to die painlessly truly would be such a relief for me, I see nothing desirable about suffering in this cruel, torturous existence for decades longer just to be tormented by old age, I really wish there's acceptance towards the personal choice to not want to suffer, I'd never wish to exist.
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Aug 24, 2024
One of the things that truly pisses me off is the authorities who try to "save" someone from killing themselves. In the state I live in in the USA, if I am found to have attempted suicide, I can be locked into an institution, force drugged, be forced to see a state-sponsored shrink, and in doing so, will lose my home (because Im out of work) and my freedom. For that reason, whatever method I try had damn well better work the first time. I will NOT be forced into drugs.

But I don't get it. Why does anyone have the right? This is MY body, MY life, not some meddling asshole's. Why does anyone anywhere feel they have the right to put a stop to me ending me life? Screw them and the horse they rode in in! No one has the right. No one. It infuriates me to no end.
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Reactions: permanently tired, lizzywizzy09, IkaXo and 3 others


May 25, 2023
One of the things that truly pisses me off is the authorities who try to "save" someone from killing themselves. In the state I live in in the USA, if I am found to have attempted suicide, I can be locked into an institution, force drugged, be forced to see a state-sponsored shrink, and in doing so, will lose my home (because Im out of work) and my freedom. For that reason, whatever method I try had damn well better work the first time. I will NOT be forced into drugs.

But I don't get it. Why does anyone have the right? This is MY body, MY life, not some meddling asshole's. Why does anyone anywhere feel they have the right to put a stop to me ending me life? Screw them and the horse they rode in in! No one has the right. No one. It infuriates me to no end.
These mental institutions are only there to keep you safe in the short term and drugged up , until you have to inevitably lie and say you're all better. I for one would like anybody to try to walk a mile in my shoes and say that they enjoy life and don't want to give up .. I've had too many concussions , it's ruined me I'll have a couple days here and there where I feel okay and then I'll have weeks to months of debilitating concussion symptoms without another blow to the head. I'm tired of trying different treatments , I'm tired of feeling okay for a couple days and getting hope and then everything come crashing down and back to square one . If you are still reading this , do everything in your power not to hit your head and damage your brain , post concussion syndrome is real and there's gonna be a lot more research on this in the future… in my suicide note , I am gonna ask for my family to donate my brain to the Canadian concussion association so they can do an autopsy and see what went wrong.
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Aug 25, 2024
I find it ridiculous that sane of mind people cannot have an easy way to end their life.

I'm not talking about just deciding, but over a longer period of time with doctor care, if a person still wishes to, they should be able to.

Why make people who are suffering continue to suffer? Is it the examples where people say "A year ago I was about to kill myself and now I'm happier than ever"?
Good for you. For me, life has only continued to get worse and I should have the right to end things easily and on my terms.