I have had 2 experiences with DMT, the Chemical in the ayahuasca tree extracted. And yes, they CAN help. There is no way for sure to know, and if it goes bad, it can go very bad.
First time, i experienced amazing happiness and it lasted for almost 6 months after. i was still depressed but i had hope again, and really started to open up and make friends. I ended up making the wrong friends and made life worse, but meh. Full story here. including second time.
The second time was the worst, and has me fucked up even after a considerable amount of time. My advice is set and setting. You need to have the right setting, music, happy friends or some way to keep happy and safe. Tripping alone is a recipe for disaster. And set. Acid and mushrooms both amplify emotions to the extreme. If you are in a bad depression, they can bring you out and make life seem bearable for a little while, even fun. But if depressed they can make it worse and possible cause you to snap. Happy people can have bad trips too.
Mushrooms is where its at though. When i worked at a McDonalds i was microdoseing every day. Made teabags at home with spearmint (Reduces acne so well) and half a gram of mushrooms ground up. Happiest person in the world. they promoted me from crew to store manager in 3 months haha, and nobody had any clue. Better than any antidepressant i have ever had. Little expensive unless you wanna buy in bulk or grow your own. But growing them is so, so easy. I honestly dont know why i dont have a farm in my spare room.
Small warning with mushrooms though, also do not do them alone. Once did like 7g and ended up stealing somebody's bike and riding around my small town naked at 3 am. Made out with a car i crashed into as an apology. Can also make you very horny and risky.