Honestly I think it's immature to think that because she's beautiful, how can she? I don't know maybe I'm just jaded, and have been through and seen too much. Looks are honestly pointless. When I see a beautiful girl in public, I don't think positive thoughts. I think that she's probably stupid, self centered, annoying, etc, same with men, if I see an attractive man I also think the same things. Sometimes if I'm dealing with a gorgeous person, I won't really take them seriously, I don't trust them. They look like they really value outside appearance, and have different priorities, high maintenance... lol. I know not everyone is the same, it's just my judgement when I first see one. I do admire their beauty but they're not my first pick in many things like healthcare or financial or service industries. Looks aren't everything... I know beautiful people who have horrible lives, they were molested and raped, mental illness, used for sex, taken advantage of, ended up addicted to drugs and into dangerous prostitution, beauty isn't automatically attached to happiness. I have seen some ugly or average, fat, stupid people (with horrible attitudes and behaviors) who are sooo happy with amazing lives, rich and confident etc.
I used to care about my looks, I had body dysmorphia, I hated how I turned out the way I did, average, nothing. But I learned that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. It also depends on the type of beauty, younger beautiful people I don't care for. But older and wise people that have natural beauty and a matching personality is what I prefer, like certain actresses. I really care about personality more than anything. It's extremely true that beautiful people with horrible personalities are automatically ugly.
I see beauty in lots of people, and it sounds cliche but beauty is really about personality. I'm asexual too so I have no interest in sexual attraction. I was in the sex industry for 9 years, I have seen what beauty really means, truly. If you're a hetero woman, I know what men really want, most of them have an urge for sex, but what they really want is an emotional connection with their partner, just like women. They cheat because they're biologically wired that way, to deliver their genes into as many women as possible, that's why some men physically hurt if they don't release sexually, and their home life suffers from sexual frustration.
As long as you change your mindset, nothing else matters. It's your mind that you have to live with, your thoughts, you can ignore others and you don't have the ability to monitor everyone's thoughts about you.