Arthur Scargill appreciator
- Sep 1, 2018
- 3,436
The mods have told me off about my use of language towards this ophelia person but this is because tone is more important than content to those people, they can't be trusted to moderate appropriately so here is another example of this weirdo death fetishist befriending folk so they can see them die for online clout. Not my words folks, but "do not engage" indeed.
Hey all,
I was honored to have this person's companionship, friendship, and ultimate trust in what was the biggest moments. Before I go forward, this is a request to please respect this thread, please do not try to source within it, please do not derail it. I welcome any questions that do not relate to sourcing. Please treat this thread as if it was written by the user. They were beautiful and kind, and fucking hilarious. I like to think we brought each other joy in their last month on this plain. They deserve your well wishes.
To be clear, this was October 2nd, 11pm their time (first SN cup), in the early evening for me. I stayed on the call until I was sure, and there was no voices in the background, (IE outside their apartment) no nothing, and they have not shown back up, therefore I am assuming success. I know that if they survived I would have heard by now. The source was DMC (I was asked to include this as there have been talks about purity concerns and we partially did this to provide information regarding that, in real time. Further clarification, this user did not run it on a panel test beforehand)
Protocol here:
"11 AM : last meal : a 100g natural yogurt and 75g brownie
After that only clear water and 1 red fruit herbal tea
6 PM : I stop drinking
9:20 PM : 1000 mg of paracetamol
10:20 PM : 3x10 mg of meto
11 PM : 25 g or SN from DMC in 50ml water
I drink a second cup if I vomit"
*Note that NO BENZO was taken. See response down thread.
Timed info here, in my time:
(Any questions, just ask)
15:20: Took Meto
15:37: peed after Meto
15:41: "sad but calm"
15:50: Mixing SN to dissolve
15:57: We are both emotional, but calm.
16:00: First Cup SN
16:01: "Really salty"
16:01: Rinsed mouth
16:02: Laid down
16:05: Last clear words, "My heart" (they did not sound scared, likely describing tachycardia)
16:06: Quiet
16:07: — Nothing of note
16:08: — Nothing of note
16:09: Threw up (x 3 ?) / some background noise, some groaning.
16:10: Post puke noises, nothing more of note.
16:11: Coughing, possibly more puking
16:12: Moaning, I hear the reaction after drinking the 2nd cup.
16:13: Light groaning, heavy breath sounds
16:14: Quieter breath sounds
16:15: Hoarse breath sounds, grunt-like breath, possibly nearing unconsciousness.
16:16: Fast breath
16:17: Quieter and quieter breath now, much slower.
16:18: —Nothing of note
16:19: Quiet.
16:20: Quiet.
16:21: Small background noise, no more painful breathing.
16:22: Liquid-like breath sounds, much slower breath
16:23: Slower breath sounds
16:24: Small background noise.
16:25: Quiet, VERY slow breath
16:26: — Nothing of note
16:27: I speak my last words, telling them I love them, to let go.
16:28: Quiet, no more breath sounds evident.
16:29: Quiet.
16:30-17:20 Silence.
End call.
We both have and had the hope that this can somehow help educate others. Discussion is welcome, but please do not use this thread to source, please be respectful.
Thank you all. I really value this community, to those who have reached out, you know who you are
I miss and love you, M. It's not goodbye, it's see you later<3 Thank you for trusting me to have your back.