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May 1, 2023
and possibly get raped, kidnapped, trafficked? there's tons of stories about how TJ cab drivers have held tourists hostage until they paid them or sexually assaulted them. i'm not gonna apologize for preventing that.

Or, arrested for attempting to buy N and thrown in a Mexican prison!!! lol

You are lucky they didn't rob you for your $1,000!

You went to TJ in search of N.

It's too late to clutch your pearls!
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I'm Tired
Dec 12, 2023
Or, arrested for attempting to buy N and thrown in a Mexican prison!!! lol

You are lucky they didn't rob you for your $1,000!

You went to TJ in search of N.

It's too late to clutch your pearls!
get raped is 100x worse than getting arrested. I was fully prepared to get arrested. wrote my husband's number on my arm so I could make my one phone call just in case. get out on bail. ctb before they could come for me.
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May 1, 2023
get raped is 100x worse than getting arrested. I was fully prepared to get arrested. wrote my husband's number on my arm so I could make my one phone call just in case. get out on bail. ctb before they could come for me.

You acknowledged to visiting over 25 stores in Tijuana, and being turned down for N. Do you not understand you were in MEXICO…????

You might have landed up in a Mexican prison.

What if they sold it to you undercover and you were arrested by Mexican cops?

There is no phone call or bail in a Mexican prison!

You didn't get your N, so how were you going to CTB?

The Mexicans were going to break your arm, call your husband and demand money, or else you'd end up as a prison toy.

All around, malo, malo, malo!
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I'm Tired
Dec 12, 2023
You acknowledged to visiting over 25 stores in Tijuana, and being turned down for N. Do you not understand you were in MEXICO…????

You might have landed up in a Mexican prison.

What if they sold it to you undercover and you were arrested by Mexican cops?

There is no phone call or bail in a Mexican prison!

You didn't get your N, so how were you going to CTB?

The Mexicans were going to break your arm, call your husband and demand money, or else you'd end up as a prison toy.

All around, malo, malo, malo!
I didn't even see any cops. I weighed the odds. the chances of me getting caught by mexican police were slim. I was at each place for no more than 5 min and then we booked it. chances are many of the places I went to does/did sell N illegally and wouldn't call the cops and expose themselves. if someone did call the cops, what, I was already 10 miles away and it's not like police are known to be quick and respondent. "hey responder, can you look for this specific car in a city of millions of cars?" because they're so good at that?
you think vet shops just wait undercover everyday for people to buy N? a drug that doesn't even have high demand, has no recreational value, and is low on their list of priorities?
if I got caught, it would be at the american border
and in case you didn't notice we are on a SUICIDE forum detailing a million ways to kys so idk I'd just pick any other way jfc
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I'm Tired
Dec 12, 2023
Welp, no dice in Tijuana, yesterday.

I live a couple hours from TJ so I drove to the San Ysidro port of entry, parked my car, and walked over to TJ. Took less than 2 min.

I hired a driver for the day so I could hop from vet pharmacy shop to shop without having to wait every time for uber/didi/taxi. I went to at least 25+ shops. They all said that I needed a prescription and that it can't be sold because it's a controlled substance or that they didn't have it. When I offered $1000 USD to buy it, some of them absolutely refused and were shocked. A couple shopkeepers, however, really considered it.

One of the seedier looking small shops perked up when I offered him money. He said he really didn't have it but called up his buddy and asked but he also didn't have it. I asked him where I could get it and he suggested a distributor. I go to the distributor and ask him and he says no of course. I then tell him I'll give him $1000 USD. He thinks about it really long and hard and then goes to a back room. He's there for a while and so I'm like oh shit is it happening? He comes back empty handed and says no. It wasn't clear if he didn't have any or he changed his mind but just no.

I also went to 2 shops listed in the PPeH that said they've previously sold it. They both said no, even to my cash offer, but you can tell from their reaction it was very different from other shops. Other shops were truly taken aback when I asked them but these 2 were just like, nah. When I asked where I could get it, one of the shops just told me to go to the other one.

I also went to a shop another SS member used previously (the member said the last time they tried the shopkeepers said they were completely out and couldn't find it anywhere but I thought it was worth a try anyways while I was there). When I asked the shop, they refused me. They weren't out, they just said it was illegal and wouldn't sell it to me. I guess everyone in TJ is spooked.

So yeah, idk, maybe I wasn't convincing enough or didn't offer enough money but I wouldn't bet on TJ if you want to get N. This was an extremely exhausting and demoralizing day and tbh, just made me realize how much more I wanted to kms. Why is it so hard to die? Why can't I just die in peace?

I guess in the end it was good I didn't bring any N back with me because upon re-entering the US, I got detained. I have no idea why, when the border agent was looking at my document Idk what set him off but he made me go into the detention room of shame. He searched me and my bags. Luckily I had nothing illegal. Eventually they let me go but it was a horrible 3 hours in border purgatory. They still never told me why I was detained.

I'm not gonna go to other countries to look for N after what happened upon re-entering the border. I hope my SN shipment comes through and I guess I'll just have to have a less peaceful death.
Ok don't worry everybody, the source ernest "told me" is not ruined. He gave me bad directions so I didn't actually go to it.
I don't appreciate him straight up fabricating what was said in our conversation and attacking me. We had a very brief convo, so no, he did not say those things to me like he's claiming to.
This is how it basically went since I deleted our convo because he kept attacking me and made me stressed out (might be out of order but this is the gist):

Me: Hey can you give me a lead on where to get N in TJ
ernest: I tried helping a member back in october but the shop i usually go to was all out and couldn't find any anywhere. maybe peru would be better.
me: TJ is closer to me and if I don't have to go all the way to Peru that would be preferable

hey I'm in TJ rn can you just give me a lead please
ernest: 1. how old are you 2. do you speak spanish (no cap this is ALL he asked so idk why he's making up all this "I told you this and that")
me: 1. 25 2. yes
ernest: I go to a place on (vague street) good luck

*so I look the place up on my phone and it pulls up 3 different things so I ask my driver and he also can't pinpoint it.

me: hey it's not showing up on maps can you give me a more exact location

*no response from ernest so my driver and i search for like 15 min before he thinks he figured it out and takes me to the spot. there's nothing there. I walked up and down that street for like 20 min before my driver was like, it's probably this vet shop 4 blocks down? So from then on, I believed the source was that shop.

if you ACTUALLY spoke spanish you would know where it is
me: (defends myself in really long paragraph, blah blah, doesn't matter)
anyways he keeps coming at me so I just delete the convo.

Well, I just discovered that the source was not the shop I went to but this different place. so don't worry, the source is safe.

What is interesting though is another member said they've been to the source and already paid them a few hundred dollars as a deposit because the owner said they would get it for them when it was available. It's been months and the owner tells the member it's still not available.
This is what ernest said just today: "I literally spoke with the owner of the shop about 1 week ago and I know for a fact that she had some bottles delivered to her recently, within the last 2 weeks." so either he is lying or the owner is being shady and not giving it to the member for some reason even though they paid. so, beware of ernest or this source if you know about it.
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Feb 17, 2021
I don't think arresting one foreigner looking to get some N to off herself is particularly high on the Mexican police priority list. l personally wouldve found a rogue or shady guy but OP, being female in TJ, has valid concerns with this method.
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Global Mod // will i wiN my recovery arc
Nov 28, 2022
Peru is the option lately. Won't share specific shops, but it is an option
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Global Mod // will i wiN my recovery arc
Nov 28, 2022
no, I don't want to die in Peru and I'm pretty sure I have a flag on my file now so I'd get caught bringing it back
You could apply for a trusted traveler program, tbh


Jan 6, 2023
The dog story was perfectly fine. Everyone who went before you talked about dog or cat and got it. Also you could have asked for references from many people that Ernest helped who got N but haven't used it yet. If he was a scammer he would have been banned already
Whatever. What's done is done no way to change it anymore, let's hope they don't stop selling it to foreigners
Exactly, I could have and would have given references. Other people whom I have helped will speak positively of their interactions with me. There was something about kettlevinbarq that just didn't sit right with me so I was a bit reluctant to give her the address of the shop that I've used. If I did have any faith in kettlevinbarq I could have even called the shop ahead of time to ensure that they knew that specific person was going to the shop to buy two bottles of N. I think that maybe her own paranoia got the better of her and impacted her thought process. Just a bit more research on this site would have found posts made by me and posts made by people whom I have helped in the past.
It doesn't matter what your story is. You think they don't think it's weird that ernest is constantly bringing in a string of people that all happen to have dogs with cancer? and they all can't pay a regular vet to euthanize them but are still willing to pay top dollar for a bottle of N? use basic logic. and i'm just supposed to take the word of a bunch of internet strangers? he could be running all those accounts himself for all I know. so no, as a female, I don't not want to meet a random man.

"Constantly bringing in a string of strangers in..." Since January of this year I have been to the shop 7 times, a couple of times alone and a couple of times I brought other people. Regarding TOP DOLLAR? I paid and the people whom I have helped paid 6000 pesos for two bottles. The last time I checked that was about $360USD, I have not and would not pay much more than that. AND I got that price because I didn't come off as an unstable, weak and suicidal person who came in with an unbelievable story and could barely speak Spanish well enough to tell an unbelievable story. Look, I understand that many suicidal people are desperate and unstable and I feel sympathy and empathy for them, but often times along with that instability comes a distrust of others that may not be rational. I don't know what their reasons are for wanting to CTB, that is their business not mine. I will not help anyone who is under the age of 18, otherwise, all of my posts are searchable here on the site and a bit of research might have helped you get what you wanted. I bear you (kettlevinbarq) no ill will and I do hope that you do find the peace that you seek.

- Ernest
You acknowledged to visiting over 25 stores in Tijuana, and being turned down for N. Do you not understand you were in MEXICO…????

You might have landed up in a Mexican prison.

What if they sold it to you undercover and you were arrested by Mexican cops?

There is no phone call or bail in a Mexican prison!

You didn't get your N, so how were you going to CTB?

The Mexicans were going to break your arm, call your husband and demand money, or else you'd end up as a prison toy.

All around, malo, malo, malo!
Agreed. That is a mind that was not thinking clearly... SO DRAMATIC!

I sincerely apologize to the entire community for trusting this person (kettlevinbarq) with the actual address of the shop that has worked for me in the past. Only time will tell if the site is still a viable location to buy what many of us want.

- Ernest
You acknowledged to visiting over 25 stores in Tijuana, and being turned down for N. Do you not understand you were in MEXICO…????

You might have landed up in a Mexican prison.

What if they sold it to you undercover and you were arrested by Mexican cops?

There is no phone call or bail in a Mexican prison!

You didn't get your N, so how were you going to CTB?

The Mexicans were going to break your arm, call your husband and demand money, or else you'd end up as a prison toy.

All around, malo, malo, malo!
Agreed. That is a mind that was not thinking clearly... SO DRAMATIC!

I sincerely apologize to the entire community for trusting this person (kettlevinbarq) with the actual address of the shop that has worked for me in the past. Only time will tell if the site is still a viable location to buy what many of us want.

- Ernest
Ok don't worry everybody, the source ernest "told me" is not ruined. He gave me bad directions so I didn't actually go to it.
I don't appreciate him straight up fabricating what was said in our conversation and attacking me. We had a very brief convo, so no, he did not say those things to me like he's claiming to.
This is how it basically went since I deleted our convo because he kept attacking me and made me stressed out (might be out of order but this is the gist):

Me: Hey can you give me a lead on where to get N in TJ
ernest: I tried helping a member back in october but the shop i usually go to was all out and couldn't find any anywhere. maybe peru would be better.
me: TJ is closer to me and if I don't have to go all the way to Peru that would be preferable

hey I'm in TJ rn can you just give me a lead please
ernest: 1. how old are you 2. do you speak spanish (no cap this is ALL he asked so idk why he's making up all this "I told you this and that")
me: 1. 25 2. yes
ernest: I go to a place on (vague street) good luck
kettlevinbarq: According to you and I agree, I told you that I tried back in October for someone else but N could not be found back then. A couple of weeks ago, the owner of the shop contacted me telling me that she had a shipment coming in within the next 10 days and that she could set three bottles aside for me. By that time the person I was helping at that time ended up receiving their own shipment of SN and decided to CTB using that rather than wait for the N, I wish him peace. THAT is how good of a working relationship I HAD built with the shop and the family!

When I gave you the address of the shop, it was NOT vague, I gave you the address as it is listed directly on the shops business card. It's not my fault that YOU didn't understand it because your Spanish isn't good enough. Why your driver didn't understand it, IDK. That is how I knew for sure that you had lied to me about your being able to speak Spanish. Face it, you got paranoid and fucked up the whole venture.
Exactly, I could have and would have given references. Other people whom I have helped will speak positively of their interactions with me. There was something about kettlevinbarq that just didn't sit right with me so I was a bit reluctant to give her the address of the shop that I've used. If I did have any faith in kettlevinbarq I could have even called the shop ahead of time to ensure that they knew that specific person was going to the shop to buy two bottles of N. I think that maybe her own paranoia got the better of her and impacted her thought process. Just a bit more research on this site would have found posts made by me and posts made by people whom I have helped in the past.

"Constantly bringing in a string of strangers in..." Since January of this year I have been to the shop 7 times, a couple of times alone and a couple of times I brought other people. Regarding TOP DOLLAR? I paid and the people whom I have helped paid 6000 pesos for two bottles. The last time I checked that was about $360USD, I have not and would not pay much more than that. AND I got that price because I didn't come off as an unstable, weak and suicidal person who came in with an unbelievable story and could barely speak Spanish well enough to tell an unbelievable story. Look, I understand that many suicidal people are desperate and unstable and I feel sympathy and empathy for them, but often times along with that instability comes a distrust of others that may not be rational. I don't know what their reasons are for wanting to CTB, that is their business not mine. I will not help anyone who is under the age of 18, otherwise, all of my posts are searchable here on the site and a bit of research might have helped you get what you wanted. I bear you (kettlevinbarq) no ill will and I do hope that you do find the peace that you seek.

- Ernest

Agreed. That is a mind that was not thinking clearly... SO DRAMATIC!

I sincerely apologize to the entire community for trusting this person (kettlevinbarq) with the actual address of the shop that has worked for me in the past. Only time will tell if the site is still a viable location to buy what many of us want.

- Ernest
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I'm Tired
Dec 12, 2023
Exactly, I could have and would have given references. Other people whom I have helped will speak positively of their interactions with me. There was something about kettlevinbarq that just didn't sit right with me so I was a bit reluctant to give her the address of the shop that I've used. If I did have any faith in kettlevinbarq I could have even called the shop ahead of time to ensure that they knew that specific person was going to the shop to buy two bottles of N. I think that maybe her own paranoia got the better of her and impacted her thought process. Just a bit more research on this site would have found posts made by me and posts made by people whom I have helped in the past.

"Constantly bringing in a string of strangers in..." Since January of this year I have been to the shop 7 times, a couple of times alone and a couple of times I brought other people. Regarding TOP DOLLAR? I paid and the people whom I have helped paid 6000 pesos for two bottles. The last time I checked that was about $360USD, I have not and would not pay much more than that. AND I got that price because I didn't come off as an unstable, weak and suicidal person who came in with an unbelievable story and could barely speak Spanish well enough to tell an unbelievable story. Look, I understand that many suicidal people are desperate and unstable and I feel sympathy and empathy for them, but often times along with that instability comes a distrust of others that may not be rational. I don't know what their reasons are for wanting to CTB, that is their business not mine. I will not help anyone who is under the age of 18, otherwise, all of my posts are searchable here on the site and a bit of research might have helped you get what you wanted. I bear you (kettlevinbarq) no ill will and I do hope that you do find the peace that you seek.

- Ernest

Agreed. That is a mind that was not thinking clearly... SO DRAMATIC!

I sincerely apologize to the entire community for trusting this person (kettlevinbarq) with the actual address of the shop that has worked for me in the past. Only time will tell if the site is still a viable location to buy what many of us want.

- Ernest

Agreed. That is a mind that was not thinking clearly... SO DRAMATIC!

I sincerely apologize to the entire community for trusting this person (kettlevinbarq) with the actual address of the shop that has worked for me in the past. Only time will tell if the site is still a viable location to buy what many of us want.

- Ernest

kettlevinbarq: According to you and I agree, I told you that I tried back in October for someone else but N could not be found back then. A couple of weeks ago, the owner of the shop contacted me telling me that she had a shipment coming in within the next 10 days and that she could set three bottles aside for me. By that time the person I was helping at that time ended up receiving their own shipment of SN and decided to CTB using that rather than wait for the N, I wish him peace. THAT is how good of a working relationship I HAD built with the shop and the family!

When I gave you the address of the shop, it was NOT vague, I gave you the address as it is listed directly on the shops business card. It's not my fault that YOU didn't understand it because your Spanish isn't good enough. Why your driver didn't understand it, IDK. That is how I knew for sure that you had lied to me about your being able to speak Spanish. Face it, you got paranoid and fucked up the whole venture.
from your relentless, psychotic antagonization on this forum, it's evident that not meeting up with you was absolutely the best decision, god bless.

you wanna tell me why you're such a pathological liar about saying all those things to me when you never actually did? pull. up. the. receipts. what is wrong with you? you are not a trustworthy person.

and if you felt something was off about me, then you shouldn't have given out the address at all so that's on you. i told you if even my driver who only speaks spanish and DRIVES FOR A LIVING and has lived in TJ for over 2 decades couldn't figure it out then your directions were unclear. every single other address I gave him, he was immediately like, no problem, leggo. if you had just said the name of the shop then I wouldn't have needed clarification. if you look up the shop you can see that the address is much longer than the vague address you gave me.

and since I didn't even actually go to the correct shop, I don't know why you're still blaming me for ruining the source and not knowing if it's still viable when it was never actually interfered with. piss off and GET OFF MY D

you are lying if you think going to get N any more than once is not weird. not once, twice, but SEVEN?? are you a vet? what are your credentials? the fact that you even have a close working relationship for these purposes is already sus. and now you're getting 3 MORE bottles? don't you already have 3 bottles? how many cancer dogs do you have? max you should only need 2. one to test and one to use.

AND, the fact that they are so easily spooked by people coming to ask for it exemplifies how aware they are what they're doing is illegal. If they were legit, what do they have to be afraid of? you're delusional.

the fact that the shop has it and hasn't given it to the member who already paid months ago is extremely sus. wanna tell me why?

they know they're doing illegal shit and they continue to because of money. they keep working with you because they know you bring in consistent income. any reputable vet knows not to give out something so deadly to a civilian and knows they should inspect the animal in person before just handing out N, something every vet in TJ knows can be used for illegal reasons. it's a controlled substance and they know that. giving it out to a civilian because "they want to be the one that wants to be by their side and be the one to do it" makes 0 sense because dogs can't drink the N, it has to be administered through IV. all of these people know how to do that? and the vet was able to verify that they know how to properly administer injections before giving them N? if improperly administered it would make the dog SUFFER. so STOP LYING.

paying $360 IS top dollar considering euthanizing an animal is max $250 in even the US so TJ would be significantly less than that. considering that the average monthly salary in TJ is around $700 usd, selling a couple bottles of N at $360 is very appealing since they could make so much by doing so little.

your shop is untouched so for ONE LAST TIME LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.
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Jan 6, 2023
from your relentless, psychotic antagonization on this forum, it's evident that not meeting up with you was absolutely the best decision, god bless.

you wanna tell me why you're such a pathological liar about saying all those things to me when you never actually did? pull. up. the. receipts. what is wrong with you? you are not a trustworthy person.

and if you felt something was off about me, then you shouldn't have given out the address at all so that's on you. i told you if even my driver who only speaks spanish and DRIVES FOR A LIVING and has lived in TJ for over 2 decades couldn't figure it out then your directions were unclear. every single other address I gave him, he was immediately like, no problem, leggo. if you had just said the name of the shop then I wouldn't have needed clarification. if you look up the shop you can see that the address is much longer than the vague address you gave me.

and since I didn't even actually go to the correct shop, I don't know why you're still blaming me for ruining the source and not knowing if it's still viable when it was never actually interfered with. piss off and GET OFF MY D

you are lying if you think going to get N any more than once is not weird. not once, twice, but SEVEN?? are you a vet? what are your credentials? the fact that you even have a close working relationship for these purposes is already sus. and now you're getting 3 MORE bottles? don't you already have 3 bottles? how many cancer dogs do you have? max you should only need 2. one to test and one to use.

AND, the fact that they are so easily spooked by people coming to ask for it exemplifies how aware they are what they're doing is illegal. If they were legit, what do they have to be afraid of? you're delusional.

the fact that the shop has it and hasn't given it to the member who already paid months ago is extremely sus. wanna tell me why?

they know they're doing illegal shit and they continue to because of money. they keep working with you because they know you bring in consistent income. any reputable vet knows not to give out something so deadly to a civilian and knows they should inspect the animal in person before just handing out N, something every vet in TJ knows can be used for illegal reasons. it's a controlled substance and they know that. giving it out to a civilian because "they want to be the one that wants to be by their side and be the one to do it" makes 0 sense because dogs can't drink the N, it has to be administered through IV. all of these people know how to do that? and the vet was able to verify that they know how to properly administer injections before giving them N? if improperly administered it would make the dog SUFFER. so STOP LYING.

paying $360 IS top dollar considering euthanizing an animal is max $250 in even the US so TJ would be significantly less than that. considering that the average monthly salary in TJ is around $700 usd, selling a couple bottles of N at $360 is very appealing since they could make so much by doing so little.

your shop is untouched so for ONE LAST TIME LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.
OMG, YOU keep adding to this thread. Let it go, lady. I am done.

- Ernest
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I'm Tired
Dec 12, 2023
OMG, YOU keep adding to this thread. Let it go, lady. I am done.

- Ernest
because it's MY POST. you're the one who commented even though nobody asked you and keeps responding. fuck the hell off, take your savior complex, and go be a pathological liar (you gonna admit to it yet??? funny how radio silent you are on that.) somewhere else.
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Nov 18, 2021
The good old times.

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A clown 🤡
Jan 2, 2023
The things we have to do to have control and agency over our own bodies and lives...

Damn this anti-choice and controlling world, if they truly cared about people's well-being they would improve people's lives and this world enough so that people choose to live by choice instead of living because they have no choice.

They could address problems such as war, inequality, discrimination, abuse, excessive competition, pollution, labor exploitation, insecurity, lack of basic needs, bullying and many other problems, but they prefer to lock people in intolerable lives with the pathetic excuse of "saving " or "for your own good" and after supposedly "saving" you they continue treating you with indifference or they simply want to medicalize and individualize your problems and offer you drugs and therapy as if that would fix this horrible world that doesn't even allow you to have control over your own body and life.

What a fucking joke this world is.
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Nov 9, 2023
because it's MY POST. you're the one who commented even though nobody asked you and keeps responding. fuck the hell off, take your savior complex, and go be a pathological liar (you gonna admit to it yet??? funny how radio silent you are on that.) somewhere else.
Thank you for your brave attempt and for sharing your experience with us! There really are a lot of scammers in this neighborhood and a lot of people who also catalog to hurt others...

I am glad you are safe❤️
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I'm Tired
Dec 12, 2023
Thank you for your brave attempt and for sharing your experience with us! There really are a lot of scammers in this neighborhood and a lot of people who also catalog to hurt others...

I am glad you are safe❤️
ty for your kind words 💕

I have no evidence of any actual scamming and have presented everything I know about the situation. but what I do know for a fact is that ernest lied about a bunch of stuff for no reason and created major discrepancies. this contradicts the trustworthy persona he has crafted throughout the forum.

I think people should be a lot more wary of not just him but everyone before they meet, exchange money, or exchange personal info because this is an anonymous forum and we don't know who has malicious intent. if someone straight up lies for no reason, then what else are they capable of?

it can be easy to disregard these concerns because we are all desperate for N and will jump at any opportunity but I think it's worth it to protect yourself. because if you're seeking N, then you're seeking a peaceful death so taking the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe until the end so you can go out on your terms without additional suffering would be the best.
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Nov 25, 2023
***** is the option lately. Won't share specific shops, but it is an option
Can we please try to keep this info in pms?
It would be a great shame if we manage to close down the only source in the world for this method that should be available for free to anyone. I don't know if I'm trying to fix a sinking ship here but fwiw..

I don't wanna come off as rude so pls don't take it wrong I know you're a mod but if you lead by example we can maybe keep this intact

I hope it's ok to write this
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Dec 19, 2023
It's great to know, that there is a source, but without the support of a spanisch speaking "inhabitant lookalike" it's no use to me. They won't sell it to me anyway, Iam a "gringo".

So what is my option, when I don't find someone here who travels FOR ME to that specific country? Fetches it for me and sells it to me for a higher price? In addition to that, I also need to pay his/her fights and acommodations... That gets so expensive! I mean, I already have to pay my own flights. I know how valuable N is and it's absolutely worth it, but I cannot afford that much, I wished I could... But I could afford to do it by myself, If I would look different...
Maybe if interests share the costs of that middleman... Need to be many interests then... :/



Aug 4, 2022
ty for your kind words 💕

I have no evidence of any actual scamming and have presented everything I know about the situation. but what I do know for a fact is that ernest lied about a bunch of stuff for no reason and created major discrepancies. this contradicts the trustworthy persona he has crafted throughout the forum.

I think people should be a lot more wary of not just him but everyone before they meet, exchange money, or exchange personal info because this is an anonymous forum and we don't know who has malicious intent. if someone straight up lies for no reason, then what else are they capable of?

it can be easy to disregard these concerns because we are all desperate for N and will jump at any opportunity but I think it's worth it to protect yourself. because if you're seeking N, then you're seeking a peaceful death so taking the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe until the end so you can go out on your terms without additional suffering would be the best.
Ernest is not a scammer. He has a proven to be a valuable member here who has helped many people get their N. Just because you failed to get it doesn't mean he is at fault. He tried to help you but you refused it
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I'm not the dog in the picture
Jun 12, 2023
The capybara seem very logical and rational... Besides it might not be that easy, if even possible, to acquire it anymore...

There are many other relatively peaceful ways, why bother with that shit lol.

You think a vet shop would risk their livelihood like that?
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Tears in Rain

Tears in Rain

Dec 12, 2023
This thread has become a bit of a tit-for-tat between people. Maybe it's time to lock it?


May 1, 2023
It's great to know, that there is a source, but without the support of a spanisch speaking "inhabitant lookalike" it's no use to me. They won't sell it to me anyway, Iam a "gringo".

So what is my option, when I don't find someone here who travels FOR ME to that specific country? Fetches it for me and sells it to me for a higher price? In addition to that, I also need to pay his/her fights and acommodations... That gets so expensive! I mean, I already have to pay my own flights. I know how valuable N is and it's absolutely worth it, but I cannot afford that much, I wished I could... But I could afford to do it by myself, If I would look different...
Maybe if interests share the costs of that middleman... Need to be many interests then... :/


With the way people speak about Mexicans, switch to a blaccent, and now the gringo commenting, this thread is just so racist!

Latinos can be of any race.

Nonetheless, I'm pro-choice and hope everyone finds their peaceful method!


I'm Tired
Dec 12, 2023
Ernest is not a scammer. He has a proven to be a valuable member here who has helped many people get their N. Just because you failed to get it doesn't mean he is at fault. He tried to help you but you refused it
are you illiterate? I'm not even going to try to argue with you because you just can't read jfc


Aug 4, 2022
are you illiterate? I'm not even going to try to argue with you because you just can't read jfc
Whatever. You said it contradicts his trustworthy persona when it doesnt. You are the only one it has happened to. Everyone else got their N perfectly fine. Doesnt sound like ernest is at fault here.
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I'm Tired
Dec 12, 2023
Whatever. You said it contradicts his trustworthy persona when it doesnt. You are the only one it has happened to. Everyone else got their N perfectly fine. Doesnt sound like ernest is at fault here.
lol go away ernest's fake profile
The capybara seem very logical and rational...
lol this made me laugh ty
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