They are trying to prevent deaths among Americans who do not know how to clean and are freaked out by the COVID-19 scare.
It's not a how-to manual. Chemical suicide has nothing to recommend it, no matter what you read.
First responders can die, and they are stressed enough as it is. Google "chemical suicide cdc stacks" for a handy table.
If you don't get the proportions/ingredients just right, you could wind up with a nasty, painful experience reminiscent of a concentration camp.
You will become hazmat and likely turn yellow-gray. If you think your family's troubled by you turning blue, this will not make them feel better.
The reason this became common in Japan and called "detergent suicide" is because the active ingredients were present in everyday household cleaners in dangerous amounts. That has since been corrected, and some of the better ingredients have become more difficult to source in many places.
I feel like I'm leaving something out. Search and click on my other posts about this if you're still curious. Oh yeah, your car is totaled, too.
I know a lot about this if anyone has questions, but for now I'm off to bed. I'll get with you tomorrow.