

Oct 30, 2021
Christiany held back scientific progress for centuries.
That's a myth
under christian rule
Mostly Catholics. I agree they have an evil history
Moral principles come into place when larger groups of people start living together.
Yes. Certain "Morals" prosper while others die out. It makes these moral systems refined.
You mentioned greek philosophy yourself so I don't understand why you see christianity as essential.
I just prefer it.
Greek philosophy also had many "similarities" to Christian principles. A unique coincidence is that some Greek philosophers leaned towards Monotheism and away from Polytheism, which was unpopular at the time.

It's not essential. I just view it as the most effective and logical route.
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Jul 15, 2020
Pro choice all the way..the other side has caused way too much harm
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Feb 15, 2019
Only in the case of rape and if the pregnancy may be unavoidably dangerous.
Modern infatuations like on abortion and transsexualism only spring the word "Satanic" to mind, ive asked non-religious people and they agree with me aswell.

If you don't want unnecessary pregnancy don't go on a cock carousel.
I understand this mostly happens to certain socio-economic populations, for example in the US, but there seems to be a rising number of middle class white or Jewish middleage women who are very keen on abortions. They are extremely hateful, sad miserable people.
I've never seen so much neuroticism, mental illness, amorality and stupidity as in the white and Jewish North American population.

Out of curiosity, how do you rationalize being prolife about abortion but prochoice about suicide? Religious moralities tend to assign sacredness to human life and thus forbid both abortion and suicide.
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Nov 28, 2021
Yes but only upto a certain number of months.
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Mar 18, 2021
Pro-choice on abortion is the only rational position.
I wouldn't go that far. Even without the belief in a soul, one could argue that abortion, even in very early stages where there is little to no brain activity, may lead to moral decay of a society by giving someone the right to choose wether a life is allowed to exist or not.

I personally don't believe that but I think thats the core of what snow leopard is suggesting when you scratch off all the satanaic bs
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Oct 30, 2021
I wouldn't go that far. Even without the belief in a soul, one could argue that abortion, even in very early stages where there is little to no brain activity, may lead to moral decay of a society by giving someone the right to choose wether a life is allowed to exist or not.

I personally don't believe that but I think thats the core of what snow leopard is suggesting when you scratch off all the satanaic bs
Bingo 😌


Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
I wouldn't go that far. Even without the belief in a soul, one could argue that abortion, even in very early stages where there is little to no brain activity, may lead to moral decay of a society by giving someone the right to choose wether a life is allowed to exist or not.

I personally don't believe that but I think thats the core of what snow leopard is suggesting when you scratch off all the satanaic bs
I mean, theoretically that could be the case. In the real world it's clearly not though. So it's not a rational position to hold in the real world.


uncertain of things
Nov 28, 2021
pro-choice, definitely
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Nov 16, 2021
Pro-choice. Making abortions illegal would only make women search for dangerous ways to abort. Areas where abortion is illegal already have black market abortion pills and surgeries, that obviously are dangerous. Self determination is a human right, and a person has every right to do anything they want to their body. I think being on a suicide forum and harming yourself while simultaneously being anti abortion is hypocritical.
I've talked to men about this and their stance mostly seems to be that they're pro-choice, but wouldn't want their baby to get aborted. I think that's valid reasoning, and especially if you're in a relationship you should talk about the options you two have and what you want.
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Nov 25, 2019
Wow these nazi garbageboys really aren't afraid of expressing some ludicrous made-up bullshit are they? Sure would be nice if this forum had moderators, huh?

If you're offended that someone else has access to a vital medical procedure, that's YOUR problem. Go and tell your invisible friend, and leave the thinking to the rest of us.
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Enigmatic Sailor

Enigmatic Sailor

vicissitudes of fate...
Oct 29, 2021
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Dec 4, 2020
Teigger warning (I warned you, don't come at me):
I'm def pro choice. There's too much of us anyway and MOST people are not fit to raise children, because of financial status and/or incompetence.
But, but, but, I somehow can't put my head around the disctinction between embrio and fetus.
Overall, yes, abort away, but at least have the guts to admit you are kinda muredering a human being.
Overall, I don't care. Just sayin, I'm divided, not even rationaly, but instinctualy - it's very confusing to me how a concieved embrio is not alive just as a fetus is. And I know all the arguments. But still. Aaaaargh! Why can't I just be sure of anything? Being a categorical sceptic sucks ass. Can't agree with the opinionated. None of them.


Nov 25, 2019
Teigger warning (I warned you, don't come at me):
I'm def pro choice. There's too much of us anyway and MOST people are not fit to raise children, because of financial status and/or incompetence.
But, but, but, I somehow can't put my head around the disctinction between embrio and fetus.
Overall, yes, abort away, but at least have the guts to admit you are kinda muredering a human being.
Overall, I don't care. Just sayin, I'm divided, not even rationaly, but instinctualy - it's very confusing to me how a concieved embrio is not alive just as a fetus is. And I know all the arguments. But still. Aaaaargh! Why can't I just be sure of anything? Being a categorical sceptic sucks ass. Can't agree with the opinionated. None of them.
That's not pro-choice mate, thats antinatalism.

Being pro-choice is about acknowledging that you don't have dominion over someone else's body.
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Jul 7, 2019
Not my body, therefore not my business.

I really don't see the point in banning stuff like this procedure, maybe I'm biased, but it's beyond ridiculous that there are laws preventing people from making decisions about their lives and their future. The state should not have such control over someone's existence.

There's no real reason why we should prioritize the life of an unborn person over the choice of a women.
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crippled with grief
Nov 8, 2021
would take a specially evil person to be a member of this forum but still be pro-life when it comes to abortion lmao.
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Dec 1, 2021
ofc not. If you don't want to have a baby, you shouldn't have made one. You can always give it to an orphanage, etc. abortion is killing a little human being you support it - you're murderer.


𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
If this topic is not allowed plz delete it.
Yesterday I read an article about anti-abortion people in the US. I simply cannot understand it. Many aspects of religion are so dumb. I am so glad I do not live in the US. I am very much pro-choice when it comes to abortion. Many women get raped and then they are pregnant. No kid wants to be procreated by rape. Many people (like my parents) should not be allowed to have kids. Without abortion there will be many unloved children whose misery could have been easily prevented.
How about letting people decide for themselves? WHY does it even have to be a fucking debate? Can't people decide what they want to do with their own body?

It's so pretentious for one individual to think that he can decide for another. Religion might be dumb to you but it's everything for some people. Religion is what pushed people to build the the Taj mahal and the pyramid and other wonders. Religion did incredible things for humans.

You are not the one to decide who can have kids and who can't. If you don't have kids, don't have them and leave people the fuck alone.

It's no secret that I have no compassion for people on SS who have kids and are suicidal, but I still respect that it's their body and they can fuck and reproduce if it pleases them. I just wish everyone had access to free peacefull suicide.


Aug 18, 2020
How about letting people decide for themselves? WHY does it even have to be a fucking debate? Can't people decide what they want to do with their own body?

It's so pretentious for one individual to think that he can decide for another. Religion might be dumb to you but it's everything for some people. Religion is what pushed people to build the the Taj mahal and the pyramid and other wonders. Religion did incredible things for humans.

You are not the one to decide who can have kids and who can't. If you don't have kids, don't have them and leave people the fuck alone.

It's no secret that I have no compassion for people on SS who have kids and are suicidal, but I still respect that it's their body and they can fuck and reproduce if it pleases them. I just wish everyone had access to free peacefull suicide.
I think there is a difference. It is okay that people can do what they want with their own body. But in this scenario another(potential) human being is involved. For example you could say what is the matter with taking drugs during pregnancy it is their own body. No there is another human being involved. Or sometihng that will evolve into one and it will have to live with the consequences.


𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
I think there is a difference. It is okay that people can do what they want with their own body. But in this scenario another(potential) human being is involved. For example you could say what is the matter with taking drugs during pregnancy it is their own body. No there is another human being involved. Or sometihng that will evolve into one and it will have to live with the consequences.
But even so, who would you be to decide even if another person is involved? Given that you have nothing to do with that person? Nobody is an island into himself. The kids still belongs to its parents because it is the result of their genes, their body. What do you, an outsider, has anything to say in the matter?
Some people are born into all sort of misery but are still very grateful to be alive. Don't generalise your reaction to life and don't meddle with other people's business.

If you have a kid, you're allowed to tell your kid to not hang out with certain other kids but you have no right on these other kids. At least, no more right than their parents.

Your example of someone taking drug during pregnancy is a valid point.
However, listen. I grew up with a severely, chronically alcoholic dad. Some people grow up with sexually abusive parents. Some people are born with severe skizophrenia. Drug abuse is just one form of illness among all these things.

you need to to consider that there are people like me who will never reproduce because we don't want to pass on the pain. Those who don't mind passing on the pain should be able to. Because reproduction is a right. And stopping people from reproducing, whoever they are, is genocide.

The government should have very little to say about how people live their lives. The rest should be lest to trust and social conditioning. For example, many things are not illegal but we still don't do them because we're scared of social ostracisation. The reason I hate antinatalists so much is that they reaso like pro lifers, they think they have a say about someone else's life.

What makes you think that you can be the voice of a baby born from a crackhead ? I was born to abusive parents, sometimes I wish I wasn't born. But this is how I feel. I would have despised the idea of a mere stranger coming to my parents and telling them that they can't conceive me. Mere outsiders deciding for me, before I'm even given a chance to make my mind about if I want to live or not, based on their own version of how life should be.

IsnThe whole antinatalist movement is full of hypocrites. They can just kill themselves if they think non existence is the solution to everything. Certainly, this way, they won't have to go through the misery of seeing people giving birth to "defective" people.

A lot of geniuses in this world were born in shitty circonstances, a lot of great artists had very very very shitty backgroung. You're not God to tell who can reproduce and who can't. By doing so, you are chosing for the kid who isn't even born, you are deciding that it shouldn't even be born, when nature granted that decision to the parents. That's pure pretense. You're taking away his chance to make himself an opinion. This is just really unnecessary. Just mind yourself and your family and friends the best you can and leave strangers alone for God sake. Not every topic has to be political. Learn to accept that the purpose of the existence of some people is beyond your understanding and just avoid people you don't like the best you can.

Trust. Trust is what's lacing in you whole discourse. A lot of parents chose to terminate pregnancies when they realize the child is defectiuous. Others chose to keep the infant. People can regulate themselves without the law intervening. That's what I hate about your idea, it gives more power to the government and weakens the family institution.


Aug 18, 2020
But even so, who would you be to decide even if another person is involved? Given that you have nothing to do with that person? Nobody is an island into himself. The kids still belongs to its parents because it is the result of their genes, their body. What do you, an outsider, has anything to say in the matter?
Some people are born into all sort of misery but are still very grateful to be alive. Don't generalise your reaction to life and don't meddle with other people's business.

If you have a kid, you're allowed to tell your kid to not hang out with certain other kids but you have no right on these other kids. At least, no more right than their parents.

Your example of someone taking drug during pregnancy is a valid point.
However, listen. I grew up with a severely, chronically alcoholic dad. Some people grow up with sexually abusive parents. Some people are born with severe skizophrenia. Drug abuse is just one form of illness among all these things.

you need to to consider that there are people like me who will never reproduce because we don't want to pass on the pain. Those who don't mind passing on the pain should be able to. Because reproduction is a right. And stopping people from reproducing, whoever they are, is genocide.

The government should have very little to say about how people live their lives. The rest should be lest to trust and social conditioning. For example, many things are not illegal but we still don't do them because we're scared of social ostracisation. The reason I hate antinatalists so much is that they reaso like pro lifers, they think they have a say about someone else's life.

What makes you think that you can be the voice of a baby born from a crackhead ? I was born to abusive parents, sometimes I wish I wasn't born. But this is how I feel. I would have despised the idea of a mere stranger coming to my parents and telling them that they can't conceive me. Mere outsiders deciding for me, before I'm even given a chance to make my mind about if I want to live or not, based on their own version of how life should be.

IsnThe whole antinatalist movement is full of hypocrites. They can just kill themselves if they think non existence is the solution to everything. Certainly, this way, they won't have to go through the misery of seeing people giving birth to "defective" people.

A lot of geniuses in this world were born in shitty circonstances, a lot of great artists had very very very shitty backgroung. You're not God to tell who can reproduce and who can't. By doing so, you are chosing for the kid who isn't even born, you are deciding that it shouldn't even be born, when nature granted that decision to the parents. That's pure pretense. You're taking away his chance to make himself an opinion. This is just really unnecessary. Just mind yourself and your family and friends the best you can and leave strangers alone for God sake. Not every topic has to be political. Learn to accept that the purpose of the existence of some people is beyond your understanding and just avoid people you don't like the best you can.

Trust. Trust is what's lacing in you whole discourse. A lot of parents chose to terminate pregnancies when they realize the child is defectiuous. Others chose to keep the infant. People can regulate themselves without the law intervening. That's what I hate about your idea, it gives more power to the government and weakens the family institution.
My parents mistreated me over a decade. I wish someone would have intervened even though it was the "business" of my parents.
I am not sure whether I am an antinatalist. But I am sure if I was one I would never make it a mandate. So no genocide potential. I am also not sure if it would harm the society if many many would stop reproducing.
This point that antinatalists would be hypocrites is nonsense. They are not promortalists. Suicide is very difficult and painful. Antinatalists know that. Life is like a balance sheet. Even if you feel not good everyday most people continue living. Only when it gets to a real misery the people ctb.

I could say much more. But I have no time for that.
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uncertain of things
Nov 28, 2021
What do you all think about Roe v. Wade getting gutted?


Jan 29, 2022
Not only I'm pro-choice I feel like I'm also becoming an antinatalist. Our world is such a horrible and meaningless place and our planet is already too overpopulated. Non existence never hurt anyone while existence hurts everyone.
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Waiting for the bus
Apr 2, 2022


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Apr 25, 2022
I'm pro abortion. So much so that I think it should the default. If the mother and father can't pass a test proving that they can take care of child, and also provide documentation that they can afford it, the mother should be forced to kill the child immediately. The first killing should be free. Beyond that the entire cost of every killing should be due immediately upon extraction. Wire hangers, antibiotics, and condoms should be available in every public and school bathroom.
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Apr 25, 2022
We are going to be underpopulated soon... look at places like Japan. There aren't going to be enough people to support their elderly in 10 years. I don't subscribe to the overpopulation or severe climate change of our planet propaganda. The science doesn't back up these fears.


Apr 23, 2022
Idrc im not gonna be passing my seed onanyways but let's say I did if she wanted to abort it that's her choice id just go make a baby with somone who wants a baby ezy


Dec 20, 2020
"You can't kill anymore , you can't kill anymore like you used to dooooo"

My song for the abortion clinics after the decision is announced

These fool American women murdered their own babies.