

Nov 23, 2023
I notice how bitter I am. I lose my temper very easily, small misfortunes piss me off, simple tasks like taking out the trash is a huge inconvenience to me. I hate talking to most people, someone coming up out of nowhere to start a conversation is enough to anger me, especially if they ask me for a favor. Older people usually ask me to teach them how to use electronics and i hate that, because I consider it something so simple and they ask me to teach them when they could learn it themselves if they only tried. I also don't see the point in teaching them if they're just going to forget anyway. So I often say that I don't know or that I'll figure it out soon just to avoid them. I don't respect my mom, I always lose patience with her easily and raise my voice. I regret it right away, but it's useless because I have no self control and such beahavio will repeat over and over again. it seems like she only needs me when I'm mad, but maybe I'm always mad.

I just prefer to remain unbothered, any external disturbance infuriates me. Sometimes I think I'm like this because I don't have happy moments, so I'm always overwhelmed. Are you like that too?
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May 11, 2024
Very much so. Try to hide it but hard to do so.


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
I think I have been for a long time but got better at swallowing it.

Letting it show again. The bad thoughts were always right after all.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
yes cause they banned all guaranteed suicide methods like nembutal, assisted suicide , suicide booths etc.
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Mar 11, 2019
Towards my brain yes, and maybe that makes me a tad pissed when others show a lack of basic humility.
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Jan 1, 2024
Yes everything irritates me
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Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
Sometimes yes.
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Dec 14, 2021
I used to be but I'm so apathetic now nothing really matters.
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Jul 8, 2023
My mother asks me for help with her iPad all the time. Completely oblivious of the fact that this is the most heinous thing you can do to an Android/Windows user.
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May 30, 2024
I notice how bitter I am. I lose my temper very easily, small misfortunes piss me off, simple tasks like taking out the trash is a huge inconvenience to me. I hate talking to most people, someone coming up out of nowhere to start a conversation is enough to anger me, especially if they ask me for a favor. Older people usually ask me to teach them how to use electronics and i hate that, because I consider it something so simple and they ask me to teach them when they could learn it themselves if they only tried. I also don't see the point in teaching them if they're just going to forget anyway. So I often say that I don't know or that I'll figure it out soon just to avoid them. I don't respect my mom, I always lose patience with her easily and raise my voice. I regret it right away, but it's useless because I have no self control and such beahavio will repeat over and over again. it seems like she only needs me when I'm mad, but maybe I'm always mad.

I just prefer to remain unbothered, any external disturbance infuriates me. Sometimes I think I'm like this because I don't have happy moments, so I'm always overwhelmed. Are you like that too?
Sometimes i'm like that too. But I wouldn't call it bitterness in my case tbh, it's more of being sensitive and wanting to remain "unbothered". But I quickly forget about it afterwards lol.


Global Mod
Jun 24, 2023
i don't find myself bitter. then again i've always been a timid rather tame person. i rarely find myself in a place where i'm bothered by anything other than myself that could make me lose my temper.

perhaps it's because i live on my own. maybe if it felt i had outside sources messing with me or invading my space it would annoy me. however for the time being i'm still just in a very regular mood but kind of numb. feel like that's worse than being sad however because at least when i'm sad it feels like i'm expressing my feelings. being numb just feels so bleak.


it's still raining
May 27, 2024
I notice how bitter I am. I lose my temper very easily, small misfortunes piss me off, simple tasks like taking out the trash is a huge inconvenience to me. I hate talking to most people, someone coming up out of nowhere to start a conversation is enough to anger me, especially if they ask me for a favor. Older people usually ask me to teach them how to use electronics and i hate that, because I consider it something so simple and they ask me to teach them when they could learn it themselves if they only tried. I also don't see the point in teaching them if they're just going to forget anyway. So I often say that I don't know or that I'll figure it out soon just to avoid them. I don't respect my mom, I always lose patience with her easily and raise my voice. I regret it right away, but it's useless because I have no self control and such beahavio will repeat over and over again. it seems like she only needs me when I'm mad, but maybe I'm always mad.

I just prefer to remain unbothered, any external disturbance infuriates me. Sometimes I think I'm like this because I don't have happy moments, so I'm always overwhelmed. Are you like that too?


Feb 18, 2023
Wow, you just described my feelings to a T. I can go from 0 to 100 in a split second and it's so exhausting. I feel ashamed..

I try to control this and dissossiate from these feelings but sometimes it's so overwhelming I can't
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Getting closer
Jun 7, 2023
At times I am yes.
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trying to find peace by whatever means possible :)
Jan 23, 2023
Yes, but I'm trying to work on it. My morals are really important to me, and a big one is trying to be kind always. Most of the time I can keep my bitterness in my brain, but on bad days, it's hard and it makes me hate myself.
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Feb 23, 2024
I'm bitter in a sense that I feel as though everyone around me has "wronged" me in some light, even if in my heart I genuinely don't believe that to be the case; blinded in anger and sadness over a childhood and numerous years i'll never get bet.
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But in the end it doesn't even matter...😢
Aug 19, 2019
At this point I'm beyond bitter. I'm much older than most people on here and I've been disabled my entire life and I've been stuck living with a narcissistic abusive mother so I think it is to be expected at this point. It really took me a long time to get to that point but I'm there. I really don't like it and I try not to be.. it's just another reason why I need to go... I don't want to be that way😔


Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Most of the time I'm quite mellow. But I can't say I've lost all my anger and bitterness unfortunately.

But it's not as prominente as 25 ago.


Feb 13, 2024
Yes. All of the major reasons why I'm suicidal were directly caused by others. I am extremely bitter and envious. I get jealous when people are happy, and I fucking hate myself for it.
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Jun 2, 2024
I notice how bitter I am. I lose my temper very easily, small misfortunes piss me off, simple tasks like taking out the trash is a huge inconvenience to me. I hate talking to most people, someone coming up out of nowhere to start a conversation is enough to anger me, especially if they ask me for a favor. Older people usually ask me to teach them how to use electronics and i hate that, because I consider it something so simple and they ask me to teach them when they could learn it themselves if they only tried. I also don't see the point in teaching them if they're just going to forget anyway. So I often say that I don't know or that I'll figure it out soon just to avoid them. I don't respect my mom, I always lose patience with her easily and raise my voice. I regret it right away, but it's useless because I have no self control and such beahavio will repeat over and over again. it seems like she only needs me when I'm mad, but maybe I'm always mad.

I just prefer to remain unbothered, any external disturbance infuriates me. Sometimes I think I'm like this because I don't have happy moments, so I'm always overwhelmed. Are you like that too?
I used to be bitter until I just stopped caring. I realized that life was mostly on rails and your actions are few and far between compared to your reactions (which usually come to realization far too late). I realized that we are just pawns in a global game and every bit of personal agency we believe we have is just an illusion. Others have already made their minds up, and so have you but we all lie to ourselves to pretend that we actually have a part to play.

I guess you could say my bitterness turned into nihilism over the years. Why even worry about that which you cannot control in the first place? Worrying about such just makes you irrational while embracing things from a glass half full perspective makes you ignorant and builds a glass wall around you that can shatter at any moment.

That is why I believe that it's best to just tow the line as long as you feel the desire to do so until the time comes where you are so dead inside that you can embrace oblivion with open arms because such has become all you know at that point and it feels like home. I'm not quite there yet but I can certainly see the finish line in sight and in a way that makes me feel at ease. Just a few more loose ends to tie up and I'll have metaphorically tied the bow on the gift of life that I never knowingly asked to experience.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I notice how bitter I am. I lose my temper very easily, small misfortunes piss me off, simple tasks like taking out the trash is a huge inconvenience to me. I hate talking to most people, someone coming up out of nowhere to start a conversation is enough to anger me, especially if they ask me for a favor. Older people usually ask me to teach them how to use electronics and i hate that, because I consider it something so simple and they ask me to teach them when they could learn it themselves if they only tried. I also don't see the point in teaching them if they're just going to forget anyway. So I often say that I don't know or that I'll figure it out soon just to avoid them. I don't respect my mom, I always lose patience with her easily and raise my voice. I regret it right away, but it's useless because I have no self control and such beahavio will repeat over and over again. it seems like she only needs me when I'm mad, but maybe I'm always mad.

I just prefer to remain unbothered, any external disturbance infuriates me. Sometimes I think I'm like this because I don't have happy moments, so I'm always overwhelmed. Are you like that too?
I'm exactly like that.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Yes. I'm so bitter that the first thread I made on this site was about a dubious condition called "Post-Traumatic Embittered Disorder" and about how I believe I have it.

Since making this thread though, I've become far more sad, anxious, and sentimental than bitter. The bitterness still remains in my heart though and I doubt it can ever fully go away sadly…
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Jun 5, 2024
Oh, for sure. As I hit my lowest, even benign things began to bother me. Stuff I used to feel much more neutral about, I now find myself getting annoyed with.

That said, it varries in intensity and I've actually recently not been feeling that nearly as much. Perhaps the feeling will return, or perhaps I've simply hit acceptance that everything sucks and so it simply doesn't phase me as much anymore.
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Nov 23, 2023
I used to be bitter until I just stopped caring. I realized that life was mostly on rails and your actions are few and far between compared to your reactions (which usually come to realization far too late). I realized that we are just pawns in a global game and every bit of personal agency we believe we have is just an illusion. Others have already made their minds up, and so have you but we all lie to ourselves to pretend that we actually have a part to play.

I guess you could say my bitterness turned into nihilism over the years. Why even worry about that which you cannot control in the first place? Worrying about such just makes you irrational while embracing things from a glass half full perspective makes you ignorant and builds a glass wall around you that can shatter at any moment.

That is why I believe that it's best to just tow the line as long as you feel the desire to do so until the time comes where you are so dead inside that you can embrace oblivion with open arms because such has become all you know at that point and it feels like home. I'm not quite there yet but I can certainly see the finish line in sight and in a way that makes me feel at ease. Just a few more loose ends to tie up and I'll have metaphorically tied the bow on the gift of life that I never knowingly asked to experience.

Nihilism is like a double-edged sword for me. Sometimes i calm down because its meaningless, sometimes i get bitter because its meaningless. Why do I have to bother with small things if they are meaningless? they are just there to make me more miserable than I already am, and that, infuriates me.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Why nooooooooo.... I'm just peachy🍑🍑
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I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
May 12, 2024
Does the pope shit in the woods?
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Mar 19, 2024
Yeah. I feel like all the anger and self-hatred in me is finally boiling over and seeping out into the real world. I have no right to be bitter towards society because the majority of my problems were caused by myself.

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