

Is it necessary?
Nov 27, 2022
1. I guess but sometimes I find myself crying about how alone I am so I think I pretend to like to be alone so I don't have to deal with those emotions often. 2. At times.
3. My mental issues and also my physical ones. I find myself having toxic people drawn to me so I've just given up on finding friendship. I don't like being hurt, or treated like a child because of mental illness. I also hate people with savior complexes who are equally as toxic who I also tend to attract. I hate the feeling of being used as a project to jerk their ego and them dehumanizing me in the process. There's just so many things that have gone wrong for me that I can't even try anymore and when I do try my mind sabotages me by making me go mute from anxiety. Often I'm just seen a freak anyway.
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Apr 2, 2019
1. I don't think I like being alone all of the time. Sometimes I think I'm okay with it, but it's really just all I know.

2. I'd like to be more social but not sure how to do that. I'd say I'm afraid of rejection yes. Really odd for someone to have pretty much zero hobbies or friends/family. Wouldn't even know how to act in a social situation.

I try to avoid letting anyone know that about me. I do like online games sometimes- but don't want to open myself up to trash talking because I don't have the time to grind in games to "be good" so I avoid mics at all costs.

Wish I had someone to game with but I can't entertain the idea of open talk in a random lobby.

3. I would say I choose isolation because of money issues. I don't make much and am terrified of running out of money so I don't even buy essentials when I need to.
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Nov 5, 2020
There's 2 versions of this I need to answer because the reasons why are vastly different.

As far as platonic relationships go I've never really strongly desired a large friend group. A small group of friends is pretty much what I've always had and I'm OK with that.

Far as romantic relationships go, that's different. I really do want to find another one eventually but my own baggage holds me back. It's a trifecta of my self-confidence issues, my anxiety issues, and my fear of eventually treating a woman like my Dad treated my Mom, which was typically like shit.. My friends and family tell me the last of those is paranoia but because I grew up in it and my grandfather treated my grandmother in a similar way I do think there's a psychological element to it and I may eventually start doing it because my brain subconsciously tells me it's right. Regardless of how valid that belief it is, it fucks with me and it's been years since I pursued a series relationship because of it.
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hedgehog dilemma
Oct 18, 2022
By choice, but not my choice hahaha
Seriously, though I'm extreme introvert, but that lvl of social isolation gets even on my skin.
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Feb 27, 2021
1. I just want to have one good friend and one good fuck buddy to explore my kinks. Bonus points if I can combine them.
2. Hmm, I just want to lose my anxiety so I can stop letting opportunities go by. I don't care about becoming more social or the life of the party. That shit seems exhausting not to mention a lot of ppl are snakes. However i would like to go into a store without internally shitting myself. That'd be nice.
3. Uhh mental health issues and the fact that I'm at an age where ppl should have a career and their own place. I still live with my parents and work in retail. I hear it all the time that no one would ever want to be involved with a loser like myself.
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I'm unlovable
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Attendant of God
Nov 7, 2022
yes and no
i wish i wasnt, i hate feeling this way
its awful living a life completely devoid of love, affection, even attention
and i fought really hard not to for many many years- but i noticed trends with people that made it feel less worthwhile
they would all leave eventually
they would all forget about me
and the off chance they *did* remember me, they hated me
even besides that theres all these people that hurt you and never own up, never apologize never even *admit* they did something wrong
maybe they will in vague terms, but... never something specific, and its ironic because thats all it would have taken to forgive them for it
in the end i still wanted them in my life, they just didnt want to be there
i wind up alone regardless of what i do
incapable of being cared about by others

that by itself is enough to stay away, but theres also this underlying guilt
i *know* cant control my emotions, i know i jump to conclusions, i know i think everyone hates me before they even get a chance to decide that themselves, and i act on that impulse with practically zero hesitation
thats even after talking to therapists and working on it for years, im still in the same boat
when i think about falling for someone and somehow tricking them into giving me a chance, only to hurt them and ruin their life? i cant take a repeat of my ex, i never want to put someone through my jealous obsessive bullshit again
and it wasnt just her, it was my friends, too
half of them are gone *because* of me, and it took years of introspection to even get that far... even if a lot of times im not sure what i did wrong in the first place

i would rather not be alone
i hate being alone
its exhaustingly painful and the more alone i end up, the more that pain grows as well
but do i want to be hurt? do i want to put in effort like that for others that wont return it?
do i want to hurt them just by being near them?


i guess its my own choice, but isolation feels like the right one with all things considered
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For my next trick, I will disappear
Dec 12, 2021
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!
1. Yes
2. Yes (at least I was rejected when I tried. I don't really try anymore)
3. Partly. I'm miserly and hate spending money on other people unless I know them well (which, as it turns out, is nobody)
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Nov 26, 2022
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?
1. Yes. 2. No. 3. I don't have my learner's permit or driver's license.
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Nov 29, 2022
1. For most of my life, I actively preferred being alone. Would always travel alone etc... But there was a sudden shift at some point, and it was very scary. To go from feeling as though you may not be happy but you can be independent to then feeling very deep feelings of loneliness.
2. I've always felt like an outsider who can't be in the group because of my autism. It's one of the most common autistic traits.
3. No unless you are counting the autism.
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Sep 9, 2022
mostly. I feel like people will say that is cope though.
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Nov 16, 2022
No. I'm not alone by choice. My wife passed away unexpectedly a few years ago. Since then my already existing mental health issues have gotten worse in many ways. I don't like being alone. But, here I am.
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Nov 5, 2022
Its like a chicken vs. the egg type of question for me. I make the conscious effort to avoid people irl so am technically choosing this for myself but at the same time, I feel like life coerced me into choosing this by giving me a difficult circumstance in which people amplify my depression and panic.
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Nov 24, 2022
1. Yeah
2. I'd like to be more social but I just don't vibe with most people
3. Not money issues. Mental health issues? Maybe.
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Aug 4, 2021
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!
1. I'm an introvert, so I do enjoy time spent by myself
2. Despite enjoying me time, it's not so fun when it's my only choice. I've tried to make friends, find a girlfriend again (I've had both but the came and went) but despite my best efforts, I don't really fit in anywhere. I guess I'm just really unlikable
3. Money can be an issue when I have bills and stuff, and going out and doing things can be a bit pricey (unless you're with someone you know well and can just enjoy each other's company regardless of the activity)
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Aug 13, 2022
Finances and health chose isolation for me.
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Sep 16, 2021
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!

I am very much alone by choice. To answer the questions:

1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Somewhat.
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Nov 26, 2020
probably not
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!

yes like alone all time hikikomori

No not want social want avoidi all people much possible

Yes choose isolate many reason, health issue injury damage people make worse, people abuse brain fragile sensitiv no able handle that why even here afraid was join. Also many problem physic mental people no help prolife force norm. Norm also why hate interact, not really like interact human. Also lesbian, neurodiverge many othre thing no like normal life. Stay lone safe ,before anime game etc help now vegetable need leave life even this peace lone place have all ruin , human cruel do this me online offline all abuse now need leave even lone not enough human terrible abuse reach everywhere
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Nov 15, 2022
Honestly, for me, it's like the Hedgehog's Dilemma. The closer I become with someone the deeper I seem to hurt them and the deeper they end up hurting me. These days, my friendships with people are quite shallow because I want to avoid the pain of them inevitably leaving or hurting me, and it makes me very lonely. I also feel like I just don't have the energy to be a wonderfully close friend like I once was able to be.
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Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
If I could afford to be alone I would absolutely make that choice. I lived by myself for awhile in my early 20's and consider it my best case scenario, if I have to be alive. I can understand those who say that they desperately want to be in a relationship and think that they perhaps would be better off that way. I am just not one of those people. I feel trapped in a bad marriage and wish everyday that I had the resources, energy and strength to move out and be on my own.
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enough of this

enough of this

Jun 4, 2023
Yes, I'm alone by choice, but not necessarily by preference.
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Escaped Lunatic
Jun 4, 2023
No I don't like to be alone all the time, or as much as I am alone now. It both is and isn't a choice. My depression and anxiety lead me here.
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What value is there to a life that wants to end?
Jul 5, 2023
1. no.
2. yes.
3. not willingly, my health makes it difficult for me to interact with others which leads to me withdrawing from interaction sometimes.


May 13, 2023
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time?
Yes. I'm an introvert, so I prefer being alone most of the time. But I don't like feeling alone. Loneliness hurts

2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
I want to be more social but I have social anxiety. My old friends used to come home to invite me to go out but I always said no. Even though I wanted to socialize I kept telling them I'd rather stay at home. Nowadays they don't even invite me anymore. I don't blame them cause its my own fault

3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?
Well... If you mean mental health issues then YES
Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
Yes, I had to recognize that I'm vulnerable to narcissists and have had to become very educated about this. I cut out all narcissistic people or who I suspect to have the disorder and I'm slowly becoming happier and better self esteem. I've had to shift my focus on myself fully especially for now as I have to rebuild myself from all the damage that's been done because of having toxic people in my life and giving them access to me. For me it is by choice because I must take time to become who I should be or could be. I need to regain my self respect and become happy again before I ever try to date or something. I don't care if I ever meet anyone again. Would be nice but my life is not in order enough for now.


Jul 5, 2023
1. Do you like to be alone most of the time? 2. Do you want to be more social but people reject you?
3. Do you choose isolation due to money or health issues?

I am a combination of all of the above!
1 & 2

I'm able to socialize with people if I needed to, but I dislike it when people cling onto me for too long because I have to act a certain way to please them.
I'm usually alone by myself due to not being able to handle disappointment. I hang out with people in a small period of time but not long enough to form any form of friendships.


Jun 1, 2023
i am schizoid so i like to be alone

1. yes i like to be alone
2. i dont want to be social
3. yes it is my choose

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