Not really. Saying shit like "just grow up" and telling someone that their negative assumptions of them were right isn't "murdering these incels", it's just reacting aggressively towards them. None of these points acknowledge things, like the specific societal expectations in place, that lead to incels being incels. It instead treats the issue as a completely individualistic one, rather than as,
in part, a reflection of our failings as a society. I don't like incels either and I'm not going to pretend as though I haven't reacted similarly to them before, but this type of reaction isn't helpful, especially when they aren't being that misogynistic under this particular thread. Hell, I'd argue that
@Dr Iron Arc is less of an incel, despite calling himself that, and is more of just a normal virgin with self-esteem issues (I view incel as being a label that applies more to a specific subset of male virgins who typically tend to be misogynistic and hostile towards others).