"Right", under most people PoV. However, I don't believe there is a right, neither left. If I start to talk from the Marxism root, it will be a long and confuse essay (I'm doped by meds).
In short, I believe we are all divided in "up" and "down", because neither "left" or "right" leaders truly care about us. All I see is both sides taking advantage on people's trauma, beliefs and dreams; using them as baits that miserably work. They open people's wounds to cast a vote and I see left taking even more advantage of minorities, which makes me sad (no hate, I don't mean to harm anyone).
Thus, "right" does anything... in the opposite??? Like, if "left" says A, "right" will say "B" to be the opposition. I truly hate politics, that's quite a vent.
They who have power and influence use these, mostly, as personal tools - instead of truly changing and helping society. In my vision, the are over us, the "up". We, the people, shouldn't fight each other - we are all under their control, we are the "down". Arguing and splitting in more and more and more groups is all these little uppers want: chaos and distraction between us, so that we will be "too busy" to notice the real menace:
Hey, if you read until here, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As an Elementary student, I was pursuited by left-wing classmates (I swear, I barely spoke). I have this trauma in my heart until today, that's why I avoid talking about politics - it triggers me. However, this forum is so calm and nice... and I feel safe.
I would like to apologize, too, if you find typos, inconsistencies and poorly written sentences (probably you will). I'm really high, don't know what the hell my brain is cooking, but feels weird and I'm depersonalized. Oh, and it may sound too salty/dry/rude? But that was not my intention, so, apologies!
Again, thank you for reading. Don't take my text as a pretext for hatred; I truly respect you.