are you scared that god might exist?

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Jun 11, 2024
I know religion isn't logical, but the fact that there are no answers about where the universe came from is scary. We don't know for sure if God exist or not and if he exists that motherfucker doesn't want to tell us, but he expects us to believe him and if you don't believe in him, he will punish you.

Not knowing whether God exist or not is scary, since even if I am a good christian, I have to believe and love him in order to not burn in hell.
Why punish people for not believing you exist, if you don't want to tell us? It's like you don't want people to believe you exist.

If God exists, I'm convinced he made us all for his entertainment and that he enjoys watching us suffer.
And where did God come from, he couldn't have just created himself.

One thing that also drives me insane, is the fact that bad things happen and people do bad things and the "God gave us free will" excuse, I don't buy. Humans were all made a certain way, and have a desire to do good and bad. Most human beings can feel sympathy for other people, which proves all humans were made a certain way. It also mentioned "God made us in his image", which makes me believe that every bad person in the world was intentionally made that way. God literally made Hitler in his image and knew that he would commit mass genocide like he wanted it to happen.

Every human in the world has a desire to sin, whether it's hatred, lust, jealousy or lying. If someone burns down your house, and kills your entire family, if you hate that person you will burn in hell and suffer for it.

If God created us then were all slaves everything we do is predetermined and were all robots, he programmed us. No one has free will. None of us have any freedom.
Honestly even if I knew God to exist, I literally cannot love this guy, he caused all the suffering in the world, and created us so he could watch us suffer and laugh at us, and if you don't like that you will burn in hell and suffer for the rest of your fucking life.

Now if I was a normal person I'd fully deny the possibility of God existing, because there's no way that we were all created by some magical fantasy creature, who literally no one in the world has seen.
But then how the FUCK do we exist? Who created us? Why do we exist? Literally nothing in the world can prove how we came, neither evolution or the big bang.

I have spent hours looking for proof God exist online, and I have talked to christians before about my doubts, and can't find a single argument that are is even slightly convincing that God exist, other than the fact that we had to have come from somewhere. One argument people make which is extremely retarded is "objective morality", and that God made us understand right from wrong, even though people STILL commit violent crimes.

I could only believe in God, if I was insanely stupid, maybe after failing a suicide attempt, I could get severe brain damage, and be stupid enough to believe God exist, and then maybe if he ACTUALLY EXISTS, I won't have to burn in hell for all eternity


Jun 16, 2024
I believe in God, but I'm not concerned about the afterlife too much. Whatever happens happens. I simply hope for the best


Sep 16, 2024
I'm agnostic, I'm inclined to believe God exists but I don't believe in afterlife.

About the burn in hell for all eternity, if you mean because of suicide I made a post related to it in another thread, I'm gonna copy paste bellow.
Ok, so I was wondering how is the exact religious view about it and to my surprise they are generally "gentle" (except one đź’€) as in you won't be automatically going to hell if you commit suicide.

Catholic & Lutheran (Protestant?) Church: you can still be "saved" and go to Heaven, the chance is higher if you have depression or similar mental health... issues? Anyway, it will depend on the circumstances.

Judaism: your situation may not be very good but you can still be "saved". Depression and similar are also taken into account.

Islam: well... you probably gonna go to Hell and there you will be tortured forever by the method you used to kill yourself (makes me wonder how that would work in case of N, SN and other peaceful methods). But there is the chance that Allah/God forgive you and you can enter paradise.

I'm not saying "go commit suicide, you will go to Heaven", I'm just citing that could not be a instant condemnation.

I only put Abrahamic religions because these are the ones I have some knowledge and can interpret "correctly". Also because the afterlife in these is similar. Also because took a lot of time to properly get the answers đź’€. There are ofc other religions and you can have your own beliefs (or not belief in anything).


Jun 11, 2024
I'm agnostic, I'm inclined to believe God exists but I don't believe in afterlife.

About the burn in hell for all eternity, if you mean because of suicide I made a post related to it in another thread, I'm gonna copy paste bellow.
I've heard about this, even if i can get "saved" that will probably never happen, since I don't believe in God, or love him, and I can't really force myself to, becoming christian with the intent to commit suicide is probably a sin.


Sep 16, 2024
I've heard about this, even if i can get "saved" that will probably never happen, since I don't believe in God, or love him, and I can't really force myself to, becoming christian with the intent to commit suicide is probably a sin.
According to the Catholic pope, atheists can go to Heaven


Sep 21, 2024
No, I don't believe there is a 'god'.

I do believe that humans are created, we suffer from the human condition which is contradictory in all accounts, and from an early age we build up belief systems in religion/school.

This causes something simple that most religious people fall back towards, a pre-built belief system that they fall back on when something doesn't compute towards it. Making denial easy, this is called cognitive dissonance and it affects most humans. Speaking purely from an advantageous angle which involves self growth, cognitive dissonance isn't helpful in the least bit. It leads to denial, avoiding conversations, and avoiding knowledge with growth.

Humans seem to be created in line with being made to fear things due to instincts which allow us to live longer because if we're afraid of things we'll avoid them, such as caves or the ocean. We're also built with cognitive dissonance in mind since that can reject most of reality; this happens in the scientific community a lot and change doesn't occur there unless it's a new generation of scientists unfortunately.

Whoever made humans had something in mind with our natural precepts of the world and how we deal with problems, this natural inclination is abused modernly by technology and authority; this can be a reflection of whatever there is beyond this earthly life. If we're beings made by some god he's not benevolent but sadistic and abusive.


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, religion and god are obviously man made concepts than something that actually exist in reality

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