Yes. I feel like I am sick and hungover, all day every day. Headaches, joint pain, sometimes muscle pain. IBS. My eyes hurt. My hair has thinned. My jaw hurts. All doctors have done is oh so helpfully diagnosed me with fibromyalgia.
I also have chronic pelvic pain which started before all the other symptoms.
All this stuff is one of my two main reasons for wanting to CTB. The other is being chronically alone and unloved and single. If I had a partner or I had my health I might make it through but I have neither.
And as I'm sure you know, having health problems with no real diagnosis sucks! No one really believes you or remembers that you have issues. So you are totally alone. Basically I feel like I have cancer, but no one treats me like I have cancer. I'd rather have cancer, then I could die.