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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
It depends on your definition of a "loser"


Brain rotted, often missing word
Apr 8, 2024
I'm not simply a loser, I'm a major super huge mega loser and probably the biggest loser on this site. A simple everyday kind of loser is not be able to compete with my supreme loserdom.
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Jan 16, 2022
23M here and yep. Just your modern day loser who cuts himself, binge drinks, eats junk, and is planning on my suicide in may-june ish. Just a loser noone would ever wish to have had the displeasure of knowing
I like cutting myself.
I'm trying to change my diet. Seems simple and low effort. Hate feeling like trash after eating trash :D
I'm also giving myself a few months. Can change a lot within these months, otherwise I will give up.
I'm a 30 year old male who's never had a romantic relationship or even ever been on a date. Zero sexual experience and I'm not even that good at video games. I bullshitted my way through college and have a useless degree which only got me a job in retail. I'd say I'm one of the biggest losers of all time.
That's rough, man. What has kept you going?
Are you by chance on the spectrum of autism in any way? Or just extremely shy?

Im sorry, I can't distinguish where either of our comments are threaded to which comments. Can you elaborate? Are you saying you don't doubt that you're the biggest loser here, or up there? And I doubted that claim?
What does it matter whether I am or not? The result changes nothing.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
That's rough, man. What has kept you going?
A stupid crush on a woman from my work who I just learned today doesn't seem to reciprocate my feelings at all. So…🫠

Other than that, the only thing keeping me going is the fact I have to delete some things, collect my thoughts into suicide notes, organize my assets, etc. If I can't expect to do that for my death ain't no way am I prepared for life anyway.


Jan 16, 2022
I'm a pretty lame person (or at least thats how I view myself). I have no friends, I have trouble speaking to others, I have poor social skills, I'm not funny, I get overly obsessed with certain things to the point where sometimes it ends up consuming my entire being (this is especially the case with certain pieces of media and fictional characters), I'm not very smart, and I'm boring. I tend to get so overly anxious at times that I just freeze up, especially in social situations. I once had a man ask me if I was sick because I kept on freezing.

I'm also constantly confused, even when it comes to things that should be obvious. Today I got hit on by a stranger for the first time and I couldn't even tell that he was hitting on me for an embarrassing amount of time. I was really confused about what the hell was going on. By the time it finally hit me, I became too anxious to turn him down and my mom had to do it for me (I still feel very guilty about it since I'm scared that I might have ruined his day).

I've come to not hate myself for my lameness as I think everyone is a loser to some extent. Hell, my favourite band of the moment is composed of the two very awkward dudes and I think they're cool as fuck because they just don't give a shit (though it's probably a bit easier for them to get away with it since they have pretty privilege, lol). Still, I do need to really work on my social skills and start trying to better communicate my own feelings to others.
I'm the same, especially in group scenarios. I remember a couple of times during my teenage years I would go completely silent amongst a new group of people for 40 minutes - 1 hour. During this, I would be in my head anxious as heck. This carried into adulthood but I fear that the consequences of being this broken as being too hard to fix. Of course, my social life has never been healthy.
Haha.. In fact, I remember I was asked by a lady to accompany her for lunch. I did not say a word to her during our brief period together (20 minutes). Eventually, she wondered off... I wonder what that meant and what would have happened had I acted normally.
Thank you guys for interacting with my post. :D. Replying makes me happy.
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woefully bound to death.
Mar 1, 2024
I'm probably the biggest one on this site

dropped out of high school been doing nothing since. I tried working once but my relative who I was working with took my paycheck while on drugs and used them for more drugs, so I lost trust in him

I've had many friends but no real friends, I'm not in a friend group since I ghosted them for 3 years after dropping out

and just like you I've never had a romantic partner/female friend and probably will never since I can't even talk normally to my own gender my mind goes blank in all social situations

still don't know if all of that's cause of social anxiety or some other mental illness because I genuinely want to talk to others and try to socialize but I just can't, I can't even talk to people online, so I just tell everyone I don't have a mic, its honestly kind of like torture knowing there's something wrong with you but not knowing what it is

I'm also severely depressed I think about suicide everywhere pretty much every minute that I'm not distracting myself I'm thinking of it and I'm a horrible person in the inside, I'm on the brink of starting to abuse drugs since I shipped some to my house (I'm already using stims to self medicate myself)

I also don't go outside unless I'm researching/scouting a method to off myself

honestly if I could socialize, I would have had a great life and would've been happy, I don't mean to hype myself up but I'm naturally talented, I'm a hard worker (when I actually have a job) I have great common sense and really good genetics

there's a lot more that I could say but I can't think of it rn but, yes there are other losers on this site, I think the majority of us here are probably "losers"
  • Aww..
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New Member
Apr 27, 2024
haha sure feels like it, never was quite good at anything that moved me forward in life, miss the mark just about every time so aiming any higher would probably just have me shooting the wall


Dec 15, 2023
Yep, pretty much. Just an average autistic incel who spent most of his life in isolation severely addicted to video games and social media. Never had any romantic relationships or meaningful friendships, no plans for the future or achievements. I spend most of my days now just working in a shitty job, and when I get home I try to suppress my emotions with video games, daydreaming and alcohol.


I am falling I am fading I have lost it all
Mar 20, 2023
Female, and struggled with having friends myself. Love is probably impossible for me to navigate. I stay away from others for what I perceive is their sake. I'm afraid of people, afraid of rejection. I'm sorry you feel this way, but you are not alone.

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