Same internal struggle. I would love to ctb at this point, but it's just me and my girlfriend in an apartment. She can't pay everything on her own. Also once we get what we need, I plan on possibly bringing my cat, which my girlfriend is fully on board with (she loves the cat), and I just can't bring myself to do it yet. She would be the one to find me, and that's a hard thing to grapple with. Not to mention how my mom would take it. She's been taking it rough since I moved out on my own. She misses me dearly and plans to visit soon. Those are what I know will occur.
I THINK a cousin, aunt, and uncle would take it pretty rough as well, but probably put on a strong show to help my mother. Then I don't know about others and how they would take it. Either way, I couldn't bring that pain to the two people in my life that I love the most, so I suffer instead, trying to live for the fleeting moments of happiness.
Life sucks a lot of the time. Life sucks most of the time. Those fleeting moments of happiness that we experience are what keeps me going. A moment of light. Be it a good conversation, a good meal, a burst of laughter, causes a fleeting burst of happiness. It won't last, and I know that, but that's what makes them worth it — a brief escape from the weight of the world
I keep going back and forth with the idea of killing myself. I can't live like this, but I hate the idea of hurting the people who care about me, especially my mom and sister. My mom's already lost many people she loved. The idea of her being absolutely crushed because I killed myself is a big reason why I'm still alive and might even seek for help. And my cats. My sister is awesome but she has also some mental health issues so I don't want to make her feel worse, even though she's doing pretty good right now.
And my friends, girlfriend, grandparents, dad and brother... They love me and I love them. Fuck, why do I have so many people who care?
This reads like something I could have wrote. I mean, I don't have a present father, haven't since I was 2, no siblings or grandparents. BUT, I do have a girlfriend, mom, friends, and cat who I live for currently.