gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
- Apr 12, 2019
- 4,704

Restarting America Means People Will Die. So When Do We Do It? (Published 2020)
Five thinkers weigh moral choices in a crisis.
Long but interesting.
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Yes people will beg their "Daddy Government " to keep them safe and secure. Like scared sheep.... not realising that the Shepard is the wolf!I don't think its a scam I think its a real problem but I do think that The U.S.A is going to use this ordeal to slowly strip our rights away and condition us to be subconsciously okay with it.
Yet.There is nothing to stop people leaving their phones at home.
I cannot stand Globalisation! Trust me. Thanks to Count Coudenhove Kalergi! Globalism is up and running! It was his dream to have a globalised world. Angela Merkel excepted a Kalergi award a couple of years ago. Although they call it something else now. All of our leaders have sold us out! They need to remember that they serve us, not the other way round. If we acquiesce to this, then we are accessories by proxy, to this insanity. But you are right.Yet.
If they already implement all the tracking and health app surveillance — and nearly everyone has their phone with them all the time anyway — there is nothing stopping them to force you by law to carry it with you. Just like you are forced to carry a driving license when driving a car or an ID card at demonstrations, etc.
Just wait for autumn when the next wave hits. We will see more nonsense laws and it again won't be serious enough to crash the system. It's such a perfect opportunity for governments all around the world to make you their cattle. And of course there will be those globalism worshiping retards using it to force their agenda even more. Even thought that globalism is the reason why coronavirus could spread all over the world in the first place.
Yes exactly!!It has been proven or at least inquired by health ministers that the media and even the medics are putting up the numbers by falsely writing off a lot of deaths as being FROM the Coronavirus , instead of writing them.off as actually dying from a pre existing ill ness and just having strains of the Coronavirus
Do you know eCall? When your car makes an automated emergency call in case of an accident? It is mandatory for every new manufactured car since 2018 in the EU. Every single car is therefor connected with the mobile phone network and able to be tracked. It just needs one law made at some convenient time and you can track every car in your country. All the technology is already there and implemented and ready to go. There is no way for you to opt-out. You buy a car that's newer than 2018? You got it, no way to turn it off.I don't really see how they can force people to carry their phones through force of law. People should throw their phones away.
If someone dies while being infected with CoVid, he is counted as coronavirus death. Even if he died because of an accident (seriously, yes, thats the case at least in the UK).It has been proven or at least inquired by health ministers that the media and even the medics are putting up the numbers by falsely writing off a lot of deaths as being FROM the Coronavirus , instead of writing them.off as actually dying from a pre existing ill ness and just having strains of the Coronavirus
They will drop paper money and contactless payment with phone is already here. ( holdables) then it's wearables.... actually on the skin. One has been designed already. Then it's the microchip. Everything will be on the chip apparently. Health records, opening your front door, cash etc. The chip will track your every move allegedly and can allegedly modify behaviour too. This is what this is building up to!! Totalitarianism!Do you know eCall? When your car makes an automated emergency call in case of an accident? It is mandatory for every new manufactured car since 2018 in the EU. Every single car is therefor connected with the mobile phone network and able to be tracked. It just needs one law made at some convenient time and you can track every car in your country. All the technology is already there and implemented and ready to go. There is no way for you to opt-out. You buy a car that's newer than 2018? You got it, no way to turn it off.
Another thing is money. Remember when every bank note was redeemable in gold? That was the case for hundreds of years. Currencies were baked by actual assets. Then they dropped that, so it was just worthless paper based on trust now, rather than a real value. Now we are in the middle of dropping even that, and instead of paper, which is at least physical and you can keep it at home, it's a number in a computer. Won't take long and paper money is gone. This whole thing was a very slow progress over 80 years.
Now we have smartphones. Everybody is carrying one. The government tracks it and gives you an app to make them able to track your health.
They won't make carrying a smartphone mandatory from one day to another. It will be a slow transition to it. On the second coronawave it will be optional, but you will get some goodies if you let them track you and might be able to visit more places. At some point later they will make their App mandatory and installed by default, like AMBER system is in the USA.
If someone dies while being infected with CoVid, he is counted as coronavirus death. Even if he died because of an accident (seriously, yes, thats the case at least in the UK).
And i do not trust any of those experts and health ministers, because they first downplayed it during the months when it spread in Asia, then downplayed it while it was arriving in Europe and hit Italy really hard, and then they totally overreacted when it finally arrived in our country.
If that wasn't planned, i don't know what. Such an awful coincidence of total incompetence (didn't even close borders to italy when they spreaded it around) and suddenly they care super much, so much that they have to pass laws that would never pass during ordinary times.
Sounds like it might be time for the well-regulated militia to step up to the plate and blast the rot out of our public institutions.
Ammon Bundy: ‘I Want the Virus Now’
The “patriot movement” leader is pursuing his anti-government worldview into organized defiance of Idaho’s social-isolation orders.nymag.com
Yes I think there is a plan to control the population. Alongside reducing the population.No. I think it's a move between the economic and military potentials to control the world population. The U.S., China and Russia are in it, that's for sure.
We have not had capitalism in the US in many decades. I've heard a term called crony capitalism, which is not the same as free market capitalism. Basically the government controls the market to a large degree so healthcare is outrageously expensive as a result is one example. It would not be if we had a free market.
I don't see why America or really any country would wanna destroy its economy. That seems a little far-fetched. Having a wrecked economy would also hurt the rich/elite people, not as much, but it would still do damage to them if the economy completely collapsed.
Not true, actually. Capitalism requires crises as part of its mechanism to deal with declining rates of profit. Take the aftermath of World War II, which is what pulled capitalism out of the gutter, for an example: so much had been destroyed in the process that the reconstruction effort propelled the post-war "Golden Age" until it became self-propelling for awhile.
Crises - extended crises - are good for the system in the long run, though it devours rich and poor alike. And it is the system, as a totality, which must be considered, not the motives of this or that social group, not even the richest of the bourgeois, who themselves control very little.
Crony capitalism may need crises. However in a true free market economy, a crisis wouldn't be needed.
That was John Podesta.And the World Trade Center was an inside job and Hillary runs a pedophile ring through a pizzeria, sound about right?
No, capitalism has not always been so heavily regulated. This is why America had such a high standard of living decades ago especially. What we have been living under is called facism or crony capitalism, the gov gives special favors to politically connected friends and family, it's why Walmart remains open while smaller businesses had to shut down. When u have few barriers to entry into jobs and starting businesses, no taxation, this is why people were able to move into the middle class much easier decades ago. Now the overlords behind government have devalued the currency so bad that it doesn't go very far, too many dollars chasing too few goods. The taxation is really out of control. Anything u tax u get less of, anything u subsidize u get more of. This is why subsidizing poverty through the welfare state increases the amount of poor people. Back in the day there was no welfare state, they had privatized forms of charity to help the people who needed it. The welfare state is forced redistribution of income, not voluntary charity. This is why people see it as an entitlement not as something they are greatful to receive. We have been living under socialism for a long time actually, it's just that it's difficult for people to see because for a little while u can pull off the living at the expense of others scheme.There's no difference between these two things.
To begin with, American capitalism, and capitalism in general, have always been heavily regulated, subsidized, etc. Alexander Hamilton's American System of subsidies, public works projects, etc. began this process two centuries ago. For example, Hamilton wanted to give legal protections to large grain distillers. The end result was the crushing of Shaye's Rebellion and the virtual elimination of petty alcohol production in New England.
Capitalism - which can be objectively defined, not as "free markets" but as generalized, universal commodity production for exchange - requires interventions to kickstart the process of primary accumulation. Capitalism - Money-Commodity-Money - requires some initial impetus to begin the process of accumulating money.
Money has existed for several thousand years. Wage labor has only emerged as the primary - almost the only - form of making a living in roughly the last two hundred. Prior to this, while there were wage laborers, they never formed an absolute majority of society; barter, slavery, subsistence farming, etc. vastly outweighed the process of proletarianization. And this process itself required the destruction of earlier modes of production, like those of small craftsmen.
Capitalism only becomes capitalism when wage labor and exchange for money become universal or near-universal. And money itself has always been issued by governments - contrary to what BitCoin entrepreneurs claim, there has never been a time when privately issued coin dominated centrally issued currency. Never will be, either. Even after Jackson's war on the Second Bank, the overwhelming majority of currency was issued by State governments, and this only until the 1840s.
Again, capitalism is not just when money or wage labor exists. It is when money becomes the dominant form of social exchange in society, and when wage labor becomes the universal or near-universal form of living in society. This process entails the virtual removal of the means of production from the hands of the laborers at large and the conversion of society into dependence on Capital.
No, capitalism has not always been so heavily regulated. This is why America had such a high standard of living decades ago especially. What we have been living under is called facism or crony capitalism, the gov gives special favors to politically connected friends and family,
it's why Walmart remains open while smaller businesses had to shut down.
When u have few barriers to entry into jobs and starting businesses, no taxation, this is why people were able to move into the middle class much easier decades ago.
Now the overlords behind government have devalued the currency so bad that it doesn't go very far, too many dollars chasing too few goods. The taxation is really out of control. Anything u tax u get less of, anything u subsidize u get more of. This is why subsidizing poverty through the welfare state increases the amount of poor people.
Back in the day there was no welfare state, they had privatized forms of charity to help the people who needed it.
This is why people see it as an entitlement not as something they are greatful to receive. We have been living under socialism for a long time actually, it's just that it's difficult for people to see because for a little while u can pull off the living at the expense of others scheme.
The second half of the nineteenth century was the era of railroad land grants. Between 1850 and 1872 extensive cessions of public lands were made to states and to railroad companies to promote railroad construction.
Usually the companies received from the federal government, in twenty- or fifty-mile strips, alternate sections of public land for each mile of track that was built. Responsibility for surveying and mapping the grants fell to the U.S. General Land Office, now the Bureau of Land Management. Numerous maps of the United States and individual states and counties were made which clearly indicated the sections of the granted land and the railroad rights-of-way.
While the revolution in Germany is still slow in "coming forth", our task is to study the state capitalism of the Germans, to spare no effort in copying it and not shrink from adopting dictatorial methods to hasten the copying of Western culture by barbarian Russia, without hesitating to use barbarous methods in fighting barbarism.
Definition of corporate colony
: a charter colony (as Connecticut or Rhode Island) having a royal charter granted to the inhabitants as a corporate body
I still have not met anyone with it or even heard of friends or friends of friends. Ok one friend told me the doctor said her already dying elderly grandmother has it and they should just assume they have it too if they live together lol! The grandma is like really old and before the corona scam, she was already in her last days. They keep showing videos of hospitals on Twitter with the staff dancing around and there appears to be no patients. If corona was a serious as they say the staff should be busy and there should be tons of dying people all over the place in the hospital. The staff should look pretty exhausted and stressed. That doesn't appear to be the case though. I'm sure corona exists but it's just much more mild that what they claim and most people are dying of suicides, and other issues related to the lockdown of the economy. I heard they are counting deaths unrelated to corona as deaths from corona. Pretty evil shit.
You nailed it, sir!I don't think its a scam I think its a real problem but I do think that The U.S.A is going to use this ordeal to slowly strip our rights away and condition us to be subconsciously okay with it.
This is really interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about some of it but it's worth watching to the end.