So what do you do if you dont mind me asking? What do you accomplish? Feel free to ignore me if Im being to intrusive. I am just very curious and even though i read some stuff about witchcraft and wicca but it is still not clear to me what do people get out of it other than a belief system just like in religions
Witchcraft is not a religion but a practice, Wiccan and Pagan are one of the many different religious path of witchcraft, which as any other religion as a belief system, rules and all that shit while witchcraft is just a witch making witchcraft (someone making spells).
Hoodoo is the practice of the Voodoo religion, it is very African oriented especially with the Lwa (divinities of the Yoruba religion) and in this practice there is also the influence of the Bible as it was practice during slavery by Black people.
Malbar is a practice from my island (La Réunion) and it is a traditional practice that comes from slavery which is mostly the Hindu religion, we use different Vedas, call upon different Hindu deities and practice different Hindu rituals and celebrations. And in this practice sacrifice are still use to this day. Mostly perform with the whole family than alone.
Left hand > for my part is Satanism (Left hand is an umbrella word for let's say underground practice) and I like to specify that it is Satanism the practice and not the religion, I have absolutely no religion. In short this branch of witchcraft we mostly study demonology and don't view daemons (demons) as evil.
What do people get out of this ? Well what do people get out of being religious or atheist ?
It's just bunch of people that feel understood and understand that there is far more to this world, they can get their needs and wants met, work deeper on themselves, embrace the good and bad in them (ofc for the non delusional one aka wannabe all love and light witches) and so on.
To me I had accomplished so much with witchcraft, first of all I do all my spells/rituals for myself and only me, except if ever in need to feel at peace then yes I don't mind cursing/hexing people that I personally know for them to leave me tf alone or have a taste of their own treatment but still it's rare. So yep I used and do whatever I feel like doing, can be self love spell, money, job, confident, truth etc
Hope it is kinda useful but keep in mind that everyone practice and view things differently, my practice is different than the witch next door so does same goes for her etc etc
So what happens exactly when you summon a spirit? How do you do that?
The shortest answer would be "nothing" as of for why are you even summoning it in the first place ? People don't summon spirits aka demon (cause you summon demon and call spirits) just like that there is a purpose to it.
For exemple if you need to summon one for a specific spell/ritual or if you want to work with it
And for the how there is multiple books for that purpose, each daemons are summon differently
+ the most important is to know how to reverse it