

No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
This is what I think in a nutshell. His supporters are just mad because the rich (through crime), abusive rapist his supporters admire and aspire to be is going to be brought to justice. This makes them realise that they can't have their sick fantasy cake and eat it. They were probably mad when Epstein was convicted, and they are probably always going to be mad about something. They think they're entitled to women's/children's bodies and being denied that makes them angry.

The obvious manipulation and lack of any concrete substance in the words of his supporters just highlights exactly the kind of person who would support Andre Twat. When a good influencer realises they might be having the wrong effect or are concerned that their supporters might do something wrong, they are quick to tell their supporters to change their actions. I don't see any evidence of that here.

The worst thing is that people like him perpetuate the misery that is going around the world instead of making it better.
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Mar 17, 2018
H/ ws a championshp kck-boxr turnd realty persnalty & he bcme a typ of guru fr lts of men & bys globlly

H/ = Britsh-Amercn bt livng in Rmania bcse th/ laws r diffrnt ovr thre

@DetachedDreamer97 slf cn apprci8 wht T8 hs dne fr u & tht wht h/ sys hs helpd ur confdnce - also wll dne fr askng tht girl out

Slf C Andrw T8 as a symtpm of wht lfe = lke fr mny men a.t.m bcse if mn wre hppy thn thy wld nt b as attrctd 2 hm as thy R

Slf am also vry mch of opinn also of 'inncnt untl provn gulty' s/ wll w8 & C hw stuatn plys out

Howevr tho slf admt tht am nt fan of hs eithr & thnk tht hs rhetric = eqully damging 2 mny as it mght b postve 2 othrs

Hs commnts abt womn b-ing rsponsble fr SA & r*pe rghtly mke womn angry evrywhre -- slf hve bn assaultd multple tmes & 0 of thse tmes ws slf b-havng hw hs rhetorc dscribes - slf ws walkng hme frm schl or sittng on a train or w8tng @ bus-stp wth grp of frnds

Thre = also a dble-standrd of hm syng tht womn r partlly respnsble fr thr asslts if thy hve pt thmslves in vulnerble positns whle T8 = effctvly doin th/ sme thng 2 hmslf -- if h/ = goin2 b sleepng wth lrge numbrs of womn in genrl & playng multple womn simltansly thn h/ = openng hmslf up 2 thse typs of accusatns -- takng advntge of sme1 = a perptr8trs decsn rgardlss of gendr bt hs argmnts alwys g/ in favr of mn & g/ agnst womn

Andrw T8s cmmnts r havng real-wrld affcts in schools amng teengrs whch teachrs hve bn strugglng wth - fr Xample -

"Organisations have run sessions in 50 schools on online misogyny. Teachers have raised Tate's influence in every one. One teacher talked about a lesson on sexual consent in which a boy quoted Tate, saying if a woman went out alone at night and was attacked it was her fault. Conway says teenagers also mention Tate as a form of "micro-aggression" towards female teachers.

In one session an organisation discussed the sexist meme "make me a sandwich", used by some men on social media to belittle women. "A female teacher said: 'I've got a lad in year 10 who always writes 'MMAS' at the bottom of my homework,'" he says. "She hadn't known what it meant until then. But he was trying to humiliate her" ---

Andrw T8 knws tht hs demgraphc wll b yng mn & bys bcse sharng hm on socl mdia = prt of hs busnss pln -- h/ = makng money frm hs persona w/o cnsidrng th/ impct of thse knds of cmmnts wll hve or rathr ignres it bcse contrversy brngs hm ££

H/ opnly admts 2 gs-lightng womn whch = abusve & tlks abt hw h/ wll only b invlvd wth youngr womn bcse thy r mre inncnt & inxperiencd bt h/ also hires womn 2 b sx-workrs -- hs actns d/ nt mtch hs wrds

'makng sme1 fll in lve wth u' 2 mke ££ = emotnl mnipulatn -- no1 wh/ rspcts womn wld emotnlly use womn on mass-scale lke tht - wht AT dscribd ss xactly hw 'Lovrboy methd' wrks s/ whthr h/ = currntly convictd or nt = rght tht wht h/ sd shld b investg8td --

S/ whle wht h/ sys ds hlp mny ppl hs rhetorc = stll damgng 2 othrs & I.m.o = irresponsble

Rgardng hs busness modl sme1 on YT analysd Hustlrs Unversty whch ws nt qute MLM bt ws 'affili8 marktng' whch = simlr -- am awre th/ vdeo titl = biasd bt th/ analyss = reasnbly objectve

Well, Dot... sorry you had that unfortunate experience... I hope you're able to overcome it. You're a good soul who deserves better. And thanks for the cheers!

And yeah, he is indeed a symptom of our current societal problem.

I'll admit, there are some things he says I don't agree with, and I'm not sure I want that kinda life. But I will at least become a responsible husband (if I don't decide to remain a bachelor; I've grown used to going solo, and there are downsides like the possibility of not fulfilling my lofty goal).

And yes, let's see how this ends. If he's guilty, he's guilty... and I'm willing to accept that.

As of now, I'm currently investigating looking for things to counter my view on his innocence, though much of the things are rather murky and are full of disinformation.

There are videos of him and Tristan acting differently towards women compared to how he behaves on camera. Like being polite and professional, and women seem to have a good time. But for now, I leave it to that.

Take care, Dot! And thanks for being patient despite me being well... an ass.


Dec 10, 2021
H/ ws a championshp kck-boxr turnd realty persnalty & he bcme a typ of guru fr lts of men & bys globlly

H/ = Britsh-Amercn bt livng in Rmania bcse th/ laws r diffrnt ovr thre

@DetachedDreamer97 slf cn apprci8 wht T8 hs dne fr u & tht wht h/ sys hs helpd ur confdnce - also wll dne fr askng tht girl out

Slf C Andrw T8 as a symtpm of wht lfe = lke fr mny men a.t.m bcse if mn wre hppy thn thy wld nt b as attrctd 2 hm as thy R

Slf am also vry mch of opinn also of 'inncnt untl provn gulty' s/ wll w8 & C hw stuatn plys out

Howevr tho slf admt tht am nt fan of hs eithr & thnk tht hs rhetric = eqully damging 2 mny as it mght b postve 2 othrs

Hs commnts abt womn b-ing rsponsble fr SA & r*pe rghtly mke womn angry evrywhre -- slf hve bn assaultd multple tmes & 0 of thse tmes ws slf b-havng hw hs rhetorc dscribes - slf ws walkng hme frm schl or sittng on a train or w8tng @ bus-stp wth grp of frnds

Thre = also a dble-standrd of hm syng tht womn r partlly respnsble fr thr asslts if thy hve pt thmslves in vulnerble positns whle T8 = effctvly doin th/ sme thng 2 hmslf -- if h/ = goin2 b sleepng wth lrge numbrs of womn in genrl & playng multple womn simltansly thn h/ = openng hmslf up 2 thse typs of accusatns -- takng advntge of sme1 = a perptr8trs decsn rgardlss of gendr bt hs argmnts alwys g/ in favr of mn & g/ agnst womn

Andrw T8s cmmnts r havng real-wrld affcts in schools amng teengrs whch teachrs hve bn strugglng wth - fr Xample -

"Organisations have run sessions in 50 schools on online misogyny. Teachers have raised Tate's influence in every one. One teacher talked about a lesson on sexual consent in which a boy quoted Tate, saying if a woman went out alone at night and was attacked it was her fault. Conway says teenagers also mention Tate as a form of "micro-aggression" towards female teachers.

In one session an organisation discussed the sexist meme "make me a sandwich", used by some men on social media to belittle women. "A female teacher said: 'I've got a lad in year 10 who always writes 'MMAS' at the bottom of my homework,'" he says. "She hadn't known what it meant until then. But he was trying to humiliate her" ---

Andrw T8 knws tht hs demgraphc wll b yng mn & bys bcse sharng hm on socl mdia = prt of hs busnss pln -- h/ = makng money frm hs persona w/o cnsidrng th/ impct of thse knds of cmmnts wll hve or rathr ignres it bcse contrversy brngs hm ££

H/ opnly admts 2 gs-lightng womn whch = abusve & tlks abt hw h/ wll only b invlvd wth youngr womn bcse thy r mre inncnt & inxperiencd bt h/ also hires womn 2 b sx-workrs -- hs actns d/ nt mtch hs wrds

'makng sme1 fll in lve wth u' 2 mke ££ = emotnl mnipulatn -- no1 wh/ rspcts womn wld emotnlly use womn on mass-scale lke tht - wht AT dscribd ss xactly hw 'Lovrboy methd' wrks s/ whthr h/ = currntly convictd or nt = rght tht wht h/ sd shld b investg8td --

S/ whle wht h/ sys ds hlp mny ppl hs rhetorc = stll damgng 2 othrs & I.m.o = irresponsble

Rgardng hs busness modl sme1 on YT analysd Hustlrs Unversty whch ws nt qute MLM bt ws 'affili8 marktng' whch = simlr -- am awre th/ vdeo titl = biasd bt th/ analyss = reasnbly objectve

Thanks for the breakdown, Dot.

You have a unique writing style... is it faster? Does it help with autocorrect fuck-ups, or is autocorrect more of a nightmare for you? I like it, but I doubt I'll ever adopt it for myself.

Pimpin' has been around forever... though pimping girls to be webcam performers doesn't really seem like the pimping I remember. Is that even "human trafficking"? Aren't there plenty of girls that do that on their own, legally? Regardless, it's hard not to hate a pimp. Lol

It looks to me like Tate just moved up his game to where he's pimping insecure, naive males as well as his cam girls- and in the process fell prey to hubris. Pimps always talk too much. Many such cases.

Young men have to learn their lessons the hard way... it has always been so. There was once a time when most young men would never have had access to pimps, and their unique endless "psycho-babble". Sadly, we're long past such a time. This is the information age, after all.

Take solace in the fact that there are truths that will be gleaned by the best of the rabble that pay attention to Tate, hard-won truths that in turn might make them better people. As to his victims... if in fact they truly exist... I'm sure their hard-won lessons are well learned.

If I were some mid-level apparatchik in Romania I'd be salivating over the thought of confiscating that pimps' car collection. How could a self-made pimp miss that? lol

If I were the pimp that owned that car collection, I would never have been that "loud".
I damn sure wouldn't have provoked the ire of a chick as connected and groomed as this one:

She's the face of the great reset, for chrissake. Hubris. lmfao.
How could a self-made pimp miss that?

But, then again... I've shared cells with plenty of pimps that talk too loud and too much about their money and their hoes, and yet somehow found themselves in there with me for stealing a bicycle. Pimps are rarely the sharpest tacks in the box. lol

Hubris is the pimps' greatest enemy.

Andrew Tate just served a great purpose for me. He distracted me for a moment from the horrific "newsworthy" events occurring daily, and for a moment I forgot my own physical pain and got a good laugh or two. Now I understand why people pay attention.

I needed that distraction.


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Thanks for the breakdown, Dot.

You have a unique writing style... is it faster? Does it help with autocorrect fuck-ups, or is autocorrect more of a nightmare for you? I like it, but I doubt I'll ever adopt it for myself.

Infrmatn = on slf prfle pge bt in shrt a hypnoss injry lft slf terrfd of slf on all levls - frm own reflctn 2 own bdy 2 own vocl voic 2 own innr vce
Slf am outwrdly mute & typng hw slf typ prevnts slf readng bck in 'prevs' innr vce

Autocrrct = nghtmre tho ha

Pimpin' has been around forever... though pimping girls to be webcam performers doesn't really seem like the pimping I remember. Is that even "human trafficking"? Aren't there plenty of girls that do that on their own, legally? Regardless, it's hard not to hate a pimp. Lol

It looks to me like Tate just moved up his game to where he's pimping insecure, naive males as well as his cam girls- and in the process fell prey to hubris. Pimps always talk too much. Many such cases.

Slf d/ nt persnlly jdge othrs wh/ follw T8 bcse fr slf = jst shws hw powrlss mny men hve bn feelng s/ slf fl bad fr thm - howevr whn th/ mysogny = emul8td lke hs bn happnng tht = whre fr slf a line = drwn -- if mn r b-ing conditnd agn 2 belve tht r*pe = womns flt thn tht wll rduce accountblty fr thr own actns & cn incrse violnce agnst womn --- = lke goin bck 2 th/ dys of 'wht wre u wearng' & 'u mst hve prvoked thm'

Regrdng hs web-cm busnss T8 cld hve jst hird womn interstd in makng $$ bt instd h/ hs 2 mke thm 'fll in lve wth hm' 2 mke thm d/ wht h/ wnts & I.m,o tht = Xploit8tve & dsgustng
I damn sure wouldn't have provoked the ire of a chick as connected and groomed as this one:

She's the face of the great reset, for chrissake. Hubris. lmfao.

Hre = old Simpsns clp abt simlr persnlties tht u mght an amusng prt of th/ dstractn

As of now, I'm currently investigating looking for things to counter my view on his innocence, though much of the things are rather murky and are full of disinformation.

There are videos of him and Tristan acting differently towards women compared to how he behaves on camera. Like being polite and professional, and women seem to have a good time. But for now, I leave it to that.

Thnk fr specfc crime th/ evdnce wll nt alwys b onlne -- ppl wh/ h/ hs helpd wll C hm 1 wy & ppl wh/ fnd hs wrds damgng mght C anothr

U mentnd Hugh Hefnr earlr - thse womn lookd hppy also bt thy hve snce hgh-lightd th/ abse tht thy wre undr -- no1 knws wht happns b-hnd th/ scnes -- lke u sd ppl wll b-hve diffrntly b-hnd a camra

Thre r currntly ppl commentng onlne tht teachrs R nw 'in on th/ censrshp cnspircy' whn teachrs d/ nt hve tme 2 fart let alne join an allgd grp try2 censr a celebrty - thy r jst rspondng 2 b-havrs in th/ clss-rm -- s/ = bst 2 jst allw th/ invstgatn 2 happn bcse thy wll hve accss 2 evdnce tht onlne viewrs d/ nt hve

Take care, Dot! And thanks for being patient despite me being well... an ass.

Ha np

Jst thnk tht opinns abt Andrw T8 r vry emotnlly drivn on bth sdes & fr undrstndble reasns
  • Love
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Reactions: DetachedDreamer97, rationaltake and Maudlin


Dec 10, 2021
a hypnoss injry lft slf terrfd of slf on all levls
That sounds like something that could be remedied... if you can find the right hypnotist to do it.
It always pays to be extremely careful who you allow to access your mind in such ways.

I would like to know more, if you're willing to share it. My DMs are open... though the "chat" for me is often hard to keep up with. lol

Slf d/ nt persnlly jdge othrs wh/ follw T8 bcse fr slf = jst shws hw powrlss mny men hve bn feelng s/ slf fl bad fr thm - howevr whn th/ mysogny = emul8td lke hs bn happnng tht = whre fr slf a line = drwn -- if mn r b-ing conditnd agn 2 belve tht r*pe = womns flt thn tht wll rduce accountblty fr thr own actns & cn incrse violnce agnst womn --- = lke goin bck 2 th/ dys of 'wht wre u wearng' & 'u mst hve prvoked thm'
I doubt we'll see anything like those days again, in the west... at least not until long after the collapse- though I admit It seems feminism and misandry have run their course, and the pendulum is beginning to swing the other way. In truth, assholes have always sought excuses for their bad behavior. Rapists, especially.

Regrdng hs web-cm busnss T8 cld hve jst hird womn interstd in makng $$ bt instd h/ hs 2 mke thm 'fll in lve wth hm' 2 mke thm d/ wht h/ wnts & I.m,o tht = Xploit8tve & dsgustng
Exactly. That's what makes him a pimp, rather than just a businessman.

To be sure it's a good business to get into, and to be sure such businesses are full of lovely ladies who would appreciate good management... but as they say in US law: "Fraud vitiates every thing".

He'd have been much better off offering management and leaving the "romance hustle" out of it.

That Simpsons clip got me laughin'.... again. Thanks, Dot! ;)


Jun 12, 2018
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Dec 10, 2021


Mar 17, 2018
Thnk fr specfc crime th/ evdnce wll nt alwys b onlne -- ppl wh/ h/ hs helpd wll C hm 1 wy & ppl wh/ fnd hs wrds damgng mght C anothr
True, yeah... I blame some of the followers who put things out of context with these tik-toks. He mentioned that and about how he can't control what kids put on YouTube, though... it was probably not the most wisest decision on his part.
U mentnd Hugh Hefnr earlr - thse womn lookd hppy also bt thy hve snce hgh-lightd th/ abse tht thy wre undr -- no1 knws wht happns b-hnd th/ scnes -- lke u sd ppl wll b-hve diffrntly b-hnd a camra
Correct. Though... hold on...

Regarding Hugh Hefner, the difference is the fact that there are still victims testifying against him, yet for Andrew Tate, no one came forward until the news broke that he's been arrested.

Plus there was Epstein, who no one's covering news on that.
Thre r currntly ppl commentng onlne tht teachrs R nw 'in on th/ censrshp cnspircy' whn teachrs d/ nt hve tme 2 fart let alne join an allgd grp try2 censr a celebrty - thy r jst rspondng 2 b-havrs in th/ clss-rm -- s/ = bst 2 jst allw th/ invstgatn 2 happn bcse thy wll hve accss 2 evdnce tht onlne viewrs d/ nt hve
Indeed. 🥂
Jst thnk tht opinns abt Andrw T8 r vry emotnlly drivn on bth sdes & fr undrstndble reasns
Yes, and I can sympathize with some if they're victims of rape and such... for that I can understand. Though for a lot of people, it's due to them not liking what he's said, which I find extreme. Even if I'm not a fan, I probably wouldn't go that far... then again, I had a change of mindset where I look at things beyond good and evil (master morality), and I no longer suffer from jealousy.

I do hope that he is innocent, and that the accusations were bs.


Mar 17, 2018

Not only was there no evidence, but two of the six "victims" came forward debunking the case, saying it was built on lies.

I hope you all learned a very valuable lesson here: don't believe what the mainstream media tells you.

And also, don't let your leftist bias or jealousy overtake your reasoning.



Jun 12, 2018

Not only was there no evidence, but two of the six "victims" came forward debunking the case, saying it was built on lies.

Amazing that our court system doesn't decide guilt based on Youtube videos, isn't it?
  • Yay!
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Mar 17, 2018
Amazing that our court system doesn't decide guilt based on Youtube videos, isn't it?
Why don't you stfu and watch? Unless all them modifications make you so prone to denying reality.

I mean... if you're willing to believe in a hoax made up by some trans activist, I think you can afford to watch a couple of youtube videos... or is that "gibberish"???
  • Hmph!
Reactions: Suicidebydeath


I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Why don't you stfu and watch? Unless all them modifications make you so prone to denying reality.

I mean... if you're willing to believe in a hoax made up by some trans activist, I think you can afford to watch a couple of youtube videos... or is that "gibberish"???
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  • Yay!
Reactions: aticeret, Alcoholic Teletubby, GenesAndEnvironment and 1 other person


Aug 26, 2018
Infrmatn = on slf prfle pge bt in shrt a hypnoss injry lft slf terrfd of slf on all levls - frm own reflctn 2 own bdy 2 own vocl voic 2 own innr vce
Slf am outwrdly mute & typng hw slf typ prevnts slf readng bck in 'prevs' innr vce

Autocrrct = nghtmre tho ha

Slf d/ nt persnlly jdge othrs wh/ follw T8 bcse fr slf = jst shws hw powrlss mny men hve bn feelng s/ slf fl bad fr thm - howevr whn th/ mysogny = emul8td lke hs bn happnng tht = whre fr slf a line = drwn -- if mn r b-ing conditnd agn 2 belve tht r*pe = womns flt thn tht wll rduce accountblty fr thr own actns & cn incrse violnce agnst womn --- = lke goin bck 2 th/ dys of 'wht wre u wearng' & 'u mst hve prvoked thm'

Regrdng hs web-cm busnss T8 cld hve jst hird womn interstd in makng $$ bt instd h/ hs 2 mke thm 'fll in lve wth hm' 2 mke thm d/ wht h/ wnts & I.m,o tht = Xploit8tve & dsgustng


Hre = old Simpsns clp abt simlr persnlties tht u mght an amusng prt of th/ dstractn

Thnk fr specfc crime th/ evdnce wll nt alwys b onlne -- ppl wh/ h/ hs helpd wll C hm 1 wy & ppl wh/ fnd hs wrds damgng mght C anothr

U mentnd Hugh Hefnr earlr - thse womn lookd hppy also bt thy hve snce hgh-lightd th/ abse tht thy wre undr -- no1 knws wht happns b-hnd th/ scnes -- lke u sd ppl wll b-hve diffrntly b-hnd a camra

Thre r currntly ppl commentng onlne tht teachrs R nw 'in on th/ censrshp cnspircy' whn teachrs d/ nt hve tme 2 fart let alne join an allgd grp try2 censr a celebrty - thy r jst rspondng 2 b-havrs in th/ clss-rm -- s/ = bst 2 jst allw th/ invstgatn 2 happn bcse thy wll hve accss 2 evdnce tht onlne viewrs d/ nt hve

Ha np

Jst thnk tht opinns abt Andrw T8 r vry emotnlly drivn on bth sdes & fr undrstndble reasns

Bro no joke but i am having seizure while reading that .


Aug 26, 2018
Yh = gts easr apprntly
I read your about. So i know the reason now , hope you feel better now. I can't imagine living in such pain :(
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Reactions: Suicidebydeath


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Why don't you stfu and watch? Unless all them modifications make you so prone to denying reality.

I mean... if you're willing to believe in a hoax made up by some trans activist, I think you can afford to watch a couple of youtube videos... or is that "gibberish"???

Thy hve said thy hve nt Cn th/ fll crimnl file yt & th/ officl appeal tkes plce 2mro s/ YT vdeos r stll nt concrte evdnc of n.ethng -- nothng = cnfirmd untl th/ investgatn = ovr aftr whch h/ wll b eithr gulty or nt gulty -- wll jst hve 2 w8 & C wht happns

Y r u makng transphbc rmarks -- thy d/ nt hve n.ethng 2 d/ wth th/ deb8 or argmnt & jst mke u lk lke a bigot -- u knw tht discrimntry cmmnts r nt accptble n/ mattr wht ur thghts r abt a persn & thr own argmnts & opinns
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Reactions: Alcoholic Teletubby, Suicidebydeath and WhiteRabbit


Mar 17, 2018
Thy hve said thy hve nt Cn th/ fll crimnl file yt & th/ officl appeal tkes plce 2mro s/ YT vdeos r stll nt concrte evdnc of n.ethng -- nothng = cnfirmd untl th/ investgatn = ovr aftr whch h/ wll b eithr gulty or nt gulty -- wll jst hve 2 w8 & C wht happns

Y r u makng transphbc rmarks -- thy d/ nt hve n.ethng 2 d/ wth th/ deb8 or argmnt & jst mke u lk lke a bigot -- u knw tht discrimntry cmmnts r nt accptble n/ mattr wht ur thghts r abt a persn & thr own argmnts & opinns
Good point...

And yeah, I'll admit... I was being rather harsh this time, but then again... I gave up on being civil when she kept showing up to "debunk" me and making snide comments, not one, but I think... several times... even in DMs with the warning, threatening to ban me, for defending the alleged "Sex Trafficker" (like a tyrant).

As evidence, I'll quote these:

1. You don't become Andre Tate just because you defend Andrew Tate. I'm not quite sure what's the point of your post.
2. Imagine defending this douche bag. Even if he is innocent, right now there are plenty of things that point towards his guilt.
The hell is that even supposed to mean? Doesn't bother to ask why I defend the guy. The dude pretty much saved my life, but nah... I'm trying to be Andrew Tate. I could've made a harsh comment then and there if I felt like it. Can't judge a book by its cover or insult someone because they like someone you don't like.
Either way, something tells me your post is gonna age badly. We'll see.
Kinda comes off as trying to clown someone for voicing their opinion, which is basically what all her replies are about.
@DetachedDreamer97 here is a video in which incriminating claims of Andrew Tate are analyzed by a laywer. And in a court of law these claims will be subject of the investigation. There is a pretty high chance that all the people who defend him now will look really bad in a few months. And look, what's preferrable? To say "I don't know" or to defend a potential sex trafficker? If this guy was Epstein, you would - no doubt - defend Jeffrey Epstein now. It's quite obvious you like his attitude, but if that's the line you draw when it comes to defending sex traffickers, well... that's your problem.
A bold accusation saying I would defend sex traffickers.
Hmh, yeah. Someone rambling for 5 minutes is totally "debunking" the allegations. Sometimes I wish I was that simple minded. But it's a good thing this narcissist couldn't keep his mouth shut.
Self-explanatory insult.

Regarding the trans activist, that's a fact.


Jun 12, 2018
I think you can afford to watch a couple of youtube videos... or is that "gibberish"???

You don't seem to understand it's the job of a lawyer to represent their clients, right? So him claiming that they're innocent when this is the position of the defendants is a common theme among lawyers. It doesn't prove they're innocent. It's a statement of a lawyer, nothing else. And if you did some research, you would also know that Romanian authorities have spent the last few months gathering evidence. They have arrested them now because they think they're in a comfortable position to convict them. We're talking about authorities, not a Twitter mob. If they arrest you and keep you in custody for a prolonged period of time, it doesn't always mean someone is guilty - you're right in these regards - but it doesn't look. There are several people from different countries that came forward with serious allegations, you can't just brush that away.

That's why it doesn't make sense to defend him the way you're doing it right now - and with what? Youtube videos? Authorities ususally don't disclose their evidence to the public. These are things that are discussed in a court of law and that's why we will simply have to wait.

1. You don't become Andre Tate just because you defend Andrew Tate. I'm not quite sure what's the point of your post.
2. Imagine defending this douche bag. Even if he is innocent, right now there are plenty of things that point towards his guilt.
The hell is that even supposed to mean? Doesn't bother to ask why I defend the guy. The dude pretty much saved my life, but nah... I'm trying to be Andrew Tate. I could've made a harsh comment then and there if I felt like it. Can't judge a book by its cover or insult someone because they like someone you don't like.
Either way, something tells me your post is gonna age badly. We'll see.
Kinda comes off as trying to clown someone for voicing their opinion, which is basically what all her replies are about.
@DetachedDreamer97 here is a video in which incriminating claims of Andrew Tate are analyzed by a laywer. And in a court of law these claims will be subject of the investigation. There is a pretty high chance that all the people who defend him now will look really bad in a few months. And look, what's preferrable? To say "I don't know" or to defend a potential sex trafficker? If this guy was Epstein, you would - no doubt - defend Jeffrey Epstein now. It's quite obvious you like his attitude, but if that's the line you draw when it comes to defending sex traffickers, well... that's your problem.
A bold accusation saying I would defend sex traffickers.
Hmh, yeah. Someone rambling for 5 minutes is totally "debunking" the allegations. Sometimes I wish I was that simple minded. But it's a good thing this narcissist couldn't keep his mouth shut.
Self-explanatory insult.

It doesn't matter why you defend this guy. He could have been Jesus for you. Ignoring why he is in custody right now, Andrew Tate has a long history of misogynistic rhetoric and you've repeatedly defended his remarks regarding women being "responsible" for getting raped and women being not "equal" to men. You've been rightfully warned for this behavior because we're not the right place for this kind of rhetoric. And it doesn't matter how often you claim these are not misogynistic talking point given the overhelming track record of Andrew Tate.

I'm not saying you're defending a sex trafficker, I'm saying you're defending someone who doesn't look very innocent given what happened so far. There are literally videos of him admitting all these crimes. And I didn't call you a narcissist. I called Andrew Tate a narcissist. And here is the problem, your behavior has been consistently derogatory during the past few weeks and I've reached my patience here.

And last but not least...

Okay, bot.

So funny considering you called me a femoid earlier as a response to a warning you received. What's with the name calling? If you think you're coming off looking good in this conversation, you're dead wrong. And given that you called this entire community "room-temp IQ snowflake pussies who are unwilling to take responsibility for their own situations" in my DMs, I'm seriously questioning if you're even an adult yet. You obviously don't want to be here and you look down to everyone who has a different opinion than you. Is that who you want to be? An Andrew Tate knock-off, insulting people who disagree with you? I suggest you start working on your attitude, I've been more than patient with your behavior, ranging from transphobia to misyoginy but I can't promise it's gonna stay that way. This is your last straw.
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Mar 17, 2018
You don't seem to understand it's the job of a lawyer to represent their clients, right? So him claiming that they're innocent when this is the position of the defendants is a common theme among lawyers. It doesn't prove they're innocent. It's a statement of a lawyer, nothing else. And if you did some research, you would also know that Romanian authorities have spent the last few months gathering evidence. They have arrested them now because they think they're in a comfortable position to convict them. We're talking about authorities, not a Twitter mob. If they arrest you and keep you in custody for a prolonged period of time, it doesn't always mean someone is guilty - you're right in these regards - but it doesn't look. There are several people from different countries that came forward with serious allegations, you can't just brush that away.

That's why it doesn't make sense to defend him the way you're doing it right now - and with what? Youtube videos? Authorities ususally don't disclose their evidence to the public. These are things that are discussed in a court of law and that's why we will simply have to wait.

It doesn't matter why you defend this guy. He could have been Jesus for you. Ignoring why he is in custody right now, Andrew Tate has a long history of misogynistic rhetoric and you've repeatedly defended his remarks regarding women being "responsible" for getting raped and women being not "equal" to men. You've been rightfully warned for this behavior because we're not the right place for this kind of rhetoric. And it doesn't matter how often you claim these are not misogynistic talking point given the overhelming track record of Andrew Tate.

I'm not saying you're defending a sex trafficker, I'm saying you're defending someone who doesn't look very innocent given what happened so far. There are literally videos of him admitting all these crimes. And I didn't call you a narcissist. I called Andrew Tate a narcissist. And here is the problem, your behavior has been consistently derogatory during the past few weeks and I've reached my patience here.

And last but not least...

So funny considering you called me a femoid earlier as a response to a warning you received. What's with the name calling? If you think you're coming off looking good in this conversation, you're dead wrong. And given that you called this entire community "room-temp IQ snowflake pussies who are unwilling to take responsibility for their own situations" in my DMs, I'm seriously questioning if you're even an adult yet. You obviously don't want to be here and you look down to everyone who has a different opinion than you. Is that who you want to be? An Andrew Tate knock-off, insulting people who disagree with you? I suggest you start working on your attitude, I've been more than patient with your behavior, ranging from transphobia to misyoginy but I can't promise it's gonna stay that way. This is your last straw.
Bring it.


Jun 12, 2018
Bring it.

Rhyming Leonardo Dicaprio GIF
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
You don't seem to understand it's the job of a lawyer to represent their clients
Exactly. Has anyone seen the movie 22 July? Based on a true story. Even the perpetrator of the Utøya massacre was given a defense team whose job was to portray them as innocent in some way. The same guy who orchestrated an attack on an island to shoot up dozens of children.


Feb 21, 2022

I've seen enough of him and his fan base to develop quite an aversion.

His HU is a scam, and he takes advantage of desperate and depressed young men who lack positive male role models in their life.

These are men who are hurting inside, and who then project all of their own insecurities onto women that they don't even fucking know.

Everything they accuse women of, they are guilty of themselves.

Their commentary is so chock full of double standards and baseless assumptions that they come off as absolutely psychotic.

The women who vouch for Tate are pick-me's and grifters profiting off a conservative online niche where they can appeal to men by saying what they want to hear.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of these people with established podcasts are just flat-out intelligence agents given a platform to sow discord between genders.

For men who want genuine wisdom on life, that uplifts their spirit, there are much better alternatives than someone who functions from hatred and ego.

Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Pythagoras, Manly P. Hall and many more.

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Jun 12, 2018
Some updates. Andrew Tate has lost every appeal against his detention, back in January and now in February too. I'm pretty confident the court wouldn't rule that way if there wasn't substantial evidence for his guilt.


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Jun 12, 2018
UPDATE: Andrew Tate has been charged with rape and human trafficking. He might have to defend himself in a court very soon.

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