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A Future Corpse
Feb 22, 2023
When I was younger, when my teacher found out my suicidal intentions, she completely freaked out. She called my parents, held many discussions with them and needless to say, my parents were terrified. They hid all potential weapons from me and refused to accept the fact that I was actually suicidal. They simply thought I was joking because to them, young people have no reason die but hid weapons just for extra measures. I suppose their concern is heartwarming and all and I was just 11 years old but I don't know. I wish they were accepting and respected my choice to CTB. That isn't to say they shouldn't interfere in my attempts but simply respect it. It seems like I simply can't escape my suffering for the sake of other people. Because of them, I have to go to psychiatric hospitals which is a pain. What about you? Do you have any experience?
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Mar 10, 2023
I don't really have much of a personal experience with attempting to CTB or being caught trying to CTB. I've gotten close once, but I managed to lie my way out of it, saying I took the wrong pills on "accident".

The biggest reason I can think people would try stop you or try to force your way out of suicide is religious reasons or personal beliefs. I've talked to friends online before about wanting to CTB and most of what I was told to try and 'help' me was related to how it would hurt other people who know me mentally and how I still have a long life ahead of myself, also noting that those problems are temporary and will eventually fade away.

I think those people just carry an optimistic mindset. I know my problems are temporary, but they won't fade for the next 10 or so years, unless I kill myself. I personally don't really care if it would hurt others I know because I was brought into this life without a choice and I can blame most of the problems that I have, mentally, on the people who raised me. I think people just think it'll always get better in the future, which it does for some people, but most people who CTB just don't want to wait that long. I think it's also people putting other's feelings in front of the feelings of the person who wants to die or has died.

They can't find a reason they would kill themselves because of the fast it would get better in a very long time. I mean, that's obviously not the case for everyone, but for a lot of cases I've seen, it is. The only thing is that it gets better many years later.

I don't know much about your case or what's happening to you right now, but I'm just saying what I feel it is. I do think people should have a choice and not be negatively regarded for it. It's just how people always have an optimistic view of it or assume their experience is the exact same for everyone else. Most people I've heard from online who are against suicide are against suicide because of their experience or the experiences of people they know. Either that or how it would affect their family.

I've heard a saying, "You can't be happy when you're dead," but you can't be depressed and miserable when you're dead, either. It's like most people have a one-sided view of the world and how it works. I don't care if it'll get better in a few years, I'm not going to wait that long. I don't know your opinion on it, but that's my side of the story.
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Nov 6, 2020
When i was depressed or whatver happend to me first time i was actively suicidal and attempted, yes my parents submitted me to mental hospital against my will and kept forcing me to see psychiatrist and psychologist for over a year and forced pills On me too
And once ppp around me learned I am suicidal they were very mean harsh on me somewhat. Even my general practitioner. Or old friends. They just didnt know how to react or what but the word" suicide" seems to really trigger them