• Hey Guest,

    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

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Jun 27, 2019
I haver seen this ridiculous comment a few times. I've even been attacked with the comment with someone talking down to me like a child. It's the most ridiculous thing in the entire world!!

Most ridiculous thing in the world? I mean have you SEEN a platypus in person?

Seriously though how you talk to people matters...for all of us. Just as many people who get upset at being treated poorly for whatever reason throw it back feeling justified because "they started it". "An asshole for an asshole and suddenly the whole world can't poop"...guess that saying doesn't really translate to other body parts does it? If people would just either ignore or state their views without acid things would be a lot easier. But that's a human problem bigger than we will solve.
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Jun 27, 2019
All that is very nice and good. Except, Anthony Bourdain had and did all of it yet he still hung himself. Why would that be?! None of these things is going to get me back to the country that I loved and I had to leave due to divorce (United States). It is not going to get my business back (I had to close it because I had to leave the country). It is not going to get me back my house, my furniture, my car. At the age of 47 I found myself alone and peniless and none of that was my fault. So no, none of these things could ever do anything for me....On the other note, I'm finding it quite insulting that you'd post something like that on this forum - just in case you haven't noticed, people on this forum are for some reason above the average intelligence. I know you meant well but just refrain next time. And yeah, fuck the positive psychology.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Most ridiculous thing in the world? I mean have you SEEN a platypus in person?

Seriously though how you talk to people matters...for all of us. Just as many people who get upset at being treated poorly for whatever reason throw it back feeling justified because "they started it". "An asshole for an asshole and suddenly the whole world can't poop"...guess that saying doesn't really translate to other body parts does it? If people would just either ignore or state their views without acid things would be a lot easier. But that's a human problem bigger than we will solve.

I am not referring to how people talk to people. We can all agree that its better to be kind.

I am referring to comments that are justified by "oh I've been here X longer than you...so my opinion counts more or what I have to say is more relevant you should listen."

If someone is rude they are rude. I've seen old timers be rude to new people just the same. Does that mean I should accept it because they are "senior"?? heck no!!! Does that mean their comments are gospel. Heck no!!!

I have no problem with disagreeing. I don't condoned being cursed out or being belittled. Some of these posts assert seniority in a belittling way. Or try to offer their suggestions for how it should be done because thats how we did it in the past which is a bit ridiculous to me.

As far as this forum is concerned as both a lurker and now a member I can agree things have changed. But I dont think it is totally about how people are being treated, (IMO). It seems to have more to do with the content of threads being posted. They seem to be hateful of society, repetitive, attention seeking, sensationalist and unnecessarily gory reveling in details of death, and over-enjoyment of self harm. I don't want to criticize as some of us may just be that disturbed however, its a bit of a turnoff for me.
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Apr 22, 2019
I don't really agree with your metric, but I will say that for all the natural methods of improvement, I've tried and it hasn't worked. Social skills, well I just don't have them and I do blame Aspergers and social anxiety for fucking up my life, making it challenging just to function in day to day life. In fact, I felt like that my social skills are always playing catch up because I fell behind during my development stage in life (childhood to early adolescence) so it becomes nearly impossible to catch up to what the majority people are, let alone my conditions that just make socializing difficult (Aspergers, social anxiety).

I have exercised quite a bit, and while it does keep my body healthy (physically speaking) as well as eating healthy, it doesn't really help that much more with my situation. I'd say my depression and problems is more circumstantial and situational than a chemical or mental one. Therefore, the unnatural methods of improvement would not help me (it would not solve the root problems of my cause of depression and other woes, but merely just mask the symptoms and serve as a temporary distraction from them).
My reasons are circumstancial and situational too. And nothing can solve then or make them better.
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Only Me Here

Only Me Here

Apr 29, 2019
The seniority comment is part of life in general, not meant to be offensive. Nothing to do with age, for all you know im 18-19 myself. I Just think someone who has been here and is well aware of how this place works doesn't need to be admonished by someone a month or two in. Unless you think going into a neighbourhood and telling your new neighbour how things should be done and you don't like their lawn is ok. I don't.

Anyway, i read one thread in the last week and this is what i saw. I stopped reading threads because of this, i stopped coming here because of this. After hearing it quite a bit from people who felt the same i posted it, thinking wow some have no idea the information the people who don't post have. Do with it what you will. Even in real life not a fan of everyone jumping all over one person. Id feel like crap if i started this thread...and no one can deny the OP was nothing but kind to the people being unkind to him.

Obviously people do feel this way you read it on the thread. Pretty sure everyone wants this to be a safe place and not feel like they have to armour up as you do in your real life.

help make it one...or keep arguing until the boards are nothing but crickets. Your choice.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
I don't think new people understand how horrible that was for us in our little niche community. She got law enforcement involved, and they were trying to figure out if "a crime was committed." That means they will pick every thread she ever posted in and read everyone's post who commented on it to see if anyone encouraged her or directly told her to do it I worked for a lawyer and I am on speaking terms with several cops. If something comes close, they will find a way to spin it into an arrest.

It will have nothing to do with law, probably how much paperwork and time that has to go into it will be the deciding factor. The invasion of privacy for innocent members who weren't even on her daughter's goodbye thread had stuff posted to her news feed. She had people's profile pics, user names, and comments from the people paying their respects in her daughter's thread all over her FB. Then some of us were lucky enough to make the news where our profile pics and posts were shown. They blurred our screen name as if that somehow protected us. I was furious, then sad, and I almost requested a ban. Then we were bullied by people making new accounts who had to be pro-lifers.

While I can appreciate and understand your sentiment, this is all on the internet. This "invasion of privacy" concept is not real. There is no privacy. Ok so semantically speaking I can assume you mean "more attention" I suppose? You do realize that this is not the first time that situation happened in the world, though? A similar situation happened over 10 years ago elsewhere after which someone tried to petition for "Suzy's law". Suzy's law was to prevent online assisted suicide. Guess what happened. NADA! That's right. All of this is just history repeating itself. And its probably happened elsewhere on other sites we just dont know about it because we were not there.

People have been trying to control what people say living in fear of this woman. People live in fear of others speech all over the world. At the end of the day none of us can control what is done in the world. If its going to happen its going to happen. None of us can "protect" this site if someone with more power decides it should not exist.

I personally refuse to live in fear. I refuse to sensor my language because of some woman who wants to be recognized and obtain 15 hours of fame. My only obligation is to abide by the forum rules. I don't need anyone telling me how to speak regardless of seniority. However you are welcome to sensor your speech. But don't expect everyone to be you because we each simply can't be anyone but ourselves.

The seniority comment is part of life in general, not meant to be offensive. Nothing to do with age, for all you know im 18-19 myself. I Just think someone who has been here and is well aware of how this place works doesn't need to be admonished by someone a month or two in.

No one meant age seniority. People are only referring to seniority by date joined. I don't think someone with a date joined early than someone else has a comment that is more relevant than some one else. And no seniority is not apart of life just as it is. Unless you work for some archaic government organization. We can just agree to disagree on that point.

All those who think new members should bow down to older member are simply just going to be offended and disappointed. It's just that simple.

And if that becomes some type of crazy forum rule then I'd gladly exit. Noone here is my parent.
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Only Me Here

Only Me Here

Apr 29, 2019
Not about bowing down, nothing about relevancy, nothing about seniority.

means not cool to drive others away from a place they felt safe in when they were here before you. Who cares they feel that way right? This OP was annihilated over nothing, by someone here for a few weeks telling them to F off and other nonsense. Who is anyone to barrell in and tell anyone what they should and shouldn't post? Someone who helped create a culture here for a while. No One is his parent either but that was ok? That is nothing but ARROGANCE regardless of experience/seniority.

knew this would go down this way, in the argument culture here now. Prime example of how this place has changed into "sanctioned arguing" twist everything into something you can argue about. One sentence in a post full of sentences and look at the laser focus on the one that can be argued about (i removed your quote because this is not directed to anyone personally just a general thought)

Agree to disagree for sure.

Just remember someone here might have an answer anyone else here is searching for...by driving people away and keeping them from posting you narrow the pool of experience and knowledge and PREVENT people from getting the help they need. You just don't see that part, but it's 100 percent there.

OP: sorry for my part for hijacking your thread, i see my own hypocrisy here.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
@LMFAO FOCKERS @oopswronglife I believe that your view on what weight a person's DOJ carries is generally correct but lacks nuance.

I believe that the rational stance is to accept that a person who has been on a forum for a while can have a valuable perspective on how said forum has developed over time. A perspective on how they feel things were before is just as valuable as what a new member thinks is wrong with how things used to be before.

If I've missed some premises in your previous arguments that acknowledge this, I apologize.

EDIT: Evidently I'm not good at rational argument formulation. Oh well.
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Jun 27, 2019
@LMFAO FOCKERS @oopswronglife I believe that your view on what weight a person's DOJ carries is generally correct but lacks nuance.

I believe that a person who has been on a forum for a while can have a valuable perspective on how said forum has developed over time. A perspective on how they feel things were before is just as valuable as what a new member thinks is wrong with how things used to be before.

If I've missed some premises in your previous arguments that acknowledge this, I apologize.

My argument, which I think has been polite and reasoned, and which has been repeatedly responded to as if it were stating somethings else, is entirely against the premise that was stated that "it's especially bad when a new member is critical of an exisiting member". I say its not better or worse than any other criticism and the attacks @bigj75 endured were wrong regardless of if he was here from the start or joined yesterday.

I've not seen anyone say someone's experience is invalid. My issue is purely with the idea that respect scales with join date as it was stated as "what bothers me the most" by the person who I replied to. Maybe someone joining today is the best person you will ever know, or a PhD in the topic being discussed, the administrative detail of when the signed up is irrelevant to me. Maybe they are mean morons. I judge behavior not class/artificial status. Just be good to each other and disagree politely if you need to.

So many people position for position. So many people apply rules to other people's behavior but don't follow those rules. It's "argumentative and wrong" is someone else disagrees, but if you disagree it's fine. It's "rude and disrespectful" if someone challenges you in any way, but if you do it then it's fine and they "deserve it" or you are putting them in their place. It's way too egocentric with many people and that transcends the internet. People want to speak their piece but don't want to give others the same space. And come on anyway we are talking about months here...not decades of forging some new society. Does someone who joined months before someone else really have status? Why are people so concerned with status anyway? Just be good to each other regardless.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
I love you but I have zero sympathy for people who feel they are obligated to "battle" on websites, that's silly.
These are not real "attacks" they are conflicting opinions and nothing more. When you *choose* to engage in "battle* rather than disengage, that's on you, but don't pretend you are obligated to do so.
Admins were smart and kind enough to give is an Ignore button for a reason. Don't pretend you are "battle weary" just because you are obligated to fight when you are really just refusing to use the choice to disengage.
What do you care if someone disagrees with you? We are all just random nobodies on an internet forum. Disengage if someone annoys you.
EDIT: I give up editing this a third time it is just jumping all over the place.

^^^^^^ This right here!!!^^^^^
@LMFAO FOCKERS @oopswronglife I believe that your view on what weight a person's DOJ carries is generally correct but lacks nuance.

I believe that a person who has been on a forum for a while can have a valuable perspective on how said forum has developed over time. A perspective on how they feel things were before is just as valuable as what a new member thinks is wrong with how things used to be before.

If I've missed some premises in your previous arguments that acknowledge this, I apologize.
@RM5998 I think you are only trying to help so no worries. I just don't want anyone telling me how I need to conform to some club, group or societal rule. The only rule that transcends everything is to treat others how you want to be treated. All else is just someone else's expectations of how things should be and I don't think anyone of us are here to fulfill that.

Just like @not_a_robot said you can ignore a post, disengage, etc. Hence I ignore a lot of posts. However, I will exercise my free speech whether I have 9 seconds or 90 years of "seniority" (whatever that silly concept means).
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Only Me Here

Only Me Here

Apr 29, 2019
"Maybe someone joining today is the best person you will ever know, or a PhD in the topic being discussed, the administrative detail of when the signed up is irrelevant to me."

COMPLETELY agree, but that's not what happened here at all is it? No one with a PHD or information stepped in, few with anything positive stepped in at all. What did step in is people jumping in telling him to F Off and many other rude remarks of why this was offensive to their sensibilities...READ THEM. I said it bothers me the most when new members ATTACK older ones who already have an idea of how this place works and felt it was appropriate to post. They don't need to be schooled on what others deem worthy of a thread by someone here for a week or two.

Be cognizant of it or not, but Please Stop twisting my words to fit your own narrative...the words are there to read.

The irony is im not a long time member here myself. What I could have never imagined is coming here and taking people to task. That's just me though. Im grateful i came here when people were posting and sharing info. Got my N and meto in 8 business days. Now its sifting through threads with little actual tangible information or support.

I cannot help how people read into a comment in support of someone else and their thread, they already had everyone else coming at them. That's all it was meant as and in the spirit of not arguing, i apologize if it made anyone feel any other way.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
This is one of the shittiest threads ive ever read, and by that ive only read some comments, why it hasnt been deleted ill never know.
if i was still a mod this would of been closed or removed after the first few comments.
Since when is it okay to attack people for posting positive stuff.
if it doesnt resonate with you, click back and read another thread ffs.
This is not a pro-death forum and never will be.
Just because the things the OP suggested didnt or wont work for you doesnt mean they should be annihilated for it. Jeez.
Can we go back a year when the members back then were a much nicer bunch. We miss you tiburcio, dearly.

Dont apologise ''only me here'', youre one of the best members on here!
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Can't wait to be another statistic
Feb 6, 2019
so...I hear you're looking for another wife and you're about to be a billionaire... :heh:
How yoo dooin'?
You bring the noose I'll bring the cyanide... It's a date.


Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
While I can appreciate and understand your sentiment, this is all on the internet. This "invasion of privacy" concept is not real. There is no privacy. Ok so semantically speaking I can assume you mean "more attention" I suppose? You do realize that this is not the first time that situation happened in the world, though? A similar situation happened over 10 years ago elsewhere after which someone tried to petition for "Suzy's law". Suzy's law was to prevent online assisted suicide. Guess what happened. NADA! That's right. All of this is just history repeating itself. And its probably happened elsewhere on other sites we just dont know about it because we were not there.

People have been trying to control what people say living in fear of this woman. People live in fear of others speech all over the world. At the end of the day none of us can control what is done in the world. If its going to happen its going to happen. None of us can "protect" this site if someone with more power decides it should not exist.

I personally refuse to live in fear. I refuse to sensor my language because of some woman who wants to be recognized and obtain 15 hours of fame. My only obligation is to abide by the forum rules. I don't need anyone telling me how to speak regardless of seniority. However you are welcome to sensor your speech. But don't expect everyone to be you because we each simply can't be anyone but ourselves.

No one meant age seniority. People are only referring to seniority by date joined. I don't think someone with a date joined early than someone else has a comment that is more relevant than some one else. And no seniority is not apart of life just as it is. Unless you work for some archaic government organization. We can just agree to disagree on that point.

All those who think new members should bow down to older member are simply just going to be offended and disappointed. It's just that simple.

And if that becomes some type of crazy forum rule then I'd gladly exit. Noone here is my parent.
Except not every invasion of privacy involves a possible crime. There's a huge difference between petitioning a court to put a new law on the books and being investigated or even arrested because there's "probable cause" that you assisted in a suicide which is illegal, so the legwork on that has been done. If the police want an arrest to appease a community, make themselves look like a hero, or even just make their quota, it isn't that difficult. They don't even need the same kind of search warrant for a device that they need for your actual home. Lets say you're arrested or even a "person of interest" and are called in for questioning. An arrest would truly expose a person's identity because their mugshot goes on file, their real personal information goes into a public court docket and they're fucked for life even if the Prosecutor drops the case or whatever. And that's just the states. In the UK every suicide is investigated. And if you're a person of interest, you still get a trip to the station, which is unpleasant. And even if they hit a brick wall, cops tend to stay interested. I know, you don't do anything illegal, but when has an actual crime been a requirement to harass or kill someone? In the states. So, thank you for putting that much thought into my post - it's exhilarating to be noticed.

I can't see when you joined SS, but do recognize your profile pic. We even like a lot of the same posts. I mean you came in hard, but that's more about you than me. I was bewildered. I've been an ass to a couple of people on here directly and instantly regretted it, so you probably did a lot to balance my Karma. And I thank you for that. I'm going to find a dirty scrawny kitten in front of toddler to kick now.

Since privacy is such an illusion, I'd like to a play a game. I am very serious about this. Maybe you even know a hacker genius? I'll even give you a few hints. I'm a member of AAA and my credit sucks. Since I tend to ramble on when I'm sleep deprived or just being an attention whore, you have a fair chance of putting all the pieces together. I'm sure I've been cavalier in places because #BPD. There you go, another clue. I know what you'll probably say, but damn! Please keep caring as much as you do. If you can find me it'll be match, set and game.
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Apr 8, 2019
I went for a run, ate a salad, talked about my problems and now I'm cured. Thanks!
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Yeah right.
That may work for people that experience depression for purely mental health reasons.
But when you combine a history of mental health disorders and add a neurological disease diagnosis at the age of 21 you can employ all of these tactics all you want there is nothing you can do to make you forget your pitiful predicament. Even if you actually can forget about it for some days, which is very unlikely, as soon as you feel that arm/hand shaking when you try to do something as simple as grabbing a pencil you immediatly realise life as you knew it is gone.
Doing sports? Sure, i can go back to the gym and reminisce on the times when i was a bulkish and strong guy and realise that those times will never be back.
Eating healthy? Why bother? It won't help with my disease and why would i want to extend my life through healthy eating? So i can suffer for more time?
Socializing? That would be cool would i not hate being around people and instantly find them all boring, repetitive, annoying, stupid and vain.
These tips may seem very effective but thei're not for everyone.
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May 31, 2019
I am a bit confused by your reply since it addresses something other than what I said. I quoted another user who stated that its more wrong for a new member to criticize an older one. I don't think account seniority should dictate the level of respect someone deserves. I realize it is an unpopular opinion with some people because status is an emotional thing. It's even worse irl where people act like sitting in some office for a year longer than you makes them superior somehow. Overall I despise ego and status and think everyone deserves the same level of innate respect. I wasn't talking at all about @bigj75's posting which I thought was fine personally, nor was he using the "seniority" card in any way. He had good intentions and some people shit on him.
I was referring to Only Me Here words :"What gets me the most is the newer members admonishing people who have been here longer or are more active (...) ". I used "seniority", your word, because I was trying to contrast your reading of Only Me Here words to mine. I dont think she was stating that it was more wrong for a new member to critize an older one. Her words were said in the context of OP being mocked. I imagine it was painful for her to watch OP being treated unfarily because she probably knows much better than most how helpful OP has been to the SS community in the past and on what principles of respect and conduct the community grew to what it is today. You know, the community and the info we are all now benefiting from. Thats all, I dont think she was asking for a two class citizenship.

If a long time and well respected SS member posts something you find odd ( I didnt find it odd but whatever ) I think its common sense to take your time and try to figure out where he is coming from instead of taking part in a mocking festival. You may be missing something, maybe just a little bit of context.
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Only Me Here

Only Me Here

Apr 29, 2019
I was referring to Only Me Here words :"What gets me the most is the newer members admonishing people who have been here longer or are more active (...) ". I used "seniority", your word, because I was trying to contrast your reading of Only Me Here words to mine. I dont think he was stating that it was more wrong for a new member to critize an older one. His words were said in the context of OP being mocked. I imagine it was painful for him to watch OP being treated unfarily because he probably knows much better than most how helpful the OP has been to the SS community in the past and on what principles of respect and conduct the community grew to what it is today. You know, the community and the info we are all now benefiting from. Thats all, I dont think he was asking for a two class citizenship.

If a long time and well respected SS member post something you find odd ( I didnt find it odd but whatever ) I think its common sense to take your time and try to figure out where he is coming from instead of taking part in a mocking festival. You may be missing something, maybe just a little bit of context.
Spot on. In retrospect i may not have used the best language in that sentence to convey it though. I own that.
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
Steroids (Dbol specifically)

So how many mg / day were you taking, I think I will start with a low dose and keep it that way, like 20mg / day, im buying them, this is like the 4th time some one says it makes you feel good.

Post Data: your post took a serious deviation from its original intention I think LOL
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Isn't kratom barely legal crack?
lol wah? its a leaf.
So how many mg / day were you taking, I think I will start with a low dose and keep it that way, like 20mg / day, im buying them, this is like the 4th time some one says it makes you feel good.

Post Data: your post took a serious deviation from its original intention I think LOL
best to take it with some testosterone. it can cause side effects so use pct and liver support and stuff to keep estrogen under control. no need to go over 30mg a day.
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Feb 18, 2019
lol wah? its a leaf.
It's related to opiates and can be incredibly addictive and cause awful withdrawals. In some states and countries it's even a controlled substance. It's a little more intense than a leaf like valerian.


“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
It's related to opiates and can be incredibly addictive and cause awful withdrawals. In some states and countries it's even a controlled substance. It's a little more intense than a leaf like valerian.
That's why i put it under the dark methods. I'm aware of its effects. i take it routinely. in the state im in its legal.


Feb 18, 2019
That's why i put it under the dark methods. I'm aware of its effects. i take it routinely. in the state im in its legal.
I was speaking to the comment about it being crack and your response that's it's just a leaf, since many people responding in the thread hadn't heard of it. Just so they know it's something to research before purchasing and that it's not totally risk-free like taking some herb like valerian or ashwanghada


“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I was speaking to the comment about it being crack and your response that's it's just a leaf, since many people responding in the thread hadn't heard of it. Just so they know it's something to research before purchasing and that it's not totally risk-free like taking some herb like valerian or ashwanghada
I'm not going as far as to say it's crack. i think i would be in jail or dead by now. not on this forum if it was comparable to crack given the amount ive taken.


Feb 22, 2019
Im pro choice. choose what i want it's your body. but what im going to share with you is pro life ways that can help diminish depression and suicide. now I'm not saying it will save all of you of course. that's unrealistic given how the way the world is right now. but ive tried these methods and they work in my life and I've seen it work in others.

Natural methods of life improvement
  • healthy eating
  • social skills
  • excersize
  • hobby/skills you have a passion for
Unnatural methods of life improvement (this is the dark art stuff but believe me ive tested it and it's worth it if it can give you a second chance at life) (yes there are side effects but you can keep them undercontrol of you do it right)
  • Anti depressents
  • Kratom (natural but illegal in some states)
  • Steroids (Dbol specifically)
All these methods have beaten or atleast kept depression at bay for me and other people's lives. Give it a try before ctb'ing. There are methods to help. Unless you've tried all these methods you have not given 100% effort in the fight.

Feel free to ask me any questions regarding this thread. I'm here to help.

You forgot to mention cocaine in your comprehensive list - _ -
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Feb 18, 2019
I'm not going as far as to say it's crack. i think i would be in jail or dead by now. not on this forum if it was comparable to crack given the amount ive taken.
I'm not either, I took that comment as a hyperbolic statement but I can see how it could be taken more literally. The word "crack" specifically is often used for anything addictive or appealing, like cell phones, Netflix, even sriracha... so that was how I took the comment.


“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I'm not either, I took that comment as a hyperbolic statement but I can see how it could be taken more literally. The word "crack" specifically is often used for anything addictive or appealing, like cell phones, Netflix, even sriracha... so that was how I took the comment.
You forgot to mention cocaine in your comprehensive list - _ -
I'm not going that far. that's where i draw the line. would rather ctb than live on cocaine.


Feb 22, 2019
I'm not going that far. that's where i draw the line. would rather ctb than live on cocaine.

I dunno. I could quite happily live on coke, but I can't afford it. But the fact that I only feel alive when on stimulants makes me feel suicidal.
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Jun 2, 2019
Although the op comes across in the op a little naïve I'm certainly not going to attack them. I've been suicidal on and off since I was around 15 I've tried all of these things and more. I'm giving life a chance for reasons one more time but I'm fully prepared to CTB if I feel things aren't getting better. I do appreciate the meaning behind the thread op this didn't deserve to get so derailed.


Feb 18, 2019
Although the op comes across in the op a little naïve I'm certainly not going to attack them. I've been suicidal on and off since I was around 15 I've tried all of these things and more. I'm giving life a chance for reasons one more time but I'm fully prepared to CTB if I feel things aren't getting better. I do appreciate the meaning behind the thread op this didn't deserve to get so derailed.
I don't think they come off as naive. The more time you spend here, the more you'll see that there are the occasional posts from people who really haven't tried anything to get better and this is their first day ever being sad. Especially literal 12-15 year olds just lying that they're over 18 to register. They don't stay around as regulars but they do drop in now and then.
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