

Feb 16, 2019
I have no family.
I have barely any friends. I'm so anxious generally and socially I'm bordering agoraphobic.
I see people on here who know each other or something and I'm like, 'These equally suicidal people are succeeding at something, they're succeeding at something that I'm completely hopeless with' and although I do like this forum and think it's a great resource and can be a great support for people, I just feel like a failure all over again because people don't reply to my posts and I have no friends.
Yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest.
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Resident waste of space
Sep 17, 2018
I know those feels, I'm so bad at communicating with others, I struggle to make friends
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Nov 13, 2018
I don't know what to say, but I thought I'd at least say hello, try to look forward, there has to be something out there that makes you want to live.
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Feb 16, 2019
All of us here won't judge you, I have depression/anxiety/social phobia myself.
I'm sure most of us can relate to your feelings here, your posts will certainly be read even if you don't get a lot of replies, join in on other threads you will see there's no judgement here. We are all suffering and want peace.
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Feb 5, 2019
I know those feels too well. I have family and girlfriend, no friends and I see her only in weekend. General anxiety exasorbed and ADHD with BPD.. And I hate the contact with public, and meet new people, I'm bugging, I never know what to say.

I share what you feel, it ain't easy at all. Everything feels like a gigantic task, like a big mountain, it's always hard to take decisions, and often it's not the good decision we take.
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Feb 16, 2019
I don't know what to say, but I thought I'd at least say hello, try to look forward, there has to be something out there that makes you want to live.

My therapist asks me what I'm hopeful about, what makes me want to keep going and I'm hopeful that the future will get better. But it reaaaaally doesn't seem like it's going to. Like I'm hopeful that my life will improve and stuff but like... Everything just seems to be getting worse?? The person I had feelings for told it turns out they didn't return my feelings and now I'm like, well guess I'll just die alone
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Feb 17, 2019
I have no family.
I have barely any friends. I'm so anxious generally and socially I'm bordering agoraphobic.
I see people on here who know each other or something and I'm like, 'These equally suicidal people are succeeding at something, they're succeeding at something that I'm completely hopeless with' and although I do like this forum and think it's a great resource and can be a great support for people, I just feel like a failure all over again because people don't reply to my posts and I have no friends.
Yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest.

I have barely any friends anymore too. And the sad part it, I am getting so agoraphobic that I am screwing up the (two) friendships that I do have. It's so hard to be around people when I'm so depressed. It's exhausting. So I keep to myself and hope they understand, but I think they are getting tired of my shit. So, I feel like a failure too, in innumerable ways. If you ever want to chat about anything, hit me up.
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Feb 12, 2019
Yep I share some similarities with you. I mostly just go to college, work and come home to study/blast music/read manga. Even at school I don't talk to anyone. Some people do come up to me to chat, I force myself to chat but most of the day is by myself.
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Sep 28, 2018
I have no family.
I have barely any friends. I'm so anxious generally and socially I'm bordering agoraphobic.
I see people on here who know each other or something and I'm like, 'These equally suicidal people are succeeding at something, they're succeeding at something that I'm completely hopeless with' and although I do like this forum and think it's a great resource and can be a great support for people, I just feel like a failure all over again because people don't reply to my posts and I have no friends.
Yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest.
sorry to know you are feeling this way.. that feeling sucks.. but, you are not alone, we are all in the same boat really.. you can come to chat box once in a while... there are so many good people who make you feel good. hope to see you there.
if you want someone to talk to, you can always pm me .. i can give you company as long as i stay here :)
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Nov 6, 2018
I made one friend in past 20 years ... until last year. I started to do volunteer work and now I have a group of people I could hang out with (If only my health allowed it). Still, I talk with a few of them most days and meet up every few weeks.
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Feb 1, 2019
I do understand you 123die, you can count with me while I'm here... also my current circumstances are extremely hard (for quite a while)... I feel so awful right now, alone, ready to go and can't until find access to N or someone serious with whom ctb asap and also talk, I am a very understanding, loving person.

I can't pm now (new) but can find me at: jdccar @ gmail . com
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Wats-on your mind?
Nov 28, 2018
I have no family.
I have barely any friends. I'm so anxious generally and socially I'm bordering agoraphobic.
I see people on here who know each other or something and I'm like, 'These equally suicidal people are succeeding at something, they're succeeding at something that I'm completely hopeless with' and although I do like this forum and think it's a great resource and can be a great support for people, I just feel like a failure all over again because people don't reply to my posts and I have no friends.
Yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest.

I'm sorry you're feeling so alone.
I can relate as I tend to isolate myself and fall into a major depressive spiral where I end up more isolated and feeling more alone..
I am barely coming out of one of my isolating depressive lows and I feel like my friends have given up hope and the only thing that mattered to me (my dog Watson) passed away so I have nothing left...

But I saw your thread and wanted to say hi, and perhaps we can feel alone together.

I know sometimes when I post it gets lost due to the time of day I post. But like someone else mentioned, visiting the "off topic" forum may help and I frequent the fun games threads and random thoughts threads for interaction.

But also, if you ever want to chat, feel free to pm me — but depending if I'm on a major low, I may be away from my computer/devices for weeks at a time.. but I'm hoping I'm coming out of my self isolation !!
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That Ghost Lady on the Hill
Dec 14, 2018
I have no family.
I have barely any friends. I'm so anxious generally and socially I'm bordering agoraphobic.
I see people on here who know each other or something and I'm like, 'These equally suicidal people are succeeding at something, they're succeeding at something that I'm completely hopeless with' and although I do like this forum and think it's a great resource and can be a great support for people, I just feel like a failure all over again because people don't reply to my posts and I have no friends.
Yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest.

I'm in a similar situation, I can absolutely relate. My family and some close friends are dead, two people I care about live in different timezones, so communication is sparse. Because of my issues I basically live like a hermit. As far as this site goes, give yourself time, you just recently joined. I don't post a lot (outside of game threads, that is :D), but after a time I did find people I connected with, and it gives me some comfort. I hope you find it too.
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Nov 13, 2018
My therapist asks me what I'm hopeful about, what makes me want to keep going and I'm hopeful that the future will get better. But it reaaaaally doesn't seem like it's going to. Like I'm hopeful that my life will improve and stuff but like... Everything just seems to be getting worse?? The person I had feelings for told it turns out they didn't return my feelings and now I'm like, well guess I'll just die alone

The thing is, whilst it may be crushing just now to know that person doesn't feel the same way about you that's not the end, there are lots of people in the world, some you have met and lots more you haven't yet met but if you live you will. Im very confidential that there will be atleast one if not many more that will feel that way about you.
I assume you are quite young, when i was at school I could never imagine anyone would have thought me attractive enough to go out with, now I'm in my early fifties have been married twice, had a few other relationships and now have the confidence to know that if I ever ended up single again (hopefully not) I would find a partner again. Your life isn't set in stone and it can change very easily unless you CTB then it can't change.
Good luck going forward and keep looking forward as thats the direction we are going because we can't go back.
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Jan 1, 2019
Please don't feel put out if lots of people don't reply to a post - it may just be a quiet time, where not many people are online or that it's a subject that not many people relate to. Or, they do relate but find it very exhausting to put into words that they do!

It's no reflection on you - or that no one wants to be friends with you. Also with the nature of the forum, people are often a little more cautious making jokes with newer members as you need to try and gauge people's mental state a little so as to not upset people in case they are particularly fragile.
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Dec 17, 2018
Please don't feel put out if lots of people don't reply to a post - it may just be a quiet time, where not many people are online or that it's a subject that not many people relate to. Or, they do relate but find it very exhausting to put into words that they do!

It's no reflection on you - or that no one wants to be friends with you. Also with the nature of the forum, people are often a little more cautious making jokes with newer members as you need to try and gauge people's mental state a little so as to not upset people in case they are particularly fragile.

Youre the best by the way
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Jan 1, 2019
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Dec 17, 2018
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Jan 1, 2019
@123die and what you can also do is just stalk a random member of SS across the forum!!

It's a quick and easy way to make a friend :-)
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
Difficulty in socializing is a common thread in people who are depressed.
The people here a great though, because they share the same frustrations that you do.
People who are depressed are generally not quick to judge you or be critical of you.
When people understand you, they like you and you like them.
That is a good feeling for everybody involved.

Also, here is a tip:
Try to respond to people who post on your thread.
Everytime a post is made on your thread, your thread gets bumped to the top of the stack.
That means you get more exposure.
I'm guilty of usually just perusing the threads at the top of the stack.
When you thread gets pushed down, people don't see it, I don't see it.
So as @JustAboutDone says, it REALLY has nothing to do about you, or that people don't like you.
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Jan 1, 2019
I love the way you spell with a Z things like socializing @color_me_gone it makes much more sense. I think I should live in America. Plus you have much better biscuits
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Nov 11, 2018
I've had no one to talk to pretty much everyday of my life since I left school at 16, so 13 years of it and counting. Talking online simply doesn't replace the need for real connection, and I don't even have anyone online anymore. I also never had a job, can't find one.
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Jan 1, 2019
It's like real life Eleanor Rigby right here :-(
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
spell with a Z
Ha ha. I know, but I find myself starting to put the S in sometimes now.
Thank you world wide web!
I think I'll go ring somebody now - not a term we use here.
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Feb 16, 2019
Thank you so much to everyone who's responded! It means a lot, I really appreciate it. @JustAboutDone when you said stalk people here, what did you mean exactly?
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
Thank you so much to everyone who's responded! It means a lot, I really appreciate it. @JustAboutDone when you said stalk people here, what did you mean exactly?
It means she's comes to your profile and leaves you love and hearts and strangely makes you feel better. ya know weird stalker stuff.
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Jan 7, 2019
I have no family.
I have barely any friends. I'm so anxious generally and socially I'm bordering agoraphobic.
I see people on here who know each other or something and I'm like, 'These equally suicidal people are succeeding at something, they're succeeding at something that I'm completely hopeless with' and although I do like this forum and think it's a great resource and can be a great support for people, I just feel like a failure all over again because people don't reply to my posts and I have no friends.
Yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest.
I'm sorry you feel that way honey. Im always here if you need someone to talk to. :-)
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Aug 25, 2018
I wish I don't have family but I have... Also, I don't have friend which I am fine with it.
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