Thanks for making the thread.
I quit nicotine about five days ago and it has been brutal. But also some other stuff has happened in those five days that has been very stressful, and also sent me into a downright depression spiral. Bad timing all around.
Last night I went to the local bar to cope. Was actually having a pleasant time, talking to the bartender, watching sports on the TVs. Then somehow I got roped into a conversation with two guys and a girl at one end of the bar, and the guys gave me some "tough love" about my life situation that honestly made me feel worse, was kind of embarrassing because they were so loud in front of other people. One guy started proclaiming that I was a liar and therefore would never find a job (because I didn't want to tell him exactly where I lived, so I just said I lived a road away from where I actually do, but he actually happened to live on that road...) and I don't want to go back.
Anyway, I'm just saying that I can understand how hard it can be to quit the things that help us cope, even when they put us in dumb, crappy situations like mine last night, with people who often aren't good for us.
I am lucky to not be an alcoholic but I have many other addictions, and it's not a contest at the end of the day. Porn. Video games. Escapism. And some drugs.
I have heard that you need to replace a bad addictive habit with a healthy one, but I am so fed up. I have no idea how to replace a nicotine pouch once an hour with... What, going to the gym every hour? Hiking a trail every hour? Reading a book every hour? None of those things give me the same amount of dopamine. I might try chewing gum, I don't know.
Sorry, I'm hungover, irritable, and still replaying my conversation with those two assholes from last night. I hope we can all find a way to overcome our vices and get better, at least starting with one addiction for now.