

Jan 12, 2019
I like to read reports of Near-Death Experiences. But does this mean that an afterlife exists? I am not sure what to believe. I have read that DMT plays a role in this. But since this is a natural substance, DMT doesn't really say anything about whether it is an argument for or against the afterlife. I don't really care. I just wonder if it wouldn't be boring to stay conscious for all eternity. Personally, I don't believe in hell. I suspect that the idea of hell was only an instrument of power for the churches.
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Feb 21, 2019
I really do hope there is an afterlife
As do I ... there must be something better out there for us that suffer badly in this life.

( nice avatar by the way, let us all love Lain ! )
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Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
Afterlife where you keep your consciousness, your personality doesn't make sense at all to me, I thing it's too way complicated and energy inefficient and universe doesn't like to do things that way.
It's like to go booom! Or transform. Not preserve something insignificant.
And anything else is essentially death of a person who lived.
That or maybe death is an illusion and we stuck in life on repeat.
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Aug 5, 2018
I don't know for sure what happens after death but I am OK with whatever happens.
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Jan 5, 2019
The possibility of an even WORSE afterlife is perhaps the only reason I'm still alive
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Nov 20, 2018
I think afterlife makes no sense. There wasn't one before you were born, why would there be one after you die, since you return to the same state of non-existence? To me, it seems that afterlife is just a lie that people who are afraid of the nothingness tell themselves.
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Nov 18, 2018
Each to their own. As for me, I have no fear of leaving this physical body behind. Since childhood I've seen and spoken with spirit. I don't follow any religion, not do I believe in a 'god'. Science does not know everything, far from it.
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Dec 7, 2018
I'm not sure if it was posted earlier in this thread but somone put death/afterlife in a way that made it seem much more approachable/less scary for me. They said: 'remember what it was like before you were born?' 'No!' 'That's what death will be like!'
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Apr 8, 2019
I'm not sure there is anything afterwards. It seems silly that civilisation has based their assumptions on heaven and hell through people who have never seen or visited it - prophets. Dont get me wrong, it's a nice idea, but in order to believe in an afterlife you need to believe in some sort of religion or God, and personally, that I don't


Feb 2, 2019
Snowman - are you at all reachable via PM?


Feb 2, 2019
If you want to know what happens in the afterlife after a suicide I suggest you look up "Channeling Erik" on youtube. It's about this young guy who shot himself and died in 2009, and his mother uses different mediums to talk to him through channeling.

But people may not believe in channeling and all that stuff (I'm not 100% sold on it tbh) so I think the best way to learn about the afterlife is by reading the stories of those who have had near death experiences (NDEs) or out of body experiences (OBEs). Stop listening to fear mongering religious nuts who get everything from a book, and instead listen to those with real personal experiences. Yeah sure people can make up stories or whatever, but millions of people have had NDEs and it's highly unlikely they're all making it up just for shits and giggles.

The majority of those who have had NDEs all bring back the same message - that there IS an afterlife but there is no judgement from "God" or whatever, you judge yourself by looking into your own panoramic life review where you reflect on every single moment of your physical life and get to feel every good and bad thing you have done to others and vice versa. There is a lot of healing that takes place.

As for reincarnation people tend to come back for some reason but the consistent message is that it's always a choice and not forced upon you.

Personally I have never had NDEs but I've had plenty of OBEs and I can tell you that there are other dimensions and they are mostly beautiful. Things feel very physical on the other side but you have super abilities like being able to fly, teleport, move things with your mind, create things with your mind, and more.

Although I cannot say for sure whether the places I've been to during OBEs are "real" or not, I can attest from personal experience that OBEs are real experiences and that people aren't just making up stories for attention. I hope these other dimensions are real though, and that these are the places you go to when you die (from suicide or otherwise.)
Snowman are you reachable by PM?
Sockeye Salmon

Sockeye Salmon

Mar 28, 2018
Even though the most logical thing for me that it'll be a void of nothingness without conscious when I die, I personally hope that after death, I'll be in some sort of endless lucid dream where I could control everything around me. I could create happiness for myself. Create things that I would never have experienced while I was alive. Feel love, joy, etc.

Selfish? Perhaps. But I could make it so that I won't care, I could control everything. I could make it so that I won't care that everything that happens is nothing more than my own making. There's simply just too many things in life that I know I will never get and this is the only way I could experience it.

Growing up in a christian family, I hate the notion that heaven is nothing but a place where we simply serve god. That just doesn't sound to great and I hate that idea. I would rather feel nothing.
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Apr 14, 2018
If I didn't get beforelife, why would I get afterlife? Makes no sense.
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Apr 20, 2019
If I didn't get beforelife, why would I get afterlife? Makes no sense.
Refreshing point! What if your life sucks and you ctb. Now imagine the afterlife sucks, then what? That would be horrible.
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May 1, 2019
In Chinese folk religions, the boundary between death and life, this and next life is quiet blurry. as long as they didn't do things too evil, rich and powerful of this life will be rich and powerful in the next life (the logic is, because they are rich and powerful in this life, so they must be rich and powerful in their last life so they will remain rich and powerful in next life),losers of this life will be losers in the next. If you are a bank account working as a dog every day in this life , you maybe an employee of the Bank of Hell after you die, sitting behind windows counting hell checks for rich ghosts all your ghosty life, and, the worst, you cannot die again, ain't that scary? ;) ( other than Visa/MasterCard of hell, I saw a "passport of Hell" at Toronto Chinatown, so people can burn it for their ancestors died in other countries to come visit them ...)
But since I'm a Catholic, so I'll be doomed as doomed can be, well, what can we do :heh:


Ultimate Despair
Apr 8, 2019
As a naturalist, it would be difficult for me to believe in an afterlife. Admitting to there being an afterlife would imply that I believe spirits and souls exist, and I don't. And even if there were an afterlife, would it even be enjoyable? To continue to live after death sounds nice until one takes account of all the possibilities. It's more peaceful to just pass away and cease consciousness rather than have constant anxiety over what happens next. Far more anticlimactic, but a lot more reassuring.
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May 2, 2019
The idea of an afterlife is terrifying to me. I don't see how anyone can find comfort in that. When I die I just want to be dead, no consciousness, nothing.

All my life I've considered myself an atheist but as I've been thinking more and more about suicide I've begun to question those beliefs. No one knows for sure what happens, so theoretically why is the existence of an afterlife any less believable than its nonexistence? The thought of consciousness in any form persisting- potentially infinitely- is pretty terrible. Even though I don't believe in a god I can't help fearing what will happen to me if God is real after all.
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Apr 25, 2019
In spiritism they say theres a suicide valley where the spirits go to suffer and its worse than people that comitted murder im scared


Jan 11, 2019
I really do hope there is an afterlife
If there is an afterlife and you see the people from your past.. committing suicide and meeting others after would suck just as bad as earth can suck.
The idea of an afterlife is terrifying to me. I don't see how anyone can find comfort in that. When I die I just want to be dead, no consciousness, nothing.

All my life I've considered myself an atheist but as I've been thinking more and more about suicide I've begun to question those beliefs. No one knows for sure what happens, so theoretically why is the existence of an afterlife any less believable than its nonexistence? The thought of consciousness in any form persisting- potentially infinitely- is pretty terrible. Even though I don't believe in a god I can't help fearing what will happen to me if God is real after all.
Exactly the thought of an afterlife scares me because what do you do if you messed up the life before... if you have no love in this life are you doomed in the after life?
In spiritism they say theres a suicide valley where the spirits go to suffer and its worse than people that comitted murder im scared
Why do they get it worst?.. Seems like taking someone else's life is worst? What do they say about it? That scares me.. as really hope there's no after life.. and if there is.. I hope it can somehow erase pain..
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May 15, 2019
The idea of an afterlife is terrifying to me. I don't see how anyone can find comfort in that. When I die I just want to be dead, no consciousness, nothing.

All my life I've considered myself an atheist but as I've been thinking more and more about suicide I've begun to question those beliefs. No one knows for sure what happens, so theoretically why is the existence of an afterlife any less believable than its nonexistence? The thought of consciousness in any form persisting- potentially infinitely- is pretty terrible. Even though I don't believe in a god I can't help fearing what will happen to me if God is real after all.

Same here. I am terrified that there might be something after we die. I don't believe there is, not at all, but there is still this voice at the back of my head telling me there might be, and I won't know until I take the leap.
I hope there is nothing. I hope my consciousness ceases to exist. I hope that I cease to exist. Completely, and utterly so.
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Archduke Demoness Villaintropic
Apr 3, 2019
I hope it's like waking from a dream
Maybe life is consciousness's way of seeing how long it can hold its breath
It would be nice


May 18, 2019
My views on the afterlife have changed a lot. Most of my life I was agnostic, but after going to a religious retreat and receiving a healing, I became a die-hard catholic. But after a lot of reading and researching, it seemed to me that it is more likely that religious experiences are byproducts of our mind. They are incredibly powerful (ex. Saul thought he saw Jesus, became blind and healed from the blindness, then spread the Good News to much of the world as Paul), but I think it is likely that our brain evolved religion as a coping mechanism for life. After all, if you feel like you have some meaning or overarching purpose to your life, you are going to work harder in life and will be more likely to survive. Considering that our egos are incredibly fragile (brain damage could change your personality), I don't really think there is such a thing as a soul that survives after death. And anyway, I hope death is the end. I'm done trying
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Be one with the Void
May 18, 2019
Personally, I hold beliefs that are mostly centered on spiritualism, but have been bordering on agnosticism as of lately. Ideally, I would like for there to be some sort of afterlife because my mind is just curious like that. I'd enjoy the incomprehensibility of it all as well as the new adventure. However, I also don't mind if there isn't an afterlife, because how would I be able to experience nothingness? It's kind of a win-win situation, unless there actually is an afterlife and the disorder in the world is a reflection of that, which in that case, we may have a serious problem. But even if someone believes that there isn't an afterlife, given the seemingly infinite nature of the universe, who is to say that the conditions for intelligent life won't arise again? How do we know that we haven't experienced "living" millions of times over already?
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Aug 5, 2018
Religion 100 years ago:
"If you commit suicide you will go to hell"

New Age today:
"If you commit suicide you will be reincarnated into the same difficulties"


It's always the same bullshit. Even the Near-Death Experience are fucking bullshit. People know it but they'd rather just live in their fantasy. It makes me sad to see people fall for the same crap over and over again.
  • Hmph!
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Mar 6, 2019
The afterlife is a very broad topic that shouldn't be limited to one thread. This thread is already too long and specific to be a catch all for the topic. Please don't force the issue because you don't like discussing it.


Apr 15, 2019
The afterlife is a very broad topic that shouldn't be limited to one thread. This thread is already too long and specific to be a catch all for the topic. Please don't force the issue because you don't like discussing it.

Do a search for "afterlife"...there are dozens of threads on the subject. It's not limited to just one. Who is forcing the issue?
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Mar 6, 2019
Do a search for "afterlife"...there are dozens of threads on the subject. It's not limited to just one. Who is forcing the issue?
The lead commentary in this thread is about consolidating the topic to one thread. I honestly find it annoying.

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