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Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
What are your Three Biggest Fears?
((I'm going to give us all a "fourth fear" that is "continuing to live" so no one can say "being stuck in this world" as a fear. So assuming you get to Ctb, whenever and however you want, what else are you afraid of?))
I guess I should start...
1) loss of a parent/family member/pet
2) ruining a parent/family member/pet's life with my passing
3) accidental pregnancy
(This doesn't seem like a threat anymore; but in the past, it was always something that I never wanted to deal with so I just kept it.)
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Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

📜 Just me, myself, and I
Apr 1, 2022
1. Aging

2. People posting me online for their own amusement…even others words on a screen can make me uneasy to a point where I'll get shakey.

3.being stared at/being perceived (whether positive or negative)
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Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
1. Aging

2. People posting me online for their own amusement…even others words on a screen can make me uneasy to a point where I'll get shakey.

3.being stared at/being perceived (whether positive or negative)
Ah damn. I forgot about number #1... I almost added "my body" to my list but I just didn't want to go there. So that's brave. Your number 2 & 3 make me sad.
I kind of had to stop myself from writing something dumb just so maybe you could see that you could handle it, and it not be so scary. People aren't always going to like you, so what? They may make fun of you, whether you see it or not. So what? Do you know that you're a decent person? Yes. Then what the hell does it matter what someone you don't know, nor care about, thinks? That's a universal fear. But is it realistic or practical? No. Does it serve or better you? No. Why do they matter? They don't, as far as their opinion of you goes. It's a waste of your time and effort. Hope this doesn't sound too harsh :/
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Jun 11, 2024
Thank you for your generosity in giving us all the fear of being stuck in this world. Much appreciated!

1. Losing control (e.g. brain injury).
2. Even more intensive animal factory farming and exploitation (vertical farming, aquaponics, xenotransplantation).
3. Going to the toilet in your dream when it's morning already and you have a full bladder.
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Serial Experi Pain

Serial Experi Pain

I hate me more :P
Sep 12, 2023
1. Needing help because I can't ask for it and when I do I'm ignored or I back out of accepting it.
2. Being judged for my appearance. People either love it or hate it, but that seems to be everything about me as a whole.
3. Never getting a chance to do anything other than taking care of others in this lifetime while struggling to keep myself going.
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Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

📜 Just me, myself, and I
Apr 1, 2022
Ah damn. I forgot about number #1... I almost added "my body" to my list but I just didn't want to go there. So that's brave. Your number 2 & 3 make me sad.
I kind of had to stop myself from writing something dumb just so maybe you could see that you could handle it, and it not be so scary. People aren't always going to like you, so what? They may make fun of you, whether you see it or not. So what? Do you know that you're a decent person? Yes. Then what the hell does it matter what someone you don't know, nor care about, thinks? That's a universal fear. But is it realistic or practical? No. Does it serve or better you? No. Why do they matter? They don't, as far as their opinion of you goes. It's a waste of your time and effort. Hope this doesn't sound too harsh :/
Ah no…not harsh. Those are some of the things I actually try to tell myself whenever I do go out. I been on a higher dose of medication, so it's kinda helping me to settle down abit but the anxiety is still there.

Even eye contact is enough to make me feel dizzy…but I force it to be as normal looking as possible. Idk if it always works…sometimes people still act like somethings off with me. And I have trouble listening and maintaining it at the same time…so that's a whole other separate issue.

Though reading this back, it still sounds like a care a awful lot about what other people think…it's just hard to shake I guess.

I haven't posted on the forum in awhile…haven't exactly felt safe, and I think my grogginess is lowering my inhibitions lol

Thank you for your kind and considerate reply. I like your posts btw, I admire how you stand up for yourself, and don't take shit from anyone on here. That's cool~
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Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
Ah no…not harsh. Those are some of the things I actually try to tell myself whenever I do go out. I been on a higher dose of medication, so it's kinda helping me to settle down abit but the anxiety is still there.

Even eye contact is enough to make me feel dizzy…but I force it to be as normal looking as possible. Idk if it always works…sometimes people still act like somethings off with me. And I have trouble listening and maintaining it at the same time…so that's a whole other separate issue.

Though reading this back, it still sounds like a care a awful lot about what other people think…it's just hard to shake I guess.

I haven't posted on the forum in awhile…haven't exactly felt safe, and I think my grogginess is lowering my inhibitions lol

Thank you for your kind and considerate reply. I like your posts btw, I admire how you stand up for yourself, and don't take shit from anyone on here. That's cool~
Yeah, prep for making a call or going out is always something I do. I have to visual it and account for things that can happen. So it's like being scared to high dive, or for me even low dive. You have to build up the courage. It sucks; and we have to do this for "other people" we don't even know or will never talk to again, which sucks even more. Which pisses me off so that sometimes helps. Anger can be a motivator if correctly used. Identifying how ridiculous a fear is that wtf should I fear it? But you can't just do it the one time. You have to "practice." Yeah, practice being a person... I tried edibles (didn't help) but I was microdosing everyday. I told my therapist this and was like, "So I have to get myself essentially a little "high" everyday, just to be a person?" She didn't think there was anything wrong with that and people do a lot of things to stay sane as a person. I thought "Well hell. Seth Rogen is talented and successful yet he is like always high so...." and I didn't even like the edibles.

Social anxiety is very complex. I equate it to performance anxiety. I was always terrified to read aloud when it was "my turn" in elementary. Same with public speaking. I could die from high blood pressure if I tried to sing in front of people. Shopping amongst strangers and having them interrupt you doesn't seem all that different to me if you think about it. You're not prepared, people could be staring at you at any moment, or randomly ask if you need anything at any moment. Then you're not prepared and fear takes over and it's hard to concentrate and take in what they're saying, let alone come up with a response on the spot. That's a performance to me. Usually "normal" people don't give a damn unless you're in their way. If you look shakey, they may just wonder if you're physically okay... Other people dont think like this. We're tragic lol; or if they do think like this it's to a much less intense degree of stress. It's an art lol, to actively not care. The reasons why we do are nuanced and varied. It's the same in the virtual world. This site can still stress you from the anticipation and ill-percieved judgement and ridicule that may or may not come. All the same rules still apply, just by design of internet rules. Make your own rules. Get pissed off for having such rules forced upon you lol. That can help too lol😉 Old habits die hard, but to me, as a former shy, soft-spoken, repressed/reserved/overly proper gal, these are the easier ones, sure as shit.
Grogginess definitely lowers your inhibitions too lol. That's okay for you, but I've had to watch that in the past😂
You're welcome. Good luck with your meds. Sorry if I sound like a preachy asshole. I'm very in my head today :/
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Im out
Jun 29, 2024
1 hell potentially existing
2 failing ctb and becoming a vegetable
3 my little sister after I ctb
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I'm only sleeping
Jun 2, 2024
1. Comodo Dragons
2. Climate change and the collapse of civilization
3. My doctor quitting her job or moving to a different town (I'll never find another who will believe me)
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Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
1. Comodo Dragons
2. Climate change and the collapse of civilization
3. My doctor quitting her job or moving to a different town (I'll never find another who will believe me)
I read your #1 and did a double-take... then I loled cause I didn't know what/why I was reading that🤣
I'm scared of critters, especially the ones where you can't tell what they're thinking, and can turn on a dime and run really fast in a scurrying-like fashion. F*cking scary... VERY scared of alligators/crocodiles/snakes yet I'm fascinated by them and love them?? It's a love/hate relationship fo' sho. They're kind of cute (the alligators/crocodiles at least) for being so deathly terrifying... The myths are no longer myths now though: they pop up in lakes, oceans, and storm drains😪 Nowhere is safe. Your neighbor could have a komodo dragon as a pet... we are doomed😣
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You are more than that. You have always been more.
Apr 9, 2024
1. The feel of how times flies and how life doesn't wait for anyone
2. Becoming vegetable if I'm not able to ctb correctly.
3. The existence of another life after death and being as pointless and miserable as this one.
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Jun 20, 2023
1. Not being able to regain the cognitive abilities I used to have
2. Spending the rest of my young adulthood living in my parents' house
3. Psychosis (it's not a particular risk for me or anything—I just find the idea of being unable to distinguish reality from unreality really scary. The risk of neurodegenerative diseases that include psychosis as a symptom seems to me like the worst part of old age).
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Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
1. Not being able to regain the cognitive abilities I used to have
2. Spending the rest of my young adulthood living in my parents' house
3. Psychosis (it's not a particular risk for me or anything—I just find the idea of being unable to distinguish reality from unreality really scary. The risk of neurodegenerative diseases that include psychosis as a symptom seems to me like the worst part of old age).
Do you mean used to have, as in when you were younger; or used to have as in years from now? That's upsetting both ways.


Jul 1, 2024
1. Losing my friends
2. Permanent injury or mental decline
3. Insomnia. Hard to fix and makes every problem 100x worse
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Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
I would say the following:
1. Phobia of medical surgeries and operations. (Very very very severe)
2. Fear of realising that what I always believed in my life (my values and stuff) are not how I truly feel, making me feel as if I've fought for nothing.
3. Fear of dying "with regrets".
  • Aww..
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Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
I would say the following:
1. Phobia of medical surgeries and operations. (Very very very severe)
2. Fear of realising that what I always believed in my life (my values and stuff) are not how I truly feel, making me feel as if I've fought for nothing.
3. Fear of dying "with regrets".
Yeah fomo was very real before they called it that. It was called OCD😅 I think that can be said for your #2 as well. Also I had my first surgery this year. It sucked, not gonna lie... A "wtf" experience, but it was doable. Bless that heating pad🙏
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Oct 10, 2023
1. Abandonment/Loss of my loved ones.
2. Bullying/Hazing or any form of public humiliation.
3. Homelessness

That's all I can think of, at least.
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Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
#1 and #3 all too valid... #2, buy mace😑
You can learn to get past public humiliation to a pretty large degree. I used to be the kind who could've died from public embarrassment. Still not perfect by any means, but managable. I even sang a few times🤨
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Jun 20, 2023
Do you mean used to have, as in when you were younger; or used to have as in years from now? That's upsetting both ways.
as in, when I was younger. Though I also fear it getting worse.
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May 20, 2024
1. Something happening to a family member/ friend/ pet...or losing them
2. Being in a vegetative state unable to move and unable to do anything
3. Spiders
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All human rights are important
Feb 5, 2021
1. Getting a disease or having an accident, where I am a vegetable in a sense of needing help to do anything to take care of myself.
2. Dying slowly through a chronic disease that cause more pain and loss of life quality (this is starting in my case, why I need to CTB)
1. Something happening to a family member/ friend/ pet...or losing them
2. Being in a vegetative state unable to move and unable to do anything
3. Spiders
I overcame the fear of killing spiders. I understand you


I wish I could delete my trauma...
Aug 10, 2021
1. My anxiety
2. That others are going to suffer around me irl and I'll fail to be there for them and end up being stuck overthinking and replaying it all in my mind over and over.

3. Tied between my overthinking, my psychosis, my intrusive thoughts, and that I'm going to end up killing someone some day.
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The View From Halfway Down
Feb 8, 2023
Hmm this is more difficult to answer than I thought it would be...

1. Loosing my husband. Either by death or if he comes to his senses and divorces me. Death is scarier though. If Im gonna loose him, Id rather it be through divorce. Atleast he would be alive and happier without me.

2. Loosing my puppy. I lost my bestest girl Ellie back in January. I still cry and mourn her everyday, its been the worst thing in my life. I do love my new puppy I rescued, but at times when I am very happy with her I suddenly think about how I'm gonna loose her too one day and it ruins the moment.

3. Aging and Disease. I watched my great grandmother turn into a total vegetable due to alzeheimers over a decade. A diagnosis like that would be the kick in the butt I need to finally pull the trigger.
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Nov 18, 2023
1. Losing the few friends I have left.

2. Losing my parents (this will happen eventually as they are 75 and 77 years old but right now they are in pretty good health for those ages)

3. Losing my cat.
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death is a beginning & not an end
Jul 3, 2024
1. Losing myself.
2. Interference in CTB (even if not from others), or entrapment in my existence.
3. Sometimes, reincarnation.
Seered Doom

Seered Doom

A nihilist going through an unrelinquished Hell
Sep 9, 2023
1) My own mental health

2) Having too much self-awareness to the point it turns my view of the world to be misanthropic

3) Becoming property of the state (I'm in the US)
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Apr 27, 2024
1. Empty nose sydrome
2. Ozena
3. Involontary mental hospitalization while having the above conditions

1 and 2 can be debilitating with atrocious suffocation
3 could make me suffer for months, years, maybe decades of inhumane torture because psych meds have no effect over these conditions

It is extremely important for me to get my hands on SN. Its not a matter of life or death, it is death or torture.
Please help me if you can send SN my way.


Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
1) Bees, hornets, wasps, etc.
2) confrontation with my mother.
3) abandonment.

Er maybe flip the order depending on what season it is.


Life is definitely not a song...
Mar 14, 2024
1) Bees, hornets, wasps, etc.
2) confrontation with my mother.
3) abandonment.

Er maybe flip the order depending on what season it is.
#1?? Why I feel you're making a mockery of my thread... even someone on here put "Komodo Dragon." You know, a real fear smh. Well when I read "Bees" this guy popped up in my head. Plus the "quick sand" analogy might appeal to you. One of my fav movies💕

1) My own mental health

2) Having too much self-awareness to the point it turns my view of the world to be misanthropic

3) Becoming property of the state (I'm in the US)
Yeah I've wondered how one "becomes a ward of state" myself. US also.
1. Something happening to a family member/ friend/ pet...or losing them
2. Being in a vegetative state unable to move and unable to do anything
3. Spiders
There's this bug zapper that looks like a tennis racket that zaps and kills bug. Comes in handy and comforting in the fight against spiders😑
as in, when I was younger. Though I also fear it getting worse.
That's sad, as your cognitive abilities are strong now. I totally get that. Mine have declined just from depression and lack of use. It's tragic. My memory was fierce once upon a time. I refer to this as "depressed-induced dementia." Even my dumb singing, rapping, dancing, basketball have taken a sharp decline. It's very unsettling😪
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
#1?? Why I feel you're making a mockery of my thread... even someone on here put "Komodo Dragon." You know, a real fear smh. Well when I read "Bees" this guy popped up in my head. Plus the "quick sand" analogy might appeal to you. One of my fav movies💕

Yeah I've wondered how one "becomes a ward of state" myself. US also.

Hey I have actually seen that one! And yes great movie.

But my bee fear is not rational lol it's built in from being swarmed as a kid. I can tell you it's stupid but as soon as those fuckers buzz around my ears I freak out.

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