Just a hypothetical question, would 2 sucidals/ having suicidal thoughts poeple be a good match?? Could suicidal be passed by genes? It is a bad move for the next generation/humanity?
obviously I can't speak for every situation, but my current setup works out very well for me. My partner and I have very similar issues and our mental illnesses manifest themselves in a similar manner, so that we're able to identify when the other is having problems and understand exactly how to help. We both have suicidal thoughts/ideation which we're able to openly express to eachother, and we both have attempts/hospitalizations under our belts. I'd say it's the most ideal situation we could hope for in this miserable existence
That being said I would never have children, and have known this since I was 13 or so. Besides the fact that my guy is almost 20 years my senior and already has a child nearing adulthood, combining these issues into a brand new human seems like an overall terrible idea. For the record, his kid is the result of two very sick people reproducing, and at 16 yrs old she already has a shitload of problems that have, and will be, incredibly challenging for her to deal with.
But again, I can't speak for every situation out there, this is only my personal experience and observation.