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Dec 25, 2020
would you rather

[X] Spend two years as the opposite sex
[ ] Spend two years as a different race/culture

I'm curious to know whats it's like to be the opposite gender.

If reincarnation were real

would you rather

[ ] be reborn with memories of your past life.
[ ] be reborn without memories of your past life.
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Reactions: 4am, Dr Iron Arc and 262653


Aug 23, 2020
would you rather

[x] be reborn with memories of your past life.
[ ] be reborn without memories of your past life.

Because some lessons got learned.

would you rather

[] find out everyone you really care about will miss you terribly when you're gone
[] find out no one would really care and everyone would be perfectly fine without you
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Reactions: 4am, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and Dr Iron Arc


Jan 17, 2021
[] find out everyone you really care about will miss you terribly when you're gone
[x] find out no one would really care and everyone would be perfectly fine without you

I'd like to be a ninja ghost. In and out of life, and no one even noticed.

Would you rather:

[] Fight one horse-sized duck
[] Fight 100 duck-sized horses
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[X] Fight one horse-sized duck
[ ] Fight 100 duck-sized horses

One horse-sized duck seems way easier to kill especially since I don't think a horse is equivalent to 100 ducks anyway, maybe if it were like 20 duck-size horses I'd choose them but otherwise the horse sized duck seems easier to take out.

You are royalty who was kidnapped as a baby by a rival kingdom and raised by their royal family all these years. One day you get sent to the kingdom you were originally born in and find your real family there. You learn of the atrocities the kingdom who kidnapped you committed including killing your real mother and father. At one point the two sides meet each other on the battle field and you are given a choice...

would you rather

[ ] Stay with the family who raised you but is likely to be more evil?
[ ] Join the family who shares your DNA but you know nothing about them and some of them might never trust you since you're from the other side?

Unfortunately you cannot refuse to join a side or choose to join Smash Bros instead.
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Reactions: 4am, 262653 and GrumpyFrog


Jan 17, 2021
[x] Stay with the family who raised you but is likely to be more evil?
[ ] Join the family who shares your DNA but you know nothing about them and some of them might never trust you since you're from the other side?

Giving up the only life I've ever known in exchange for some vague genetic consideratons would be absurd.

Would you rather:

[] Be a vampire
[] Be a werewolf
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Reactions: 4am, WhatDoesTheFoxSay?, 262653 and 1 other person


Aug 23, 2020
[x] Be a vampire
[] Be a werewolf

There are different versions of both myths, but usually being a vampire leaves you with more control over your life.

Would you rather

[] Allow the AI to take over the world
[] Destroy all technology to prevent that from happening and go back to Middle Ages
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Reactions: 4am, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and Dr Iron Arc
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[X] Be a vampire
[ ] Be a werewolf

Less body hair and less mauling. At least vampires kill people mostly just by turning them into other vampires.

would you rather

[X] Allow the AI to take over the world
[ ] Destroy all technology to prevent that from happening and go back to Middle Ages

I for one love our benevolent AI overlords, especially if they are reading this right now.

would you rather

[ ] Remove all forms of racial prejudice by destroying every race except for one?
[ ] Remove all forms of class warfare by killing everyone who isn't a millionaire?
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Reactions: 4am, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and GrumpyFrog


Aug 23, 2020
would you rather

[x] Remove all forms of racial prejudice by destroying every race except for one?
[ ] Remove all forms of class warfare by killing everyone who isn't a millionaire?

The former is awful, but might work. The latter isn't going to work, because when everyone is a millionaire money just devalue and people come up with a new form of money.

Would you rather

[] Live in a society where all felonies are punished with death penalty with no exceptions
[] Live in a society where there is no law enforcement
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Reactions: 4am and Dr Iron Arc
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[X] Live in a society where all felonies are punished with death penalty with no exceptions
[ ] Live in a society where there is no law enforcement

If for no other reason, I picked it because it would provide a really easy method to CTB.

would you rather

[ ] Fall in love with someone who doesn't exist
[ ] Fall in love with someone who does exist but is still completely unattainable for whatever reason like incompatible orientation, already being in a relationship, etc...
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Reactions: 4am


Aug 23, 2020
would you rather

[ ] Fall in love with someone who doesn't exist
[x] Fall in love with someone who does exist but is still completely unattainable for whatever reason like incompatible orientation, already being in a relationship, etc...

Just because that's the one thing I always end up doing anyway.

Now that we're on the topic

Would you rather

[] Fall for someone who likes you as a person but isn't attracted to you at all and only wants to be friends
[] Fall for someone who is super attracted to you, but doesn't care about you as a person and only wants to hook up
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Reactions: 4am and Dr Iron Arc
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[ ] Fall for someone who likes you as a person but isn't attracted to you at all and only wants to be friends
[X] Fall for someone who is super attracted to you, but doesn't care about you as a person and only wants to hook up

I've had enough of the former in my life, at least with the latter situation there's a brief moment where our desires are mutual.

would you rather

[ ] Be with someone who's more like your mom.
[ ] Be with someone who's more like your dad.
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Reactions: 4am and GrumpyFrog


Aug 23, 2020
would you rather

[ ] Be with someone who's more like your mom.
[x] Be with someone who's more like your dad.

That's a trick question, though. I have no idea what my dad is like as a person, but I sure do know I wouldn't want to be with someone who's like my mom, thanks but no thanks.

would you rather

[] Be with someone who is super similar to you in personality
[] Be with someone who is a polar opposite of you
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Reactions: 4am and Dr Iron Arc
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[X] Be with someone who is super similar to you in personality
[ ] Be with someone who is a polar opposite of you

As much as I hate many aspects of my personality, it would increase the chances of having the same interests which is a huge factor for me.

would you rather

[ ] Get cheated on by your partner?
[ ] Be forced to cheat on your partner?
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Reactions: 4am and GrumpyFrog


Aug 23, 2020
would you rather

[x] Get cheated on by your partner?
[ ] Be forced to cheat on your partner?

Oddly enough, I do not have much of a problem with "cheating", so I probably wouldn't even be upset.

would you rather

[] Have the same romantic interest your best friend has
[] Fall for your best friend, who is already interested in someone else
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Reactions: 4am and Dr Iron Arc
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[X] Have the same romantic interest your best friend has
[ ] Fall for your best friend, who is already interested in someone else

Knowing my best friend, I might have more of a shot and if I don't then I can at least be happy for my friend.

would you rather

[ ] Date your friend's sibling?
[ ] Date your sibling's friend?
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Reactions: 4am and GrumpyFrog


Aug 23, 2020
Knowing my best friend, I might have more of a shot
Wow, that was savage :blarg:

would you rather

[x] Date your friend's sibling?
[ ] Date your sibling's friend?

My only sister is 17 years younger than me, dating any of her friends would be beyond creepy no matter how many years in the future.
Also I used to have a best friend with a really, really hot sister.

would you rather

[] Date someone 5 years older than you
[] Date someone 10 years younger than you
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Reactions: 4am and Dr Iron Arc
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[X] Date someone 5 years older than you
[] Date someone 10 years younger than you

For one thing, ten years younger than me right now is 16 so uh I'd probably go to jail. Secondly, my mom is actually ten years younger than my dad and look how that worked out. I'd be totally fine with dating someone just five years older than me too the real question is whether they're interested in me.

would you rather

[ ] Date someone your age from 50 years in the past
[ ] Date someone your age from 100 years in the future
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Reactions: 4am


low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
[ ] Date someone your age from 50 years in the past
[x] Date someone your age from 100 years in the future

Since I'm not the biggest fan of the conservative mindset most people had 50 years ago I would take a risk and try out dating someone from the future...100 years is still a long time and maybe people are living in a "Mad Max" kind of world and are just as dominant (due to having to survive) since 50 years ago. Guess I had to take that risk.

Would you rather...

[ ] Have sex with your "dream person" once and then never again
[ ] Have lots of sex but never with a person you desire/love
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Reactions: 4am and Dr Iron Arc
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[X] Have sex with your "dream person" once and then never again
[ ] Have lots of sex but never with a person you desire/love

At least with the first way I can know for sure that I get one guaranteed good experience and then I can probably just CTB or something right after and die happy.

would you rather

[ ] Have a detailed list of everyone on earth who'd be willing to have sex with you?
[ ] Have a detailed list of everyone on earth who's responsible for committing a serious crime?
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Reactions: 4am


Jan 17, 2021
[ ] Have a detailed list of everyone on earth who'd be willing to have sex with you?
[x] Have a detailed list of everyone on earth who's responsible for committing a serious crime?

I'd blackmail them silly. As for the other list, I'd sleep better at night by not knowing.

Would you rather:

[ ] Have to wear a silly propeller hat for the rest of your life
[ ] For the rest of your life, be together with someone who always wears a silly propeller hat
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Reactions: 4am and Dr Iron Arc


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
[ ] Have to wear a silly propeller hat for the rest of your life
[X] For the rest of your life, be together with someone who always wears a silly propeller hat

B-be tog-together with someone for the... rest of my l-life? Yes, thank you very much.


[ ] Marry and live with a member of fixthe69 but after ten years of marriage you get Nembutal. No loopholes allowed, can't kys during marriage, etc.
[ ] You can't use the internet at all for ten years but after ten years you get to use a Sarco. No loopholes.
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Reactions: 4am
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
would you rather

[X] Marry and live with a member of fixthe69 but after ten years of marriage you get Nembutal. No loopholes allowed, can't kys during marriage, etc.
[ ] You can't use the internet at all for ten years but after ten years you get to use a Sarco. No loopholes.

This choice still really sucks because I'm pretty sure most of them are way older than me but at least I still get to use the internet.

would you rather

[ ] Get drafted into your country's army to fight against another country that you actually like more than your own
[ ] Be forced to destroy your favorite city in your country and everyone in it (besides you if you live there)
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Reactions: 4am


Jun 13, 2021
Would you rather...

[ ] Die now
[ ] Had never been born
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Reactions: 4am


Mar 29, 2023
would you rather
[ ] Die now
[X] Had never been born

would you rather
[ ] never feel anything ever
[ ] have extreme mood swings
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Reactions: 4am

Dark shadow

Apr 5, 2023
would you rather
[X] never feel anything ever
[ ] have extreme mood swings

Would you rather
[ ] hate everyone
[ ] have everyone hate you
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Reactions: 4am


Aug 9, 2019
Would you rather
[ X] hate everyone
[ ] have everyone hate you

Would you rather
[ ] fight 100 duck sized horses
[ ] fight 1 horse sized duck
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Reactions: 4am
Unsure and Useless

Unsure and Useless

Drifting Aimlessly without Roots
Feb 7, 2023
Would you rather…
[ ] fight 100 duck sized horses
[X] fight 1 horse sized duck

I think the duck would be a big enough target to use most weaponry/machinery on

Would you rather…
[ ] Find your (nearly) perfect significant other, but they're a serial killer that enjoys what they do
[ ] Marry a rich, elite individual who doesn't love you at all and is only with you to boost their own reputation but will indulge your every whim (and they also have a lover)
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Reactions: 4am


Apr 7, 2023
Would you rather…
[X] Find your (nearly) perfect significant other, but they're a serial killer that enjoys what they do
[ ] Marry a rich, elite individual who doesn't love you at all and is only with you to boost their own reputation but will indulge your every whim (and they also have a lover)

I would be convinced I could fix them lmao

Would you rather…
[ ] Have one of your hands cut off painlessly
[ ] Do parkour
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Reactions: 4am


professional fool
Apr 5, 2023
Would you rather…
[ ] Have one of your hands cut off painlessly
[x] Do parkour

Reason: I love having both of my hands lol - I guess I'm learning how to parkour!

Would you rather...
[ ] be a billionaire who has everything you could ever need, but can't use any of the extra money on yourself
[ ] be dirt poor no matter what, but everything you do ends up going well (e.g.: having a job interview, get the job)
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Reactions: 4am


Mar 12, 2023
[ ] be a billionaire who has everything you could ever need, but can't use any of the extra money on yourself
[X] be dirt poor no matter what, but everything you do ends up going well (e.g.: having a job interview, get the job)

Well, if I'm that lucky then things should go well...right?

Would you rather...
[ ] be socially accepted, but none of your connections are that significant and no one truly appreciates you
[ ] have someone who you truly appreciates and truly appreciates you, but hated by everyone else
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