An old acquaintance of mine once said he's surprised to see me when we drifted apart after school and then met some decade and a little bit later. When I asked why, he said he expected me to ctb once we're out of school.
I was in a similar (although not as harsh) situation - nothing is fun, nor stimulating enough to do. "I do not live, I exist."
This idea changed some time later to a more grim "I do not live, I suffer." because of a medical reason.
My own sentiments to life are irrelevant, however, since you are not me. You are, however, younger and have a resource I don't - time.
At the age of 18 you are officially adult as far as the law is concerned. This is both good and bad. You can have an apartment of your own, for example, away from the toxic environment you live in, but you also need to work your ass off for the money for it. In this particular case, in my opinion the good, that is moving away from your current situation outweighs the bad - working your ass off for it.
Of course, there's also the potential body finding a proper treatment for whatever disorder you're dealing with.
At the end of it all, you are what you are and what you believe that you are.
Learning to answer to those who call you a faggot with "suck my dick, bud, you'll like like a faggot too." may be one of the most difficult things to do, but it's worth it.
I'd say give it some thought. At worst, you have tomorrow, and afterwards another tomorrow to ctb at.