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Apr 15, 2024
Hello all! Are any of you interested in the occult? I've been practicing tarot for a year or so and I have SOOOO much time on my hands right now, so,

Would anyone like a free tarot reading?

You can either comment in this thread or if you want to ask a private question you can PM me and I can do a tarot reading for you on any broad area of question! I could really use the practice, and it would be cool to help others in the meanwhile as I've only done readings for a few of my friends before. I also was able to do readings for everyone I was with when I was in a psych ward recently and It was a wonderful experience all around!

Also I'm only on this site every now and then so I'm not sure how long it will take me to get to your question, but I will try my best if this gets interest from several people!
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Yeah sure. I'd like to know who I was in my past life and what past life karma I have.

I'd also like a reading for my ideal career, which career would best suit me. Thank you so much! 💜
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Apr 15, 2024
Yeah sure. I'd like to know who I was in my past life and what past life karma I have.

I'd also like a reading for my ideal career, which career would best suit me. Thank you so much! 💜

IMG 4097
Here's the full spread! I will explain what each card means in full. This is one of the most complicated spreads I've done for someone before so forgive me haha😱😁

The chunk of cards on the left will be everything in your most recent past life from birth to death, the chunk on the right is your karma and what you've carried with you in this life.

IMG 4093
Card 1 (by the candle) represents your last birth sex. In this page of cups, the artwork depicts a naga or snake-bodied woman, so you were likely a girl, who was bright and open to new ideas and things, you were born a dreamer.

Accompanied by the message of love, the next row of 3 cards will be:

2: your childhood
The nine of wands shows resilience through many troubles, you stand tall over the reeds and you stayed alive through many terrible experiences as a young girl. But with the message of love over this whole section, you had someone or many someone's to rely upon

3: your family life
The four of wands is a structured card of celebration, you felt supported by your family, and you perhaps were not very wealthy but you had all you needed. You were likely beautiful, and the flowers (plum blossoms) represent how you or your whole family were quite hopeful!

4: your relationships
The ace of wands is a card of fertility new love and new growth. A lovebird perches on the lonely branch. This is just the vibe I'm getting but it seems like you had a young love, a very strong reckless young love. One person who really captivated you. It was wholesome and exciting!

Lastly the wands are very prominent in your human connections, showing you were growing so much, learning a lot, building something special, or just plain creative in all its forms. Maybe your family were artisans of some kind and made a specific good? Just an idea!

The next row will get more heavy with more spiritual ideas, again, through this you were surrounded by love, or through everything you had a partner or parent or friend. Somebody who loved you unconditionally to guide you through everything.

5: your obstacles
the queen of cups ruled her emotional world. A lot of your challenges involved opening your heart, self worth issues, fighting your own inner demons was your greatest fight. The artwork includes imagery from historical female shamans who would perform exorcisms, maybe your obstacle was darkness.

6: achievements
The world card. This is showing that you made the whole fools journey, a really incredible card to get actually. In your past life you were on a path of enlightenment. The art shows the monkey king transcending and freed from the wheel of life. It seems this was through following your spiritual intuition as I will elaborate on in the next card!

7: spirituality
Knight of cups! More cups! This card says you listened to your heart and let it guide you through your spiritual pursuits. This card blends action and imagination, so rituals of some kind were something you had actively participated in!

IMG 4094

Lastly in this section we have
Card 8: how you died.

First the oracle cards, the skink, the neon stripes let the harmless lizard apear to predators as a snake to avoid, its tail can break off if attacked. It hides hoping not to be seen. Maybe you had to hide an ideology, or protect someone's secret, something you would give a limb for in an act of bravery not without fear.

The heart portal: into a treacherous situation I think you had characteristically followed your heart on something you knew could put you in harms way. To be disguised as a snake, to feign a silver tongue following your heart. You didn't have many swords in your reading, so you might not have been the smartest but you were so wise and good! Here in the end….

8: the nine of swords
This is a card of nightmares, and great suffering. I think you may have been caught doing something, and I see that even in the heart portal oracle card that there's another dagger to the heart surrounded by tears. Your death was probably untimely and unpleasant, but you died following your heart.

Ok now the karma!!!
IMG 4095

Two rows
9 and 10
11 and 12

You can also make out two columns showing your different takeaways
The left is fear, the right is ideation.

Pulling the you card was kind of wild and honestly that's self explanatory haha, this is you! What you've learned.

Card 9: lessons learned
The devil + (fear)
The devil, you fear liars, you fear being tricked, deceived, coaxed into something you think is good but is actually bad. This is a fear that has been given to you I think by the way you died. You died either deceiving someone or being deceived, so to be fearful of that makes so much sense.

10: karma brought forwards
Seven of wands + ideation
A duckling hatches in the grass, the dynamics are shifting and you have begun anew, but you are vulnerable, and the creativity of the wands from your past upbringing stay with you. I think that your karma has maybe left you more vulnerable than in your past life. Last time around you had this crazy amount of support, and I think the wheel of life has decided you need to learn to be more on your own so that next time the nightmare comes you will have the strength to power through it this time. This is definitely a different lesson from your past life, and your challenges in this life will come with a theme or solitude or at least self-reliance.

11: the purpose of your past life
Two of wands, with fear.
I strongly feel this is connected to card 4: the ace of wands on relationships. I think you might even fear leaning upon others sometimes, and the purpose of your past life might have been to teach you that you can't always take cover under those who care for you and what they've built, you need to be strong. The little quail is hiding from the devil, from the deception, the liars. I think you fear the decision to run, or the decision to fight, because the devil may see you and catch you. I think bravery and independence are strong lessons from your past life.

12: the current life takeaway
The ace of cups,+ ideation
a sheepish frog full of emotions must leave the cup to enjoy its surroundings. Open your heart to new possibilities, try to stay open minded, this card says that the unfamiliar will be good for you, you were a homebody to your detriment in your last life. This card is still screaming bravery and independent. And says to still follow your heart truly into the unknown.

I hope you like your reading and find it insightful, thank you for letting me do this for you! I have a concert to go to but I will get on your career reading tomorrow
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I'm curious, without knowing anything about me, could you give a tarot reading of my past, present and future? What is my true love like?


Mar 5, 2024
Hello all! Are any of you interested in the occult? I've been practicing tarot for a year or so and I have SOOOO much time on my hands right now, so,

Would anyone like a free tarot reading?

You can either comment in this thread or if you want to ask a private question you can PM me and I can do a tarot reading for you on any broad area of question! I could really use the practice, and it would be cool to help others in the meanwhile as I've only done readings for a few of my friends before. I also was able to do readings for everyone I was with when I was in a psych ward recently and It was a wonderful experience all around!

Also I'm only on this site every now and then so I'm not sure how long it will take me to get to your question, but I will try my best if this gets interest from several people!
That sounds incredibly interesting!! If youre still up for it, id be very interested in a reading


they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
View attachment 136034
Here's the full spread! I will explain what each card means in full. This is one of the most complicated spreads I've done for someone before so forgive me haha😱😁

The chunk of cards on the left will be everything in your most recent past life from birth to death, the chunk on the right is your karma and what you've carried with you in this life.

View attachment 136035
Card 1 (by the candle) represents your last birth sex. In this page of cups, the artwork depicts a naga or snake-bodied woman, so you were likely a girl, who was bright and open to new ideas and things, you were born a dreamer.

Accompanied by the message of love, the next row of 3 cards will be:

2: your childhood
The nine of wands shows resilience through many troubles, you stand tall over the reeds and you stayed alive through many terrible experiences as a young girl. But with the message of love over this whole section, you had someone or many someone's to rely upon

3: your family life
The four of wands is a structured card of celebration, you felt supported by your family, and you perhaps were not very wealthy but you had all you needed. You were likely beautiful, and the flowers (plum blossoms) represent how you or your whole family were quite hopeful!

4: your relationships
The ace of wands is a card of fertility new love and new growth. A lovebird perches on the lonely branch. This is just the vibe I'm getting but it seems like you had a young love, a very strong reckless young love. One person who really captivated you. It was wholesome and exciting!

Lastly the wands are very prominent in your human connections, showing you were growing so much, learning a lot, building something special, or just plain creative in all its forms. Maybe your family were artisans of some kind and made a specific good? Just an idea!

The next row will get more heavy with more spiritual ideas, again, through this you were surrounded by love, or through everything you had a partner or parent or friend. Somebody who loved you unconditionally to guide you through everything.

5: your obstacles
the queen of cups ruled her emotional world. A lot of your challenges involved opening your heart, self worth issues, fighting your own inner demons was your greatest fight. The artwork includes imagery from historical female shamans who would perform exorcisms, maybe your obstacle was darkness.

6: achievements
The world card. This is showing that you made the whole fools journey, a really incredible card to get actually. In your past life you were on a path of enlightenment. The art shows the monkey king transcending and freed from the wheel of life. It seems this was through following your spiritual intuition as I will elaborate on in the next card!

7: spirituality
Knight of cups! More cups! This card says you listened to your heart and let it guide you through your spiritual pursuits. This card blends action and imagination, so rituals of some kind were something you had actively participated in!

View attachment 136037

Lastly in this section we have
Card 8: how you died.

First the oracle cards, the skink, the neon stripes let the harmless lizard apear to predators as a snake to avoid, its tail can break off if attacked. It hides hoping not to be seen. Maybe you had to hide an ideology, or protect someone's secret, something you would give a limb for in an act of bravery not without fear.

The heart portal: into a treacherous situation I think you had characteristically followed your heart on something you knew could put you in harms way. To be disguised as a snake, to feign a silver tongue following your heart. You didn't have many swords in your reading, so you might not have been the smartest but you were so wise and good! Here in the end….

8: the nine of swords
This is a card of nightmares, and great suffering. I think you may have been caught doing something, and I see that even in the heart portal oracle card that there's another dagger to the heart surrounded by tears. Your death was probably untimely and unpleasant, but you died following your heart.

Ok now the karma!!!
View attachment 136039

Two rows
9 and 10
11 and 12

You can also make out two columns showing your different takeaways
The left is fear, the right is ideation.

Pulling the you card was kind of wild and honestly that's self explanatory haha, this is you! What you've learned.

Card 9: lessons learned
The devil + (fear)
The devil, you fear liars, you fear being tricked, deceived, coaxed into something you think is good but is actually bad. This is a fear that has been given to you I think by the way you died. You died either deceiving someone or being deceived, so to be fearful of that makes so much sense.

10: karma brought forwards
Seven of wands + ideation
A duckling hatches in the grass, the dynamics are shifting and you have begun anew, but you are vulnerable, and the creativity of the wands from your past upbringing stay with you. I think that your karma has maybe left you more vulnerable than in your past life. Last time around you had this crazy amount of support, and I think the wheel of life has decided you need to learn to be more on your own so that next time the nightmare comes you will have the strength to power through it this time. This is definitely a different lesson from your past life, and your challenges in this life will come with a theme or solitude or at least self-reliance.

11: the purpose of your past life
Two of wands, with fear.
I strongly feel this is connected to card 4: the ace of wands on relationships. I think you might even fear leaning upon others sometimes, and the purpose of your past life might have been to teach you that you can't always take cover under those who care for you and what they've built, you need to be strong. The little quail is hiding from the devil, from the deception, the liars. I think you fear the decision to run, or the decision to fight, because the devil may see you and catch you. I think bravery and independence are strong lessons from your past life.

12: the current life takeaway
The ace of cups,+ ideation
a sheepish frog full of emotions must leave the cup to enjoy its surroundings. Open your heart to new possibilities, try to stay open minded, this card says that the unfamiliar will be good for you, you were a homebody to your detriment in your last life. This card is still screaming bravery and independent. And says to still follow your heart truly into the unknown.

I hope you like your reading and find it insightful, thank you for letting me do this for you! I have a concert to go to but I will get on your career reading tomorrow
Thanks so much for taking the time to do a reading for me. I really appreciate it. It was very insightful 💙
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𝚂𝚂 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚘. 43,53?
Dec 22, 2023
Eilo there! Now this is really cool and I as well would also like to know or have wanted to know for a long while what my past life was all about and what exactly got me to this point in my life. I have zero skills nor any potential to do anything right.

Just a little background info about me I'm 22M autistic Birthdate is July 21, 2001 and I'm a low IQ middle school dropout with SSA mental disability.

Would greatly appreciate it whenever you're able to get around to me!🩷
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Apr 15, 2024
I'm curious, without knowing anything about me, could you give a tarot reading of my past, present and future? What is my true love like?
Sounds very fun and challenging! I would love to give that a shot, it would definitely help me gauge where I'm at with my cards. I'm away from home rn but will get to you as soon as I can :)
That sounds incredibly interesting!! If youre still up for it, id be very interested in a reading
Absolutely! Feel free to ask your question here or shoot me a message! It may take me a day to get back to you though!
Eilo there! Now this is really cool and I as well would also like to know or have wanted to know for a long while what my past life was all about and what exactly got me to this point in my life. I have zero skills nor any potential to do anything right.

Just a little background info about me I'm 22M autistic Birthdate is July 21, 2001 and I'm a low IQ middle school dropout with SSA mental disability.

Would greatly appreciate it whenever you're able to get around to me!🩷
Absolutely 😁 I will get on it as soon as I can!
Thanks so much for taking the time to do a reading for me. I really appreciate it. It was very insightful 💙
Of course! My pleasure 🩷 ^u^
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I'm interested in a reading. I mean, if I'm being honest, I don't actually believe in these types of stuff but it's nonetheless interesting and harmless to ask for a reading so I may as well I guess. I don't believe in past lives but, nonetheless, feel free to let me know what my past lives were.

Though, I'm mainly interested in my current life and why I am the way I am. For context about me, I'm 19, male, autistic and I never really had any passions or interests throughout my entire life. I also never had any irl friends or acquaintances either. I feel like everything that I do is because of obligation, not because I actually want to do it. I feel like I was heavily meant for permanent non existence as it just sounds so blissful to me to be in complete inertia... to never think or feel or experience anything again for all eternity.

Do I even have a purpose for being here? Why am I the way I am? Was I ever meant for life to begin with or am I truly meant for permanent non existence?
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I hate my life and the government
Mar 16, 2024
Sure, this sounds pretty fun

How about... What... What does my life hold now or something idk
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Loneliness consumes me
Apr 14, 2024
Oooh so cool! I used to read tarot too so I love this ^^ could you maybe do a spread for me about my future in this life I currently have? Oh and of course I want to know about the romance (even though I'm really depressed I still wish to have a family later)
  • Hugs
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Mar 28, 2024
Thanks for sharing your talents! May shoot you a PM at some point.
I've always been interested in learning tarot (used to be fascinated by wiccan rituals growing up), I'd love to know any resources you've learned from :D
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Apr 15, 2024
I'm curious, without knowing anything about me, could you give a tarot reading of my past, present and future? What is my true love like?

Here we are!
IMG 4128

From left to right is past present and future. Obviously three cards won't cover everything but I will try to see the story in between each phase.

The very first thing I notice is subtraction. Sounds weird but I see four figures, then three, then one (two of pentacles.) so this caught my eye as a countdown of sorts, or Repeating losses.

The past: Ten Of Pentacles
Usually a happy card, or a card of overwhelming emotion, but I can't help but notice that things seem to get less positive over time. I think that something about your life started on the right path, I think that there was a period of brief goodness and innocence. However…

The Present: Three of Pentacles
from four to three, the hard word of building a church, a place away from home, building walls, usually a card of collaboration, but I get the vibe that something bad happened to the goodness in your early life, I think something came that tore it away and now you have had to start from scratch, and the work on rebuilding your life is very exhausting.

The future: The Two Of Pentacles
The pentacles all represent the material world, anything physical, your home, your clothes, your wealth, your body, your care for the material, etc. The twos all represent a choice, it seems your future holds a choice that is on a very precarious balance, which boat to take, left or right? How long can you juggle this decision, you've been juggling it for a while. Both choices will take you somewhere new and unexpected, I think there's an element of destiny to this choice, not as strong as fate, but you are destined to meet this decision, but the outcome of course will depend on your choice, both plant the seeds of change in scenery.

Now for your true love!
IMG 4129

Wow, this is a very clear archetype of person. A Cinderella, meaning someone who stayed kind and didn't let the cruelty of the world defeat them. This will be a person who has been HORRIBLY wronged, and I mean terribly, the ten of swords the a card of horrible defeat, suffering, violence of course, it symbolizes endings and it a sad card to have in this persons background. But this person has mastered these feelings really well, surprisingly well! They grew from a page, the page of cups full of emotions and trying to learn how to handle them and their fullness, to being the queen of wands they've taken their pain and turned it into creative nurturing, maybe this person makes artwork, plays an instrument, they handle their darkness with a stunning power and confidence. and more than anything they are Nurturing

The oracle cards below in this instance show that this persons love language is just so sweet and wonderful. this person feels no shame in expressing love. It's a choice as well, they want to be this way.
This makes me think that you do not need tough love, you might need someone who has worked through their pain so wonderfully that their love will make you in turn feel safe again. If your life and been a series of subtractions, minus one over and over, this person would be a metaphorical +1 lol

Their only main flaw is their fear. They've already worked past their issues in practice, but the fear remains, and it would be for you to help them learn that they have nothing to fear anymore.

Idk who this person is but they sound pretty awesome lol.

I hope you've enjoyed the reading and have found it insightful! And at the very least I hope it's helped with introspection (that's my fav thing about tarot ^u^) lastly I suggest looking at the imagery too, you know yourself better than I know you of course, so the symbolism can often add a lot of cool details!

Thanks a lot for helping me practice!
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Thank you, that's very cool and you put a lot of effort into it!
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Apr 15, 2024
That sounds incredibly interesting!! If youre still up for it, id be very interested in a reading
Hey Petrichor! You're up next for a reading, is there any question, person, or situation that's been heavy on your mind? :)
Thank you, that's very cool and you put a lot of effort into it!
Yay! 😁 you are super welcome, and thanks to you again as well!
Thanks for sharing your talents! May shoot you a PM at some point.
I've always been interested in learning tarot (used to be fascinated by wiccan rituals growing up), I'd love to know any resources you've learned from :D
Absolutely! 😁 ask any questions whenever you would like!
I'm interested in a reading. I mean, if I'm being honest, I don't actually believe in these types of stuff but it's nonetheless interesting and harmless to ask for a reading so I may as well I guess. I don't believe in past lives but, nonetheless, feel free to let me know what my past lives were.

Though, I'm mainly interested in my current life and why I am the way I am. For context about me, I'm 19, male, autistic and I never really had any passions or interests throughout my entire life. I also never had any irl friends or acquaintances either. I feel like everything that I do is because of obligation, not because I actually want to do it. I feel like I was heavily meant for permanent non existence as it just sounds so blissful to me to be in complete inertia... to never think or feel or experience anything again for all eternity.

Do I even have a purpose for being here? Why am I the way I am? Was I ever meant for life to begin with or am I truly meant for permanent non existence?
I would be happy to do a reading for you! It's funny because I don't strongly believe in magic but I also don't *not* believe in it. All I do know is that Tarot is great self-therapy for its ability to make you introspective, it really forces you to think about yourself and how the cards connect to you, and what lessons you should learn. I'm optimistically agnostic, so my position is that *if* magic is real or whatever I better do it right haha! No matter if it's real or not I hope it will be able to give you some good insight into your worries.

I will get to your reading as soon as I can!
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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
What's the name of the deck you are using? If you don't mind sharing.. The one with watercolor like illustrations.


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Apr 15, 2024
Eilo there! Now this is really cool and I as well would also like to know or have wanted to know for a long while what my past life was all about and what exactly got me to this point in my life. I have zero skills nor any potential to do anything right.

Just a little background info about me I'm 22M autistic Birthdate is July 21, 2001 and I'm a low IQ middle school dropout with SSA mental disability.

Would greatly appreciate it whenever you're able to get around to me!🩷

Alright :)
I'm here with your reading!
It's structured differently from the last past life reading to help put more focus on your current issues as well!

Here's the full spread! IMG 4133

Before I even get started on the explanation it's very rare I get a reading that ends up this cohesive and symmetrical. I could barely believe how PINK the whole bottom section is! I will get into the significance of that soon, but if this neon hot pink brings anything to mind for you just hold onto that!

Ok so here's the first section! Past life karmas and purpose! Let me know if you do want any in depth past life readings :)

IMG 4134

The first card on the left represents your current bad karma
The Nine of Wands:
Usually representing resilience and standing tall above hardships, in the context of the card position being bad karma it will be taken as a reversed card reading. Your bad karma is that you often feel overwhelmed when things go badly for you, you can be defensive and you lose hope and faith in yourself very fast. This comes down to self worth issues and maybe even acting cowardly sometimes.

In the center is your Good Karma!
The King of Pentacles:
This king over the material world, the world of possessions, wealth, health, body and home, it seems as though your good karma from your past life is that you had a keen eye, you were reliable and were able to commit yourself to projects and ideas. You might be experimental or methodical in testing solutions to various problems. Overall this has brought a good sense of judgement to your current phase of life!

Lastly on the right is your lesson learned
The Page of Coins:
Together the Good and Bad Karma make your overall life lesson, so I will cover the good and bad aspects of the page,
You come into this life with a brightness and sense of excitement, it's youthful and fun, you begin to understand the material world and as a young page your good karma has brought you mentors and support. Negatively, this card can mean immaturity, underachievement, and lack of responsibility.

I think to cap off this section I will say that the lesson might be that you are bright but need guidance. Something to encourage where your excitement lies.

And one more thing! I will throw this in now that there's also a huge focus on the suit of Coins/ pentacles here! This is a major theme in your life as it stands right now as well, the material world, and for some reason I'm getting time management, or feeling cold? There's just so many dragons and lizards and bits of cold metal, I'm not sure what this might mean to you, but I'm feeling it so I've gotta say it haha.

Let's move on though!

IMG 4135

So this section was laid out with your question of (what got you to this point in your life) in mind. And I've got to say it struck me as ominous and seems like a very layered and complicated issue.

The center top card, the lizard, is intended to be the literal answer to the question

The Seven of Coins:
It says that where you are right now is the result of short term investments. The card is meant to be a reminder that you should not be looking at success or terms of instant gratification. Maybe you have been too distracted by easy but fleeting wins that have been keeping you from long term fulfillment! The card advises one to ask themselves what they can do right now to help their future self be happy.

This is flanked by communication and Guide, and in my option this fits like a puzzle piece with the karma stuff from earlier about needing guidance to help your brightness. Maybe you are in this sticky situation from not communicating your needs.

Now this lowest bottom section covered in hot pink is totally perplexing me, I have a strange feeling about this section and that probably sounds silly but I don't want to withhold that from you.

The card on the bottom left, is meant to be something you REALLY need to know right now.
The Chariot:
This is the only major arcana which popped up so it's already quite significant, and paired with magic as this warrior reigns in these tigers feels very powerful. The chariot can be movement, but this specific tarot card including the artwork is about determination, control, and willpower. It's fitting this strong message that you needed to hear right now is the only major suit card. Be determined, and try to regain control of your situation! Have conviction. If you can harness the willpower necessary to change the results will literally be magical.

To the right we have the final card which will represent your Advice on how to handle the situation
The Three of Swords:
This is where it gets dicey, the three of swords is a famous card in the traditional tarot, it is the card of heartbreak and disappointment, it can mean great suffering. Paired with disruption this means that maybe you need to shake up your routine or make a big change to avoid this pain.
Of course it goes without saying that after the pain comes the healing, but nonetheless your advice is to disrupt or end some habit or idea or thing. I'm not entirely sure what it means, as in the context it could mean so much, and I hope you will have an idea of what all this means to you! The message is SO strong but it seems extremely personal.

The final card that sets the energy of this bottom section is perceptivity. The crescent moon which usually denotes hidden meanings and secrets has holes for the eyes to peer through, a pink candle glows in the dark. This card means that you have a strong intuition or connection with truth and secrets about the world. Maybe this is telling you to trust your gut and intuition on the message in the reading itself, with all the pink and so many stripes! Such a cool reading. You may have more power over yourself than you think. 🩷🐅
What's the name of the deck you are using? If you don't mind sharing.. The one with watercolor like illustrations.
It's called The Tricksters Journey Tarot! By Jia Sung :)
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perseverance is inevitable success
Dec 8, 2022
Hello all! Are any of you interested in the occult? I've been practicing tarot for a year or so and I have SOOOO much time on my hands right now, so,

Would anyone like a free tarot reading?

You can either comment in this thread or if you want to ask a private question you can PM me and I can do a tarot reading for you on any broad area of question! I could really use the practice, and it would be cool to help others in the meanwhile as I've only done readings for a few of my friends before. I also was able to do readings for everyone I was with when I was in a psych ward recently and It was a wonderful experience all around!

Also I'm only on this site every now and then so I'm not sure how long it will take me to get to your question, but I will try my best if this gets interest from several people!
Hello all! Are any of you interested in the occult? I've been practicing tarot for a year or so and I have SOOOO much time on my hands right now, so,

Would anyone like a free tarot reading?

You can either comment in this thread or if you want to ask a private question you can PM me and I can do a tarot reading for you on any broad area of question! I could really use the practice, and it would be cool to help others in the meanwhile as I've only done readings for a few of my friends before. I also was able to do readings for everyone I was with when I was in a psych ward recently and It was a wonderful experience all around!

Also I'm only on this site every now and then so I'm not sure how long it will take me to get to your question, but I will try my best if this gets interest from several people!
i don't know if pm works because i think there's something to do with how many messages you need to send or how long you are a member that you can dm people

I guess I ask... is there any information I should know about my love life? And yes, I want to clarify some information because you're prob gonna get a million figures LMAO. I'm in an open relationship, but my bf and I told everyone we're single because we want to steer away from drama and jealousy cuz ppl are so jealous that we're happy but also want to say bad things about us because we're open. so yeah, we're pretending to be single. i've been hooking up with my ex cuz my bf and i are currently long distance. also had a guy who rejected hooking up with me when my bf and were honest about us being together in an open relationship, and yeah... it was a crazy amount of backlash. i'd say i'm weirdly waiting for this guy who rejected me to finally pick up that i'm "single" so that he can be more comfortable to ask me to hook up, but he also treated me like absolute garbage because he didn't agree with the open relationship. i think he's triggering my attachment wounds so i'm so crazy attracted to him. bad boys emotionally get me so attached even tho they make me feel like garbage. but i guess that's why hookups are fun.

also... is there advice on how to fix my situation in life in general? I've always been going through happy and jolly episodes followed by absolutely miserable, depressive ones. would be interesting to see the general advice on it! :)
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Apr 20, 2024

A general reading would be amazing, thank you :)
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Apr 15, 2024
I'm interested in a reading. I mean, if I'm being honest, I don't actually believe in these types of stuff but it's nonetheless interesting and harmless to ask for a reading so I may as well I guess. I don't believe in past lives but, nonetheless, feel free to let me know what my past lives were.

Though, I'm mainly interested in my current life and why I am the way I am. For context about me, I'm 19, male, autistic and I never really had any passions or interests throughout my entire life. I also never had any irl friends or acquaintances either. I feel like everything that I do is because of obligation, not because I actually want to do it. I feel like I was heavily meant for permanent non existence as it just sounds so blissful to me to be in complete inertia... to never think or feel or experience anything again for all eternity.

Do I even have a purpose for being here? Why am I the way I am? Was I ever meant for life to begin with or am I truly meant for permanent non existence?
Ok yours is gonna be a doozy! First off, I know you mostly wanted to focus on your life right now, and since this is a complex spread I left the past life out for now, but would be happy to do that separately if you're still curious!
As a warning I'm going to read the cards as I see them, and there are definitely some bold yet touchy subjects in here.

Here's the full spread!
IMG 4137
You'll find that I've numbered your cards because this spread is a bit more cluttered and difficult to follow! I hope it helps!

Starting with the top, this section covers your isolation and issues that come from it, I hope this provides some extra insight for your predicament, your specific questions will be in section two! So don't worry if it goes off the rails for a sec.
IMG 4139

Card 1 represents the difficulty you are currently navigating
Ace of Swords:
aces represent beginnings, something has started or a phase of life is approaching that you feel unprepared for. The swords all represent the intellect, I believe this challenge or phase is related to knowledge or learned skill. It seems tricky to start from nothing.
This ace is represented by Brad Pitt in the movie fight club, where men who are horribly bored by their mundane lives start an illicit but exciting fight club. Are you currently looking for anything to escape the boring and dreary mundane world? Your challenge is getting through this bland limbo.

Card 2, what's distracting you?
The Two of Cups:
This is the card of romantic desire, of finding emotional connection and love. This will be the first moment where this may seem savage but a consistent theme for a lot of the reading is that you are super lonely or touch starved. You especially crave intimacy and partnership, closeness, this eats at your subconscious and feeds your feelings of inadequacy the longer you go alone. I would describe the vibes I'm getting as (down bad.) Just a hug could really help you. This emptiness stops and distracts you from keeping your mind on track towards escaping the mundane.

Card 3, what is stopping you from seeing a way out?
The Page of Cups:
Usually showcasing a young man feeling his emotions very strongly and truly, this card takes it up a notch by featuring the character of Shakespeare from the film Shakespeare in love. It follows Shakespeare as he meets a beautiful woman and proceeds to write plays to immortalize her and their love. Yet another love card. This really makes me feel like you might feel inadequate in your ability to find love and this idea is really holding you back from growth.

Card 4, what can give you hope?
The Three of Cups:
The three of cups often shows three women drinking and dancing, joyfully celebrating, full of laughter. This card invites you to be social and go to places full of laughter and people who desire to celebrate something. I think this card asks you to find something to celebrate doing so will help show you a new path.

Card 5, what's an issue you must address?
Nine of Wands:
Something is weighing very heavily on you. The nine of wands shows someone who carries a huge burden, they are tired… weary. This card usually shows up as a sign that you are almost done carrying this burden, nearly completed and content reaching ten but not quite there yet. Whatever it is you are carrying and worrying about beyond your power, this is a sign that it's ok to let go of this burden, it needs to be addressed.

Card 6, whats a good next step?
The Six of Coins:
This card is about balance, and is typically about accepting help from others or giving help to others. Maybe put more time into giving energy to your family, it must be decisive. Or, on the flip side, you must be ok with accepting charity from others. Doing this will start you on the path to a life you actually feel excited about.

This section is all done! I will cover your specific questions here soon in the next chunk of cards!
IMG 4140

Card 7 answers your question on finding purpose.
The Lovers:

This card shows art from broke back mountain, Forbidden or taboo love, or maybe love that is difficult to find for a person in an unusual situation. I think this card is simply saying that love and human connection is where so many people discover purpose, and the cards recommend this to you also. But remembering the advice from section one, you have to get yourself out there first to acquire this.

BONUS CARD!: the Two of Swords just kind of flew out when I was asking for where you might find purpose, this one is interesting because the two of swords is a card of difficult decisions, things being separated, a cross roads, and conflict. It can also show that something has yet to be revealed. Are there any things you're strongly opinionated about? I would look for meaning in those things.

card 8, Why are you the way you are?
The King of Cups:
More cups, the king now. This features Bill Murray in Lost in Translation. A movie about a love that can never be, people who must leave each other after having only just met, they made each other happy but must return to their unhappy lives. It's a sad love story.
In asking why you are this way, I can't help but wonder if you have witnessed some truly sad things as a child that have damaged your idea of love. Maybe it was your parents, or maybe you yourself felt unloved by someone who should have given you love. There's a hole in your chest from something, and that is why you feel so defeated and purposeless. Your self-worth is really hurt from something.

Card 9, Who are you *Really*
The Knight of Wands:
the knight of wands is one of the hastier knights, featuring Mad Max, you are bold, you can be aggressive but you have to be where you came from, you came from something with poor structure. You see the world as a wasteland, but your heart is inclined towards goodness I feel. I think if you were put in the right situations, you might surprise yourself with a touch of heroism!

The cards listed above are paired with The Sea Eagle (renew your life)
And The White Tailed Deer (pause, assess, act.)

I suspect these Oracle cards tell you to act both boldly and decisively, but only after much thought and consideration.

Onto card 10, How do you perceive yourself?
The Seven of Coins:
Keyword: repression

the seven of coins is usually characterized by a person who prefers planning for the long term over instant gratification. Now with repression, it could be the other way, maybe you have difficulty planning for the future because you have repressed that desire.

Card 11, How do others perceive you?
The Seven of Wands:
First thing I noticed of course was that you and others both associate you with seven, so that I think is a unbiased look at who you really are! Think about the number seven and see if it has any deeper meaning to you, or keep your eye out for the number! It may be good luck.
The seven of wands differs alot from the seven of pentacles
The seven of wands shows the repeated bravery and firmness in facing many challenges over and over. This might be a part of your burden, all of these troubles you've made it through.

That being said I get the idea that the way others see you is more real and less warped than how you see yourself, when you think of yourself, you think of your lack of real world accomplishments, or you think of how little you care about the material world with repression, but people around you look at you and see someone who is a fighter, someone who's carried a heavy burden, and been through many many struggles. This is accomplished by the keyword Reunion.
This all makes me think people care about you, and they see the good in you better than you see it. IMG 4142
they see more of your truth. You may even be repressing the acknowledgment of any of those good or brave qualities.

The final card. The question is are you meant for life,
The Fool:
This card is the ultimate card of beginnings, the beginning of a journey, even the start of life, the start of a story. It shows Forest Gump just walking along. I think this summarizes life super well, since (you never know what you're going to get.)
Are you meant for life? I can't answer that for certain and I don't think anyone can, oblivion sounds blissful af, but you are here for now, and the fool is one of the better cards you could have received for this question. I would say with a light hand that the answer is optimistic.

I hope that this reading has been insightful or helpful to you in some way, I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable either, when tarot gets personal it can be hard to tell someone about the messages but I wouldn't want to keep any cards from you!

Thank you a bunch for helping me practice my cards! ❤😸
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Mar 5, 2024
Hey Petrichor! You're up next for a reading, is there any question, person, or situation that's been heavy on your mind? :)

Yes, i'm wondering if i will ever find peace, love and stability. I'm getting over an ex right now, still not out of my mind after a couple months. And im working on my driving license, these things are probably the biggest things on my mind currently :p There's chronic illness as well, but it's in a calm phase right now, so on that side i'm good.
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𝚂𝚂 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚘. 43,53?
Dec 22, 2023
Alright :)
I'm here with your reading!
It's structured differently from the last past life reading to help put more focus on your current issues as well!

Here's the full spread! View attachment 136166

Before I even get started on the explanation it's very rare I get a reading that ends up this cohesive and symmetrical. I could barely believe how PINK the whole bottom section is! I will get into the significance of that soon, but if this neon hot pink brings anything to mind for you just hold onto that!

Ok so here's the first section! Past life karmas and purpose! Let me know if you do want any in depth past life readings :)

View attachment 136167

The first card on the left represents your current bad karma
The Nine of Wands:
Usually representing resilience and standing tall above hardships, in the context of the card position being bad karma it will be taken as a reversed card reading. Your bad karma is that you often feel overwhelmed when things go badly for you, you can be defensive and you lose hope and faith in yourself very fast. This comes down to self worth issues and maybe even acting cowardly sometimes.

In the center is your Good Karma!
The King of Pentacles:
This king over the material world, the world of possessions, wealth, health, body and home, it seems as though your good karma from your past life is that you had a keen eye, you were reliable and were able to commit yourself to projects and ideas. You might be experimental or methodical in testing solutions to various problems. Overall this has brought a good sense of judgement to your current phase of life!

Lastly on the right is your lesson learned
The Page of Coins:
Together the Good and Bad Karma make your overall life lesson, so I will cover the good and bad aspects of the page,
You come into this life with a brightness and sense of excitement, it's youthful and fun, you begin to understand the material world and as a young page your good karma has brought you mentors and support. Negatively, this card can mean immaturity, underachievement, and lack of responsibility.

I think to cap off this section I will say that the lesson might be that you are bright but need guidance. Something to encourage where your excitement lies.

And one more thing! I will throw this in now that there's also a huge focus on the suit of Coins/ pentacles here! This is a major theme in your life as it stands right now as well, the material world, and for some reason I'm getting time management, or feeling cold? There's just so many dragons and lizards and bits of cold metal, I'm not sure what this might mean to you, but I'm feeling it so I've gotta say it haha.

Let's move on though!

View attachment 136173

So this section was laid out with your question of (what got you to this point in your life) in mind. And I've got to say it struck me as ominous and seems like a very layered and complicated issue.

The center top card, the lizard, is intended to be the literal answer to the question

The Seven of Coins:
It says that where you are right now is the result of short term investments. The card is meant to be a reminder that you should not be looking at success or terms of instant gratification. Maybe you have been too distracted by easy but fleeting wins that have been keeping you from long term fulfillment! The card advises one to ask themselves what they can do right now to help their future self be happy.

This is flanked by communication and Guide, and in my option this fits like a puzzle piece with the karma stuff from earlier about needing guidance to help your brightness. Maybe you are in this sticky situation from not communicating your needs.

Now this lowest bottom section covered in hot pink is totally perplexing me, I have a strange feeling about this section and that probably sounds silly but I don't want to withhold that from you.

The card on the bottom left, is meant to be something you REALLY need to know right now.
The Chariot:
This is the only major arcana which popped up so it's already quite significant, and paired with magic as this warrior reigns in these tigers feels very powerful. The chariot can be movement, but this specific tarot card including the artwork is about determination, control, and willpower. It's fitting this strong message that you needed to hear right now is the only major suit card. Be determined, and try to regain control of your situation! Have conviction. If you can harness the willpower necessary to change the results will literally be magical.

To the right we have the final card which will represent your Advice on how to handle the situation
The Three of Swords:
This is where it gets dicey, the three of swords is a famous card in the traditional tarot, it is the card of heartbreak and disappointment, it can mean great suffering. Paired with disruption this means that maybe you need to shake up your routine or make a big change to avoid this pain.
Of course it goes without saying that after the pain comes the healing, but nonetheless your advice is to disrupt or end some habit or idea or thing. I'm not entirely sure what it means, as in the context it could mean so much, and I hope you will have an idea of what all this means to you! The message is SO strong but it seems extremely personal.

The final card that sets the energy of this bottom section is perceptivity. The crescent moon which usually denotes hidden meanings and secrets has holes for the eyes to peer through, a pink candle glows in the dark. This card means that you have a strong intuition or connection with truth and secrets about the world. Maybe this is telling you to trust your gut and intuition on the message in the reading itself, with all the pink and so many stripes! Such a cool reading. You may have more power over yourself than you think. 🩷🐅
Ah wowsers thanks so much for taking time to do this for me! This is quite a bit to take in at first glance! All shown here has been very knowledgeable and perhaps even kinda accurate! The neon hot pink stuff I do really like maybe just something I've kinda just always had an subconscious affiliation with if I make sense? Welp either way really do once again appreciate this very insightful reading and maybe I might get in touch with you again sometime if/when you're available to maybe uncover more bits and pieces of my prior lives etc! :)
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Ok yours is gonna be a doozy! First off, I know you mostly wanted to focus on your life right now, and since this is a complex spread I left the past life out for now, but would be happy to do that separately if you're still curious!
As a warning I'm going to read the cards as I see them, and there are definitely some bold yet touchy subjects in here.

Here's the full spread!
View attachment 136190
You'll find that I've numbered your cards because this spread is a bit more cluttered and difficult to follow! I hope it helps!

Starting with the top, this section covers your isolation and issues that come from it, I hope this provides some extra insight for your predicament, your specific questions will be in section two! So don't worry if it goes off the rails for a sec.
View attachment 136191

Card 1 represents the difficulty you are currently navigating
Ace of Swords:
aces represent beginnings, something has started or a phase of life is approaching that you feel unprepared for. The swords all represent the intellect, I believe this challenge or phase is related to knowledge or learned skill. It seems tricky to start from nothing.
This ace is represented by Brad Pitt in the movie fight club, where men who are horribly bored by their mundane lives start an illicit but exciting fight club. Are you currently looking for anything to escape the boring and dreary mundane world? Your challenge is getting through this bland limbo.

Card 2, what's distracting you?
The Two of Cups:
This is the card of romantic desire, of finding emotional connection and love. This will be the first moment where this may seem savage but a consistent theme for a lot of the reading is that you are super lonely or touch starved. You especially crave intimacy and partnership, closeness, this eats at your subconscious and feeds your feelings of inadequacy the longer you go alone. I would describe the vibes I'm getting as (down bad.) Just a hug could really help you. This emptiness stops and distracts you from keeping your mind on track towards escaping the mundane.

Card 3, what is stopping you from seeing a way out?
The Page of Cups:
Usually showcasing a young man feeling his emotions very strongly and truly, this card takes it up a notch by featuring the character of Shakespeare from the film Shakespeare in love. It follows Shakespeare as he meets a beautiful woman and proceeds to write plays to immortalize her and their love. Yet another love card. This really makes me feel like you might feel inadequate in your ability to find love and this idea is really holding you back from growth.

Card 4, what can give you hope?
The Three of Cups:
The three of cups often shows three women drinking and dancing, joyfully celebrating, full of laughter. This card invites you to be social and go to places full of laughter and people who desire to celebrate something. I think this card asks you to find something to celebrate doing so will help show you a new path.

Card 5, what's an issue you must address?
Nine of Wands:
Something is weighing very heavily on you. The nine of wands shows someone who carries a huge burden, they are tired… weary. This card usually shows up as a sign that you are almost done carrying this burden, nearly completed and content reaching ten but not quite there yet. Whatever it is you are carrying and worrying about beyond your power, this is a sign that it's ok to let go of this burden, it needs to be addressed.

Card 6, whats a good next step?
The Six of Coins:
This card is about balance, and is typically about accepting help from others or giving help to others. Maybe put more time into giving energy to your family, it must be decisive. Or, on the flip side, you must be ok with accepting charity from others. Doing this will start you on the path to a life you actually feel excited about.

This section is all done! I will cover your specific questions here soon in the next chunk of cards!
View attachment 136195

Card 7 answers your question on finding purpose.
The Lovers:

This card shows art from broke back mountain, Forbidden or taboo love, or maybe love that is difficult to find for a person in an unusual situation. I think this card is simply saying that love and human connection is where so many people discover purpose, and the cards recommend this to you also. But remembering the advice from section one, you have to get yourself out there first to acquire this.

BONUS CARD!: the Two of Swords just kind of flew out when I was asking for where you might find purpose, this one is interesting because the two of swords is a card of difficult decisions, things being separated, a cross roads, and conflict. It can also show that something has yet to be revealed. Are there any things you're strongly opinionated about? I would look for meaning in those things.

card 8, Why are you the way you are?
The King of Cups:
More cups, the king now. This features Bill Murray in Lost in Translation. A movie about a love that can never be, people who must leave each other after having only just met, they made each other happy but must return to their unhappy lives. It's a sad love story.
In asking why you are this way, I can't help but wonder if you have witnessed some truly sad things as a child that have damaged your idea of love. Maybe it was your parents, or maybe you yourself felt unloved by someone who should have given you love. There's a hole in your chest from something, and that is why you feel so defeated and purposeless. Your self-worth is really hurt from something.

Card 9, Who are you *Really*
The Knight of Wands:
the knight of wands is one of the hastier knights, featuring Mad Max, you are bold, you can be aggressive but you have to be where you came from, you came from something with poor structure. You see the world as a wasteland, but your heart is inclined towards goodness I feel. I think if you were put in the right situations, you might surprise yourself with a touch of heroism!

The cards listed above are paired with The Sea Eagle (renew your life)
And The White Tailed Deer (pause, assess, act.)

I suspect these Oracle cards tell you to act both boldly and decisively, but only after much thought and consideration.

Onto card 10, How do you perceive yourself?
The Seven of Coins:
Keyword: repression

the seven of coins is usually characterized by a person who prefers planning for the long term over instant gratification. Now with repression, it could be the other way, maybe you have difficulty planning for the future because you have repressed that desire.

Card 11, How do others perceive you?
The Seven of Wands:
First thing I noticed of course was that you and others both associate you with seven, so that I think is a unbiased look at who you really are! Think about the number seven and see if it has any deeper meaning to you, or keep your eye out for the number! It may be good luck.
The seven of wands differs alot from the seven of pentacles
The seven of wands shows the repeated bravery and firmness in facing many challenges over and over. This might be a part of your burden, all of these troubles you've made it through.

That being said I get the idea that the way others see you is more real and less warped than how you see yourself, when you think of yourself, you think of your lack of real world accomplishments, or you think of how little you care about the material world with repression, but people around you look at you and see someone who is a fighter, someone who's carried a heavy burden, and been through many many struggles. This is accomplished by the keyword Reunion.
This all makes me think people care about you, and they see the good in you better than you see it. View attachment 136196
they see more of your truth. You may even be repressing the acknowledgment of any of those good or brave qualities.

The final card. The question is are you meant for life,
The Fool:
This card is the ultimate card of beginnings, the beginning of a journey, even the start of life, the start of a story. It shows Forest Gump just walking along. I think this summarizes life super well, since (you never know what you're going to get.)
Are you meant for life? I can't answer that for certain and I don't think anyone can, oblivion sounds blissful af, but you are here for now, and the fool is one of the better cards you could have received for this question. I would say with a light hand that the answer is optimistic.

I hope that this reading has been insightful or helpful to you in some way, I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable either, when tarot gets personal it can be hard to tell someone about the messages but I wouldn't want to keep any cards from you!

Thank you a bunch for helping me practice my cards! ❤😸
Hi, I appreciate this reading! Thank you! If you're okay with my request, I wanted to ask about my past life. Of course I don't believe in the past life stuff but I'm still curious regardless. I wonder if I even have a past life or if this is my first life as a human
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Apr 15, 2024
Yes, i'm wondering if i will ever find peace, love and stability. I'm getting over an ex right now, still not out of my mind after a couple months. And im working on my driving license, these things are probably the biggest things on my mind currently :p There's chronic illness as well, but it's in a calm phase right now, so on that side i'm good.

Hey Petrichor! I just wrapped up your reading :)
This is the full spread
IMG 4169

For this reading I decided to do something a bit different and give you a general reading with a focus on romance on the bottom.

The top section will cover what you can expect to see in the near future, six months to a year away in regards to your hope and happiness. Obviously this won't be showing wayyyyy off in the future, but will hopefully be able to guide you in the direction you need!

Let's begin with that near future section right away

IMG 4170
First row= cards 1 2 & 3
Second row= cards 4 5 & 6

These six cards each have the same question attached about what you should expect in the area of hope and happiness in the coming future.
They can be read individually, but the arrangement matters too! Pay attention to how they connect in rows and columns

Card 1: The Nine of Coins
The nine of coins is a positive card presenting to you a place where you are independent in the material world. This could be coming into some money, getting a job, or getting a physical reward of any kind for something you have accomplished. Another meaning is that coins represent your body, since your body is part of the tangible world just as much as can be. This could be advice to pamper yourself, or a sign that you are doing something right for your health presently that will lead to good results. A nice card!

card 2: The Knight Of Wands
This is super fun! The knight of wands is the most impulsive knight, extremely adventurous and spontaneous, this card says you will find happiness if you get yourself out of your comfort zone and just send it! Maybe go do something you've never done before, maybe you will get invited somewhere new, or you may meet a person that embodies this energy! You will have some unexpected fun times in the near future!

Card 3: Strength
This is the first major arcana card you have received, there are four of these in your reading and these will be stronger indicators of major themes and events.
Shows a woman taming a lioness, this is usually a male lion, just something to throw out there! You might encounter more feminine energy in the coming months, and strength is all about using a patient and tender hand to get what you want and need. A regal and mature card to get! Be strong, be patient, and be proud.

Card 4: The Devil
The next major arcana appearing is the first warning card you shall receive. The devil is not a good card to get in most cases, it beckons you to keep your eyes peeled for treachery and deception. Something may not be as it seems. Be very careful and observant to avoid people or circumstances where something seems off-putting. If you are careful, you can avoid sadness and betrayal. It's not guaranteed distress and is avoidable, but I will stress that you really have to guard yourself during this time and be around good energy only.

Card 5: The Page of Cups.
This page is a a young emotional person who is more artful and empathetic than the other pages. All the pages exhibit a certain eagerness and vivacious quality that is another good sign. I see the hands holding up a pitcher by the sea and all I think think I'm my head is that your thirst will be quenched, I don't know what this means but it was the first phrase that came to my mind! Seems just lovely honestly.

Card 6: The Chariot
This is the next major arcana card! This is advice to be determined and focused, holding yourself in a clear and deliberate direction. However, this card can also literally mean to travel! This might be in regards to your hopes of getting your license haha! If it's not about getting a new set of wheels and freedom, it could also be that you're going on vacation, or this could be something as simple as a fun day with friends out on the town! You will be taking the reigns here in the next six months to a year :)

I'm getting a few more things! I don't know why but I feel inclined to tell you to
Ask for second opinions where it matters most.

The devil sits in the corner with his hands in the jars of Coins, wands, and cups! That hidden secrets in the physical world, the creative world of action, and the emotional world! I would be super careful.
Additionally, only one Sword, rather only one ankh As they are called in this deck, showed up in your reading today, only in the area of love we will get to in a moment. The swords rule intellect, this makes me think that your mind will be at ease and you won't have to think very hard about life for a while, there will be no major puzzle-like problems (outside of romance), and any question that comes your way will have a swift answer.

Now onto love advice!
IMG 4173

The top three cards show your current situation and recent concerns or circumstances, the cards also offer advice on the situation.

And the last card on the bottom surrounded by bonus cards will represent future love prospects!

Let's start!

Card 1: The Tower
starting off strong, even if you hadn't told me you were getting over a breakup I would have suggested it at this point. The tower is the final major arcana card, and the tower is the worst card you can get in tarot. It is a horrible card of sudden upheaval of something in your life, since this is a love reading it's obviously the destruction of love. Lighting strikes the tower which crumbles away to nothing but a piece of history. This separation and severed connection has been pretty hard on you, and I'm really sorry that it's been so difficult. :(

Card 2: The Knight of Ankhs.
This knight is more troubled, and indicates that you might be too Hasty, you won't take the time needed to think about choices, you might be inclined to rebound or get back with your ex but this is not advised, or at the very least tells you to be careful. The ankhs suit replaces The swords suit. This throws an extra sprinkle of wisdom into the traditional meaning! So not only should you be smart about your love life in the near future but you should be wise as well.
You're really going to want to jump the gun on love, and that's ok! Just be cautious.

Card 3: the Six of Wands
This card is all about self-confidence, it's a sign of victory to be celebrated! You will be seen. You will feel heard, you will have people look at you with envy in the area of love or in the area of confidence. This is also advice that if you work on your confidence you will have better luck at being seen and found by love! Confidence will be your friend, try not to feel down-trodden or shy away life to find something wonderful. This is also sitting directly above the bonus card
Loving yourself,
If you find the confidence, you will find that people will be falling down to their knees for you!

Now onto the super fun final card

Card 4: The King of Coins.
This king is the most responsible of them all, a ruler of the material, a castle builder, a generous provider. They have mastery over their emotions, they are the most practical. They are affectionate, doting, and hard-working as well. Since they are in the suit of coins you may also find this person to be very attractive to you visually. I also have to point out that on the artwork, Two bulls present a valuable gemstone. This card also sits directly above the bonus card
Twin Rose
This makes me think that whoever you are destined to meet next will be an incredible fit for you, you should wipe your tears away feeling content with the knowledge that something really wonderful is down the line for you. I wouldn't usually say something like this but I cannot help but say, dare I say, that this next person you find love with may be the one. Or at least one of the brightest loves of your life.
You also get the bonus cards Electric, and Apparition.
This will be a passionate connection for sure! You will feel it physically as well as in your soul.
I also got a weird idea that doesn't have much to do with the cards but intuition demands I tell you, that when I saw the apparition card I was struck with the idea that this next person would remind you of a crush you have or had on a fictional character?????? I hope you will know or find out what this means because I don't, sorry that's so specific lol.

That's a super wonderful reading to get on love life issues and advice! You don't have to, but the cards are giving you permission to finally move on from your ex, you can release the pain now and look towards the future 🩶

There's one last thing I want to point out.

You have two out of the possible four knights in your reading. That's important!
AND they are all in the SAME COLUMN
I really wish I knew what this might mean because it must be pretty important.

Having many knights can mean that something is happening REALLY SOON. That plus the chariot?? Something is moving fast behind the scenes.
I also get the idea of love related drama, I feel like there might be something like a contest, a jousting match, or a conquest of some kind taking place. Maybe having this many knights tells you to be like a cavalry, maybe there's a battle that you are destined to win in your life soon, could be love life as well since the knights spread across the whole reading. Super crazy! Something wacky, bizarre or out of a movie could be happening to you soon.

I hope that this reading helps to answer some of your questions! ^u^

Thank you of course for helping me practice my tarot! It's super appreciated
Ah wowsers thanks so much for taking time to do this for me! This is quite a bit to take in at first glance! All shown here has been very knowledgeable and perhaps even kinda accurate! The neon hot pink stuff I do really like maybe just something I've kinda just always had a subconscious affiliation with if I make sense? Welp either way really do once again appreciate this very insightful reading and maybe I might get in touch with you again sometime if/when you're available to maybe uncover more bits and pieces of my prior lives etc! :)
Yay! I'm happy to have helped and would be happy to do more readings for you in the future! My schedule is suddenly packed with tarot (LOL) but feel free to reach out at any time 💖💖💖 thanks so much, wishing you the best!
Thanks for sharing your talents! May shoot you a PM at some point.
I've always been interested in learning tarot (used to be fascinated by wiccan rituals growing up), I'd love to know any resources you've learned from :D
Feel free to reach out at any time 😊 I have learned using the tarot itself as flash cards, and doing readings for myself until I got a good idea of how they worked! I also suggest going to your local hippy bookstore that sells incense haha, you can find some really good resources at those esoteric shops 😝
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Apr 15, 2024
Sure, this sounds pretty fun

How about... What... What does my life hold now or something idk
Hello Lev!
Sorry it took me a bit to get to you, your reading is all done!

Here's the full spread of cards
IMG 4176

For your reading I decided to go a bit more specific!
The way I worded the question to the cards was this
(What will the next phase of life for LevUwU have in store?)

The way structured it was inspired by how classic stories are told, with a rising action and resolution and so on!

Let's hop in ^u^

IMG 4177
This first section will be the story arc

Card 1, prompt: Exposition
The Seven of Cups

Life has many different possibilities in store for you, in fact the seven of cups literally represents having so many things to choose from or your future branching in many different directions depending on what you choose. Life has some difficult questions coming up for you, and you will have to make some important decisions! But it's good that the world has given you so much choice! It'a great to have options but it requires wisdom to choose well.

I will quickly mention the bonus card Passion, sat next to the seven of cups, I think that you feel passionately about these choices, maybe it's a hint to follow your passion! Don't shy away from the feeling.

Card 2, prompt: Conflict
Six of Cups

Ok, so the six of cups is one of my favorite cards in tarot, it represents childhood, nostalgia, family and friends, favorite old activities or places, it's a very cozy card! Having it be in the context of conflict though, the main interpretation would be that you are too hung up on the past, you can't get over how things used to be, but you have to realize you can't turn back time to those old moments. Another way I'm seeing it is that maybe you will have conflict with your a family member or old friend, somebody will be at odds with you, or maybe you will be at odds with your former self in a way.

Here I will mention the bonus card Mirror Effect. I'm wondering if there's an element of hypocrisy somewhere in somebody, maybe you see something in yourself that reminds you of another person, maybe you have a specific role model from your childhood that is a source of inner conflict for you. This could have something to do with a memory that means a lot to you.

Card 3, prompt: Rising Action
Seven of Swords

The seven of swords signals secrecy or shady behavior. Are you being sneaky about something? If you don't find yourself sneaking around or hiding something somebody else is being deceptive. Now I do want to mention, this card is important to me, as whenever I pull this card for myself it means that someone is looking out for my best interests even if I don't like it, the original art shows someone stealing and hiding a load of swords so that a war can be prevented. Could the source of this escalating conflict be rooted in concern?

Card 4, prompt: Climax
Five of Pentacles

The five of pentacles is a rough one, life has in store for you a really tough period resulting from this upcoming conflict. it represents loss, specifically related to the tangible, and tragic hardships, you will be going through it at this point and will feel quite helpless and hopeless. But don't worry because this will be the low point and it will only go up, seriously, check out the next card!

Card 5, Prompt: Falling Action
Ten of Pentacles

Things will seem pretty horrible for a second, but when I tell you there will be a light at the end of the tunnel I MEAN IT. Going from the card of loss and hardship related to the physical, you jump to the ten of pentacles which is pretty much the opposite. This card means abundance, and is a card of happy family. Something will happen that will make you feel a lot better, this even seems like a moment of realization to me. I get the feeling that life has in store for you a beautiful period of feeling truly safe.

Here I will mention the bonus card Big Kiss, this card is all about good luck! It's a big sweet kiss from the universe! You will think "wow, finally, thank goodness." At the receiving of this news, this falling action, you will feel blessed in that moment.

Card 6, prompt: Resolution
King of Swords

This card is about Clarity, Truth and Rationality. The King of swords, swords being the suit of intelligence, is a wonderful and unbiased leader, without letting feelings get in the way, he does what is logical, and what is just. This deck puts emphasis on the fact that he wears glasses. A trope in anime, is that for such a cool calm and collected person, glasses are must to communicate that to the audience. Is there are person you are close to who wears glasses? The Resolution of this conflict might come with their interference. If it's not a person and is rather an inner resolution or circumstantial resolution, just remember the advice to be unbiased and just in your decisions. oh! This could also simply be the answer to the first card the seven of cups, with many choice to make, try to make those choices like the king of swords would ^u^

I will now explain the bonus card Clear as a bell, and the card Surrender
Clear as a bell shows that by ignoring your emotional side for a moment, the answers to your questions will become clear and resonant! The artwork seems so beautiful and refreshing, it feels like goodness is important here somehow.
Then Surrender, sitting beneath the king, shows a simplified pile of balanced stones. Cool, gray, it blends with the waterfall on clear as a bell to paint a truly calming picture of a river or creek, pleasant and relaxing. Maybe go for a walk somewhere beautiful to think, that could make your choices come easier! Maybe stack some stones yourself, knowing others will see it and appreciate it. Or maybe surrender something, whatever that means. An idea, a habit, whatever you think the answer may be, so long as it's unbiased, you will perhaps know what to do!

IMG 4179

Card 7, Prompt: Moral of the Story
Six of Swords

The six of swords is about moving on and letting go. You have to leave something behind, and that's ok, it's the right thing to do!

Real quick, I will mention that you have several repeating numbers in your reading. Two Sixes, Two sevens, then 27 on the clear as a bell, could could be read as "two seven." Big kiss also has a two, and you have the two of pentacles at the end, so many pairs, with the five of pentacles becoming ten, five times 2? Mirror effect, where one person becomes two in the reflection, there are SO MANY TWOS!!!!!

You know the crazy part of that is that Twos in tarot very often mean making a tough choice or a fork in the road, and the whole reading started with that, the seven of cups, the many choices. This is the first and most obvious reason for t be crazy number of twos, but I also get the sense that something might be happening on the second day of a month, be on the lookout for the number 2! It seems really significant, I've never ever seen a number repeat this much or this obviously in a reading before.

now back to the final few cards!

Card 8, prompt: Hero
Knight of Wands

I really feel like this is you! Not only because you are the hero of your story, but because this card reminds me of your PFP haha! The knight of wands is the most spontaneous of the knights! They are getting out of their comfort zone and adventuring, facing new and never before seen challenges. This could be advice to embrace your energy, knights are more experienced than the pages, but they still have a long way to go and a ton to learn! Wands are also all about creativity, and this is the only instance where wands pop up in your reading. Maybe try to look at the next chapter of your life through the lens of adventure.

Card 9, prompt: Villan
Two of Pentacles

The two of pentacles represents someone juggling a difficult choice somewhere in the physical world. It usually has two boats in the background going two different ways, the coins are the payment, and though you have enough money for both, you can only go one direction and cannot go back. The bad guy that life has in store for you might be a bad choice, or the potential to make a bad choice. This will be a choice related to something physical. A place, a purchase, something written, your body, your home. Anything physical and tangible is on the table for this treacherous choice.

last thing I noticed about the cards before concluding the reading is the beautiful color pallet of teal and yellow, this deck actually has a ton of colors so the fact that the colors are so consistent means something, and to me it's to make the red pop! If we look at ONLY the cards in RED, and there are only 3!!! you get a new little story, Passion, a Big Kiss, and the Young King of Swords, a young intelligent person! This might be a message that a potential romantic interest is appearing or advancing ❤️ this love could be platonic as well, but big kiss? Come on haha 💋 anyways…

The theme for the whole reading is surrounding choice, that's for sure! My advice is to remember The King, and The Knight, in your reading, its no mistake that they are the only two human figures to show up in the tarot cards. Follow the wisdom of these two cards to navigate all the difficult choices. Be adventurous, but be daring without being biased, make smart choices, but do them in a spirit of fun!

One last thing! You didn't get a single major arcana card, this means to me that this coming period that life has in store for you will not include anything SUPER major, the challenges you will face during this period will be nothing so scary in the grand scheme of things, even if they feel that way in the moment! This is reassuring :)

I hope that you've been able to get some insight from this reading! Thank you so much for letting me practice for you, Wishing you the best of luck!!! 💛💛💛


Aug 26, 2022
Would really appreciate a reading if you are still up for it. I'm wondering what I should do to get a job that I would actually like
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Apr 15, 2024
Would really appreciate a reading if you are still up for it. I'm wondering what I should do to get a job that I would actually like
Totally! ^u^ it's gonna take me a bit to catch up with you but I should hopefully have a reading here for you in the next few days!
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on earth, we’re briefly gorgeous.
Apr 8, 2024
I would love a reading if you have the time! Any subject is fine :) (Thanks for doing this btw, it's so cool!)
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Apr 25, 2024
Hello all! Are any of you interested in the occult? I've been practicing tarot for a year or so and I have SOOOO much time on my hands right now, so,

Would anyone like a free tarot reading?

You can either comment in this thread or if you want to ask a private question you can PM me and I can do a tarot reading for you on any broad area of question! I could really use the practice, and it would be cool to help others in the meanwhile as I've only done readings for a few of my friends before. I also was able to do readings for everyone I was with when I was in a psych ward recently and It was a wonderful experience all around!

Also I'm only on this site every now and then so I'm not sure how long it will take me to get to your question, but I will try my best if this gets interest from several people!
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i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶n̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶b̶a̶c̶k̶.̶
Apr 15, 2024
Hello all! Are any of you interested in the occult? I've been practicing tarot for a year or so and I have SOOOO much time on my hands right now, so,

Would anyone like a free tarot reading?

You can either comment in this thread or if you want to ask a private question you can PM me and I can do a tarot reading for you on any broad area of question! I could really use the practice, and it would be cool to help others in the meanwhile as I've only done readings for a few of my friends before. I also was able to do readings for everyone I was with when I was in a psych ward recently and It was a wonderful experience all around!

Also I'm only on this site every now and then so I'm not sure how long it will take me to get to your question, but I will try my best if this gets interest from several people!
I haven't had my cards read in years, so I would actually love to do this just to do this!!
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