

Pronounced dead
Jan 14, 2021
My big three:

Guy bitch slapped me in front of my brother.

Another guy took my phone and wouldn't give it back, again in front of my brother.

Gay classmate kept teasing and harassing me for weeks til i went to the principal.

I just wish I didn't take it all out on innocents, i wish i fought back against the bullies themselves.
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A nobody
Mar 22, 2021
Mmh I never go physically hurt much, but I have one unpleasant memory:
Once when I was still in highschool my ex friend got a bunch of people together in class. It was the week before the final exams and we all just learned in the last lessons trying to pass. So I was sitting there trying to learn minding my own business and suddenly felt something cold. They put a ice cube in my clothes and laughed :)
My friends beside me just stood by and didn't do anything...not even a word. They just put their head down hoping they won't be next..
I got it out and wanted to shove it back into someone clothes, but didn't manage. It was all just weird. I still wonder where the he'll they got the ice cube from. The next day I was alone with her and she acted like nothing happened. Two faced snake making me turn my stomach.
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Pronounced dead
Jan 14, 2021
Mmh I never go physically hurt much, but I have one unpleasant memory:
Once when I was still in highschool my ex friend got a bunch of people together in class. It was the week before the final exams and we all just learned in the last lessons trying to pass. So I was sitting there trying to learn minding my own business and suddenly felt something cold. They put a ice cube in my clothes and laughed :)
My friends beside me just stood by and didn't do anything...not even a word. They just put their head down hoping they won't be next..
I got it out and wanted to shove it back into someone clothes, but didn't manage. It was all just weird. I still wonder where the he'll they got the ice cube from. The next day I was alone with her and she acted like nothing happened. Two faced snake making me turn my stomach.
I know that kind of fake friend all too well
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Lost all hope
Sep 30, 2020
My biggest bully growing up was my dad... Worst experience, probably being followed into a lift to have the shit kicked out of me until I lay there in a puddle of my own piss, literally because I spilt a cup of hot chocolate. I didn't fight back until I was 15 / 16... I finally had enough and snapped, but couldn't bring myself to punch his face when I saw the fear in his eyes... Sometimes I wish I did, just to give him a small taste of what he put me through as a kid.
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Nov 8, 2020
I never had anything physical done to me, but I did have an awful workplace bully experience at an office I used to work at.

The office manager there HATED me, because my lifestyle/interests differed from hers, and because she didn't like the relationship I was in at the time (she had a thing against age gap relationships). It was a career path with a lot of potential, and I was new and excited to get started, but any chance I may have had was shot down by her. She would berate and belittle me in front of one instance I recall vividly, I was having trouble printing a document and asked her for help, and she said (with my client standing there!) "Oh I'll do it, you're not smart enough to learn how anyway." I tried to keep to myself and avoid conversation at all, but she persisted in asking personal questions, and then would rage on about what a piece of shit I was for my "stupid hobbies" and "disgusting" personal life. I was "completely hopeless" and would "never amount to anything in life", as she told me once in front of all my coworkers.

I contemplated suicide several times during my time working there, because of her constant abuse. I finally gave up on that career just to get away from her.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
My worst... I'd have to say middle school. Although thinking about, I think she was just butt hurt that I warned her he didn't care and then he broke up with her at a dance and left her crying. Yep told ya so.
Then there was the girl that sucker punched me. I would have hit her back but I'm sure anyone punched in the gut would understand why I couldnt.
Then there were the boys that would push my books off my desk and just generally make fun of me in front of the entire class (high school and middle school)
And in high school someone started a rumor that I was a whore. Another friend of mine told me about it at which point they later found me crying in the hall.

After leaving my abusive situation with my parents, aside from the middle school butthurt cunt it never really occured to me that I was always the odd one out that got bullied.... And now I see it so I've been working through that the past few months.

I might be missing a few, like the girl that got me to play a game we use to play in elementary (to make it clear she CAME TO ME this was HER IDEA) and then after a couple days to a week she called me a baby and walked away. Yeah I didn't like her in the first place because she's a lying bitch that says she's never told a lie, so I drop kicked her like a soccerball out of my life. :pfff:

I'm sure it's understandable why humans aren't my best friends and I will take animals any day. I mean.... I have 6 people I'd count on and everyone else has treated me like shit. So total pass on the human race lol.
Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
I feel like the ones that had the longest lasting damaging effects were people either following or ambushing me whenever i went to school and came back home to make sure they could be assholes for as long as possible. That or the guys constantly grabbing my chest and thighs, still can't stand people touching me thanks to that.


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I was taking a walk through the woods and three guys show up out of nowhere armed with melee weapons. Between blocking attacks and shouting at them in my native language they kept taunting me for no reason.

"By Ysmir, you won't leave this place alive."
"Start running so I can stab you in the back."
"You'll be so much easier to rob when you're dead."

Still think about it every day.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Couldn't tell you, too good at repressing that shit.


Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
I wasn't really psychically bullied, I've just always been the third wheel in literally every social situation I have ever been in. Not sure if that really counts as "bullying" but I definitely don't ever feel welcomed.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
there have been so many ... once I called a friend of mine to ask her if she was going out with the group of friends and if she wanted to go and have an ice cream together.She said no that they would not go out that day.Later I went out with my mother to eat an ice cream and after 10 minutes in the ice cream parlor this "my friend" came with the whole group of friends. she lied to me simply because she didn't want to go out with me.I was often ostracized by my classmates, I was the victim of stupid envy and was always considered a loser.
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₊✩‧₊ ˃ᴗ˂
May 16, 2021
i barely remember my bullying experiences because they all took place in early childhood (thank you trauma brain /s) but there's this one time in like 4th 5th or 6th grade i was talking to a friend about my cousin and she overheard, and proceeded to retort by making fun of something super personal (which only my family knew of :3) in front of like half the school. everyone laughed. love me some elementary drama!
this cousin and another one of mine constantly belittled and manipulated me throughout elementary school for some reason. like. we were 10 chill tf out ;-;


We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
I got bullied by other kids from 3rd grade until about 10th grade. The form of bullying was always the same, I don't recall a "worst experience" but as a trade-off the bullying took many years.

Everyone basically said I'm stupid and retarded and they always watched me, and as soon as I did something funny they joked and laughed about it. It wasn't even only the bullies, even their friends and their friend's friends. People I have never seen before made fun of me in public.
This made me very cautious about how I behave in public nowadays and sometimes I cringe hard at my own behaviour, I can just never forget it if I do something odd. Other people probably don't even notice, but I do and it drives me nuts.

They also pronounced my first name with a fake English accent and always called me like that. I absolutely hate it when someone pronounces my name that way now.
99% of the bullies were boys so I never learned how to talk to or make friends with males, most of my friends have been female. I had huge trust issues for many years until I learned that males are not worse than females, it was just my bad experience that made me believe so.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
In middle school, I somehow became a target by a local mexican gang boss' kid just for looking in his general direction. They were always in my face, taunting, pushing me into the wall, and finally jumping me after school and beating with construction materials. In HS, he stopped being a gangbanger after he took a shotgun blast to the stomach answering his front door one Saturday morning. In HS, had a group of kids just being generally garbage people, putting ants on me, attempting to trip me, and then tattling to the teacher on me by making up false claims. Ended up changing schools due to bad home life. Had a group of friends in HS, who later became my bullies that would lead to me dropping out entirely. Bunch of smart asses who looked down on anyone that weren't in AP classes or part of the top 1% gifted. I never had problems with the jocks, in fact most of the jocks and athletes were nice to me compared to the snobby nerds. I looked back on it now and thought it's all stupid shit and a waste of time. Especially since those "nerds" didn't amount to anything in their lives post HS. They may have graduated valedictorian, but they peaked in HS and it was all downhill from there.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm not sure I have had any really bad bullying experiences, but when I was in school, people made fun of me a bit, because I have a deep voice for a girl and I used to stutter a bit. I just tried to ignored them really but one time I finally snapped and of course I got in trouble.

I was bullied a bit by a few teachers, I got in trouble for literally doing nothing wrong. Many teachers said I was being rude to them even know I wasn't and then i'd get punished. Many of them were patronizing too. This is all such a long time ago, but schools literally are prisons. People can be so cruel and awful.
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Mar 22, 2020
Sorry you had to go through that!!!

I wasn't physically bullied at school because I practiced taekwondo and kicked a bully's ass once and from then on nobody bothered me.


I was "psychologically bullied", I mean, all of my classmates ignored me. I had no one to talk to. School was hell and I hated when the goddamn teachers forced me to do group assignments and couldn't understand that I was all alone.

Fortunately, little by little I made some friends from other classes and once school was over, I met great people.

I was just very unlucky and got terrible classmates. They were (and probably still are) bad people.


Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
Childhood the things I remember include

-a guy came up to me and made fun of my head shape when I was playing basketball, he said I had a basketball shaped head I was probably 8 years old

-a guy pointed out to me how my younger sister looked better than me at the park one time

-another time on the bus ride home in 3rd grade a guy teased me and my sister I stood up to him and he said my younger sister looks better than me, I went home and cried. We actually got into a physical fight on the bus but nothing major so the bus driver didn't pull over.

pre-teens and teens these were the worse

-in 6th grade at the end of the day before students were dismissed I was sitting minding my business when a boy poured sand over my head

-in 7th grade I was sitting in the beginning of class, they called it home room and two guys came up to me and bullied me and hit me I cried I think they saw me as an easy target because of my bad skin condition (this is where I begun to develop severe social anxiety and misery dreading going to school) I never feared waking up and going to school except when 8th grade came about

-on the school bus sometimes in 7th grade people would pick on me and say throw it at her the one with the big head

-also in 7th grade people would throw things at me randomly

-in 8th grade guys called me pimple face

-everyone moved on to make new friends I was excluded and uninvited to bday events in 9th grade, I felt like an outcast. Even one of my friends admitted I use to be sociable and popular before 7th grade then genes/acne ruined my life

-in 10th grade I remember a guy throwing food at our table and I got up to yell "stop playing around" my friends tried to hold me back as I was about to be aggressive and fight

Life has been awful for me remembering these things I became anxious of social interactions, and dreaded going to school I begun to feel miserable inside and became severely quiet and shy just going to class sitting in the back so know one could see me or bother me . The pain really begun the summer ending 7th grade. I was losing all my friends, and I just felt so unhappy and miserable at this age I would cry everyday during the summer everyone left me out and I felt so isolated. This begun my misery feelings I just didn't feel sociable and carefree, I became anxious and awkward over the years since then. I'll never be the same this is 14 years of trauma and misery.
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Aug 18, 2020
My big three:

Guy bitch slapped me in front of my brother.

Another guy took my phone and wouldn't give it back, again in front of my brother.

Gay classmate kept teasing and harassing me for weeks til i went to the principal.

I just wish I didn't take it all out on innocents, i wish i fought back against the bullies themselves.
Too painful to remember. My nightmares accompany me with that shit. Many humans are shit.


Jun 22, 2019
I was bullied for the dumbest things ever throughout school.
Like people would make fun of me because I have a pretty big birthmark on my arm A FUCKING birthmark.
.. then the typical girl drama, where everyone hates you and singles you out and they call you a slut, etc.
and then I used to be made fun of for not having the latest fashion, I grew up poor because of my parents being on drugs so I didn't have many clothes and people would judge the shoes/clothes I wore because they weren't " name brand "
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Jan 21, 2020
When I was 9 years old, three classmates sat on me all at the same time and stuffed grass and dirt in my mouth. It was at recess and in a more secluded, farther away part of the playground area. The same people also dumped dirty food down my lunch box and made up lies about me so I had to sit by myself at lunch. Then when I was 10, I was bullied for certain home circumstances, and one classmate of mine pretended to have a "funeral" for me and said she wished I was dead. When I was 13, this guy that sat next to me in class spit on me, breathed in my face, called me a faggot, asked if I watched porn, and stabbed my temple with a pencil. The teacher never did shit but thankfully he was suspended for it at the end of the year after my mom made school officials aware. Those are just a few of my experiences with the very lovely human race!
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Oct 1, 2020
In the last year of elementary school, a girl made me believe that we were dating for her to secretly make fun of me with her friends. In high school they made fun of me so much that I was about to throw myself off a balcony at school but I was rescued, at another time some girls constantly made fun of me that I exploded and I took their backpacks and threw them into the toilet.
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Dear Agony

Dear Agony

The Void
Jan 24, 2020
Does it have to be only three? Lol...
-About 50 students of the same year I was in school, gathered around me during lunch time and told me to kill myself, that they would be happy if I died. That they wanted me to suffer and piss myself before I died. They thought I had done something, I'm not gonna say what because everyone in my school knows this story, but I hadn't done it. It was a misunderstanding. I was only 12, and it was the first time I thought about suicide.
-Class created a song they sang every time I entered class, about me being fat, hairy and a "bitch/whore". (I was a kid).
-Class created a game kind of like tag, except any time anyone touched me they lost because they thought I had germs, because of how "disgusting I am" (they said it).
-Kid spat on my food during lunch when I tried to comfort them about missing a class. I was 7, and from then on I started having lunch in the bathroom.
-A boy tried to take off my pants and underwear every time I walked by, and he managed to one time and touched my backside. I was 7, and I'm a female.
-All the slaps, kicks, pushing me (I fell hard during the rain once and got home full of bruises). Flicking my face as I walked by. Hitting me hard with objects.
-The worst incident was a group of 10 kids trying to drown me. They put me under water, then pulled me back, multiple times, for longer each time. As I felt about to lose consciousness, I pleaded the girl that was holding my head and said she was going to kill me, she got scared and let go. I puked water and spent minutes trying to catch my breath.
This occurred for about 5 years, at the same school. I had no friends and at least one episode happened everyday.
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I can tie a noose with my eyes closed
Nov 21, 2020
Mostly having my shit stolen and being publically humiliated and made fun of for my appearance. Being constantly reminded of how unwanted I was. It stopped after middle school but it sure was enough to make me socially stunted and 'creepy' for the rest of my life.
Makes me wish abortion was more common so that shit like this can't happen to anyone ever again, even more so after reading all the stories here.
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