What do you think about recreational drugs?

  • I like them

    Votes: 18 46.2%
  • I dislike them

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • I used to like them, but don't anymore

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • Never tried any

    Votes: 12 30.8%

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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Personally speaking, I often wish I could've taken to psychedelics better. If there was ever going to be a temporary cure for my anhedonia, it would've been in the realm of psychedelics. Instead, that crap was basically like poison to me. In the scant few times I experimented with weed, I enjoyed a couple moments of profound calm and banishment of my worst feelings (which of course would immediately return once the trip was over), but it paled in comparison to the overwhelming panic that would come rushing in and leave me curled up on the bed counting the seconds until it was all over. At the end of the day, I just really hate not being in control of myself. Psychedelics loosen that grip of control I have and, without fail, I fight with all my might to retain what small amount of it I can, which inevitably leads to the whole thing being a bad trip of nightmarish anxiety and panic. In this sense, psychedelics are a bit like a ride at an amusement park. Once the arm guards come down and the track starts moving, you're on that bitch for the duration. The problem with me is that once those guards come down, I immediately freak out and want to try and rip them off, which leads to the whole thing turning into a complete mess.

More than this though, what really keeps me away from psychedelics is the threat of derealization. Perhaps with enough focus and preparation I could avoid the aforementioned problems I have with psychedelics, but derealization is something of a different stripe entirely. That's a very real side-effect of psychedelics, which exists beyond one's momentary mental state, and that can have devastating long term consequences. In my case, I had recurring bouts of derealization that sometimes lasted 10-15 minutes for a couple weeks after the second last time I dabbled with psychedelics, which for me was always just weed. When looking it up, I read horror stories from people that had to struggle with it for years, which honestly makes me a bit freaked out trying to even imagine it.

So yeah, the world of psychedelics is permanently denied me. So much for ever being an expert in psychonautics, but better to stick with the misery I know, then add on even more profound layers to it. Still, it really sucks that the rest of my life is going to have to be suffered through sober. Bearing the crushing burden of chronic depression and anhedonia sober, is like being forced to get through an agonizing life long surgery without anesthetic. In my case, I've never smoked, drank, or done any other kinds of drugs. Weed was the beginning and the end of my brief dabbling with psychedelics.

As an aside, I have to say that, despite my bad experiences with psychedelics, they were integral in getting me to lose weight (a little over a hundred pounds) and change my diet completely around for the better. So, if nothing else, at least they had that fringe benefit.
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Aug 23, 2020
"Recreational drugs" is a wast category that covers many things, from weed to heroin, so I wouldn't exactly say I am all for trying anything and everything, but I am not against the more socially accepted and less addictive options.

I am not a big weed smoker, because weed is not legal where I live and requires you to know the right people to buy it, and knowing people isn't a thing that comes to me easily. But I did try weed, more than once, and my opinion on it is pretty positive. I'd rather smoke weed then drink if it was legal and as accessible as booze - it is actually less addictive and less likely to have negative consequences.

As for the actual psychedelics, I never tried them and I don't think I ever will. I am prone to very vivid and graphic nightmares and the possibility of a trip being the same nightmare but on steroids and with a potential of me actually causing harm while protecting myself from imaginary maniacs really scares me off ever trying them.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
If hard drugs were cheap and safe to use (no battery acid risk or illegal) I'd try them. I've only tried drinking and smoking (can't get addicted to either for some reason).
I've never smoked, drank
I mean alcohol is usually what people drink to get rid of emotional pain, strange that you haven't tried it. I use it for emotional catharsis sometimes, it removes your defence mechanisms and you realize how needy and insecure you are deep down lmfao.


Jul 7, 2019


That's my simple answer to this complex topic.
Drugs are the only thing that kept me going through these last 7 years, I got to know myself through them, I found joy, suffering and many emotions that I didn't know I could experience. It's safe to say that I wouldn't have had such an integral human experience without them, because even with all my debilitating issues, my trauma, my scars, I still found beauty in this world, love for others and drugs played no small role in it.

I'm a firm believer that everyone should give the drugs that they are curious about a try at least once. Not to the point of severe addiction or dependence, unless they wan to, but this is one of those things that will change someone's life whether they love it or hate it.

The experience of messing with our own wiring and cognition is something that only humans can exploit to this degree, denying ourselves of something like it will be no different than life-long celibacy, or refusing to learn to read. At least in my very biased opinion.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
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Feb 18, 2021
I love doing research on nootropics and psychedelics. Unfortunately, I have to stay away from the latter, as I have suffered with psychosis in the past and don't care to have it bubble to the surface again.

Reading about magic mushrooms has helped to give me an interest in mycology in general, though!

Also, I have tried weed before, and it is one of the most overrated drugs of our time, second to alcohol.
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Aug 18, 2020
Personally speaking, I often wish I could've taken to psychedelics better. If there was ever going to be a temporary cure for my anhedonia, it would've been in the realm of psychedelics. Instead, that crap was basically like poison to me. In the scant few times I experimented with weed, I enjoyed a couple moments of profound calm and banishment of my worst feelings (which of course would immediately return once the trip was over), but it paled in comparison to the overwhelming panic that would come rushing in and leave me curled up on the bed counting the seconds until it was all over. At the end of the day, I just really hate not being in control of myself. Psychedelics loosen that grip of control I have and, without fail, I fight with all my might to retain what small amount of it I can, which inevitably leads to the whole thing being a bad trip of nightmarish anxiety and panic. In this sense, psychedelics are a bit like a ride at an amusement park. Once the arm guards come down and the track starts moving, you're on that bitch for the duration. The problem with me is that once those guards come down, I immediately freak out and want to try and rip them off, which leads to the whole thing turning into a complete mess.

More than this though, what really keeps me away from psychedelics is the threat of derealization. Perhaps with enough focus and preparation I could avoid the aforementioned problems I have with psychedelics, but derealization is something of a different stripe entirely. That's a very real side-effect of psychedelics, which exists beyond one's momentary mental state, and that can have devastating long term consequences. In my case, I had recurring bouts of derealization that sometimes lasted 10-15 minutes for a couple weeks after the second last time I dabbled with psychedelics, which for me was always just weed. When looking it up, I read horror stories from people that had to struggle with it for years, which honestly makes me a bit freaked out trying to even imagine it.

So yeah, the world of psychedelics is permanently denied me. So much for ever being an expert in psychonautics, but better to stick with the misery I know, then add on even more profound layers to it. Still, it really sucks that the rest of my life is going to have to be suffered through sober. Bearing the crushing burden of chronic depression and anhedonia sober, is like being forced to get through an agonizing life long surgery without anesthetic. In my case, I've never smoked, drank, or done any other kinds of drugs. Weed was the beginning and the end of my brief dabbling with psychedelics.

As an aside, I have to say that, despite my bad experiences with psychedelics, they were integral in getting me to lose weight (a little over a hundred pounds) and change my diet completely around for the better. So, if nothing else, at least they had that fringe benefit.
Weed is not a psychedelic. Depressant, stimulant, mild hallucinogen. Weed can seem strong though and that can be hard. Take small or medium doses of mushrooms. You will feel a lot better. You will actually "feel" for once. It will make you cry but that's just how they work. 4 to 6 hours later you can take a shower and you will feel much better about life.
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Nov 30, 2020
When I was a lad everyone was into acid tabs, speed, ecstasy and cannabis resin (or Oxo cubes if you were one particular superidiot I knew). Never tried any but I did buzz some petrol and lighter gas once. It wasn't a pleasant experience. Anyway, each to their own.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
HELL YES. I'm saying this as someone who comes from a place with the strictest drug laws on the planet.

Caffeine has become my latest addiction. I turn up to work dog-tired and down in the dumps, but cup of coffee provides the much-needed 180 transformation into an energetic 'people person'. A super-soldier hardened to weather the storms of daily life in a 'normcore' world. (Here I play a pun on the words 'normie' and 'hardcore', but the term in a strict sense refers to a particular fashion trend.)

A 6-day work week of 8 hours per day. I don't know how I'll continue.
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Jun 29, 2020
Psychedelics were way more effective than anti-depressants for me. I happened to try LSD at a pretty low point in my life and it felt like I got a second breath. The following trips weren't nearly as profound or beneficial.

Any drug should be tried only after some research on it. Psychedelics can cause psychosis, or HPPD (where you still get the visuals after coming down). Withdrawal from benzos can kill you. Stuff like that is important to know.
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Mar 22, 2020
I only had alcohol and ecstasy pills! (Well, also DMT but just once)

As for the alcohol, it helped me to be happy. I become really social and confident when I drink and I dated lots of girls thanks to that but man, the hangovers were HELL.

Ecstasy is simply amazing. You really feel just happiness, super energy and understand that life is all about LOVE!
Then, the next day comes and you're in a worse state than hangovers. The only good thing is that you're not hungry for some time lol.

So, my opinion is that they can be good but if you consume them way too often, as you probably know, things will just get worse.
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Jun 6, 2020
LSD was helpful for a while. I remember taking it and it being both terrifying and cathartic. All the colors are new. Ecstasy's probably my favorite though.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
As for the actual psychedelics, I never tried them and I don't think I ever will. I am prone to very vivid and graphic nightmares and the possibility of a trip being the same nightmare but on steroids and with a potential of me actually causing harm while protecting myself from imaginary maniacs really scares me off ever trying them.

I don't have issues with nightmares or anything like that (funnily enough I always tend to have very pleasant dreams), but I still carry the same concerns about psychedelic drugs and the possibility of a nightmare trip that would send me into a total meltdown of panic and stress and, if bad enough, leave me permanently mentally scarred for life. Even in the handful of times when I was high on weed, most of the time I had my eyes shut tight to spare myself the unsettling hallucinatory images that would pop up. For instance, I'd see eyes form on random objects, or witness colors bleed out from one object and mix with another, and just other general things which, while not too extreme, were still deeply unsettling to me. I can't imagine what else would've been conjured up had I kept my eyes open. Even with my eyes shut, I'd still get random intense flashes of things, like elaborately vibrant artsy mosaics set against the pillars of creation nebula.

I mean alcohol is usually what people drink to get rid of emotional pain, strange that you haven't tried it.

Well, for one thing, I never even drank soda as a kid. Tried it once and absolutely hated the stuff. Similar to alcohol, I've literally only tried it once back when I was like 12 or 13 and had to take a little sip of wine while attending my grandpa's funeral and god was it awful. It was like what I'd imagine drinking sour piss must taste like, so that really turned me off alcohol at an early age. On top of this, neither of my parents were drinkers or smokers, so I never had the opportunity to pick up the habit from them, since they didn't do it in the first place. What's more, since I never had any actual friends growing up given my absence from a traditional school setting, I also never attended any parties or places where alcohol would've been available and thus encouraged for me to try. Even then, if other kids had attempted to get me to try alcohol at such a party I probably would've told them all to fuck off, since I was very much an anti-peer pressure kind of person and I absolutely hated the idea of a group of people dogging on me to do something I wouldn't want to do.

As it stands now, in those rare times I've gone to a restaurant with my family, my mother has suggested that I order a drink to see how I'd like it, but I always decline to do so. Maybe I'll someday take up alcohol, but I don't know. After my experiences with weed, I'd probably react to alcohol the same way, minus the psychotropic hallucinations, since they're both depressants. I'm also worried at the possibility that I'd be an "angry drunk", since my uncle on my mother's side was once a severe alcoholic and would sometimes go berserk when drunk. On top of that, my great uncle (my mom's uncle) was what you might've called a "sad drunk" and apparently killed himself Leaving Las Vegas style and literally drank himself to death the same way Nic Cage does in the movie.

I'm a firm believer that everyone should give the drugs that they are curious about a try at least once. Not to the point of severe addiction or dependence, unless they wan to, but this is one of those things that will change someone's life whether they love it or hate it.

At this point, the only thing I'd like to try would be opioids. Opioids, from what I know about them, are an anti-psychedelic and function purely to make you feel good, which is really all I want. I have no remaining interest in psychedelics at all and the entire world's supply could burn into ash for all I care. Psychedelics are only valuable to people of a certain pre-established temperament. For others, like me, they're nothing short of poison. Opioids can be lethally addictive, but so what? I'm suicidal, so it's not like that's a problem for me.

I've heard tell that mushrooms can "cure" depression, but I'm HIGHLY skeptical. Odds are that mushrooms would put me in a fucking psychosis, so I'd honestly rather shovel all that shit into a volcano than ever consider taking it.

as I have suffered with psychosis in the past and don't care to have it bubble to the surface again.

Yep, exactly. Those moments of derealization I suffered post high could've easily descended into a full blown psychosis. Like hell I'm ever going to bother with more psychedelics and risk that shit happening again.

Also, I have tried weed before, and it is one of the most overrated drugs of our time, second to alcohol.

Yeah, I can recall Doug Stanhope saying much the same thing, which is the first time I ever heard anyone say they didn't enjoy weed. Most people out there are so rabidly pro-weed these days and treat it as if it's a cure all for everything (even depression), but, like you said, this wunderplant reputation it has is entirely overhyped and overblown. Outside of Parkinson's patients and stuff like that, it really only has value as a good mood enhancer. That is to say, it only works if you're already feeling good. If you always feel like shit, then it will only accentuate and compound the shittiness one feels. It figures that the people who need it the least are the ones most suitable to take it, whereas the people who need it the most (like me) are the last ones who should ever go near it. This world is hell.

Psychedelics can cause psychosis, or HPPD (where you still get the visuals after coming down). Withdrawal from benzos can kill you. Stuff like that is important to know.

Yeah, that's partially what happened to me in the form of derealization. Even weeks after getting high, I would experience these deeply unsettling moments of displacement from my surroundings, which would occur randomly and completely out of the blue. It's on account of that in particular which will forever keep me away from any and all other psychedelics. Opioids can also be lethally addictive, but I really don't care. It's just a shame they're hyper illegal these days. Wish I could've been prescribed some when they were giving them out like candy years back.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
Never tried any. I've had mental problems all my life, so I've always avoided drugs for fear they might mess me up even more. My boyfriend in college grew his own marijuana in our flat. I used to water the plants, harvest the flowers and even roll joints for him, but I never did try it. I'm like the biggest coward in the universe....
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
Drugs are such a difficult topic for me. I am a 'functional' addict.
I hate it but the recovery -relapse cycle wears on my soul.
I have spent my life self-medicating with street drugs. Anti-depression / bipolar / antipsychotic meds scare me more than heroin -
Heroin withdrawal: you get sick / anxious and maybe crave a bit manically ( i struggle with keeping my mind 'clear' - i would do crazy shit like steal the car and go score and dissapear for days ... but i have watched awesome people seriously fall apart (manic self mutilation etc) during psych med withdrawal.
I lost my soulmate to suicide because they were yo-yo-ing his psych meds and eventually did electro-shock therapy he hated using / being sober - he was a healthy ballet dancer so had issues with pain / focus when sober.. but i lost him anyway. 10 years later i'm still using / have acareer etc and i'm a mess but i cover it up with humour (developer in advertising / broadcasting) i'm deeply afraid of my manic episodes (i hallucinate some dark scary stuff in withdrawal) will never waste money on rehab (been to 12) would rather just die.
any advice would be gratefully appreciated. on how to live and /or how to die.
XM!GS / TriggerHappy

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