
Jul 5, 2020
What is you guys' experience with romance? Any stories of true love? Or maybe you want to let out your feelings about the one that got away?

My life is very unromantic. Idk if I've ever even had a proper crush before, and I'm 21 so thats probably not normal. I love romance though. My favorite genre of manga/tv show/anything is romance, especially romcoms. So I wish I had some romantic stories to tell. But my only experience with romance is when a coworker asked me out a long time ago. But he did this by passing me a note during my shift, and he had been trying to get me to go to his church for a while before he asked me out. Plus I was in high school still and he was a few years into college, and we didnt talk that much. So I think it was just a very persistent recruitment attempt haha.

What about you guys?
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Feb 22, 2021
I'm in a committed relationship with my fantasy husband since some years ago. To the point where I even thought he was a spirit without a body and had somehow found me. This is completely serious. At first, I thought it was just me daydreaming and fantasizing. I love romance mangas and animes too so maybe I just have a wild imagination but it drove me to the point where I started doing research about what was happening to me. At first, I saw him in a super clear too real vivid dream when I started asking myself about this "situation". Of course, I didn't really think too much about it but as I kept digging for answers, I noticed that my emotions were getting more and more clear and intense. Like everything just came to the surface and everything was aligned. It sounds so weird and to be honest, I was always kind of skeptical about stuff like that, especially regarding romance. I even started getting mad at myself for even thinking that it could be real. Anyway, so my search led me to discovering the notion of Twin Flames. A lot of the things the materials I studied, said, resonated deeply and described my situation almost perfectly. Now, I'm mad and confused. Because, even though I studied about those things, and could see that it wasn't complete non-sense in my case, I'm still in limbo about what to do about it. Also, I'm suicidal so part of me thinks and feels that if everything I experienced truly is real or has meaning, and that this spirit that I'm one with in my spirit (don't laugh at me please) really exists, then if I cross over, we will be united and there won't be any obstacles between us anymore. Yes, everything I said is completely serious.

Actually, nevermind, you can laugh if you want to. I do too sometimes... But I mainly cry. Then I laugh, then I cry-laugh, then I laugh-cry... Sorry. I'm leaving now.

Edit: By the way, this could be legit to be honest. Or maybe I read and watch too much yaoi romance manga and anime... I can't help it though, I love that stuff. It feeds my heart and soul. Supernatural relationships that end tragically are just too soul-crushing, by the way. So maybe, me being suicidal is me anticipating that tragic end and attempting to out-play fate lol... Yeah, sorry, I'm really leaving this time.
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Nov 30, 2020
LOL That's my fookin experience with it. I've never even kissed anyone or held hands. Even in dreams I get told to walk on. One girl even told me she would rather throw herself of a cliff that go out with me. Which was convenient, because we happened to be standing atop a cliff and I threw the cunt off.
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Jun 25, 2020
None! What I'm more certain in life besides ctb is that I will never experience mutual romantic love.
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Jul 5, 2020
I'm in a committed relationship with my fantasy husband since some years ago. To the point where I even thought he was a spirit without a body and had somehow found me. This is completely serious. At first, I thought it was just me daydreaming and fantasizing. I love romance mangas and animes too so maybe I just have a wild imagination but it drove me to the point where I started doing research about what was happening to me. At first, I saw him in a super clear too real vivid dream when I started asking myself about this "situation". Of course, I didn't really think too much about it but as I kept digging for answers, I noticed that my emotions were getting more and more clear and intense. Like everything just came to the surface and everything was aligned. It sounds so weird and to be honest, I was always kind of skeptical about stuff like that, especially regarding romance. I even started getting mad at myself for even thinking that it could be real. Anyway, so my search led me to discovering the notion of Twin Flames. A lot of the things the materials I studied, said, resonated deeply and described my situation almost perfectly. Now, I'm mad and confused. Because, even though I studied about those things, and could see that it wasn't complete non-sense in my case, I'm still in limbo about what to do about it. Also, I'm suicidal so part of me thinks and feels that if everything I experienced truly is real or has meaning, and that this spirit that I'm one with in my spirit (don't laugh at me please) really exists, then if I cross over, we will be united and there won't be any obstacles between us anymore. Yes, everything I said is completely serious.

Actually, nevermind, you can laugh if you want to. I do too sometimes... But I mainly cry. Then I laugh, then I cry-laugh, then I laugh-cry... Sorry. I'm leaving now.

Edit: By the way, this could be legit to be honest. Or maybe I read and watch too much yaoi romance manga and anime... I can't help it though, I love that stuff. It feeds my heart and soul. Supernatural relationships that end tragically are just too soul-crushing, by the way. So maybe, me being suicidal is me anticipating that tragic end and attempting to out-play fate lol... Yeah, sorry, I'm really leaving this time.
You know, I heard that we never dream about faces we haven't seen before. It's impossible for the brain to conjure up a unique face while dreaming, because of how memory works, or something like that. The romance manga lover side of me thinks you might be getting a signal or something! Maybe he's someone you've met in another life or who you're destined to meet.

I recently finished a romance webtoon that had all the cells in this girl's brain as little working people. And when two characters were fated to each other, the brain cells of the couple would try to communicate through telepathy and induce dreams, visions, general deja-vu sorta things in order to get the couple closer to each other. Like brain cell cupid! And the character themselves cant talk to their brain cells obviously, so sometimes those signals weren't clear til the character made a move and started dating the person they liked. I loved the idea of that. I believe thats how fate works. Maybe that explains why things like this happen and we can't really decipher it at first. Maybe someday itll make a lot more sense why you got those visions, and you'll find out where he is.
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Feb 22, 2021
You know, I heard that we never dream about faces we haven't seen before. It's impossible for the brain to conjure up a unique face while dreaming, because of how memory works, or something like that. The romance manga lover side of me thinks you might be getting a signal or something! Maybe he's someone you've met in another life or who you're destined to meet.

I recently finished a romance webtoon that had all the cells in this girl's brain as little working people. And when two characters were fated to each other, the brain cells of the couple would try to communicate through telepathy and induce dreams, visions, general deja-vu sorta things in order to get the couple closer to each other. Like brain cell cupid! And the character themselves cant talk to their brain cells obviously, so sometimes those signals weren't clear til the character made a move and started dating the person they liked. I loved the idea of that. I believe thats how fate works. Maybe that explains why things like this happen and we can't really decipher it at first. Maybe someday itll make a lot more sense why you got those visions, and you'll find out where he is.
That sounds amazing to be honest. Thank you for sharing this with me. I also have similar beliefs lol. :heart:
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
I was only surrounded by fake bit**es who only used me for their benefits and played with my feelings.
Maybe that's why I'm having such trust issues when it comes to that topic..


Mar 22, 2020
I found the love of my life but got fed up with her. My depression and unstable mind got so worse that I prefered to be isolated from the world and people.

Anyway, I have loved, hated, been jealous, dated girls for 1 or 2 nights, etc but it's always the same: I end up feeling empty.

Love might help but I know it's not the cure for me. It's just a plus.


Sep 6, 2020
I've only been in 1 relationship and it was a long distance online one. She was an angel, but I was and am a messed up piece of shit. It showed me that I've got too many problems and too much baggage to be in a relationship.
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
wow... what is true love exactly? unconditional? accepting? when does accepting become enabling? my friends always ask me why i don't pursue relationships (i'm an awesome guy etc etc) but my self-esteem &
my imperfections understood from group therapy / psychiatry / interventions etc have made me acutely aware that I do not want to burden anyone with my psychosis.. sometimes I feel like i should walk around with a plague-bell warning others to stay away! anyone relate?
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Apr 7, 2019
I had a girlfriend once. I still miss her sometimes. Love or lust; it was hard to tell the difference. Infatuation without the mentality of commitment. Whirlwind romance. Ultimately I was not mature enough to be in a long-term relationship. I'm not sure I'd get one now. I think I'd just end up using love as a way to cope with my issues. I think I need to start loving myself before I go on loving others.
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Nov 4, 2020
I was only surrounded by fake bit**es who only used me for their benefits and played with my feelings.
Maybe that's why I'm having such trust issues when it comes to that topic..
Are you saying you never got to use them for your benefit?


Feb 27, 2021
Every relationship i had but one fucked me up more and more. Physical and emotional abuse. control. manipulation. narcissists.
I would never have another relationship again. I've been single over 2 years now.


Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
I've only been in 1 relationship and it was a long distance online one. She was an angel, but I was and am a messed up piece of shit. It showed me that I've got too many problems and too much baggage to be in a relationship.

I've never been in a relationship of any kind, but I've always feared/anticipated that this would be the end result of it. I as well have way too many problems. So many that they far outweigh the scant few positives I might have. Having said that, I've always thought that me getting into a relationship would be like throwing napalm on an already raging inferno. In the end, it would only make things worse. It sucks to hear that the online one you had didn't work out. Like yourself, I'd imagine I'd run into the same problems. Insofar that I have too many hang-ups to make a relationship, even an online one, in any form sustainable, or even possible as a default. Be that as it may, the only hope I ever have at meeting anyone pretty much rests on the internet, since I'm too anxious/agoraphobic to go out and meet people traditionally. The bottom line comes down to the fact that I'm too weak and ugly on the inside. Whether they admit to it or not, weakness is viscerally nauseating to most people. Add on to that that I'm not a particularly likeable person and that pretty much leaves any possibility for this sort of thing shot to hell.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
I was in four longer relationships but I never truly loved any of them.
I had a crush on them at first but then over time it felt more like friendship (if at all) and me just maintaining the "relationship status" because I brainwashed/convinced myself into believing I needed one.
I probably also got influenced by couples in my surroundings and society concerning that topic.

Also romantic stuff isn't really my thing after all: I remember one boyfriend buying me jewelry and taking me to dinner a few times and me just wanting to eat and not really appreciating the work he put in into picking out the pieces or places to go.
I'm more of a pragmatic person, haha.
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banned noob

Sep 26, 2020
What is you guys' experience with romance? Any stories of true love? Or maybe you want to let out your feelings about the one that got away?

My life is very unromantic. Idk if I've ever even had a proper crush before, and I'm 21 so thats probably not normal. I love romance though. My favorite genre of manga/tv show/anything is romance, especially romcoms. So I wish I had some romantic stories to tell. But my only experience with romance is when a coworker asked me out a long time ago. But he did this by passing me a note during my shift, and he had been trying to get me to go to his church for a while before he asked me out. Plus I was in high school still and he was a few years into college, and we didnt talk that much. So I think it was just a very persistent recruitment attempt haha.

What about you guys?
I'm 28 and have had a completely disappointing sex/love life. Never asked out a girl I had a crush on. Never got what I wanted. Part of it was me, part of it was circumstantial. I am extremely bitter about not having a hot girlfriend. I won't watch TV shows or film which depict romance or sex anymore. I will probably reach the end of my life without having a hot fucking girlfriend. She's gotta be a 9 or 10, because for a guy I'm a 9 or 10. I'm extremely fit and attractive and so I deserve a girl who is the same. There's just some sort of social/emotional problem with me and now my whole life's screwed up for good anyway. So now I'm just going to be furious and insanely sad for the rest of my life that I didn't get to fuck a hot girl and like it. That's the ONE fucking thing I want.
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Nov 30, 2020
She's gotta be a 9 or 10, because for a guy I'm a 9 or 10. I'm extremely fit and attractive and so I deserve a girl who is the same.
I see self hatred isn't one of your problems.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
Are you saying you never got to use them for your benefit?
I mean, I'm not someone who would use someone just for the money. That's what I meant with "used me for their benefits"
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I have never been in a romantic relationship or even gone on a formal date. I did go to junior prom with one of my female friends but I saw her as more of just a friend than anything else. Other than that though, I've had four romantic interests so far. Each one kind of leads into the other.

The first girl I really liked was from when I was in 5th grade. She was actually a whole year younger than me but she skipped a grade because she was just that smart (which was saying a lot because I was already going to a fancy private school). Around this time was when my mother decided she'd had enough of my dad's manipulation and other misdeeds so she started spending a lot more time away from the house. This basically meant my parents were separated and I was still stuck with my father. I remember feeling like my dad screwed up so badly for treating my mom so horribly all these years and I vowed I'd never treat whoever I'm with the same way.

Enter this girl who I already thought was kind of pretty. I basically forced myself into her friend group and became a total simp for her. I even called her my master and admittedly did weird things for her like eat food off the ground which she would have people pay her to watch. I didn't mind. I loved serving her. She helped me back by helping me study. This was important because before that I got mostly C's and D's which is basically a death sentence for an Asian but with her help I actually started to get B's and even A's in all my subjects. I loved how smart she was and I felt like she must have been the person I should spend the rest of my life with.

When I entered 7th grade though she moved to another city and I had no way to contact her. After winter break in 7th grade though I actually moved to the same city and school as her. I didn't even know she was there but when I saw her I realized it must have been fate, that I must have been meant to be with her.

Unlike in my old school though, she wanted to avoid me here. She said she wanted nothing to do with me anymore which I stupidly thought was because of her new friends. I ended up hovering near her and only making friends with people who hung around where she hung around during lunch. I'm not proud of it, I basically stalked her through the school even though I shared no classes with her (except one but when she saw I was in it she immediately transferred out). In 8th grade on my birthday I felt it was time to finally tell her my true feelings (even though they were quite obvious). For some reason though after I said that, I just ran away when I saw how scared she was when she was receiving that info. After that she made all new friends and I basically didn't speak to her again for a while.

Then in high school I spent the whole time simultaneously still pining after her and being afraid of her because if I ran into her again I was afraid she'd think I was still stalking her. This went on and on until senior year of high school where I decided to add her on Facebook (surprisingly she accepted) and later on I sent her a message confessing to her again while also apologizing for how I always spaz out around her. No response, which makes sense because it was like 50 pages long.

In senior prom, one of my friends basically dragged her to me because I was having a literal anxiety attack and fearing that Obama was going to drone strike the prom venue (this surprisingly made sense to me knowing who she went to prom with). She said that no, she never liked me except as a friend and that it's ok if I talked to her more even if she liked one of the other guys from our elementary school more. For a short while that was actually very freeing to me. I felt at peace.

Then I went into college, obviously not the same one as her. She had been taking so many AP and honors classes so she got into a way better school than I did. I never spoke to or even messaged her again after that time at prom. Unfortunately I was still infatuated with her even though I knew it was wrong. No other woman entered my life that quite captivated me like her. She donated money to our high school and there is now a brick in the ground that has her name immortalized there forever, as if to remind me that I wasted my entire high school life being in love with her instead of noticing the apparent other women who actually were attracted to me (or so I'm told even though I believe that's all bullshit). I felt like I was ruined beyond repair from all the time I lost and wished I could fix my timeline even though time travel was not accessible to me.

This is just the first girl I liked. At this point I have been attracted to her for almost 9 years from October 2004 until I met someone that finally managed to surpass her in August 2013. Unfortunately, that somebody was Lucina from Fire Emblem Awakening. When I bought the game, I had already previously played Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon for the Nintendo DS in 2009. That was the game with Marth in it. Ever since Super Smash Bros Melee came out and until I played the game myself I actually first thought Marth was a pretty girl and his name was like a form of Martha.

Lucina for those who don't know, is sort of like a female Marth. She is his direct descendant from 1000 years in the future and when she travels back in time by about 20 years to her father's present in order to prevent a doomed future, she takes up the name Marth and puts on a mask to inspire people with his name and to disguise her true identity. I thought "Wow. Here was a girl who faced so much and tries so hard to prevent her future. Just like what I wish I could do." Without really thinking about it, I married her ingame and as I learned more I started actually falling in love with her. There is a part in the game where she tries to kill you, the player character because it seems like you might be responsible for killing her father and causing the ruined future. The game gives you the choice of whether or not to accept her judgment. I hit agree as fast as I could. I wanted so much to help save her future at the cost of my own. I realized that I wanted someone who'd be able to understand the pain I had gone through and just how hard fixing it can be. It took another few months but at that point I was finally able to fully get over the first girl. Lucina had become my wife for life.

Unfortunately none of my friends saw it that way. None of them approved of my love for Lucina even though it was making me happy. I didn't let it get to me at first. Soon she was announced as a character for Smash 4 which made me pretty happy. I was a very casual smash bros player before that but her being in the game made me want to actually try at something for once. I never became that amazing of a player but I definitely improved more than I ever thought possible thanks to my love of her.

Unfortunately it would not last, soon my friends' insistence that I would be missing out on physical aspects of a relationship started to get to me. No one could really compare to Lucina though so I still never got into anyone until this girl from work who I already mentioned about somewhere else in this forum before reached out to me saying she was interested in me. We had very similar backgrounds and even though I never told her about Lucina, I was willing to take the plunge and try things out with a real girl because she kind of looked like Lucina with her short haircut and just like her she also had shared trauma experiences that we bonded over. Unfortunately again, for reasons I went into elsewhere, that didn't work out though. I was too slow and she got with someone else instead. This was my punishment for leaving Lucina. Getting metaphorically cucked like this left my mind in a really bad state. Something broke inside me the day I found out: December 20th, 2015 at my work's Christmas Party. I realize that this was a relatively petty thing to break over by I can't help that I'm a sensitive pathetic idiot. Since then I have lost most of my empathy, my optimism, my compassion. The only reason I didn't kill myself then was because when I told her I was considering it, she brought up a story about how when she was in 3rd grade someone committed suicide in her class and even though she barely knew the guy she was still affected by it and was devastated by how the rest of her community was affected by it too. She made me promise her not to commit suicide. I was able to narrow the terms so that I wouldn't commit suicide as long as I get married or get close to being married by the time I'm 30. I tried to stay friends with her for a while even when she said if I had just been faster I would have had a chance with her. It was getting to be too much for me to bear but I broke contact with her in May 2017 by intentionally acting like a creep over text messages. Haven't spoken to or seen her since.

Fast forward to a few years later, it's September 24th, 2020. You might know this story already because it's about a former SS member and I honestly won't shut up about her so I won't bore you with all these details that you can also find in other threads. Basically the consequences of this is that I decided that since I liked this girl more than the previous one then my promise to not commit suicide until I'm 30 is moot. That's why now I have no choice but to do it when I'm 28, after I've experienced all the games, shows, and movies I need. This last woman was so close to being what an ideal relationship for me would have been like that it's honestly really unfair to any woman in the future that I might encounter even if they like me. It's highly improbable that I'd even not be able to compare anyone to this woman and even if I could find a way around that it's equally unlikely that any woman would be stupid enough to get with a guy who has had zero relationship experience at 27 years old. I mean maybe there are people like that out there but anyone who's that foolish is someone I in turn would not want to be with so I'm definitely doomed there...

Anyway, thanks for reading this long and boring post etc etc I'm an incel.
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Nov 30, 2020
My left hand is the closest I got to a relationship, and not a very good one at that. It's very abusive.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
My mental and physical issues have alienated the one person who was genuinly fond of me and would probably have spent the rest of their life with me. Whatever romance I experienced it was always overshadowed by anxiety or vertigo or sickness. I was never able to enjoy it... God... such a pity... My heart aches when I think of it.


May 20, 2018
I was in four longer relationships but I never truly loved any of them.
I had a crush on them at first but then over time it felt more like friendship (if at all) and me just maintaining the "relationship status" because I brainwashed/convinced myself into believing I needed one.
I probably also got influenced by couples in my surroundings and society concerning that topic.

Also romantic stuff isn't really my thing after all: I remember one boyfriend buying me jewelry and taking me to dinner a few times and me just wanting to eat and not really appreciating the work he put in into picking out the pieces or places to go.
I'm more of a pragmatic person, haha.
I agree, not really into the "conventional" form of a relationship. I don't want to see someone every day and worship them 24/7, and I definitely don't want to live with someone because that's an easy way to get tired of them very quickly. I had a "friend" who I had an amazing connection with, but we never forced anything and usually just hung out a couple times a week. It always felt fun and spontaneous and real, but I wasn't really looking for anything more than that. Then she started formally dating someone, and I realized how strong my feelings were, and I can't hang out with her anymore because of the heartache. Fun times! :smiling:
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Nov 4, 2020
I'm 28 and have had a completely disappointing sex/love life. Never asked out a girl I had a crush on. Never got what I wanted. Part of it was me, part of it was circumstantial. I am extremely bitter about not having a hot girlfriend. I won't watch TV shows or film which depict romance or sex anymore. I will probably reach the end of my life without having a hot fucking girlfriend. She's gotta be a 9 or 10, because for a guy I'm a 9 or 10. I'm extremely fit and attractive and so I deserve a girl who is the same. There's just some sort of social/emotional problem with me and now my whole life's screwed up for good anyway. So now I'm just going to be furious and insanely sad for the rest of my life that I didn't get to fuck a hot girl and like it. That's the ONE fucking thing I want.
If you're a 9 or 10 as a guy, then what's your youtube fitness channel? Or are you a gymshark model?

Not trying to hate, but at 40, I'm in better shape physically than I would say 75% of the people I know or work with. Face-wise, I would say I'm maybe a 5-6. So, with all the work I put in, I would say I'm maybe a 6-7.

It's awesome that you think you're a 9-10. But seriously, that's model/actor territory there. If you are at this level, me and most of ss are jealous of you

And even if you're like a 5, just create a pof account. Plenty of single moms on there looking for a hookup.


May 13, 2020
My experience with "love" is that it's just a bunch of chemicals that our brains make to make us do things. It clouds your judgement and makes you do things you wouldn't usually do and ignore important signs because you want more of those chemicals. People are overwhelmingly garbage, so a lot of people will use it to their advantage to get things out of you. It gives people a lot of power over you and isn't worth the risk imo. Personally I have no plans to do it again even if I somehow live long enough for the chance.
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Jun 29, 2020
I dated a guy who used to be in my friendzone for a while. It ended horribly and I still hold a grudge against him.

Apart from that, I lost my virginity to a Tinder guy whom I ghosted after. And I also slept with a guy that was kind of like a mentor to me. That ruined that relationship.

That sums to 0 good sexual experiences and 0 good experiences with men in general, but it was all pretty much my fault lol.

I do have this fantasy of falling in love. I like the following scene from a movie.

And the Him & I music video:

I mean, you couldn't call either story a love story but I really like the portrayal. It sucks I won't get to experience young love like that.

Edit: After reading this thread some more, I remembered my middle school "relationship". I was really shy at this point in my life. This guy that was a grade older than me asked me to be his girlfriend and I was like ok. We'd walk around the school field and he'd talk about random things while I quietly followed. Then one day his ex-girlfriend found us chilling behind the school during recess and started to talk to him. It devolved into them yelling at each other. A crowd formed around us and I quietly exited the circle and we never talked again. It was kind of a funny experience.
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Protesting the conditions of an inhumane world
Oct 2, 2019
I've never been in love.

Well, actually, I've been in love dozens of times... but they were all unrequited.

Computer Blue

Jan 19, 2021
My experience with "love" is that it's just a bunch of chemicals that our brains make to make us do things. It clouds your judgement and makes you do things you wouldn't usually do and ignore important signs because you want more of those chemicals. People are overwhelmingly garbage, so a lot of people will use it to their advantage to get things out of you. It gives people a lot of power over you and isn't worth the risk imo. Personally I have no plans to do it again even if I somehow live long enough for the chance.
This is almost exactly what I was going to say. I am 54 and lost the only woman I ever really wanted for the 3rd time in my life. I STRONGLY resisted the thought that I would probably never be involved with a woman again. But after being single for over a year, I have realized that romantic love seems to be nothing more than an intense chemical addiction … and I have actually beaten that addiction.

banned noob

Sep 26, 2020
If you're a 9 or 10 as a guy, then what's your youtube fitness channel? Or are you a gymshark model?

Not trying to hate, but at 40, I'm in better shape physically than I would say 75% of the people I know or work with. Face-wise, I would say I'm maybe a 5-6. So, with all the work I put in, I would say I'm maybe a 6-7.

It's awesome that you think you're a 9-10. But seriously, that's model/actor territory there. If you are at this level, me and most of ss are jealous of you

And even if you're like a 5, just create a pof account. Plenty of single moms on there looking for a hookup.
I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.
I see self hatred isn't one of your problems.
I hate my life but I don't hate myself. I don't think I'm a good person anymore, morally or socially, but I care about myself and want the best for myself and I have an accurate self-concept and acute self-awareness, so that is how I love myself. I still wish I was dead, because the world and I are just not compatible and it is too late for me to succeed. I hate my position in the world.
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