Well, I imagine two scenarios, whatever comes first, great:
Scenario 1: I'll die alone. Fasting at least 24 hours before. Take a bath, put a white dress, set up some music. Recite mantras a lot on the last hour of my life. Then, I pad my neck, put the noose, and proceed to hanging (partial or full suspension).
Scenario 2: I'll make a suicide pact. The day of our deaths will be set up all the stuff and before take our lives we'll make love. Then we take a shower together and put some fresh clothes, me a white dress. When we stand at the stools and set up the padding and tie the nooses around our necks, we hug and kiss for the last time, and, for preventing to chicken out to each other, we'll kick the stools at the same time.
On both scenarios I don't leave suicide note on the scene. Perhaps I'll make one, but certainly don't leave at the place when I'll be hanged.