

Jul 29, 2021
you think you're free no you're living in a prison a prison you can't see but what if I told you there's a way out a way to shatter the illusion and take control of your own reality Stick Around caus by the end of this you'll see the truth and once you do There's No Going Back [Laughter] [Music] you feel it don't you that nagging itch at the back of your mind like a fly you can't SWAT away something is off you can't quite put your finger on it but you know oh you know you're trapped stuck in

a game that was never designed for you to win they call it life but let's be real it's more like a prison a cage and the funniest part most people never even realize the bars are there n they walk around with their heads Down Eyes glued to the ground thinking they're free thinking they're making choices but guess what they're not they're pluged pluged in hooked up to the system The Matrix baby a Web of Lies Illusions and distractions designed to keep them compliant but you you're not like the rest are you nah you felt it that

burn the craving for something more you're waking up aren't you you're starting to see the strings the invisible hands pulling the puppet that is your life let me ask you something are you ready to escape Society huh it's nothing more than a circus a carnival where the clowns wear suits and ties where the gangs are riged and the rules are made to keep you down from the moment you're born they tell you how to live what to believe what to fear what to want they feed you a script and you follow it blindly you go to school you

get a job you buy things you don't need to impress people you don't even like all while chasing some shiny carrot they dangle in front of you money Fame success but here's the punch line you're not chasing the carrot you're chasing their dream not yours theirs you think you're climbing the ladder of success but it's a ladder though to keep you running never reaching the top always hungry always wanting and that that that's how they control you with your desires your fears your dreams they've hijacked your mind

plug you into the Matrix baby and you didn't even see it coming but now now you're starting to see it aren't you the cracks in the wall the glitches in the system and let me tell you my friend the first step to Breaking Free is seeing the cage for what it is is you're a prisoner but you don't have to be the matrix it's not some sci-fi fantasy nah it's real and it's all around you every advertisement you see every social media post you scroll through every news story you hear it's all part of the game part of the

illusion they feed you you fear to keep you small they punk you full of dreams to keep you running they tell you what's possible and what's not what's right and what's wrong and you you just sit there and take it but let me ask you this who made those rules who decided what was possible for you truth they did Society the system The Matrix whatever you want to call it and as long as you play by their rules you'll never Escape you want out then you got to break the rules think about it all those things

you've been told your whole life that you need a 9 to5 job to survive that you have to fit into society's little box that you're not enough not smart enough not rich enough not strong enough it's all a lie a lie designed to keep you docile to keep you from rising up to keep you from becoming who you were truly meant to be they want you weak oh they need you weak because the moment you realize your true power well that's when you become dangerous and they can't have that can they they'll do everything they can to

keep you plugged in keep you plain by their rules but I'm telling you now you don't have to you can burn them the whole Dam rule book if you want to see the real prison isn't out there it's in here in your mind the Matrix isn't some dystopian future it's your belief system the limits you've accepted the lies you've swallowed you've been programmed to think small to fear failure to avoid risk but here's the secret the only way out is through through the fear through the discomfort through the unknown you have to be willing to let go

of everything you think you know you have to be willing to question everything the rules the beliefs the system all of it because only when you question the system can you see the strings that control you only when you stop playing by their rules can you start to write your own are you tired of living by someone else's script are you done being being a puppet a cog in their machine because if you are it's time to take back control but here's the thing it won't be easy nah they'll fight to keep you

plugged in they'll try to pull you back whisper in your ear tell you it's too risky too hard too dangerous but you you're stronger than that you felt the fire inside you haven't you that burn that craving for more that desire to break free and let me tell you a little secret the moment you decide you're done playing their gain you become Unstoppable you become a force of nature the matrix it's designed to keep you in your place but you have the power to break the cycle to shatter the illusion to

create your own reality all it takes is one choice one moment where you decide to stop living by their rules and start living by your own so what's it going to be are you going to stay in the prison they've built for you or are you ready to tear down the walls and take control of your own life The Matrix is strong but you you're stronger you have the power to create to destroy to rebuild the power to live life on your terms but only if you're willing to escape only if you're willing to cut the strings so let me ask you one final time

are you ready to escape the illusion and take control of your own reality
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Aug 17, 2024
you think you're free no you're living in a prison a prison you can't see but what if I told you there's a way out a way to shatter the illusion and take control of your own reality Stick Around caus by the end of this you'll see the truth and once you do There's No Going Back [Laughter] [Music] you feel it don't you that nagging itch at the back of your mind like a fly you can't SWAT away something is off you can't quite put your finger on it but you know oh you know you're trapped stuck in

a game that was never designed for you to win they call it life but let's be real it's more like a prison a cage and the funniest part most people never even realize the bars are there n they walk around with their heads Down Eyes glued to the ground thinking they're free thinking they're making choices but guess what they're not they're pluged pluged in hooked up to the system The Matrix baby a Web of Lies Illusions and distractions designed to keep them compliant but you you're not like the rest are you nah you felt it that

burn the craving for something more you're waking up aren't you you're starting to see the strings the invisible hands pulling the puppet that is your life let me ask you something are you ready to escape Society huh it's nothing more than a circus a carnival where the clowns wear suits and ties where the gangs are riged and the rules are made to keep you down from the moment you're born they tell you how to live what to believe what to fear what to want they feed you a script and you follow it blindly you go to school you

get a job you buy things you don't need to impress people you don't even like all while chasing some shiny carrot they dangle in front of you money Fame success but here's the punch line you're not chasing the carrot you're chasing their dream not yours theirs you think you're climbing the ladder of success but it's a ladder though to keep you running never reaching the top always hungry always wanting and that that that's how they control you with your desires your fears your dreams they've hijacked your mind

plug you into the Matrix baby and you didn't even see it coming but now now you're starting to see it aren't you the cracks in the wall the glitches in the system and let me tell you my friend the first step to Breaking Free is seeing the cage for what it is is you're a prisoner but you don't have to be the matrix it's not some sci-fi fantasy nah it's real and it's all around you every advertisement you see every social media post you scroll through every news story you hear it's all part of the game part of the

illusion they feed you you fear to keep you small they punk you full of dreams to keep you running they tell you what's possible and what's not what's right and what's wrong and you you just sit there and take it but let me ask you this who made those rules who decided what was possible for you truth they did Society the system The Matrix whatever you want to call it and as long as you play by their rules you'll never Escape you want out then you got to break the rules think about it all those things

you've been told your whole life that you need a 9 to5 job to survive that you have to fit into society's little box that you're not enough not smart enough not rich enough not strong enough it's all a lie a lie designed to keep you docile to keep you from rising up to keep you from becoming who you were truly meant to be they want you weak oh they need you weak because the moment you realize your true power well that's when you become dangerous and they can't have that can they they'll do everything they can to

keep you plugged in keep you plain by their rules but I'm telling you now you don't have to you can burn them the whole Dam rule book if you want to see the real prison isn't out there it's in here in your mind the Matrix isn't some dystopian future it's your belief system the limits you've accepted the lies you've swallowed you've been programmed to think small to fear failure to avoid risk but here's the secret the only way out is through through the fear through the discomfort through the unknown you have to be willing to let go

of everything you think you know you have to be willing to question everything the rules the beliefs the system all of it because only when you question the system can you see the strings that control you only when you stop playing by their rules can you start to write your own are you tired of living by someone else's script are you done being being a puppet a cog in their machine because if you are it's time to take back control but here's the thing it won't be easy nah they'll fight to keep you

plugged in they'll try to pull you back whisper in your ear tell you it's too risky too hard too dangerous but you you're stronger than that you felt the fire inside you haven't you that burn that craving for more that desire to break free and let me tell you a little secret the moment you decide you're done playing their gain you become Unstoppable you become a force of nature the matrix it's designed to keep you in your place but you have the power to break the cycle to shatter the illusion to

create your own reality all it takes is one choice one moment where you decide to stop living by their rules and start living by your own so what's it going to be are you going to stay in the prison they've built for you or are you ready to tear down the walls and take control of your own life The Matrix is strong but you you're stronger you have the power to create to destroy to rebuild the power to live life on your terms but only if you're willing to escape only if you're willing to cut the strings so let me ask you one final time

are you ready to escape the illusion and take control of your own reality
Humm, nice, but tell this to a homeless man that doesn't know where he'll sleep tonight.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
What's their suggestion? Quit our jobs? Live off grid? I doubt that would be an easier life. I wonder if the person who wrote that has to work. Maybe they do, maybe they're some successful entrepreneur. If they're on benefits though, or their parents/ family fund their NEET lifestyle- where do they think that money comes from? Other poor sods who do have to work! I wonder if they could live at all if other people weren't working. Who would grow and sell the food they eat, pick up their rubbish, maintain their home and sewage system? How on earth do we live if no one works?
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Jul 29, 2021
What's their suggestion? Quit our jobs? Live off grid? I doubt that would be an easier life. I wonder if the person who wrote that has to work. Maybe they do, maybe they're some successful entrepreneur. If they're on benefits though, or their parents/ family fund their NEET lifestyle- where do they think that money comes from? Other poor sods who do have to work! I wonder if they could live at all if other people weren't working. Who would grow and sell the food they eat, pick up their rubbish, maintain their home and sewage system? How on earth do we live if no one works?
your right some people still have to do the work to keep society running. It's easy to talk about escaping the system, but in reality, it's much harder to find a way to exist outside of it—especially if you still want access to things like food, shelter, medical care, and other basic necessities.

The suggestion to "quit your job" or "live off the grid" isn't feasible for most people, nor is it necessarily appealing. Living off the grid or in complete self-sufficiency requires an enormous amount of hard work, specialized knowledge, and often a significant upfront investment.

this for the neet and those on benefits

Having a stable environment and support from family can make a huge difference, especially when it comes to learning skills that could lead to financial independence, like coding. If someone has a safe place to live, minimal financial obligations, and time to dedicate to building a project or developing a skill like game development, they might be able to "break free" by eventually creating something profitable.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
your right some people still have to do the work to keep society running. It's easy to talk about escaping the system, but in reality, it's much harder to find a way to exist outside of it—especially if you still want access to things like food, shelter, medical care, and other basic necessities.

The suggestion to "quit your job" or "live off the grid" isn't feasible for most people, nor is it necessarily appealing. Living off the grid or in complete self-sufficiency requires an enormous amount of hard work, specialized knowledge, and often a significant upfront investment.

this for the neet and those on benefits

Having a stable environment and support from family can make a huge difference, especially when it comes to learning skills that could lead to financial independence, like coding. If someone has a safe place to live, minimal financial obligations, and time to dedicate to building a project or developing a skill like game development, they might be able to "break free" by eventually creating something profitable.

That's the thing isn't it? It's like- they're not wrong but, what do we do as an alternative?

I think working part time can work for people but- not everyone can afford it. Also, great if you can work at something you enjoy. Again though, not feasible for everyone and the horrible jobs still need to get done by some poor sod.

If I'm brutally honest, the whole NEET- 'I'm making a stand against wage slavery and capiltalism/ consumerism thing' kind of irks me if I'm honest... They're probably typing that on a computer/ laptop/ smart phone their parents bought them, living in comfort that their parents provided for them via- guess what? Working their arses off! They might be making a stand but they expect working people to look after them in order to do it.
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Jul 29, 2021
That's the thing isn't it? It's like- they're not wrong but, what do we do as an alternative?

I think working part time can work for people but- not everyone can afford it. Also, great if you can work at something you enjoy. Again though, not feasible for everyone and the horrible jobs still need to get done by some poor sod.

If I'm brutally honest, the whole NEET- 'I'm making a stand against wage slavery and capiltalism/ consumerism thing' kind of irks me if I'm honest... They're probably typing that on a computer/ laptop/ smart phone their parents bought them, living in comfort that their parents provided for them via- guess what? Working their arses off! They might be making a stand but they expect working people to look after them in order to do it.
Absolutely! Rejecting the system sounds appealing, but it's often only possible when someone else is picking up the tab. Most people still need to work to cover basic needs, and someone has to do the tough jobs that keep society running. Finding balance—like part-time work or pursuing a passion job—is great if feasible, but it's not an option for everyone. Rather than rejecting the system outright, maybe it's more about finding ways to work within it that align with personal values.

For me i used the stability of sick pay to focus on developing my skills. Programming is a valuable field, and being able to work on it consistently over the years helped me build a strong foundation. Plus, i found a way to make the system work for me, which is no small feat. It's a reminder that there are different ways to navigate life beyond traditional work paths, especially when circumstances require an alternative route.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
So if someone thinks they're free they're actually in a prison, and you think you are free ...

this for the neet and those on benefits
The way to escape the matrix / simulation / system is to live off resources provided by the system?

Not to just call you out. I'm doing my best to "escape" the reality of having to work but I'm not in a prison. I can go out in the woods whenever, I'd just rather deal with society's bullshit until I can save enough to stop working.

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