

Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
What would you write in that email to young you?

"How did I do?"

This is what I would write in mine, nothing else.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'd tell him who not to fall in love with and to make getting a girlfriend the number one priority. I'd also tell me to get into a different major. Probably not Business because it hasn't helped me at all and Animation was never going to be a good choice for me either.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
"Overcome your fear and inertia and use that to kill yourself. I know it's difficult to as it's more comfortable to procrastinate on killing yourself but, in the end, we both know that life isn't worth surviving for. Don't regret having not killing yourself in a few years time as I know I certainly regret not killing myself when I was at your age.

In the end, the only person who you can love and trust is yourself so make use of that. You deserve the best and that best is permanent non existence as then you'll never suffer for eternity. I know it's uncomfortable to have to kill yourself but, trust me, it'll be worth it for permanent non existence. It'll be worth it to avoid a life full of wage slavery, suffering and exploitation"
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Apr 12, 2024
Not much point, young me didn't have email.
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
Take your parents guns and shoot yourself if you can. But lets be real the email would probably be ignored lmao.
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Apr 15, 2024
What would you write in that email to young you?

"How did I do?"

This is what I would write in mine, nothing else.
I would write: End it NOW! The future is hell!!!!
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Jun 13, 2024
Drink lots of milk
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
Dear young me,

I can't express how much of an idiot you are.

And also, change your career plans, or you'll regret for the rest of your life.

Sincerely, you.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Assuming no "buy bitcoin" is allowed, something like this:

"Listen to 'Simple Man' and do what it says. Love is the answer. Soul mates don't exist, which is good! Find someone sweet, not someone you put on a pedestal. Most important trait is their capacity for love, because if you both buy in you'll both improve. Also you have some big combination of autism and ADHD. Talk to someone and you'll realize your 'shutdown mode' is not normal. (I'm going to try and sneak this in mid-paragraph but buy bitcoin and sell a bunch but not all at $50k). Get off your high horse. Electronic music is cool, you aren't smarter than everyone, IQ isn't that important. Be nicer to people. Everyone is struggling with something. Eh, you'll figure it out. I'm just saying have an open mind. There's no victory in being more miserable than everyone and saying it makes you better."
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Love is a toothache in the heart. H.Heine
Dec 12, 2020
"You are right in everything, you are incredible and you really can become a work of art. Just prepare a good euthanasia and suicide plan in advance".
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Jul 23, 2024
Drop out of college-it is not worth it unless you are in a science field. Own as little as possible, it makes moving much easier. Go somewhere you never dreamed of going your life will be better elsewhere.
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Oct 13, 2019
You consider laziness a positive trait because you have some success in spite of it and the fact you didn't work for it gives you an ego boost. That loop will ruin your life. You're scared to try because if you fail, you can no longer fall back on the feeling that you could have done it if you tried but chose not to. Apathy, pride and fear are working together in a wicked concoction thats preventing you from making anything of your life. Even when you "succeed" with 10% effort, it's so hollow because you're left wondering what could have been if you gave your all.

The reality is you're not better than anyone, and the longer you maintain this loop, the more that will become painstakingly apparent to yourself and everyone else. Instead follow through with humility, and accept that failure is likely, but it's the only way you will learn. Give 100% of yourself to life and see what happens. It's the only way to experience the journey you're here for.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
This week's winning lottery numbers are...

Additionally, there's no point in me telling you to abandon your dreams but everyone's right- it's going to be extremely difficult to achieve them. The good news is- you'll have some success and, that's all that's important to you at the moment so- may as well keep going. Probably reconsider your first degree subject though. Bad news is, it won't always work so brilliantly as a coping mechanism. You'll get to a point where it probably won't even feel like any of it was worth it. And it will be a constant struggle.

Oh- and look up the terms: Narcissism, Limerence, Binge Eating Disorder. You'll start to understand yourself and others better. Try and dodge limerence if you can- it's going to f*ck up over a decade of your life.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Don't watch TV , youtube , sports anything that doesn't move your goals forward .

1 second 1 minute is of infinite value. Keep asking is this the very most important thing i could be doing with my time this minute this hour?

Kill yourself asap . Nothing matters except killing yourself asap. Yeah to prevent even worse suffering like homelessness and worse health you have to do other goals like work , chores , shower, clean ,solve other problems, sleep well etc but that's only because you haven't killed yourself yet. once you do you won't have to do anything ever again. use everything in this letter to get yourself to work to get 1 method and one plan ready to go and do it.
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Apr 2, 2023
Run away, now.
take something to write with, food and water and maybe your plushies but you don't need as much as you think, just get out, go, either you'll die or stumble upon better circumstances somehow and believe it or not, both are preferable to how you'll end up otherwise. You may end up in a worse situation but you can try to improve it, you'll still be better off being away from her. Get away from mom as soon as possible and stay away to the best of your ability, she will make it extremely difficult, not because she loves you but because she NEEDS to control you, keep you small and self-loathing. Trust your intuition, do not trust a word she says, get and stay away at all costs.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Something along the lines of "be brave, it's going to get really hard."

I think instinctively some part of me always knew I'd have a tough time, even before I became chronically ill. I was a very sensitive child - my family likes to remind me that I cried every day of my life until I was 7, which is true. I remember feeling really ill equipped for how difficult and gritty the real world actually is. Almost like I came from somewhere else and was never meant to be here.

When I was 19 I got the Kanji symbol for "courage" tattooed on me. I look at it quite often to remind myself to hang in there. But of course, like many of us, I often think "what for?"
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Don't watch TV , youtube , sports anything that doesn't move your goals forward .
Out of curiosity, what even are your goals? I assumed that the only goal that you have is to die. I didn't expect you to have other goals


Jun 16, 2024
"Whatever you do, don't tell them. It won't end well. "
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Out of curiosity, what even are your goals? I assumed that the only goal that you have is to die. I didn't expect you to have other goals
My only real goal is suicide asap. other goals like fix sleeping problem , save make money , help suicide asap.

having problems sleeping . so need to fix that . that's a goal . sleeping better will help suicide .

i can't ignore other goals like sleep and money , health because then i'd be homeless or less able to kill myself .i have a goal to sleep better . but that helps suicide. without sleep it's hard to do anything even think well or have health so much more difficult or impossible to kill myself if i don't sleep well.

i need to have some money to travel to my location to kill myself etc. trying to find an isolated spot where they won't be able to bring me back to life .

I have to try to make and save money or i'll be homeless and then won't be able to kill myself.

The reason i can't ignore other goals like sleep better. cause sleep is a problem right now. better sleep will help me suicide.

the thing is if could kill myself today i wouldn't need any other goals i wouldn't need to do anything ever again.
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Я не та
Jun 15, 2024
"Life is too short to live in someone else's dreams."


Autistic and schizophrenic, please be respectful
Jun 21, 2024
I would write to my 16 y/o self that he should end the suffering, instead of living another 13 years in Hell.
But yeah, at that point I don't think he would read that email.
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It is what it is
Mar 9, 2024
End it already. It's not worth to live forward.
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Aug 1, 2024
Run away, now.
take something to write with, food and water and maybe your plushies but you don't need as much as you think, just get out, go, either you'll die or stumble upon better circumstances somehow and believe it or not, both are preferable to how you'll end up otherwise. You may end up in a worse situation but you can try to improve it, you'll still be better off being away from her. Get away from mom as soon as possible and stay away to the best of your ability, she will make it extremely difficult, not because she loves you but because she NEEDS to control you, keep you small and self-loathing. Trust your intuition, do not trust a word she says, get and stay away at all costs.
I could have (and actually was coming here) to say this very thing. Another thread asks about evil people and if they know they are evil. I dunno about everyone, but she knew. Not only did she know, she REVELED in it. The more she could isolate and rip tiny pieces off her target (me), and exact pain and suffering, the happier she was. The relief I felt when that woman was palpable. Unfortunately, while her passing gave me a contentment and peace I had never felt before, that feeling did not last. Not because I missed her, or felt any guilt for my reaction to her passing (God I hope it was painful) but because I am old enough and somewhat educated and realize that the neural pathways in my brain are set. This was her "gift" to me. Enough prolonged torture and manipulation as a child that my brain is well and truly fucked.

I tend to think that if I could have just died when I was born the world would have been a much better place. But I also know that is another gift from dear old Mom. Oh well ... I'm still here. For now. For what it's worth. And she only hurts me now in the middle of the night when she creeps into my nightmares.
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Apr 2, 2023
I could have (and actually was coming here) to say this very thing. Another thread asks about evil people and if they know they are evil. I dunno about everyone, but she knew. Not only did she know, she REVELED in it. The more she could isolate and rip tiny pieces off her target (me), and exact pain and suffering, the happier she was. The relief I felt when that woman was palpable. Unfortunately, while her passing gave me a contentment and peace I had never felt before, that feeling did not last. Not because I missed her, or felt any guilt for my reaction to her passing (God I hope it was painful) but because I am old enough and somewhat educated and realize that the neural pathways in my brain are set. This was her "gift" to me. Enough prolonged torture and manipulation as a child that my brain is well and truly fucked.

I tend to think that if I could have just died when I was born the world would have been a much better place. But I also know that is another gift from dear old Mom. Oh well ... I'm still here. For now. For what it's worth. And she only hurts me now in the middle of the night when she creeps into my nightmares.
Fuck this is relatable... Well, mine is still alive and I usually don't want her dead but it depends lol... Even down to having nightmares about her, she's one of the few things that I do have nightmares about...
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Jul 22, 2024
i'd scare the hell out of him by sending an email w a bunch of personal information followed by the demand for him to send me money or else i'll leak his info to the world

yea i would be one of those blackmailers

yea i would do this to my younger self

gotta make money somehow . . .
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Aug 3, 2024
if you dont make sure you get out of bed every day you are going to regret it for the rest of your life. it doesn't only affect your mental state, i am now physically disabled


Aug 5, 2024
"Just do it. It doesn't get better."


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
"You are a piece of shit and nobody likes you, so please kys."

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