
Aug 18, 2020
I will mostly cover topics which were talked in the media due to the fact I currently read such a magazine

January: We all hoped the major crises would end. Many hoped that covid might be gone soon...but then February happened

February: Olympic games in China
Start of a nightmarish war which is still ongoing

March: Will Smith smacking Chris Rock in the face and the media dramatized that a lot
Many analysts predicted Ukraine would collapse within weeks and they surprised everyone with their stamina and bravery

April: Macron wins the election in France
In many countries there are debates about military/financial aid for Ukraine
War crimes are reported the pictures go around the globe

May: Reports about the abuse of the Uigurs in China get published. Not sure how big that topic was in other countries

June:: Amber Heart vs Johnny Depp court trial got way too much attention.

July: Boris Johnson has to leave his office because there was one scandal too much
Shinzo Abe gets assassinated and dies

August: Trump's apartment gets raided

September: The Queen of England dies. Personally I don't like the monarchy.

October: Elon Musk acquires Twitter and fires a huge amount of employees
A young woman gets probably killed in Iran which starts huge protests

November: The soccer world cup in Qatar starts. In my country there were a lot of debates about the ethics of it

December: The war in Ukraine is ongoing
Inflation still robs the common men

For many this year was exhaustive. As I said in a different thread my personal year was not as horrible as past one's. But I am fucking anxious that my agony just repeats.

I probably have forgotten a lot of news and events. If you want you can add some events. When I looked up these events I was kind of surprised. I forgot a lot for example the election in France, all the hollywood drama. It is probably a good sign that I forget such scandals fast. They got way too much attention in the first place.

My healthy friends often describe how fast the time is running for them. Personally this is different for me. I think people who suffer a lot might have a different perception of time. This is probably a bold claim and this is probably not a universal law. But when I do something which is unpleasant and exhaustive I have the feeling time runs very slow. And since I do a lot of unpleasant work (due to my OCD) I often have the feeling everything is so slow. Maybe I am a masochist (but without the sexual component). I often treat me way too harsh and I demand a lot from myself. I torture myself on a daily basis. I pressure myself way too much. But this is off-topic.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I joined the forum, 8 months later I tried to stop coming in here but failed, lol.

I got and maintained a job. I got and maintained an online relationship. My sanity is on thin ice but my display of sanity still works. A horrible suspicion about the true nature of life keeps chewing the back of my mind.
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Reactions: Rocinante, noname223 and Per Ardua Ad Astra


Nov 5, 2022
January: Moved out of mom's living room and into new place with my now ex-bestfriend.

February: had a horrible and insane fall out. My only close friendship ended.

Later: Went through a terrible withdrawal period and felt an intensely concentrated horrid sense of impending doom and despair until it was over.

Later later: My ex and I break up while still living together. I tried my best to keep my cool and was obviously a mess for the last several months there.

even later: Worst trip yet to the mental hospital, Try Dbt and fail horribly. Relapse and begin cutting every other day for months on end and don't leave the house except for absolute necessities.

and then: Discovered SaSu and found it quite refreshing. Quickly became a member.

Eventually: Lease ends and I am back at my mom's place.
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Reactions: Venus13 and Rocinante


My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
Finally made some friends
Got a job so I can save up for surgeries


Apr 19, 2022

January: dysphoria continues to plague me
February: i quit therapy bc venting was redundant
August: i skipped national championships and gave up my hobby cold turkey
October: i ordered SN

Yeah, this year sucked.
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Oct 2, 2022
January: went into psychosis for the first time, passed a pofessional exam, tried to pick my life back up

Winter into spring: battled psychosis, worked a fun job

Spring: tried to lean into recovery, realized I was very far gone

Summer months: got a good job, felt alone, kept at recovery

Fall: battled severe mental health issues, marriage fell apart, fell in love. Lost the good job. Starting seeing progress and psychosis fading.

Winter: psychosis returned, mental illness more apparent than ever, lost everything. Ending the year in complete personal collapse. No idea what's to come for next year.
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Reactions: Unending and whatevs


My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
You DON'T need surgeries.
  • MSE : +10 mm upper intermolar
  • Neurocranial Narrowization : −10 mm head width ( narrows the neurocranium only & doesn't narrow zygomas & doesn't narrow zygomatic processes )
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Forward Cranium : +25 mm anterior skull length (moves the maxilla with it)
  • OBO : +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygorbital Expansion : +7.5 mm PFL & +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygomatic Breadth Reduction : −25 mm bizygomatic breadth on fronts (to compensate for +30 mm bizygomatic breadth due to orbital separation & due to orbit width expansion) & −2.5 mm bizygomatic breadth on processes
  • Le Fort 1 Impaction : −5 mm face length
  • Le Fort 2 : +25 mm maxilla–midface advancement
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Mandible : +25 mm mandibular body length
  • Sagittal Mandible Jaw Rami Thickening : +15 mm side profile view ramus bones' width & unchanged mandible length
  • Genioplasty : +10 mm chin projection & consequently +10 mm mandibular body length
  • 15º Degrees Counter-Clockwise Double-Jaw Rotation
  • Custom Wrap-Around Jaw Implant : +7.5 mm jaw width & +10 mm chin breadth
  • Glabellar Forwardization : +12.5 mm glabellar forwardness
  • Supraorbital Forwardization : +7.5 mm brow ridge prominence
  • Medial Canthoplasty : +2.5 mm PFL
  • Lateral Canthoplasty: +2.5 mm PFL
  • Rhinoplasty : → Caucasoid nose ( +10 mm radix\nasion projection & more changes )
  • Lip Lift : −5 mm philtrum length & +5 mm chin height
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Paranasal Augmentation
  • Infraorbital Implants
  • Eyebrows Lowering, Bilateral Lengthening, Positive-Tilting, Thickening, and Densification
  • Wow
Reactions: whatevs
CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
This yesr worse injury damage all illne etc need euthanasia
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Reactions: Venus13


Nothing to say anymore.
Jul 16, 2022
had the worst year of my life and plan to die soon.


"to be overly conscious is a sickness"
Mar 13, 2020
Another year of us ignorant masses jogging toward a nightmare sadistic world we set up for ourselves.
Another year of decline of the opportunity for human freedom.
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