
Born deformed
Dec 28, 2019
So there was this doctor who said my deformity was treatable ( type 3 plagiocephaly) and referred me to one of the 2 only places in the world where they treat people of my age. So i mailed that hospital and all seems good till they asked to send them my ct scans and pictures. (Notice that i have a very visasable skull face deformity) . They litterly told me that they dont see anything at all and that i dont need treatment. Like wtf why would they do me like that. i can imagine that this type of surgery's are risky and maybe they just dont want risk it because its mainly for cosmetic purpose, but why try to say that there isnt anything at all while i have been diagnosed years ago and between you and i.. everyone notices at first sight. Do they really dont understand that looking normal not necessarily beautiful is a basic human need in this world. This world is so wrong and corrupt jeezs
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Jan 20, 2020
Can you appeal their decision, so it receives more thorough review?
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
and between you and i.. everyone notices at first sight. Do they really dont understand that looking normal not necessarily beautiful is a basic human need in this world. This world is so wrong and corrupt jeezs
Firstly, I'm so sorry... I'm sorry to you for something happening to you over which you had no control... and I'm so very sorry for the way most others treat people who are different. It's wrong... and yes, it's corrupt.

Perhaps go back to the doctor who referred you to the hospital and have them communicate with the hospital? If you have the resources, is it possible to arrange to visit the hospital in person...?

Unfortunately, you may need to push and push and push to get through to the people that can make a difference.

Finally -- and I know this will sound trite and perhaps disingenuous -- but part of the judgement you feel of not being "normal" is coming from within you: I'M NOT SAYING IT IS in any way you fault... or that the judgements you get from others aren't real... I'm sure you're right. WHAT I'M SAYING IS that you are allowing these assholes to "get to you" and affect you. Their opinion really isn't worth your time/happiness.

I know this is "easier said than done" and I'm a hypocrite: I let the stupid people "get to me" too. I need to also do myself what I'm asking you to do: Don't give "bad people" the respect they clearly don't deserve. How? By admiring and respecting AND INTERNALIZING their corrupt opinions.
You know what... I hate that advice I just gave you. Not because it isn't true... but because it's just not nearly enough.

And I'm sure you've heard it all before...

I hate that we live in a world where people have to live with situations like yours... And I hate myself that I couldn't be a better person, who would have better things to say that could make it better for you (and everyone)... I'm sorry.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
They litterly told me that they dont see anything at all and that i dont need treatment.
Who specifically told you that? You need to make sure the doctor who does the actual surgery sees those. Try to place a phone call to him or ask when you could call him with a date and time.
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Jul 15, 2020
Can't you send them more emails about this? They really didn't handle it well and seems like they didn't take you seriously:/ maybe it's better to post pone the surgery because I'm not sure when this happened but obviously with Covid it's better to post pone stuff like this but they were mean
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Dec 26, 2019
Few people understand how deeply corrupt the medical establishment is. Would they be doing the surgery free of charge? If so, there's your answer. They need to turn away as many patients as possible for financial reasons. If you have to pay i.e. They will make money out of you, they are more likely to say yes.

Also, many medical establishments get a financial incentive from the organised crime group known as the government to treat certain conditions, that means they will diagnose you with that condition even if you don't have it. E.g.. depression and anxiety are heavily incentivised because they can keep you sick on anti depressants and keep big pharma in business.

I'm sorry you have to bear such an unimaginable burden. I can empathize somewhat because my face is becoming more and more lopsided due to a brain tumour affecting certain nerves. People are starting to notice and comment on it. Sometimes it affects my vision badly and unless I cover one eye, everything is double and I'm totally debilitated. I have to cover my glasses on one side and use a stick for balance and walk around like that in public. It's nothing compared to your burden, but it's an awful experience, people stare at you and bump into you, shove you out of the way.
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Born deformed
Dec 28, 2019
Few people understand how deeply corrupt the medical establishment is. Would they be doing the surgery free of charge? If so, there's your answer. They need to turn away as many patients as possible for financial reasons. If you have to pay i.e. They will make money out of you, they are more likely to say yes.

Also, many medical establishments get a financial incentive from the organised crime group known as the government to treat certain conditions, that means they will diagnose you with that condition even if you don't have it. E.g.. depression and anxiety are heavily incentivised because they can keep you sick on anti depressants and keep big pharma in business.

I'm sorry you have to bear such an unimaginable burden. I can empathize somewhat because my face is becoming more and more lopsided due to a brain tumour affecting certain nerves. People are starting to notice and comment on it. Sometimes it affects my vision badly and unless I cover one eye, everything is double and I'm totally debilitated. I have to cover my glasses on one side and use a stick for balance and walk around like that in public. It's nothing compared to your burden, but it's an awful experience, people stare at you and bump into you, shove you out of the way.
Deformities are paid by the patient where talking about surgerys who can cost up to 50000 euros. maybe they think im not able to pay for it but i have finacial backing. Its crazy how corrupt these doctors are.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
depression and anxiety are heavily incentivised because they can keep you sick on anti depressants and keep big pharma in business.
You got that right! I went to a doctor because I had trouble swallowing and he pulled out his prescription pad and started to write me a prescription for antidepressants! I despise the lot of them. I really could use a diagnosis and some help but they don't care or want to help me at all.
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Born deformed
Dec 28, 2019
Who specifically told you that? You need to make sure the doctor who does the actual surgery sees those. Try to place a phone call to him or ask when you could call him with a date and time.
The secretary told me the surgeon saw my pictures and ct scans
You got that right! I went to a doctor because I had trouble swallowing and he pulled out his prescription pad and started to write me a prescription for antidepressants! I despise the lot of them. I really could use a diagnosis and some help but they don't care or want to help me at all.
I had this same thing i went to a doctor as well i have anxiety because of how i look and working is kind of hard because pff people. So i was maybe he will say i can stay at home untill i have worked on myself but nope. Just want to give me pill said no thank u.
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Dec 26, 2019
Deformities are paid by the patient where talking about surgerys who can cost up to 50000 euros. maybe they think im not able to pay for it but i have finacial backing. Its crazy how corrupt these doctors are.
You are entitled to a written response from the surgeon. Send them an old fashioned letter by special delivery so you can prove they got it and say you reasonably need his formal opinion in writing for your medical records and so you know where you stand. Be perfectly polite.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
You are entitled to a written response from the surgeon.
You said you had some financial resources @Deformationalplagio... I'd try to make an appointment to see the good surgeon(s). If they don't want to... say you'll "pay cash" up-front just to hear their "expert opinion" on your case = Even if they can't/won't help... you'd like to hear what they would recommend for you...?


Born deformed
Dec 28, 2019
You said you had some financial resources @Deformationalplagio... I'd try to make an appointment to see the good surgeon(s). If they don't want to... say you'll "pay cash" up-front just to hear their "expert opinion" on your case = Even if they can't/won't help... you'd like to hear what they would recommend for you...?
Its the onky surgeon whos doing this types of procedures in the world so basicalky if they dont like you youre out of luck i guess.
You are entitled to a written response from the surgeon. Send them an old fashioned letter by special delivery so you can prove they got it and say you reasonably need his formal opinion in writing for your medical records and so you know where you stand. Be perfectly polite.
Yeah but i had a mail back that he litterly didnt see anything wrong. Why would he write anything differently in a letter. I send them a mail with my diagnosis and medical records but he just ignores them. Its a really weird situation almost like he just doesn't like me for no reason
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
Its the onky surgeon whos doing this types of procedures in the world so basicalky if they dont like you youre out of luck
Can the doctor who referred you get in contact with the Only-Surgeon and get more feedback? Sometimes doctor-to-doctor can get more.

It's possible that the Only-Surgeon simply thinks he can't help you or it's somehow too risky. I doubt very much it's an issue of liking or not liking you.

And I still wonder... if you offered to pay cash for a consultation -- you understand that he thinks there's "nothing wrong" -- you don't expect anything just want to talk and see if he has any ideas...? Does he know of any alternatives... if he can't help.

In your profile, you say you're in Belgium... where is the Only-Surgeon located?
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Born deformed
Dec 28, 2019
Can the doctor who referred you get in contact with the Only-Surgeon and get more feedback? Sometimes doctor-to-doctor can get more.

It's possible that the Only-Surgeon simply thinks he can't help you or it's somehow too risky. I doubt very much it's an issue of liking or not liking you.

And I still wonder... if you offered to pay cash for a consultation -- you understand that he thinks there's "nothing wrong" -- you don't expect anything just want to talk and see if he has any ideas...? Does he know of any alternatives... if he can't help.

In your profile, you say you're in Belgium... where is the Only-Surgeon located?
Hes a doctor in france (for obvious reasons to protect my and his identity im not telling you who) i did respond with an email but he didn't respond afterwards send him another message with questions a day later and still no response so i just gave up. And its pretty normal that i would pay im reffered from another doctor its just the way it goes here.
Im pretty sure they just dont want to do risky cosmetic surgerys im not the only one dealing with this condition that had these problems with doctors. Check this reddit post:

This is one of many.

My deformity is also caused by the back to sleep campaign introduced by the same type of doctors years ago forcing babys to lay on there back for prolonged times. I think they are just getting aware that they made a huge mistake and try to hush this up and are scared of being sued. Im not a flatearth type of guy but its just getting fishy at this point. And im really losing my trust in doctors.
Honestly im just tired of fighting and i honestly think my time is almost there. Atleast i tried
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Doctors can be dismissive assholes in general but when it comes to things even slightly cosmetic, they jack up the minimization, even if the case is obvious. And yes, how our faces and bodies look and function has an insanely potent effect on our quality of life. To be honest, I have experienced quite severe physical pain but the pain of looking in the mirror far outweighs that..it is vital to be comfortable in our own skin in order to live and thrive. I am very sorry for this experience you have had, how cruel to place hope in someone's hands and then have it snatched away just like that.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020


Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
You are entitled to a written response from the surgeon. Send them an old fashioned letter by special delivery so you can prove they got it and say you reasonably need his formal opinion in writing for your medical records and so you know where you stand. Be perfectly polite.
This will certainly help. Get it in writing or you could end up stigmatised further as it will be referred to as "your allegation" if you try to challenge any rejections you've received.

Golden Rule - Always Get it in writing.
You're dealing with morons and jobsworths whose last concern is people's health. Sad.

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