I'm also holding on for my Dad. I don't think he would actually kill himself but, it would very likely devastate him and, I want to do all I can to avoid that.
In general though, it's a very tough question. I suppose there's a possibility that our suicides could either trigger other people's or, make them see suicide as a more feasible option.
I suppose at the end of the day, I think we should try not to hurt others if we can. Ultimately though, we are responsible for our own choices in life. Obviously, someone bullying another is directly degrading their quality of life. So, they could be held responsible. As to actions we undertake that may possibly cause collateral damage. That happens all the time though. I'd actually say bringing life here in the first place falls under that category. Even if the child lives a reasonably happy life, they will still be exposed to death.
If that's the main criticism of suicide- we're exposing loved ones to the grief experienced following death, then- birth is even worse! We'll likely all witness multiple deaths before going through it ourselves. There's no avoiding that. We're mortal!
I do find it kind of ironic that we (me included) give so much thought and effort towards protecting our parents from grief. I wonder if they really considered how they would protect us from grief and suffering. I'm not sure that they did really because, they can't ultimately.
On the one hand, I do kind of resent it that I'm having to be the responsible one now and, spare them from grief but still- when I think about what it would likely do to them, emotionally I know I need to.
So, it's like I'm of two minds. Logically speaking- we ought to be able to save ourselves from the distress we're in. Even if that means to suicide. We weren't given the choice in being born. We didn't consent to this life. We've (most likely) tried to make things work but can't. We're suffering severely in some way. If people truly love us, surely- they shouldn't want us to live and suffer like this. So- from that perspective- it's their thinking that needs adjusting to accept that it's actually reasonable for someone who can't cope with life anymore to stop it. Also that it is actually selfish of them to trap us here in pain because they don't want us to go.
Emotionally though, I think we realise that, even if they are compassionate enough to realise we just wanted to end our pain. Even if they can feel relief for us, they'll still likely grieve deeply. So, it's also likely we won't want to do that to the people we love. So, logically, yes, emotionally, no.