

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Because I really would have, more than anything I wish I never existed and to me only never existing is perfection. I see it as so tragic how humans so harmfully impose existence even know there is literally no limit as to how much one can suffer, all that those who procreate do is create unnecessary suffering, pain and problems in such a cruel and harmful existence.

I just find it dreadful how I have to suffer so unnecessarily in this undesirable existence all because of the selfish decision to procreate, it disturbs me how humans won't just let this species go voluntarily extinct. Why procreate when nobody can suffer from never existing at all, I wish humans were compassionate enough not to impose existence.

I really do despise existence and see it as something so horrific how humans so cruelly choose to procreate as it's the source of all human suffering. Only to never be conscious and aware is ideal to me, I wish I could have stayed eternally unaware of the hell that is existence.
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Mar 12, 2024
No. But I'd wish to have a DeLorean with flux capacitor in order to go back to a certain day in time and stop myself from the past from going to a certain trip. If I had never met that beautiful monster, I wouldn't be what I am today. I wouldn't have a general distrust for women.
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Jan 24, 2024
I think the overwhelming majority of sane people would, given the choice. Even the most pleasurable existence conceivable doesn't make up for the inevitability of suffering. This one noble truth seems to be the one point of agreement between the wise men of all ages.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Yes, I would have chosen to never exist in the first place. I never liked existing anyways. There's no point when life is inevitably suffering. Life and work are modern day slavery. There's also nothing to gain out of existence. I would have been perfectly fine without experiencing it. I never wanted this experience anyways. I was brought into existence against my will, as I wasn't able to consent. I'd rather never have been
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Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve

Ein wunderschöner Baum um sich zu erhängen
Mar 27, 2024
There is a kernel of truth in the depressive aspect, according to depressive realism, people in this state have a more realistic view of the world while normal people suffer from Pollyannaism. This is why there are so many baseless beliefs, known as Cope to protect the individual of the aggressiveness of existence, for example, the simple fact that you believe that you are stronger in a fight can help you win it. There are also more complex beliefs such as religion, it is impossible to believe in one without falling into the hell of another .

I truly believe that in the future there will be suicide booths like the ones in Futurama

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Oct 15, 2023
As an individual, personally I am very thankful for my existence, but I'm sure in some regards, I have won somewhat of a genetic lottery. I sympathize with others that are not as fortunate. And just to be clear sympathy is completely different from pity.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yes, I would. There's nothing beautiful about my existence at all and life has been nothing but a curse for me
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Mar 16, 2024
Yeah. Most of my experiences are from escapism and I don't really want to face reality because it is too harsh.
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Ignorance is bliss
Jun 27, 2023
Yes, very much so. I ve been at odds with this for many years.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
I have no problem with life.
I have a problem with what this life looks like.
If reality were more exciting (to me), I would most likely be happy.
Life may be great...but not this.


Mar 15, 2024
Yes, I was born with horrific personality disorders and I shouldn't be allowed to live.
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Your never not you
Feb 3, 2024
You're somewhat wright earth is hell but also heaven its just the matter when heaven turns into hell
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it only gets worse..
Oct 8, 2023
this is such a good question, i have been thinking about this.
i'd like to say yes. not having existed in the first place makes the most sense. and it feels true, and correct, and just right.

and yet, a part of me brain screams that it was worth tiny moments. tiny beautiful moments that i wrote down to hold onto.
and another part of that tiny part of me, who is self-centered and self-aggrandising, says that my existence mught have moved others, perhaps a few others to be better, to do better, and some to love and be comforted by me. but then i think of all the people who abused me, and maybe by being abused i made them worse because they realised they could do anything to someone so vulnerable.

so... i honestly don't know. i think that if my existence served humanity in being a teeny bit more kind then i guess no, because i have this weird thing where occasionally i feel like it is my duty to serve&save the species somehow. ugh.

but if i were to go off of purely selfish feelings than yes. take away my springing into existence over two decades ago.
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If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead
Feb 24, 2024
My answer to this question often changes depending on my mood.

Sometimes I would rather exist, but perhaps use time travel to stop certain events in my life from happening at all.

And sometimes I wish I was never born because I feel like I'm destined to be miserable and a failure.


Jun 15, 2023
no but I would wanted good and decent life where I can have family and fullfill some of my dreams and goals, not just suffer and observe how this shit called life operates. I am speaking from perspective of most privileged being and yet I am complaining how life is unfair. If I was lucky enough to be human then am just praying that something like reincarnaiton does not exist because this is my nightmare, to be forced live again and again unable to decide anything. I hope we can at least say fk no I dont wanna be reborn again until the end of times. I dont mind afterlife if its good for everyone and nobody suffer.


Jan 21, 2024
Yes, because no matter what life is hard. It sucks to be anyone. We are survival machines, life is decay, free-will doesn't exist, our existence doesn't have purpose or meaning etc, etc. I could go on and on. Even if I was a cat or some other animal, I'd rather not exist.

If some people find meaning in their lives, then sure they can stay and build their lives however they want but personally, I don't want to be anyone or anything. I don't want to exist anywhere.
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Full-Swing Sayonara
Feb 22, 2024
Yes, I really feel like everyone would be better without me.

But, at the same time, I think I would like to see what the world would be like if I never existed at all, out of curiosity.


Mar 4, 2024
If I could go to the past, I would kill myself as a baby. I never wanted to be born. No one needs me anyway. Life is meaningless to me.
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Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
I wouldn't have existed in the first place. Life hasn't been good for me.